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For Kant, what is the role of reason in living morally?

There are various occasions where something is ethically

acceptable even if it is lawful in certain circumstances. For
example, if someone want to have an abortion, they have the
legal right to do so. This does not, however, mean that doing so
is ethically or legally proper. The laws that represent the rights
of the state and its inhabitants serve as the foundation for legal
conceptions. It is allowed if an activity does not violate any of
the set rules. Morality is a set of guidelines for distinguishing
between good and bad action.
According to virtue ethicists, being a decent person is a
question of having a good character or being naturally inclined
to do the right thing. Kantian ethicists believe that being a
decent person is just a matter of having "good will." Virtue
ethics asks what type of person one should be in order to
always make the right decision, rather than what the ideal
action is right now. In contrast to deontology and
consequentialism, which are based on laws that guide us
toward the best course of action, virtue ethics lays a strong
focus on the concept of character.

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