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1. The only relationship that a mother’s letter would be all about love.

mothers basically offered their life to us the moment that we are born. They had
carried us for nine months, experienced all kinds of feelings and hardships throughout
those months. By the time that we are ready to be taken out from their womb, half of
their life is at stake. That is how amazing our mothers are. Not only that, but the
moment we are born they are the one who is going to feed us our very first food. Our
mothers are the person who would sacrifice their own happiness for our own
happiness. Some mothers are strict some were not but their common denominator
would be the unconditional love in which this letter is an example of it. The letter
basically describes how our mothers love us in their own special way. They also
serve as our first teacher along with our fathers. They both work hand in hand to build
us up and help us to become a better person someday. Our mothers are also the only
person who is not going to judge us with whoever we want to be in our lives. They are
our protector, and they would often cheer us up when we are down and be the first
person to be proud of us with every successful endeavour that we have taken. Our
mothers committed their lives just to help us have a future that we want. Their endless
sacrifice and love would be priceless. This definitely is the how the letter describes,
and it clearly shows that no one can ever match the love of mothers to their child.
Each person has a role to play to spice up any relationship. Relationship is
considered successful if it was built by any of the characters in a relationship, a
healthy relationship that are built to last and is maintained. Each characters should
pursue a long-term relationship to improve it's quality and duration.
3. What are the roles does each character play in the relationship?
1. Family
Provides support
Mutual Trust
They provide regular interactions
Shares beliefs and values
A sense of community
2. Friends
Friends are always there in times of need. They never leave and they are willing
to help.
3. Partnership
Romantic love
4. Yes, I’am satisfied with this type of relationship because I feel good about
myself and it is fun. Our relationship is developed through respect and honesty.
Our relationship is healthy because we treat each other with kindness and
respect, we always spend our time together, we spend our time in common interest ,
we respect with each other emotionally, physically, and sexually. We speak honesty
with our feelings. We are free from emotional abuse which is considered as form of
violence such as anything that can harm our self esteem or shame.
5. YES, as long as a couple loved each other also In a good relationship both
always understand each other, good communication is a factor for healthy
relationship. Having stable and positive relationships in your life can make you
happier and more fulfilled. Whether it's your friends, family, or significant other,
improving a relationship can sometimes be confusing. Luckily, by adjusting your
behavior and honing your communication skills, you can improve any relationship in
your life.
6. To show your responsible in a relationship become a good listener, know your
limits as a partner or member of the family, ask the right question pay attention to the
whole person, remember the things that importance to each other, be consistent and
manage your emotions, be open and share when the time is right, be genuine, humble,
confident, trustworthy, positive and fun. Always remember that it is an relationship
not an ownership. Keep fighting when dealing problems don’t give up on easy way.
Know your worth just love, and care with each other. Go and chase your journey

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