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M5. Unit 1, Lesson 1...



Modern uses of technology

Grammar point
Present tense

· to introduce new vocabulary relating to technology and its uses
· to provide context for the use of technology
· to improve students confidence and pronounciation
· to introduce simple present tense

Timetable (class= 50 mins)

· 5 mins warmer
· 10 mins vocab
· 15 mins practise
· 15 mins production
· 5 mins cooler

Pass around a comical DIY mobile phones whilst music is playing, I will also have one. When the music
stops the person with the phones must stand up and have a conversation with me using the phone.

· technology
· internet
· social media
· communicate
· laptop
· mobile phone


Q. What do you do on the internet?

A. I use social media on the internet.
Q. Why do you use social media?
A. I use social media to communicate with my friends

Q. Do you have internet on your mobile phone?

A. No, I have internet on my laptop.

Talk to your friend in English about the technology in your house.
Worksheet= word scramble= copy into book and then complete exercise. Go through together as a class.
Sentence scramble with practise sentences.

Draw pictures of technology you listed from your house

Planning elements:

Materials and aid: flash cards, que prompts, 2x DIY telephones. Music and speaker.

Presumed knowledge: knowledge of basic vocab relating to technology. E.g. phone, internet, ATM,

Anticipated problems and solutions: lack of confidence- give praise. Pronounciation- correct throughout
class using stronger students.

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