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What is fast fashion?

Fast fashion it the fashion industry’s answer to rapidly changing trends. It involves rapid designing
and sewing new clothes. They are usually sold in a chain stores.

The idea is to get the newest styles on the market as fast as possible, so shoppers can snap them up
while they are still at the height of their popularity and then, sadly, discard them after a few wears,
often because of a poor quality, but also it plays into the idea that outfit repeating is a fashion faux
pas and that if you want to stay relevant, you have to sport the latest looks as they happen

- Answer to rapidly changing trends

- Chain stores
- Get the newest styles as soon as possible
- Let people buy them when they are still on a market
- Changing really fast
- Bad quality
- People wear them for a few times – you have to change them if you want to look fashionalby
- Bad quality

How to spot a fast fashion brand

Some key factors are common to fast fashion brands:

- Thousands of styles, which touch on all the latest trends.
- Cheap, low quality materials like polyester,
- causing clothes to degrade after just a few wears and get thrown away—not to mention the
microfibre shedding issue.
- Limited time to buy something from the newest fashion collection - With new stock
arriving in store every few days, shoppers know if they don’t buy something they like, they’ll
probably miss their chance.

Why is it harmful:


- Working in dangerous environments, without fundamental human rights

- Mostly women, often pregnant or with their kids
- kids


- 50-90 cents per hour, depending on a place

Working conditions:

- More than a 10 hours a day, with only one or two breaks, so they can go to the toilet.
- Only one day off per month!
Change of attitude towards clothes:

- Clothes are cheap - we can buy more.

Nowadays we buy five times more clothes than in 1980.

Before the 1800s, fashion was slow. You had to source your own materials like wool or leather,
prepare them, weave them, and then make the clothes.

Clothes shopping used to be an occasional event—something that happened a few times a year
when the seasons changed or when we outgrew what we had.

- Consumerism

Consumerism is increasing due to the impact on your brain - sales, lower prices encourage us to buy
something new.

Fast fashion makes us believe we need to shop more and more to stay on top of trends.

- Poor quality of clothes

They are quickly damaged - we have to buy new ones.

Shopping addiction

uncontrolled need of buying unnecessary things shopping is often impulsive, but also can be planned
spending too much money excitement and endorfin rush after shopping.

Buying Less is the first step—try to fall back in love with the clothes you already own by styling them
differently or even “flipping” them.

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