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All over the world people are experiencing covid 19 pandemic which is drastically
changed how people live in a way which is very risk and causes a treat in our health our
life. Since our health government, workplace, school and even in our family promote
and taught us about how to maintain and the importance of personal hygiene and
proper hygiene where ever we were go because this not just only a basic way but the
uppermost is very effective way to aim constant balance our healthy lifestyle away from
any virus and diseases and especially the transmission of covid 19 virus in our body
whereby positively affect is not just only our selves but as a whole society. By frequent
exercising and practice as habit in our everyday life could promote good grooming and
self confidence.

Personal hygiene is a basic way and best line of defense again covid 19 as what we are
facing now. Health practitioners encourage us to practice it generally about the
cleanliness of our body, dental hygiene, skin (integument) hygiene and sleep hygiene
the effect can lower diseases and illness.

We advise us that frequent handwashing is a way wherein you can keep yourself
healthy especially during covid 19, but over washing can dry up our skin and irritation
particularly if we are using harsh soaps. Doctor informed us that poor dental hygiene
known to have a correlation with heart disease. Poor hygiene can cause skin infections
such not taking a bath daily the bacteria is keeping in our skin particularly in the
presence of sweat can cause skin disease. Always take care our hair, body, nails and
everything externally. Related disease such us bacteria, fungi, insect lies, trachomatis,
athletes foot (mamazo), miliaria (prickly heat or call it Bungang araw) are common
causes if not practice good personal hygiene.

During rainy season, Filipinos are more prone to a certain diseases such as tinea pedis
(athletes foot), we become lazy to take shower because it feel cold which can develop
body odor because of the bacteria and perspiration get particularly in our body areas of
underarms and groin, and can get lice in the hair if we don’t take shower everyday.

Promote environmental hygiene is very important keeping our surroundings clean

especially rainy season to make sure no stagnant water, because skin disease can
develop from poor environmental hygiene and can cause deadly diseases such dengue,
malaria and leptospirosis. We have to make it healthy habits the personal hygiene, it
should start from our selves.
Take a bath regularly , thoroughly from head to toe, cleanliness of our house and
They are promoting simple hygiene kit especially when we go outside of our home. And
we have bring it, inside of the hygiene kit needed are hand sanitizer, moisturizer (lotion)
for skin, lip balm to about cracked as we are dehydrated, wear mask if we going out,
tissue paper to wipe our perspiration, alcohol spray and drinking water.

Bad personal hygiene can be indicative of other diseases including primary focal
hyperhidrosis nevertheless we can treat this by good personal hygiene, apply lotion can
minimize and dry up our perspiration , botulinum toxin aid. If we have bromhidrosis
always keep our skin healthy when we perspire , when we doing exercise we have to
change our clothes often take a shower, deodorant and medications to address our
body odor. Therefore we have to be a part of our daily routine, maintaining personal
hygiene and wash our hand thoroughly and do it often.

Thank You.

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