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Subject: Equitable Sharing of Gasoline Expenses for Enhanced Security Roving Plan

Dear [Client's Name],

I trust this message finds you well and thriving. We greatly value our partnership
in ensuring the safety and security of your premises. As we continuously seek ways
to optimize our services, we would like to discuss a proposal that involves sharing
the gasoline expenses associated with our security roving plan.

The rationale behind this proposal lies in our shared commitment to maintaining the
highest level of security and surveillance. With the escalating fuel costs and the
frequent patrols required for comprehensive coverage, we believe that an equal
sharing of the gasoline expenses would be a fair and sustainable approach for both

Transparency remains a cornerstone of our partnership, and this initiative further

exemplifies our dedication to open communication. By mutually contributing to the
gasoline expenses, we ensure that the security services provided remain robust and

We are committed to working closely with you to determine the best way to implement
this shared expense plan seamlessly. Your insights and feedback on this matter are
invaluable to us. We look forward to discussing the details further and finding a
solution that aligns with our collective objectives.

Thank you for your continued trust and collaboration.

Best regards

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