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Dreaming big means having the mental freedom to think about

what you really want out of life and forget about all the reasons
why you can't make it a reality. It means having high standards
for your life and setting the bar high for yourself. Remember,
the bigger the dream is, the harder it is to achieve, but this does
not mean it is impossible. It simply means that you have to be
prepared to fail and that you must not be afraid of failure.

Human beings are naturally imaginative creatures and, because

of this, we tend to reject the most logical reasons for things to
happen, and instead search for and invent the most fantastic
version of events we can. As people, we are naturally drawn
towards the unknown, the mysterious, the conspiracy because
we tend to be unsatisfied with the simplest, most logical truth.
People are often bored with their lives and situations, and with
that boredom and dissatisfaction they will invent a way to make
it all seem more interesting and make everything seem more
significant. We invent stories, find new ways to spin our
experiences, in an attempt to make sense of the monotony and
bring meaning to experiences. However, most things people
experience on a daily basis are just mundane events that hold no
significance. In relation to every other person, one individual's
life is no more or less important than any other individuals. We
are all the same. However, no one wants to have a boring life of
mediocrity; everyone has an innate need to be important.

“What it takes to Be Great,“ you will achieve greatness only

through an enormous amount of hard work over many years.
And not just any hard work, but work of a particular type that’s
demanding and painful.” we can say that anyone can become
great and no one is born with a gift for a specific profession..

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