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Subject: SMAW Welding Techniques

Grade Level: Grade 12

Objective: To demonstrate understanding and application of SMAW

welding techniques

Learning across the curriculum:

1. Physics - Understanding the principles of heat transfer in welding

2. Mathematics - Calculating welding parameters and dimensions

3. Technical Drawing - Reading and interpreting welding symbols and diagrams


- Ask students to recall any prior knowledge or experience they have with welding


1. Show a video clip of skilled welders working on different projects.

2. Conduct a class discussion on the importance of welding in various industries.

3. Share success stories of individuals who have pursued careers in welding.


Activity 1: Welding Safety Demonstration

Materials: Welding safety equipment (goggles, gloves, apron, etc.), welding

machine, metal pieces
Instructions: Demonstrate the proper use of welding safety equipment and the
correct setup of the welding machine. Allow students to practice wearing the
safety gear and handling the welding machine.

Rubrics: Criteria - Proper use of safety equipment, correct setup of welding

machine; Points - 10

Activity 2: Welding Techniques Practice

Materials: Welding machine, metal pieces, electrodes

Instructions: Teach students different welding techniques such as butt joint,

lap joint, and T-joint. Provide hands-on practice opportunities for students to
apply these techniques using the welding machine.

Rubrics: Criteria - Proper execution of welding techniques, quality of welds;

Points - 20

Activity 3: Welding Project

Materials: Welding machine, metal pieces, welding symbols/diagrams

Instructions: Assign a welding project that requires students to apply the

welding techniques learned. Provide welding symbols or diagrams for
students to interpret and follow. Evaluate the quality of their welds and their
ability to adhere to the given instructions.

Rubrics: Criteria - Interpretation of welding symbols, quality of welds,

adherence to instructions; Points - 30

Assessment Questions:

Activity 1:

1. What safety equipment is necessary when performing welding?

2. How should the welding machine be set up properly?

Activity 2:

1. Describe the butt joint welding technique.

2. What factors affect the quality of a weld?


1. Use visual aids to explain the different welding techniques.

2. Conduct a demonstration students can observe the teacher performing a welding

technique and explain the process step-by-step.


1. Invite a professional welder to share their experiences and demonstrate advanced

welding techniques.

2. Organize a field trip to a welding workshop or factory to observe professional

welders at work.


- Conduct practical assessments to evaluate students' welding skills and ability to

apply the techniques taught.

- Use written tests to assess their understanding of welding principles and concepts.


- Provide additional resources such as books, articles, or online tutorials for students
who want to further explore welding techniques.

- Encourage students to participate in welding competitions or showcase their

projects in school exhibitions.


Research and write a report on the different types of welding electrodes and their

Note: It is important to ensure that students are properly trained and

supervised when conducting welding activities. Safety precautions should be
strictly followed at all times.

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