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TCHR3004 Leadership and advocacy in

Early childhood

Title Assessment 1: Report
Due Date 15th September 2023 (End of week 3)
Length 1500-word
Referencing APA Style 7 SCU Library referencing guides
Weighting 50%
Submission Via the Turnitin link on the Assessment and Submission section on the unit
Unit Learning You will demonstrate the following Unit Learning Outcomes on the
Outcomes successful completion of this task:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the key principles of leadership and
management in practice in early childhood education and care services
and settings underpinned by theoretical and practical perspectives on
administration, management and leadership.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of how to build supportive and
collaborative environments for children, parents, community and staff.
3. Critically reflect on the role that advocacy plays in early childhood
education (locally, nationally and internationally) and identify the skills
that a strong advocate for the ECEC profession should display.
4. Critically analyse and understand the role of the educational
leader: including relationships, responsibilities, expectations,
ethical practice and transition to an educational leader.

Task Description
For this assessment, you are required to write a report of 1500 words. The report can include tables,
charts, figures, and/or graphs to illustrate your findings where necessary.
As an early childhood educator, it is important you have an understanding about leadership and your
role as a leader.
Task Instructions

Write a report that responds to the following three tasks.

1. Identify and explain the key principles of a (one) leadership style that you aspire to follow and
justify how it aligns with your professional philosophy on leadership in the early childhood setting.
2. Demonstrate your knowledge of the theoretical underpinnings of this leadership style.
3. Critically review how this leadership style influences management in an early childhood setting in
relation to children, families and staff.
The report must include:

Assessment Brief
1. A brief introduction of no more than 100 words outlining the purpose and content if
the report.
2. A body of no more than 1320 words and broken into sections with short, appropriate
headings (based upon the 3 tasks listed above).
3. A conclusion of no more than 80 words, highlighting the key findings.
4. A reference list that includes all sources of information used.

Referencing Style
Referencing should conform to the APA 7th style. It is recommended that you refer to the
referencing guide available through the SCU library.

Task Submission
Report should be submitted using the Turnitin submission link titled “Assessment 1: Report” in the
Assessments Tasks & Submission section on the Blackboard TCHR3004 site. Only a word document
submitted via the Turnitin portal on Blackboard will be accepted. You must label your submission
with your surname and initials and the assessment task's name, e.g: “JonesA_report.docx”

Special Consideration
As per Southern Cross University policy: Students wishing to request special consideration to extend
the due date of an assessment task must submit a Request for Special Consideration form via their
MyEnrolment page as early as possible and prior to the original due date for that assessment task,
along with any accompanying documents, such as medical certificates.
Late Submissions & Penalties
As per Southern Cross University policy, except when special consideration is awarded, late
submission of assessment tasks will lead automatically to the imposition of a penalty.
Penalties will be incurred as soon as the deadline is reached.
1. a penalty of 5% of the available marks will be deducted from the actual mark at one
minute after the time listed in the due date
2. a further penalty of 5% of the available mark will be deducted from the actual mark
achieved on each subsequent calendar day until the mark reaches zero.”
3. If student upload their paper to the incorrect submission point e.g. Draft Checker and NOT
the assessment submission point – academic penalty will be applied.
4. If students upload their draft paper to the final submission point – this paper will be
accepted as the final paper and marked.

Assessment Brief
Assessment Rubric
Marking Criteria and % High Distinction+ High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail Absent Fail (0%)
allocation 100% (85-99%) (75-84%) (65-74%) (50-64%) (1-49%)

Identification and Achieves all the Outstanding Identification and Identification and Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Not attempted.
explanation of the key criteria for a highidentification and explanation of the explanation of the identification and identification and
principles of a distinction to an explanation of the key principles of a key principles of a explanation of the explanation of the
leadership style that exemplary key principles of a leadership style that leadership style that key principles of a key principles of a
you aspire to follow standard, without leadership style you aspire to follow you aspire to follow leadership style that leadership style that
20% any errors. that you aspire to is articulated very is articulated clearly. you aspire to follow you aspire to follow.
follow well. is articulated.
Justification for how Achieves all the Outstanding Justification for how Justification for how Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Not attempted.
this leadership style criteria for a high justification for how this leadership style this leadership style justification for how justification for how
aligns with your distinction to an this leadership style aligns with your aligns with your this leadership style this leadership style
professional philosophy exemplary aligns with your professional professional aligns with your aligns with your
on leadership in the EC standard, without professional philosophy on philosophy on professional professional
setting any errors. philosophy on leadership in the EC leadership in the EC philosophy on philosophy on
20% leadership in the EC setting has been setting has been leadership in the EC leadership in the EC
setting articulated very well. articulated clearly. setting has been setting has been
articulated. articulated.
Knowledge of the Achieves all the Outstanding Knowledge of the Knowledge of the Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Not attempted.
theoretical criteria for a high demonstration of theoretical theoretical knowledge of the knowledge of the
underpinnings of this distinction to an knowledge of the underpinnings of this underpinnings of this theoretical theoretical
leadership style exemplary theoretical leadership style has leadership style has underpinnings of this underpinnings of this
20% standard, without underpinnings of been clearly been clearly leadership style has leadership style has
any errors. this leadership identified and identified. been demonstrated. been demonstrated.
style. articulated very well.
Critical review how this Achieves all the Outstanding critical Critical review of Critical review of Satisfactory critical Unsatisfactory Not attempted.
leadership style criteria for a high review of how this how this leadership how this leadership review of how this critical review of
influences management distinction to an leadership style leadership style leadership style leadership how this leadership
in an early childhood exemplary influences influences influences leadership style leadership style
setting in relation to standard, without management in an management in an management in an influences influences
children, families and any errors. early childhood early childhood early childhood management in an management in an
staff. setting in relation setting in relation to setting in relation to early childhood early childhood
20% children, families children, families setting in relation to setting in relation to

Assessment Brief
to children, families and staff has been and staff has been children, families children, families
and staff. demonstrated very demonstrated and staff has been and staff has been
well. clearly demonstrated. demonstrated.

Links to the literature Achieves all the Outstanding inks Very good links to Clear links to the Satisfactory links Unsatisfactory or no Not attempted.
on leadership, the EYLF criteria for a high made to the the literature on literature on made to the links have been
(AGDE, 2022) and NQS distinction to an literature on leadership, the EYLF leadership, the EYLF literature, EYLF and made to the
(ACECQA, 2020) exemplary leadership, the EYLF and NQS. and NQS have been NQS. literature, EYLF and
10% standard, without and NQS. made. NQS.
any errors.
Standard of writing and Achieves all the Outstanding Clear and correct Clear and correct Academic writing Poor academic Not attempted.
presentation - spelling, criteria for a high standard of use of academic use of academic and APA 7 writing including
punctuation, grammar, distinction to an academic writing writing and APA 7 writing and APA 7 referencing is mostly APA 7 referencing.
paragraph structure, exemplary including APA 7. No referencing. No referencing. No correct. Very minor Errors are present.
APA 7th referencing standard, without errors evident. errors evident. errors evident. errors are evident.
style any errors.


Description of SCU Grades

High Distinction:
The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in
researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows exceptional ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate
knowledge. The student’s performance could be described as outstanding in relation to the learning requirements specified.
The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in
researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows a well-developed ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate
knowledge. The student’s performance could be described as distinguished in relation to the learning requirements specified.

Assessment Brief
The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements specified, demonstrates insight and ability in
researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts. The student’s performance could be described as competent in relation to the
learning requirements specified.
The student’s performance satisfies all of the basic learning requirements specified and provides a sound basis for proceeding to higher-level
studies in the subject area. The student’s performance could be described as satisfactory in relation to the learning requirements specified.
The student’s performance fails to satisfy the learning requirements specified.

Assessment Brief

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