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Esquisse: 3-Storey Commercial Building

Project Description:

You have been commissioned to design a 3-storey commercial building in Sta. Rosa, Laguna. The ground floor will be leased to a 7-
11 convenience store, while the 2nd and 3rd floors will consist of rentable stalls with a minimum width of 4.0 meters each. Your
primary challenge is to maximize the rentable spaces while ensuring user comfort, aesthetics, and adequate space for stall signage.

Key Requirements:

Ground Floor:

• Design an open area for the 7-11 convenience store.

• Include a storage room.
• Provide a unisex restroom that is accessible to persons with disabilities (PWD).

2nd and 3rd Floors:

• Create rentable stalls, each with a minimum width of 4.0 meters.

• Design separate male and female restrooms for the patrons.

General Considerations:

• Prioritize aesthetics and user comfort throughout the building.

• Ensure adequate space and visibility for the signage of each stall, following the prescribed signage of 7-11.

Drawing Requirements/Criteria for Grading:

1. Floor Plan on Site (1:100 scale) - 45% 3. One Section - 10%

• Clearly show the layout of the ground floor, 2nd • Provide a section drawing that reveals the internal
floor, and 3rd floor. structure and layout of the building.
• Indicate the dimensions of each area and stall. • Include details on the floor heights and structural
• Include the location of restrooms, storage room, and elements.

4. Exterior Perspective - 20%

2. Two Elevations - 25% • Present a visually appealing exterior perspective that
• Create elevations that showcase the building's showcases the building's overall appearance.
exterior design. • Highlight how the signage of each stall integrates
• Highlight architectural details, materials, and signage with the design.

Additional Considerations:

• Adhere to local building codes and regulations.

• Consider energy-efficient design principles.
• Use appropriate materials and construction techniques for the region's climate.
• Explore creative solutions to maximize the rentable spaces without compromising user experience.

This design problem challenges you to create a commercial building that not only meets the practical needs of the owner but also
enhances the urban environment and provides a welcoming and functional space for both the 7-11 store and the rentable stalls. Good
luck with your design!

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