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Radial migration (double cortex)

VSD with shunt reversal
Erlen meyer deformity
Aortic Stenosis wriggler diagram
Mitral Regurg Murmur
Intussuception scenario
Barret esophagus histo diagram
Kaplan meyer curve
Axillary nerve beachial plexus diagram
Population pyramid question
Positive predictive value calculation
Good pasteur syndrome scenario
Diabetic retinopathy picture
Zellweger syndrome scenario
Cd 4 and Cd 8 cells in thymus
MMP for wound remodelling
IGF-1 resistance
Lymph drainage of labia minora
Boerhaave syndrome scenario
Perforated viscus X ray

Pyoderma gangrenosum scenario

3 month after polypectomy (norma mucosa)
Type 4 HS (IL-12)
Mifepristone (Progesterone antagonist)
ARMD fundoscope picture
CN 7 identification on gross picture
Celiac disease histology picture
Hepatic encephalopathy scenario
ALS scenario
Prion disease histo diagram (wikipedia se)
Positive skewed graph
Pephigus vulgaris histo diagram
Atopic dermatitis scenario
Hemangioblastoma histology scenario
MEN 2B scenario
Prolactinoma scenario
NPH scenario (Telencephlon)
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Bronchiectasis CT scan
WT1 for wilm's tumour
Multiple myeloma peripheral smear

Perforated viscus X ray

Legionella pneumonia scenario
IPEX syndrome scenario
Valacyclovir mechanism of resistance
Roseola infantum scenario
Blastomycosis yeast picture
Dressler syndrome scenario
Wpw syndrome ecg
6 layer membrane protein function (transport of ion)
Direct thrombin inhibitor superior to warfarin
(no pt monitoring)
Phase 1 clinical trial scenario
SHH mediated holoprosencephaly
CLL scenario with peripheral picture
PDA surgery (RLN damage)
Lymphdrainage of sigmoid colon Bipolar personality disorder
Mirtazapine MOA
Brief psychotic episode
Pyoderma gangrenosum scenario

Multiple myeloma peripheral smear

Medial geniculate body gross picture
Marijuana intake
McArdle Disease scenario
Wiskot Aldrick syndrome scenario
Anorexia nervosa
Functional hypoganadotrophic hypogonadism
Twin twin transfusion syndrome scenario
Infectious mononucleosis
Calculation of apgar score

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