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retailer – a person or business that sells goods to the public

entrepreneur – a person who makes money by starting or running businesses, especially when
this involves taking financial risks
hitch-hiking – a way of traveling by asking for free rides in other people’s cars, by standing at
the side of the road and trying to get passing cars to stop
shoplifting – the crime of stealing goods from a shop by deliberately leaving without paying for
sack – sack somebody (especially British English, informal) to dismiss somebody from a job
resign – to officially tell somebody that you are leaving your job, an organization, etc.
rare – existing only in small numbers and therefore valuable or interesting
charge – charge somebody (with something/with doing something) (formal) to accuse
somebody publicly of doing something wrong or bad
regret – a sad feeling because of something that has happened or something that you have done
or have not done
warehouse – a building where large quantities of goods are stored, especially before they are
sent to shops to be sold
to work your way up – to achieve a better position within the organization you work for
suspend – to officially prevent somebody from doing their job, going to school, etc. for a time, as
a punishment or while a complaint against them is investigated
flocking – to go or gather together somewhere in large numbers
misspelling – a wrong spelling of a word
vintage – vintage clothing refers to items that were manufactured in a different era with the
most recent being the 1990s
nasty – very bad or unpleasant, unkind
fashion-conscious – aware of the latest fashions and wanting to follow them
appeal – to attract or interest somebody
wage – a regular amount of money that you earn, usually every week or every month, for work
or services

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