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S. No.

Date Act of Kindness

1 4.1.2021 Give mask to the children in the colony
2 5.1.2021 Feed cows and street dogs
3 6.1.2021 Help my 12th class friend in studies
4 7.1.2021 Help my friend in filling examination form
5 8.1.2021 Given my laptop to my friend so that his brother can give his
online exam
6 9.1.2021 Gave water to plants
7 10.1.2021 I have cook food for my sister like no one is there at home and
I am also going in my friend birthday party
8 11.1.2021 I help my mother bringing some household goods
9 12.1.2021 I have cut my neighbour kite so I have given my kite to him
10 13.1.2021 Help my mother in cooking food
11 14.1.2021 Feed cows
12 15.1.2021 Help my mother in household work
13 16.1.2021 Gave water to plants
14 17.1.2021 Did nothing
15 18.1.2021 Help my senior in college work
16 19.1.2021 Help my father in his business work
17 20.1.2021 Did nothing
18 21.1.2021 Feed cows
19 22.1.2021 Help my mother in cooking food
20 23.1.2021 Gave water to plants
21 24.1.2021 Feed dogs
22 25.1.2021 Given some food and cash to poor people
23 26.1.2021 Drop my friend at his home because his vehicle is not working
24 27.1.2021 Help my mother in cleaning the house
25 28.1.2021 Feed dogs
26 29.1.2021 Gave water to plants
27 30.1.2021 Help my father in cleaning the car
28 31.1.2021 Save dog because people throwing stones
29 1.2.2021 Given some money to my friend because he is in need
30 2.2.2021 Feed cows
31 3.2.2021 Help my senior in college fest work
32 4.2.2021 Gave water to plants
33 5.2.2021 Help my senior in fest stage decoration work
34 6.2.2021 Help my cousin in his school project work
35 7.2.2021 Did nothing
36 8.2.2021 Help my cousin sisters in her studies
37 9.2.2021 Save my colony children from accident
38 10.2.2021 Feed dogs
39 11.2.2021 Did nothing
40 12.2.2021 Help my friend in his college project
41 13.2.2021 Help old age people to cross the road
42 14.2.2021 Help the shopkeeper to incurred his loss because he gave me
extra money so I have given extra money back
43 15.2.2021 Gave water to plants
44 16.2.2021 Did nothing
45 17.2.2021 Helping seniors in managing college events
46 18.2.2021 Feed poor children
47 19.2.2021 Feed cows
48 20.2.2021 Help my mother in cleaning kitchen utensils
49 21.2.2021 Help my friend in the computer project work
50 22.2.2021 Help stranger to call his friend and to take him from there
because his vehicle is not working
51 23.2.2021 Help in college event work
52 24.2.2021 Help in college event wotk
53 25.2.2021 Did nothing
54 26.2.2021 Gave water to plants
55 27.2.2021 Feed dogs
56 28.1.2021 Help my friend with the computer project work
57 1.3.2021 Teach my cousins for their final exams
58 2.3.2021 Did nothing
59 3.3.2021 Help my mother in bringing household goods
60 4.3.2021 Gave water to plants
61 5.3.2021 Gave my all toys to the colony children
62 6.3.2021 Did nothing
63 7.3.2021 Help my senior in decoration work
64 8.3.2021 Help my senior in fest stage decoration work
65 9.3.2021 Help in managing college event work
66 10.3.2021 Help in managing college event work
67 11.3.2021 Feed cows
68 12.3.2021 Gave water to plants
69 13.3.2021 Help my mother in cleaning the kitchen utensils
70 14.3.2021 Help my mother in cooking food
71 15.3.2021 Did nothing
72 16.3.2021 Feed dogs
73 17.3.2021 Feed cows
74 18.3.2021

75 19.3.2021
76 20.3.2021
77 21.3.2021
78 22.3.2021
79 23.3.2021
80 24.3.2021
81 25.3.2021
82 26.3.2021
83 27.3.2021
84 28.3.2021 Feed dogs
85 29.3.2021 Did nothing
86 30.3.2021 Help my friend to arrange plasma for her father because he is
in hospital and suffering from covid
87 31.3.2021 Help my friend by giving some money for her father treatment

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