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25 – Vocabulary for Unit 5 – Workbook

a friend of mine / a friend of ours

a fully-qualified medical doctor; in a CV: Education & training // Qualifications

to persuade sb = a aconvinge pe cineva; persuasion = convingere

likes/loves doing sth

he would like/love to do sth

to look after = to take care of

to carry luggage = ca cara/duce un bagaj

to fill, filled = a completa <Fill in the gaps>

to feel - felt – felt = a simti / a crede

to fill in (BrE) = to fill out (AmE) - a completa un formular

Look out! = Atentie

Everyone is awake because nobody is sleeping; They woke up hours ago

In the top right corner we can see ...; In the bottom left corner there's ...

to arrive at a place (airport) BUT to arrive in New York/Italy

TO GET ON / OFF public transport = a se sui/ a se da jos BUT to GET INTO / OUT OF the car/taxi

to doubt = a se indoi de ceva ; no doubt = fara indoiala ca ...

to lie in bed --> a lie-in

to raise a child - to bring up a child --> upbringing = cei sapte ani de acasa

to be fed up with sth = a fi satul de ceva

I'm thinking about sth - ma gandesc la ceva BUT I'm thinking of doing sth - iau in calcul varianta asta

coat = haina, jacheta, sacou

suit - costum

tuxedo / black tie = a semi-formal Western dress code for very formal social events

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