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September 11, 2023.

My first week of teaching practice began on Monday, September 11, the first grade I

had classes with was grade 5º4, upon entering the classroom many of them were intrigued by

my presence and asked the teacher in charge who I was. Teacher Zoraima, having experience

teaching that grade, knew how to handle the situation. She calmed them down a bit and then

made the respective introduction of who I was and why I was in the classroom that day.

After introducing myself to the students I wanted to know a little about them and their

likes and dislikes; when I finished I set out to create with their help a list of rules for the

classroom. Most of the students collaborated with the rules while a few ignored the activity,

which helped me to identify those students who might need a little more of my attention

when doing group activities. That first group activity helped me to identify how

collaborative, participatory, and the type of material they would like to use in the course of

the classes.

That same week I had classes with two more grades, and with them, it was easier to

make the presentation and make the list of rules; so we had time to start with the first topic

which was daily routine. When starting with basic questions about daily routine I realized

that both grades have difficulty identifying basic sentences in English and that it would be

necessary to use didactic material that will help them understand the information said in

English as well as the use of Spanish to clarify their doubts.

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