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The contract may be renewed for a fixed duration of five years.

Brazil recently destroyed parts of the rainforest to create a new football

stadium; this had a negative environmental impact as it destroyed thousands
of oxygen-providing trees.
Researchers examined the phreatic line in order to properly design an
adequate drainage system.
The United Nations supports efforts to aid refugees.
Flickr allows amateur photographers to publish and share photographs at no
cost .
Environmental and personal health are the two main benefits of organic
gardening .
The chemistry teacher uses this hydrocarbon as a minor component in his
laboratory experiments.

We need to raise awareness about global warming.

The date's problematic because I have a prior engagement.

The gardens are carefully managed in order to encourage biodiversity
When my grandfather moved to California, he bought a plot of land so he
could build a house.
Jason's house is a dump . I don't know how he can live there!
The residents of the village all gathered together for the annual festival.
The European Green Capital award recognises cities for their sustainable
development plans.
We occupied the same house for 20 years.
There are a number of initiatives designed to address the problem of child
Part of the city was built on a landfill site. This caused a lot of problems and
made this city stink
This round will determine which contestants go through to the final.
This solvent should no longer be used in household cleaning products.
I need to request more time to finish this report.
The vehicle manufacturer conducted a survey of car owners.
Your subscription is renewable at a special rate.
The new car factory will generate a lot of jobs in the area.
An MRI and CAT-scan are examples of techniques used in diagnostics .
Fynbos is a type of vegetation that is found only in the southern part of
Farmers receive a subsidy for growing certain crops.
Upstream Point LLC entered into a Land Disposition Agreement with the City
of Richmond, California to purchase shoreline property.
She has a community garden project near her home where she can find
fresh herbs for her cooking.
This battery is used as a source of power for the alarm clock.
Parents want great schools for their children, safe neighbourhoods for their
families and good jobs for themselves.
The orange juice factory created a lot of waste .
Henry only has a provisional licence, as he hasn't passed his driving test yet.
This beach has been ruined by pollution .
We decided to plant sage, rosemary and tomatoes in the collective kitchen
garden for everyone's benefit.

Select the right answer.

This conversation takes place during the first stage of an environmental project.

According to the ecological consultant the project is possible but just needs
some time .
This ecological project is primarily about developing a green space in the
neighbourhood .
The resident meets the consultant to find out what grants exist for ecological projects.

 False

The consultant tells the resident that the land cannot be used for a collective kitchen garden.

 True

 False

Environmental diagnostics show that there is no risk of contamination on the land.

 True

The Land Disposition Agreement allows the land to be occupied for a maximum period of one

 False

The consultant tells the resident that the regional government could offer some financial

 False

 True

The city's support will make many things possible .
The city is with the collective gardeners. It really supports their project.
The city wants to raise awareness of organic gardening.
A diagnostic was conducted to determine whether or not the soil was
You could even receive a grant from the regional government for this project.
The city owns the land, and will make it available for this project at no cost.
We can promote the project through social media and the local newspaper.
Your group can continue to occupy the land indefinitely, as the Land
Disposition Agreement is renewable.

You are involved with issues concerning

 grants and financial aid.

 politics and business.

 the air, water, energy, habitat or waste.

Your role is to raise the awareness of residents and the general public of
 environmental problems.

You promote innovative environmental solutions such as

 the development of renewable energ

As an ecological consultant, your work primarily focuses on

 sustainable development.

Anna and Jack are

 in an interview.
 preparing for an interview.

 chatting about work.

Jack is not happy with everything at work.

This is because

 of the travel.
 it's boring.

 of a colleague.

That’s good, so you’re not reconsidering your decision?

All that interview preparation takes so long.

Well, he asked me to rewrite a report he'd been working on.

His handwriting’s awful, almost totally

 illegible

Well, she disagreed. She didn’t think it was OK.

He'd totally misunderstood what he was supposed to do.
He's been so

 refriendly.
 defriendly.

 unfriendly.

No Jack, that's

 disrelevant.
 rerelevant.

 irrelevant.

An informal chat and apology might work.

We often use "il" before words starting with “l” (for example, “legal”, ”legible”).

We often use "ir" before words starting “r” (for example, “relevant”,

We often use "im" before words starting “m” and “p” (for example, “polite”,

We often use "in" before words starting “c” and “s” (for example, “sensitive”,
There are many exceptions to these rules, for example: “unpack”,
“unmarked”, “unlawful”, “unreal”.


That's totally illegal (legal). You should report it to the police!

You can’t trust him with all that money, he’s so irresponsible (responsible),
he’ll spend it all on clothes and holidays.

Grow up! You’re so immature (mature) sometimes.

I can't do it, it's impossible! (possible)!

I can’t read that, it’s totally illegible! (legible)!

I couldn’t vote for him, he’s an awful man, totally immoral. (moral).

Complete the conversation with the missing prefixes.

L. Sorry Mike, can you re turn (again) Ms Thorn’s call? She’s very un happy (not) about one
of our adverts.

M. Sure, what’s the problem? L. She says it contains some in correct (not)
details that are quite mis leading (wrong). She thinks it’s very dis honest
(not) and wants to complain.

M. What? The legal team said that would need to be totally re written (again)
before being published. They said the original was completely il legal (not).

make any difference? M. Dubai? Oh in that case, get someone from

the inter national (between) team to give her a call back.

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