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Sebastián Guevara, Yaren De la Vega

Taking into account that the research revolves around the factors that affect the
interaction of students in the development of english online education, in a first step
they seek to define key concepts such as interaction, communication, online education
according to the point of view of various authors.

Interaction. The interaction stands as a basic object of social psychology and is defined
as the reciprocal action of behaviors between individuals when relating, taking into
account the context in which they do so. (Galindo et al., 2009, p.485). There are many
types of interaction such as social interaction, communicative interaction, pedagogical
interaction among others. however, this research will focus on communicative
interaction in an educational environment. taking as a principle that good
communication with the student is needed to create a pleasant interaction with him. In
very general terms, interaction can be understood as “the exchange and negotiation of
meaning between two or more participants located in social contexts” (O'Sullivan, et
al., 1997: 196). Mainly, this paper seeks to approach the key concepts that are handled
in the study as interaction and, failing that, communication because one depends on the
other. Interaction is the scene of communication, and vice versa. There is no one
without the other, interaction is defined as the “heart of communication” (Galindo,
2003). In other words, for there to be a good interaction, you need to have a pleasant
communication with the person with whom you are interacting, in this case the students.

Communication. Based on the relationship that interaction has with communication, it

can be added that Berselon points to communication as the act of transmitting
information, ideas, emotions, skills, through the use of symbols, words, pictures, figures
and graphs (cited in Fiske, 1984:112). Communication can be defined as a process by
which one person contacts another through a message, and expects the latter to give a
response, be it an opinion, activity, or behavior. Generally, the intention of the person
who communicates is to change or reinforce the behavior of the person who receives the
communication (Martínez de Velasco A. and Nosnik A. 1998: 11). Communication is
present in everyday life and is classified as Verbal Communication. Non-verbal
communication, Individual communication, Collective communication, Visual
communication, Digital or virtual communication. On this occasion we will focus on
digital and virtual communication; Authors such as Rafaeli and Sudweeks (1998) state
that virtual communication makes sense if the sustainability of messages over time is
guaranteed, while Durlak (1987) and Heeter (1989) confer responsibility on the control
and management of technological tools. direct to carry out successful bidirectional
and/or multidirectional communication processes.

Durlak, J.T (1987) ‘A Typology for Interactive Media’, in M.L. McLaughin (ed.)
Communication Yearbook 10, pp. 743–57. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

(Galindo et al., 2009, p.485). Galindo, J., Karam, T., y Rizo, M. (2009). Comunicología
en construcción. México: Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México.

(Galindo, 2003). «Apuntes de historia de una comunicología posible. Hipótesis de

configuración y trayectoria». Comunicología: Indicios y Conjeturas. Departamento de
Comunicación de la Universidad Iberoamericana de México. Núm. 1, primavera de 2004.
Artículo en línea, disponible en:
publicaciones/verPublicacion.jsp?id_pub=9 (Fecha de consulta: octubre de 2004).

Heeter, C. (1989) ‘Implications of New Interactive Technologies for Conceptualizing

Communication’, in J.L. Salvaggio and J. Bryant (eds) Media Use in the Information
Age: Emerging Patterns of Adoption and Computer Use, pp. 217–35. Hillsdale, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum

Martínez de Velasco, Alberto; Nosnik, Abraham. Comunicación organizacional

práctica. Manual Gerencial. México, D.F: Trillas, 2002

(O'Sullivan, et al., 1997: 196). Tim; HARTLEY, John; SAUNDERS, Danny;

MONTGOMERY, Martin; FISKE, John (1997). Conceptos clave en comunicación y
estudios culturales. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.

Rafaeli, S., & Sudweeks, F. (1998). Interactivity on the Nets. Network and netplay:
Virtual groups on the Internet, 173-189.

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