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Fill in the blanks with tag questions:

: Mr. Hassan is going to join our college as a Lecturer in English, (a) ________?
: I have heard. I'm not sure. He has a sweet voice, (b) __________?
: Yes, he has. But voice doesn't matter in teaching, (c) ____________?
: No, yet the voice has some importance, you can't deny, (d) ____________?
: No, I can't. But he should have a good command on English.
: I think he has. Besides, he's smart, (e) _________?
: You're right.
(a) You're looking for a job————?
(b) But job market is very competitive ———?
(c) For a good job you need to know good English ———?
(d) 1 have completed a course on spoken English,————?
(e) You can use a computer also, ———?
: Movies reflect the nation, (a) __________?
: Of course, they do. But now they've become very much harmful, (b) ________?
: I agree with you. They are mostly emotion stimulating (c) ___________?
: You are right. There are some channels which are as if they had been introduce to
demoralize the younger generation.
: They should be stopped, (d) _______?
: They must be if we want a good, moral and honest generation.
: The authority concerned should take immediate steps, (e) _________?
Morning air is fresh and congenial to health, (a)———?
Evening air too. Every body takes a walk both in the morning and in the evening, (b) ________?
You are right, Let us have a walk on the river-side, (c)————?
Why not? Let us go to Shyamal. He will accompany us (d)————?
Well, the visit will reinforce us (e) ___________?
: You are speaking highly of him, (a) __________?
: Yes, I am. He is really good, (b) _________?
: I admit it. But he sits idle, (c) ________?
: Yes he does. But he has some rare qualities, (d) ________?
: You may say so. All qualities should be priced properly, (e) _________?
: You have done well in the examination, (a)———?
: No, not at all. I was sick, (b) —————?
: So, you are going to sit for the examination next year again, (c) —————?
: Yes. I will. My parents also think, (d)—————?
: You should study hard for the next year, (e)———?
: It's a moonlit night, (a) ___________?
: Let's walk outside, (b) __________?
: That sounds great, (c) __________?
: Let's go there.
: We'll sing together, (d) ________?
: Nobody dislikes a moon-lit night, (e) _______?
: Let's go and see a movie tonight, (a) ———?
: That sounds great. We can eat something before the movie, (b) ——?
: What can we eat? A light snack will do, (c) ——?
: Of course, but what type of movie shall we see tonight?
: Everybody likes a movie with a lot of action, (d) ——?
: It's true.
: But horror movies are more interesting, (e) _______?
: The students are inclined to private tuition, (a) ___________?
: Yes, they are. Private tuition should be stopped, (b) _______?
: I don't understand. Why? Private tuition spoils one's originality, (c) _______?
: Yes, you're right. Not only that the private tutors have become commercial minded, (d) _____?
: I admit private tuition has some good sides, but its bad sides supersede the good ones, (e) ___?
: Success can't be achieved without efforts, (a) —————?
: Of course not
: In fact every thing glorious is achieved through-much efforts, (b) ——————?
: That's right, we could not achieve our independence if we did not struggle for it, (c) ——?
: Surely not. Every one of us should try hard to gain success, (d) ————?
: Of course. It won't descend on us automatically, (e) —————?
: Nowadays you look very depressed, (a)——?
: Yes, I do, because my mother has been bed-ridden for more than a year.
: What about her treatment? You had better consult an expert for, her better treatment, and (b)—?
: I shall make every effort to keep her ok, (c) —?
: You will be rewarded by Allah for your service to your mother, (d) ___?
: Of course.
: I'm always careful about my ailing mother, (e) ——?
: May Allah bless you.
: It's a beautiful day, (a) —?
: Exactly. We shouldn't spend the day sitting idly at home, (b) —?
: I agree with you, (c) __?
: But, what can we do?
: Well, let's go for a picnic, (d) —?
: Of course we can. But we won't swim in the river, (e) —?
: I wholeheartedly believe, you are a real patriot, (a) ___?
: I try to be so, (b) ____?
: I know, patriotism is a noble virtue, (c) ____?
: It inspires a man to shed the last drop of blood, to defend the freedom of his country, (d) ____?
: A man without patriotism is no better than a beast, (e) _____?
: We have to learn two languages, (a) —————?
: Sure. But Bengali doesn’t cause much difficulty, (b) ————?
: No, it does not. But English seems to be a difficult language to learn, (c) —————?
: I cannot understand the meaning of some words used there, (d) —————?
: You must look them up in the dictionary, (e) —————?
: Hello, Susan. Father's birth day is on Monday next, (a) ———?
: Yes Jane, only three days are left (b) ————?
: Last year we Just forgot (c) ——?
: Yes, I remember (d) ———————?
: This year I need not do any mistake (e) —————?
: You have got scholarship from Dutch Bangla Bank, (a) —————?
: Yes, I have, now it is necessary for me to open an account with the bank, (b) ———?
: Sure. You have to fill in an application form and be introduced by someone who has an
account with the bank, (c) ————?
: Oh, I see.
: Your introducer must put his signature and write his address and account number in the
form, (d) _____?
: Let's go to the bank, (e) ______?
: You couldn't do me a favour, (a)—————?
: I never disappointed you. (b)—————?
: No, never. Yon could give me a lift into the town by your car. (c)————?
: Of course I could. You won't mind waiting for five minutes, (d)—————?
: By-the-by, you are alone, (e)—————?
: You're sitting alone in the evening, Karim, (a)——? You can go out.
: You know I've recently recovered from fever. I'm very weak, (b)———?
: That's .true. But sitting in the room isn't the way to regain energy, (c) ________?
: If you walk, you'll be able to remove your weakness, (d) _____?
: So let's go out for a walk in the open air, (e) ——?
: Shila is going to be our college captain, (a) ______?
: It seems so. But her voice is so mild, (b) _____?
: "Yes, it is. But voice doesn't matter in captaincy, (c) ___?
: No. Yet the voice has some importance, you can't deny, (d) —————?
: No, 1 can't. But she should have a good command on English. I think she has. Besides, she's
smart, (e) _______?
: You're right.
: It's a beautiful evening, (a) ————?
: Yes, it is. Lets go out for a walk, (b) ———?
: That's a nice idea. We can enjoy a walk outside, (c) ————?
: Of course we can.
: The air is also cool and soothing, (d) ———?
: Absolutely.
: And the queen moon is also shining brightly in the sky, (e) ———?
(a) The teacher wanted the student to write a few sentences about his aim in life, —?
(b) The student did so, ———?
(c) But the teacher was not pleased to see his writing, ————?
(d)The student made many grammatical mistakes in framing sentences, ———?
(e) So he was advised to learn grammar properly, ———?
: You need to buy medicine, (a) _______?
: Yes, I need paracetamol.
: You have been suffering from fever, (b) _______?
: Right you are.
: You feel pain in your body, (c) _____?
: There is severe pain all over my body. Take this medicine, (d) ______?
: There is nothing to worry about, (e) _______?
(a) Every student wants to do well in the examination, (a) ——?
(b) But it is not an easy task, (b)———?
(c) A student should read the texts again and again, (c)———?
(d) He must not memorize the answer without knowing the meaning, (d)———?
(e) He can render social service, (e)————?
: I think you live in an extended family (a)———?
: Yes, I do. But I think a small family is not favourable for mental growth, (b)——?
: You are right. We have to spend most of the time alone in a house, (c) ————?
: This is because our parents can not spare time for us. (d)——— ?
: Let us live in an extended family as our grand parents did, (e)————?
: Oh, you have made a lot of mistakes, (a) _________?
: Yes, we shouldn't do it, (b) ________?
: The question was hard, (c) __________?
: However, you hadn't prepared well, (d) ________?
: You are right. Let's go today, (e) __________?
(a) The moon shines at night, __________?
(b) I am very fond of moonlight, _________?
(c) Let me write a few lines about moonlit night, _________?
(d) People worshipped the moon as their God in the past, _________?
(e) How beautiful the moon is, _________?
(a) Time is very valuable in man's life, ——————?
(b) It always passes onward, —————?
(c) Time and tide wait for none, ——————?
(d) None can get back the lost time, —————?
(e) So, let's be punctual from now, —————?
(a) Lutfur lives in a slum, __________?
(b) He can not sleep in peace, —————?
(c) He has no surety of lunch, ————?
(d) Nobody makes a bed for him, —————?
(e) He sleeps on the dirty floor, —————?
: You are Suman, (a) __________?
: Your father's name is Zahid, (b) ——————?
: Yes. My father worked with you in the same office, (c) ————?
: He always talks about you, (d) —————?
: We all like him. There is none who does not speak high of him, (e) ———?
: You have been making a noise for a long time, (a)——————?
: We fear you so much, (b)——————?
: We dare not make a noise, (c)——————?
: You know, sir. We need to raise fund for going to picnic.
: Then you were collecting fund, (d)——————?
: Yes, sir. You will lead our team, (e)—————?
: There must be something with me, (a)—————-?
: Not exactly. You are very unmindful, (b)——————?
: That's right. I can never find anything in proper place, (c)————--?
: I need to go to a psychiatrist, (d)—————?
: I don't think so.
: Then there may be a reason for my unmindful ness.
: What's that?
: I am always obsessed with cricket, (e)—————?
: The marriage ceremony of your sister is going to be held tomorrow, (a)—————?
: Yes. My parents want you to join the occasion, (b)——————?
: You have invited Raisa, (c)—————?
: Of course. It will be a great pleasure if you join the programme, (d)———?
: Please carry your camera with you, (e)——————?
: Rajib, you went to the stadium yesterday to enjoy the cricket match, (a) ——————?
: I saw you sitting in the west gallery, (b) ——————?
: That's right. How exciting the game was, (c) ——————?
All of us enjoyed the game much, (d) —————?
: You are right. But Ashraful could have played well, (e) —————?
: Hello, Rakib. You have reached home, (a)——————?
: Oh! No. I have got stuck up. What's about you?
: I have reached just now. There is serious traffic jam, (b) ————?
: I took three hours to reach home, (c)—————?
: Well. You are lucky, (d)————?
: I may take half an hour more to reach home, (e)——————?
: Suman, you need to buy some books, (a)————?
: Yes, Father.
: Your classes have already started, (b)—————?
: You shouldn't have told before, (c)——————?
: The teachers have given the list of books only today.
: O.K. don’t delay to buy the books, (d)———?
: Here is the money, (e)————?
: You're tired (a) ———?
: Yes, a little, cultivating crops is not an easy job, (b) ————?
: Of course not. But you feel immensely happy when you harvest the crops, (c) ——?
: Yes, the fruit of labour always tastes sweet, (d) ———?
: Of course it is.
: Nothing can be achieved without labour, (e) ———?
(a) Well, it is many years since I met you, —————?
(b) 20 years ago, we met. We are none of us getting younger, —————?
(c) You look so tired, ————?
(d) 1 have just come from London, But I am glad to meet you, —————?
(e) I think you are still single, ————?
: You are a student, (a) —?
: Yes, I am.
: You must have a daily routine to follow, (b) __?
: Of course, I have.
: You never waste your time, (c) __?
: No, never. I know, "Time and tide waits for none." (d)__?
: So, use your time properly, (e) —?
: Do you think that our small town is getting polluted everyday?
: Yes, I think so. The brick field by the main road is the main source of pollution in our
locality, (a) ——?
: You are right. A lot of motor vehicles also pollute our small town, (b) ————?
: The incinerator of the hospital, chemicals and detergents used in the tanneries are polluting
our water, (c) _____?
: Right you are. A few years ago our town was not so polluted, (d) ————?
: Our environment should be kept pollution free for our sound living, (e) ————?

: Salma is trying her best to make a good result, (a) —?
: She thinks she will complete her course on time, (b) —?
: Her parents are also serious, (c) —?
: They feel her entirely, (d) —?
: Today she has not come to college.
: She should not miss her class now, (e) —?
: I think you live in an extended family like us. (a) ——?
: Yes I do. But I think a small-family is not favourable for our mental growth, (b) ———?
: You are right. We have to spend most of the time alone in a house, (c) _______?
: This is because our parents cannot spare time for us, (d) ——?
: Let us live in an extended family as our grandparents did, (e) ——?
: We ought to love our motherland, (a) ——?
: Yes, it is a part of our belief, (b) ——?
: Certainly, it is. A man can't be a patriot without showing love to his countrymen, (c) ——?
: No. But, today, most of us prefer self-interest to patriotism, (d) ——?
: Yes, but they are hated by all, (e) ——?
: None can rely on him, (a) ———?
: He cannot keep his word, (b) ——?
: He harms his career indirectly, (c) ——?
: The authorities are fed up with him, (d) ——?
: They cannot get service from him properly, (e) ————?
: I think, there is something reasonable behind his negligence to work.
: I don't want to go away from my island, (a) ———?
: Then you will have to die, (b) ———?
: No, your friend is kind. He can't do this, (c) ————?
: Yes. He can, (d) ———?
: And he will, (e) ———?
: Did you watch the Cricket match yesterday?
: Yes I did. But I could not enjoy the match (a) ———?
: I also felt bored. To the fact, Bangladesh team could have won the match if they had played
their natural game.
: Right you are. Srilankan team did not play much better yesterday, (b) ———?
: But Bangladesh team had a very bad day yesterday, (c) ——?
: None of our players could show their natural performance, (d) ———?
: It was really a very tragic performance for Bangladeshi fans, (e)———?
: Hello! Whom do you want?
: You are Sara, (a) —————?
: Yes, I am. Your name is Lira, (b) —————?
: Sorry. I am not, (c) —————?
: Oh! I see, we used to play together, (d) ————?
: You are correct, thank you for your recognitions.
: Welcome, do come next morning, (e) —————?
: Alright.
(a) Illiteracy is a great problem in our country, ———?
(b) For it, development work is hampered, ——?
(c) Poverty is mainly responsible for it, ———?
(d) In order to make progress, we should remove poverty, ——?
(e) For it, everybody must try hard, ——?
: There is a man lying on the road. Look at him. (a) ——?
: Well, he seems to be unconscious, (b) ——?
: But, nobody is paying any attention to him, (c) ———?
: Why are people so selfish?
: However. Let's help him, (d) ————?
: Of course but how?
: We can take him to the nearest hospital, (e) ——?
(a) Sabina was sleeping, ——————?
(b) It is not harmful,———?
(c) Sera] had never been to Cox's Bazar, —————?
(d) Rafiq had not got a job, ———?
(e) I am hungry, —————?
(a) She is a teacher, ——————?
(b) They are players, ————?
(c) You have to study English, ———?
(d) He can do the sum, ——————?
(e) Mina will go home, ———?
(a) Fishes can’t fly,—————?
(b) They have no good houses to live in, _________?
(c) You must go now, ——————?
(d) Amina will read this book, ——————?
(e) Eid is an occasion of joy, ——————?
(a) The lion was found in him, —————?
(b) Your parents will feel happy, ——————?
(c) The fox was noticed to his character, ————?
(d) There was none in the meeting, ———?
(e) You didn't post the letter, -————?
(a) It may rain now, ——————?
(b) Runa has a doll, ———?
(c) They would come here, ————?
(d) You should obey your teachers, ——————?
(e) Students must work hard, —————?
(a) 1 had a pet bird, -————?
(b) We would all like to succeed,—————?
(c) Nobody believes a liar, ——————?
(d) Babu plucks mangoes, ——————?
(e) They are playing football, ————?
(a) The moon shines at night, ————?
(b) We live in Bangladesh, ———?
(c) My father does not smoke, ——————?
(d) Dhaka stands on the Buriganga, _______?
(e) They didn't help you, —————?
a) A lazy man doesn't like to work, ———?
(b) We went to school on foot, —————?
(c) They went there, ————?
(d) She made a fun with me, ———?
(e) The boys were running about, ——————?
(a) I saw a bird flying, ————?
(b) We did not prepare our lessons, _______?
(c) We sat together, ————?
(d) Bangladesh is our homeland, —————?
(e) Fishes can’t fly, ———?
(a) You should obey your parents, ———?
(b) I will not forget you,——?
(c) Let's have a party,——————?
(d) Laila knows you,———————?
(e) There is no king in America, ——————?
(a) The Headmaster was present there, ________?
(b) We ought to love our country, ——————?
(c) They could swim, ——————?
(d) They believed in Allah, —————?
(e) He did the work, ———?
(a) They are not efficient, ——————?
(b) He is a competent teacher, ——————?
(c) She was a good student, ——————?
(d) We ought to love our country, ——————?
(e) They were brothers, ——————?
(a) It is hot today, —————?
(b) Nobody believes a liar,———————?
(c) We have to study English,———?
(d) Rina was still at school,——————?
(e) She turned left, ————?
(a) Students must listen to their teachers, ————?
(b) They were not silent, ————?
(c) I read newspapers daily, ——————?
(d) He does not like bad films, —————?
(e) The sun rises in the east, —————?
(a) You shouldn't laugh at the poor, ——————?
(b) Birds can't swim, ———————?
(c) Please sit down ———————?
(d) Let's go on Sunday, ———————?
(e) I am a boy, ——————?
(a) I am waiting for you, ——————?
(b) The thieves ran away, ————-?
(c) The shopkeepers will open the shops, ——————?
(d) Love the poor, —————?
(e) Wait here a moment, ——————?
(a) Sadia went out for a walk,——————?
(b) They won't follow me, ——————?
(c) The brave deserve the fair, ——————?
(d) The teacher was caning the boy, ———?
(e) This book belongs to me, ——————?
(a) The teacher was caning the boy, ——————?
(b) They are very joyous, ——————?
(c) We can't play football, ——————?
(d) She sang a song, ——————?
(e) We shall be walking in the morning, ——————?
(a) They are very joyous, ——————?
(b) The building was built long ago, ——————?
(c) Nothing remains certain, ——————?
(d) We can't play football, ————?
(e) There lived a king, ——————?
(a) She sang a song, —————?
(b) That wasn't a good idea, ——————?
(c) Health is wealth, ————?
(d) We shall be walking in the morning, ——————?
(e) Jamal and Kamal are cousins, ——————?
(a) The lion was found in him, ——————?
(b) The fox was noticed in his character, ——————?
(c) An orphan was lying on the street, ——————?
(d) An open space is needed to make a garden, ——————?
(e) An incident happened before our eyes, ——————?
(a) Life is very mysterious, ——————?
(b) He doesn't take exercise, ——————?
(c) Summer has set in, —————?
(d) I am afraid of snake, ——————?
(e) I need not any help from you, —————?
(a) The boy took an unshaken determination, ——————?
(b) The unfed should be fed, ————?
(c) They aren't really thieves,——————?
(d) A good student always learn his lesson, —————?
(e) Mr. Khan has given me a pen——————?
(a) Sabina was sleeping,__________?
(b) You didn't post the letter ————?
(c) Wait here a moment, —————?
(d) Summer has set in, ——————?
(e) Sadia went out for a walk, ——————?
(a) A good student always learns his lesson, ____________?
(b) We should not pollute examination, ____________?
(c) Mr. Khan has given me a pen, __________?
(d) I might not do the work, _____________?
(e) The teacher praised the student, __________?
(a) Students must work hard, ___________?
(b) Nicotine causes the heart to beat faster, ___________?
(c) Babu plucks mangoes, _____________?
(d) Let’s discuss the matter, ____________?
(e) Her mother couldn't walk, ___________?
(a) They are playing football, _____________?
(b) She hasn't received any reply, ___________?
(c) Children mustn't say so, _____________?
(d) They couldn't reach in time, ___________?
(e) You mustn't say so, _____________?
(a) The earth moves round the sun, ___________?
(b) He is an honest man, ____________?
(c) Let's play football, ____________?
(d) The cat likes milk, ____________?
(e) Ice floats on water, ___________?
(a) Laila sings modern songs, ——————?
(b) He has a problem, ——————?
(c) The weather forecast wasn't very good, ——————?
(d) Rafiq had not got a job, —————?
(e) We should not pollute water, ——————?
(a) We can speak English, ———?
(b) Don't tell it again, ————?
(c) Let's go out for a walk, ——————?
(d) They support me,———————?
(e) I can do the sum, ————?

(Board-SSC & HSC)

79. Dhaka Board SSC-2013
(a) Practice makes a man perfect —?
(b) Everyone is for everyone, ___?
(c) She hardly comes here, —?
(d) The mother rose in her, —?
(e) Don't avoid duties, —?
80. Rajshahi Board SSC-2013
(a) Everybody wishes to be happy, __?
(b) The girl hardly visits her parents, ___?
(c) Never tell a lie, —?
(d) What a wonder it is! —?
(e) They won't play football, ___?
81. Jessore Board SSC-2013
(a) Let us make a good plan, —?
(b) Nothing is impossible on earth, ____?
(c) The brave deserve the fair, —?
d) The mother rose in her, —?
(e) Allah alone can help us, —?
82. Comilla Board SSC-2013
(a) He is crying, —?
(b) Kindly do me a favour, —?
(c) Ruma hardly comes here, ___?
(d) Don't make a noise, —?
(e) How nicely he sings, —?
83. Chittagong Board SSC-2013
(a) None of you came here, —?
(b) Kindly do me a favour, —?
(c) The idle cannot prosper in life, —?
(d) That he is honest is known to all, —?
(e) Let's have a fun, —?
84. Barisal Board SSC-2013
(a) He will go there, ___?
(b) Let's finish the work, ____?
(c) There lived a king in a country, —?
(d) Man is mortal, —?
(e) Jamal is a good boy, —?
85. Sylhet Board SSC-2013
(a) I am your well-wisher, —?
(b) Fire burns, —?
(c) Please lend me some money, ___?
(d) None can avoid death, —?
(e) Bangladesh is a small country,
86. Denajpur Board SSC-2013
(a) None can do this, —?
(b) Let's discuss the matter, —?
(c) I help my brother, —?
(d) Kindly do me a favour, —?
(e) I have never seen him, —?
87. Dhaka Board SSC-2012
(a) The baby is innocent, —?
(b) Nothing comes out of nothing, —?
(c) The glass contains little water, —?
(d) In our class, everybody knows everybody, —?
(e) The mother rose in her, —?
88. Rajshahi Board SSC-2012
(a) Nobody phoned, —?
(b) Raya told me the matter, —?
(c) We must eat vegetables, —?
(d) Let's go out, —?
(e) Don't boil rice, —?
89. Jessore Board SSC-2012
(a) Mr. John teaches us English, —?
(b) Neither of them went, —?
(c) We ought to love our country, —?
(d) Kindly, do me a favour, —?
(e) Let's have a discussion, —?
90. Comilla Board SSC-2012
(a) None can do this, —?
(b) I am happy, —?
(c) We must eat vegetables, —?
(d) Let's go out, —?
(e) She told me the matter, —?
91. Chittagong Board SSC-2012
(a) Nobody went there, —?
(b) Open the door, —?
(c) I am happy, —?
(d) The brave deserve the fair, —?
(e) Don't waste your time, —?
92. Barisal Board SSC-2012
(a) Everybody wishes to be happy, —?
(b) The mother rose in her, —?
(c) Let's have a walk, —?
(d) The Headmaster and Secretary went there, ___?
(e) She hardly comes here, —?
93. Sylhet Board SSC-2012
(a) Bangladesh is a small country, —?
(b) I am a student, —?
(c) Do not make a noise, —?
(d) Let us go out for a walk, —?
(e) Sinners suffer in the long run, —?
94. Denajpur Board SSC-2012
(a) She needs a pen, —?
(b) Nothing is certain, —?
(c) All of us attended the meeting, ___?
(d) It is a hot today, —?
(e) You should not do it, —?
95. Dhaka Board SSC-2011
(a) He says that time is money, —?
(b) I'm the monarch of all I survey, —?
(c) Everybody respects him, —?
(d) Let us do something, —?
(e) She hardly comes here, —?
96. Rajshahi Board SSC-2011
(a) Don't waste time, —?
(b) Neither of them did it, —?
(c) You need not go to the field, —?
(d) He will do it, ____?
(e) I am happy, —?
97. Jessore Board SSC-2011
(a) I am late, —?
(b) Don't tell a lie, —?
(c) She will reach here tomorrow, —?
(d) Rafiq didn't understand it, —?
(e) Everybody knows him, —?
98. Comilla Board SSC-2011
(a) He put the book on the table, —?
(b) You will buy a shirt, —?
(c) Let's have some fun, —?
(d) The mother rose in her, —?
(e) Save something for the future, —?
99. Chittagong Board SSC-2011
(a) I shall never forget you, —?
(b) Neither of them helped me, —?
(c) Nothing comes or goes, —?
(d) No man is happy in this world, —?
(e) Let him write a letter, —?
100. Barisal Board SSC-2011
(a) I am punctual, —?
(b) He is a Wiseman, —?
(c) She can make tea, —?
(d) Nobody dislikes flower, —?
(e) Don't waste your time, —?
101. Sylhet Board SSC-2011
(a) We should not waste our time, —?
(b) Sinners suffer in the long run, —?
(c) Every mother loves her child, —?
(d) Let's do something for the country, —?
(e) Always speak the truth, —?
102. Denajpur Board SSC-2011
(a) I am happy, —?
(b) Birds can't swim, —?
(c) Nobody believes a liar, —?
(d) Open the door, —?
(e) There is a mistake, —?
103. Dhaka Board SSC-2010
(a) A barking dog seldom bites, —?
(b) Do not tell a lie, —?
(c) He lent you some money, —?
(d) Every mother loves her child, —?
(e) We ought to love our country, —?
104. Rajshahi Board SSC-2010
(a) They came here, —?
(b) Let us go to school, —?
(c) We ought to love our country, —?
(d) Nobody believes a liar, —?
(e) Rahim hardly comes here, —?
105. Jessore Board SSC-2010
(a) The mother rose in her to see the pathetic scene of a child, —?
(b) Let them work in the field, —?
(c) He went to Dhaka yesterday, —?
(d) We ought to love our country, —?
(e) He need not go there, —?
106. Chittagong Board SSC-2010
(a) Nobody likes him, —?
(b) Let us enjoy the programme, —?
(c) I am as tall as you, —?
(d) Do the sum at once, —?
(e) I prefer milk to tea, —?
107. Comilla Board SSC-2010
(a) Nobody dislikes flower, —?
(b) We must eat vegetables, —?
(c) Don't boil rice, —?
(d) Open the door, —?
(e) It is a good idea, —?
108. Sylhet Board SSC-2010
(a) Birds can't swim, —?
(b) Let us help the flood victims, —?
(c) I am your new class teacher, —?
(d) They will come here today, —?
(e) She attends school daily, —?
109. Barisal Board SSC-2010
(a) He need not think of others, —?
(b) Every mother loves her child, —?
(c) I hardly visit my friends, —?
(d) Honey tastes sweet, —?
(e) Birds can fly, —?
110. Denajpur Board SSC-2010
(a) None can do this, —?
(b) Let's discuss the matter, —?
(c) I help my mother, —?
(d) Kindly do me a favour, —?
(e) I have never seen him, —?

111. Dhaka Board SSC-2009

(a) Economics is my favourite subject, —?
(b) He put the book on the table, —?
(c) You will buy a shirt, —?
(d) The girl can please us all, —?
(e) Nobody believes a liar, —?
112. Rajshahi Board SSC-2009
(a) He will buy this book, —?
(b) Fire burns, —?
(c) Let me do the work, —?
(d) Neither of them complained, —?
(e) Don't make a noise, —?
113. Jessore Board SSC-2009
(a) Let us go out for a walk, —?
(b) Do not touch live electric wire, —?
(c) Everybody is dancing, —?
(d) Kamal doesn't follow me, —?
(e) We shall go there, —?
114. Comilla Board SSC-2009
(a) Neither of them did it, —?
(b) There is no water in the glass, —?
(c) I can do it, —?
(d) You've never been to Paris, —?
(e) Shut up, —?
115. Chittagong Board SSC-2009
(a) Every mother loves her child, —?
(b) He seldom comes here, —?
(c) How sweetly the bird sings, —?
(d) Sit down please, —?
(e) Last night he had a sound sleep, —?
116. Barisal Board SSC-2009
(a) A barking dog seldom bites, —?
(b) He is a liar, —?
(c) I will make tea, —?
(d) Let's have a party, —?
(e) Nobody believes him, —?
117. Sylhet Board SSC-2009
(a) A story is told by him, —?
(b) Bangladesh is a small country, —?
(c) Do your duty in time, —?
(d) I have hardly seen Karim, —?
(e) Everybody played well, —?
118. Denajpur Board SSC-2009
(a) The brave deserve the fair, —?
(b) Neither of them went, —?
(c) Respect the old, —?
(d) We ought to love our country, —?
(e) None can avoid death, —?
119. Dhaka Board SSC-2008
(a) Sinners suffer in the long run,—?
(b) Let's have a walk, —?
(c) He had to go abroad for treatment,
(d) You dare not drive at night, —?
(e) I am your well-wisher, —?

1120. Rajshahi Board SSC-2008

(a) Nobody believes a liar, —?
(b) She hardly comes here, —?
(c) Let's have a picnic,—?
(d) We ought to love our country, —?
(e) He may pass the exam, —?
121. Jessore Board SSC-2008
(a) Do not disturb me, —?
(b) Let us have a walk by the river-side, —?
(c) Nothing is impossible, —?
(d) Everybody should do his duty, —?
(e) Rahim went to Dhaka yesterday, —?
122. Comilla Board SSC-2008
(a) I am a student, —?
(b) Let's go on a picnic, —?
(c) Don't tell it again, —?
(d) Rina will sing a folksong, —?
(e) The sun shines by the day, —?
123. Chittagong Board SSC-2008
(a) Let's discuss the matter, —?
(b) None can do it, —?
(c) She is happy, —?
(d) Fortune favours the brave, —?
(e) Shut the book, —?
124. Barisal Board SSC-2008
(a) Open the windows, —?
(b) Please lend me some money, —?
(c) Everything looked beautiful, —?
(d) Don't hate the poor, —?
(e) Fishes can swim, —?
125. Sylhet Board SSC-2008
(a) We ought to love our country, —?
(b) How sweetly the bird sings, —?
(c) I am punctual, —?
(d) The wind blows, —?
(e) Nobody believes a liar, —?
126. Dhaka Board SSC-2007
(a) Mr Brown teaches us English, —?
(b) You need not go to the field, —?
(c) Kindly do me a favour, —?
(d) Nobody went there, —?
(e) There is no king in China, —?
127. Rajshahi Board SSC-2007
(a) None can do this, —?
(b) Don't forget me, —?
(c) I am happy, —?
(d) Let's have some fun, —?
(e) I prefer milk to tea, —?
128. Jessore Board SSC-2007
(a) Birds can't swim, —?
(b) Let us discuss the topic, —?
(c) Reza got a job, —?
(d) I am ten years old, —?
(e) He will play football, —?

129. Comilla Board SSC-2007

(a) A good student is always attentive to his study, —?
(b) Don't waste time, —?
(c) I shall never tell a lie, —?
(d) Grameen Bank provides loan to the poor, —?
(e) There is a mistake, —?
130. Chittagong Board SSC-2007
(a) Reba will sing a song, —?
(b) I'm your friend, —?
(c) He doesn't trust you, —?
(d) Let's have a party, —?
(e) Nobody dislikes flower, —?
131. Barisal Board SSC-2007
(a) We must eat vegetables, —?
(b) Don't boil rice, —?
(c) Let's go out, —?
(d) Nobody phoned, —?
(e) She told me the matter, —?
132. Sylhet Board SSC-2007
(a) I am late for home, —?
(b) Let us go home, —?
(c) Nobody called me, —?
(d) There is no pond in this village, —?
(e) Nothing is certain, —?
133. Dhaka Board HSC-2013
(a) A student should read the texts again and again,—?
(b) Nobody pays due respect to a dishonest man, —?
(c) "I" is a pronoun,—?
(d) Thousands of people admired Rumi in his lifetime.—?
(e) Deeba as well as her friends enjoyed the short film,—?
134. Rajshahi Board HSC -2013
(a) Time and tide wait for none, —?
(b) Health is wealth, —?
(c) An unhealthy man cannot prosper in life, —?
(d) Everybody dislikes him, —?
(e) They feel her absence, —?
135. Jessore Board HSC -2013
(a) None of them knew the answer, —?
(b) You should not tell a lie, —?
(c) Teachers teach, —?
(d) I am writing to my mother, —?
(e) Blind men cannot read, —?
136. Comilla Board HSC -2013
(a) Let us have a picnic, —?
(b) I do not feel fine today, —?
(c) Let me be alone, —?
(d) I shall enjoy your company another day, —?
(e) Please, excuse me for today, —?
137. Barisal Board HSC -2013
(a) Khalid and Alok a will go to Dhaka, —?
(b) I’m also going. You aren't going, —?
(c) No, Now I don't have enough money for this purpose, —?
(d) But if you wish, I'll lend you some money—?
(e) It's your kindness. I'm always grateful to you, —?

138. Sylhet Board HSC -2013

(a) Every mother loves her child —?
(b) We should love our country —?
(c) Fortune favours the brave —?
(d) Nobody dislikes flowers —?
(e) Don't waste time—?
139. Dinajpur Board HSC -2013
(a) Let's have a walk in the open air, —?
(b) I'm in the habit of walking in the morning, —?
(c) Morning entertains everybody with fresh air,—?
(d) None should miss this opportunity, —?
(e) Try to form the habit of rising early in the morning,—?
140. Dhaka Board HSC -12
(a) Everybody is liable to error, —?
(b) Very few students are devoted to studies, —?
(c) Please, don't waste your time —?
(d) Let us go out for a walk, —?
(e) Fire burns,—?
141. Rajshahi Board HSC -12
(a) What a pity,—?
(b) None of you went there, —?
(c) Let us have a discussion, —?
(d) Our college won the match, —?
(e) He does not take sugar in tea,—?
142. Jessore Board HSC -12
(a) Every one would do so, —?
(b) You need not do this, —?
(c) There is a little water in this pond, —?
(d) 'You' is a pronoun, —?
(e) A man like you should not do this, —?
143. Comilla Board HSC -12
(a) Trees are our best friends, —?
(b) We should plant more trees,—?
(c) Nobody phoned me that day, —?
(d) The spot is quite far from here, —?
(e) Let us go out for a walk, —?
144. Chittagong Board HSC -12
(a) Telling lies is a great sin, —?
(b) One lie begets hundred lies,—?
(c) None believes a liar, —?
(d) He has to lead a miserable life, —?
(e) So ail of us ought to refrain from telling lies, —?
145. Barisal Board HSC -12
(a) Everybody loves flowers, —?
(b) Today flowers are used on different occasions, —?
(c) We need flowers to greet our honourable quests, —?
(d) Now many people cultivate flowers, —?
(e) This will better the living condition of the poor flower sellers, —?
146. Sylhet Board HSC -12
(a) I'd meet you—?
(b) There are many problems in our college —?
(c) It is impossible—?
(d) You cannot be sure—?
(e) Their performance shows it—?

147. Dinajpur Board HSC -12

: Rana as well as his friends enjoyed the film, (a)—?
: Let me be alone, (b) —?
: We ought not to do this, (c) —?
: Everyone welcomed us, (d) —?
: I have the right to get your help, (e) —?
148. Dhaka Board HSC -11
(a) Life is full of troubles and difficulties, —?
(b) They have to be overcome if we are to succeed in life, —?
(c) So, we should face them with courage, —?
(d) We may fail at first, —?
(e) But we must not loose heart, —?
149. Rajshahi Board HSC -11
(a) Let us have a discussion, —?
(b) Do not forget me, —?
(c) The weather was fine yesterday, —?
(d) Our college won the match, —?
(e) He does not take sugar in tea, —?
150. Comilla Board HSC -11
(a) Let us have a discussion, —?
(b) Time and tide wait for none, —?
(c) Many of us waste our time, —?
(d) None could prosper in life without utilizing time, —?
(e) Every body should realize this truth, —?
151. Chittagong Board HSC -11
(a) Health is wealth, —?
(b) A sick rich man is not happier than a healthy poor man, —?
(c) An unhealthy man cannot prosper in life, —?
(d) Nobody pays him due respect, —?
(e) We must take care of our health, —?
152. Sylhet Board HSC -11
(a) His name was Jerry, —?
(b) They waste their valuable time, —?
(c) Every one knows this, —?
(d) He can never help people of the society, —?
(e) Everybody dislikes him, —?
153. Barisal Board HSC -11
(a) You must have heard the name of Jalaluddin Rumi, —?
(b) He achieved fame as a spiritual leader, —?
(c) He was also renowned as a mystic poet, —?
(d) Thousands of people admired him in his life time, —?
(e) Still today millions of people all over the world find pleasure in his poetic works, —?
154. Dinajpur Board HSC -11
: You are not resigning from your job, (a) —?
: No, not yet, unless I get another job I can't, (b) —?
: Of course not. Well, you can use a computer, (c) —?
: And you do not mind working in a friend's firm, (d) -?
: Well if I offer you a job in my office, you won't refuse it, (e) —?
155. Dhaka Board HSC -10
(a) Every student wants to do well in the examination, —?
(b) But it is not an easy task, —?
(c) A student should read the texts again and again, —?
(d) He must not memorize the answer without knowing the meaning, —?
(e) He can render social services, —?

156. Rajshahi Board HSC -10

(a) Hamidur Rahman gave the shape to the Shaheed Minar —?
(b) He combined in it the Bangalee aspirations —?
(c) He was the pioneer of the new painting movement —?
(d) People admire him for his outstanding design of the Central Shaheed Minar —?
(e) We should never forget him —?
157. Jessore Board HSC - 10
(a) Let's have a walk outside the farm, —?
(b) I'm in the habit of walking every morning, —?
(c) Morning entertains us with fresh air, —?
(d) No one should miss this opportunity, —?
(e) Have a try to form this habit of morning walk, —?
158. Comilla Board HSC -10
(a) Certainly you will go there,—?
(b) I know you have not hidden my pen, —?
(c) A boy like you should not do this, —?
(d) The earth is round, —?
(e) Let us go for a walk, —?
159. Chittagong Board HSC -10
(a) Trees are our best friends, —?
(b) They help us in many ways, —?
(c) But many men do not realize the importance of trees, —?
(d) The country will change into a desert without trees, —?
(e) So, we should plant more trees, —?
160. Barisal Board HSC -10
: Rimi is trying her best to make a good result, (a) —?
: She thinks she will complete all the subject before December, (b) —?
: Her parents are also serious, (c) —?
: They feel her absence, (d) —?
: She should not miss her classes now, (e) —?
161. Sylhet Board HSC -10
(a) You need not come here tomorrow, —?
(b) Let's help the poor boy, —?
(c) Nobody phoned me that day, —?
(d) She has little idea about it, —?
(e) He reads newspapers everyday, —?
162. Dinajpur Board HSC -10
(a) You are not used to taking potatoes, —?
(b) No, I don't like it. I think you also don't like potatoes, —?
(c) It is true. But in a country like Bangladesh we ought to take alternative food, —?
(d) The wise say like that, —?
(e) But I don't think, they will be satisfied with potatoes instead of rice, —?
163. Dhaka Board HSC -09
: We're going to visit the Fantasy Kingdom today, (a) —?
: But we can't start our journey unless it stops raining, (b) —?
: Why don't we start now? It's only drizzling, (c) ___?
: The spot is quite far from here, (d) —?
: So, let's put off our visit for tomorrow, (e) —?
164. Comilla Board HSC -09
(a) Nothing is certain, —?
(b) Nila knows you better, —?
(c) Let's have a discussion, —?
(d) He seldom comes here, —?
(e) You are right, —?

165. Chittagong Board HSC -09

: Congratulations Terence. You have made an excellent result, (a) —?
: Thanks. But my parents and teachers also deserve the credit, (b) —?
: Right you are. We ought to remain grateful to them, (c) —?
: Certainly. You too studied hard, (d) —?
: Yes, it is our duty to study in a disciplined way, (e) —?
166. Sylhet Board HSC -09
: You are going abroad, (a) —?
: No, not yet, unless I can manage money, I cannot go, (b) —?
: I admit you can't. But you have much money, (c) —?
: You don't know our present state. Now father has to maintain a very large family (d) ___?
: I admit, your father can manage it if he wishes, (e)—?
167. Barisal Board HSC -09
: Hi, Rahim, why are you staying here alongside the road?
: Actually I am waiting for Kamal, (a) —?
: Kamal? I also have come here to meet him, (b) —?
: Has he told you about something?
: No. He just told me do meet him here. I don't know more about this, (c) —?
: So far as I know, he wants to go to the fair, (d) —?
: Really? Oh, here's Kamal coming. Let's discuss this with him, (e) —?
168. Dinajpur Board -09
: Do you know about computer?
: Of course, it is fairly a recent invention, (a) —?
: It has now become an essential part of modern life, (b) —?
: It has greatly benefited us, (c) —?
: Any device that helps people perform mathematical calculation can be called
computer, (d) —?
: Now, let us hope for the latest one, (e) —?

(a) Every mother loves her child, __?
(b) Man should not tell a lie, __?
(c) We ought to finish this exercise soon, _?
(d) There's been an accident, __?
(e) Let's have a discussion, __?
(a) Anyone is allowed to come, __?
(b) Every mother loves her child, __?
(c) Karim needs a pen, _?
(d) Fire burns, __?
(e) Allah alone can help us, __?
: You want to be an engineer, (a) __?
: Yes, I do. But for that I have to get admission into an engineering university, (b) __?
: That’s right. Your S.S.C and H.S.C results are outstanding, (c) __?
: But for admission the result of the admission test is more important.
: You're taking preparation for the admission test, (d) _?
: Yes, I am.
: So, don't worry about it, (e) __?
: There must be something with me, (a) __?
: Not exactly. You are very unmindful, (b) __?
: That's right. I can never find anything in proper place, (c) ___?
: I need to go to a psychiatrist, (d) _?
: I don't think so.
: What's that?
: Then there may be a reason for my unmindful ness.
: I am always obsessed with cricket, (e) __.
: Your letter reached me yesterday carrying many good news, (a) __?
: You have come first in the final examination, (b) __?
: I'm very delighted, (c) __?
: Congratulations on your brilliant result.
: This will encourage you to work harder, (d) __?
: Don't forget to take care of your health, (e) _?
(a) Well, it is many years since I met you, __?
(b) 20 years ago, we met. We are none of us getting younger, _?
(c) You look so tired, __?
(d) I have just come from London. But 1 am glad to meet you, __?
(e) I think your are still single, __?
: There lived a very clever cook, (a) __?
: Once he roasted a duck for his master, (b) _?
: The roast looked very delicious.
: The cook could not resist his temptation, (c) _?
: He had taken one of the drumsticks, (d) _?
: It made the master very angry, (e) __?
: Hamidur Rahma was the first art student of Bangladesh, (a) _?
: Yes, he was. He gave the shape to the concept and design of the Shaheed Minar, (b) _?
:Yes, he did.
: He combined all the aspirations of Bengali identity and nationalism in the design, (c) _?
: I don't disagree. I know he was the pioneer of the new painting movement in the then Pakistan, (d) _?
: We should always remember him, (e) _?
: Of course, we should.
: You're thinking of the problem, (a) _?
: Yes, I’m. The problem is very acute, (b) _?
: You will overcome the difficulty if you have patience.
: Sweet are the uses of adversity, (c) _?
: Of course, they are. But you should not break down, (d) _?
: Pray to Almighty for me, (e) _?
(a) Once there was a liar cowboy, _?
(b) Everyday he used to tend his cows in the field, _?
(c) The grazing field was near a forest, _?
(d) Everyday some farmers worked beside the forest, __?
(e) One day the cowboy made a wicked plan, _?
(a) We found many people there, _?
(b) There are lots of troubles in life, __?
(c) He doubts our honesty, _?
(d) A programme has been chalked out, _?
(e) The difficulty of our life cannot be imagined, _?
(a) Nothing can satisfy him, _?
(b) Say something, _?
(c) That he runs a shop is known to all, __?
(d) We had better tell someone about this, _?
(e) How odd! __?
(a) Every student wants to do well in the examination, _?
(b) But it is not an easy task, _?
(c) A student should read the text again and again, _?
(d) He must not memorize the answer without knowing the meaning, __?
(e) He can render social service, _?
(a) Jerry liked the late spring, _?
(b) Let's go out for a walk, _?
(c) The boy is not gentle, _?
(d) The boy's prudence is praiseworthy, _?
(e) Mimi is present in the class, _?
: You've not given up smoking, (a) _?
: No, I haven't yet. I thank I will, (b) _?
: You should. Because smoking is very dangerous, (c) _?
: You are right. Your brother has advised me, (d) _?
: Yes, he has. But why aren't you giving it up, __?
: You know I’m a chain smoker. It'll take time (e) _?
: Yes, yet you should give it up as early as possible.
Water, gas and electricity are the essential resources of our country, (a) _? Obviously, we
suffer terribly when they are exhausted, (b) __? Of course, we cannot pass even a day without
any one of these resources, (c) _? No, not at all. They are the resources of our energy. Let's
use them carefully, (d) __? The govt. should take proper steps. They should take effective
measures to stop the misuse of these resources, (e) _?
: Shila is going to be our college captain, (a) __?
: It seems so. But her voice is so mild, (b) _?
: Yes, it is. But voice doesn't matter in captaincy, (c) _?
: No, Yet the voice has some importance, you can't deny, (d) _?
: No, I can't. But she should have a good command on English.
: I think she has. Besides, she's smart, (e) _?
: You're right.
: Kamrul has beaten the boy, (a) _?
: No, Hossain has.
: I thought Hossain was absent.
: No, he was present. He is a scoundrel, (b) _?
: Yes he is. His father too was a robber, (c) _?
: I don't know everything. It doesnit matter whether his father was a robber or not.
: You're right. Those who cammit crimes should not go unpunished, (d) __?
: But in this case the wrong doer will not be punished, (e) __?
: We live in Bangladesh, (a) _?
: She is not the poorest country in the world, (b) _?
: Too many people live here, c) __?
: It is not possible for her to give employment to all these people (d) __?
: People can train themselves in one or other of the vocations, (e) __?
: Parents take good care of their children's education (a) __?
: Of course. But admission to good colleges has now become very difficult, (b) __?
: Absolutely. There are a few good colleges, (c) _?
: Besides, education is now very costly too. (d) __?
: So, how can we cope with this problem?
: We ought to ensure true education in all the schools (e) _?
: I need to go to a psychiatrist, (a) _?
: I don't thinks so. There may be reason for your forgetfulness Let's discuss the matter, (b) __?
: Would that if I had the time, c) _? You know I'm very busy nowadays.
: This load of your business might be the reason for the forgetfulness.
: Nothing is impossible in my case, (d) __?
: Life should have a proper charm. Your physique needs rest, everybody must take proper
recreation, (e) __?
Salim : Assalamu Alaikum. You are going to picnic, (a) __?
Rafiq : Oalaikumus salam. I hope you will also go with us, (b) __?
Salirn : Of course, a picnic has many usefulness for students, (c) __?
Rafiq : Everybody should try to go to picnic or study tour, (d) __?
Salim : Yes, let us contact Mr Ahmed about preparation, (e) __?
: I think you live in an extended family, (a) __?
: Yes, I do. But I think a small family is not favourable for mental growth, (b) _?
: You are right. We have to spend most of the time alone in a house, (c) _?
: This is because our parents cannot spare time for us, (d) __?
: Let us live in an extended family as our grand parents did, (e) _?
: Julia lives in India now, (a) __?
: Look at the address card, (b) __?
: This isn't her name, (c) __?
: But she must be staying here, (d) __?
: Let's phone, (d) _?
: Most students start cramming when the examination approaches, (a) __?
: Sure. But cramming is not a good method. We cannot learn a lesson well through cramming, (b) __?
: No, we cannot. Regular work right from the beginning of the school team makes on thorough, (c) __?
: You are right. It’s no good memorizing things without understanding or thinking at them, (d) _?
: Certainly. To make good result, study regularly think about the lesson, make your own notes and
revise them frequently, (e) __?
: There are certain things one has to do well in the examination, (a) __?
: One needs to do well in the examination, (b) _?
: One needs to prepare well, (c) _?
: You must learn without cramming, (d) _?
: If you don't waste time, you will surely do well, (e) __?
: Hello, Rakib. You have reached home, (a) _?
: Oh! No. I have got stuck up. What's about you?
: I have reached just now. There is serious traffic jam, (b) _?
: It took three hours to reach home, (c) __?
: Well. You are Lucky, (d) ___?
: It may take half an hour more to reach home, (e) _?
: Nowadays you look very depressed, (a) __?
: Yes, I do, because my mother has been bed-ridden for more than a year.
: What about her treatment? You had better consult an expert for her better treatment, (b) __?
: I shall make every effort to keep her work, (c) __?
: You will be rewarded by Allah for your service to your mother, (d) _?
: Of course.
: I'm always careful about my ailing mother, (e) __?
: May Allah bless you.
: We all want peace, (a) _?
: Yes, but how?
: You can't buy it from the market, (b) __?
: No, it is the celestial thing, (c) __?
: Yes, you can have it by purifying your soul, (d) __?
: Yes, only a pure soul contains peace of mind, (e) __?
: London is a large city, (a) __?
: You have been to London, (b) __?
: The government buildings are there, (c) __?
: The streets are filled with cars and buses, (d) __?
: Let's visit the city of London, (e) __?
(a) A, E, I, O, U are vowel, __?
(b) The mother rose in her, __?
(c) To err is human, __?
(d) Either Rahim’s brother or sister came to my house, __?
(e) I as well as my father went to the market, __?
(a) That was a man, __?
(b) Rahim and I have done the work, __?
(c) The Headmaster and Secretary came to the school, __?
(d) Your father can manage it if he wishes __?
(e) Everything will be as it should be, __?

…………………………THE END…………………………

1. (a) isn't he? (b) hasn't he? (c) does it? (d) can you? (e) isn't he?
2. (a) aren't you? (b) isn't it? (c) don't you? (d) haven't I? (e) can't you?
3. (a) don't they? (b) haven't they? (c) aren't they? (d) shouldn't they? (e) shouldn't they?
4. (a) isn't it? (b) don't they? (c) shall we? (d) won't he? (e) won't it?
5. (a) aren't you? (b) isn't he? (c) doesn't he? (d) hasn't he? (e) shouldn't they?
6. (a) have you? (b) wasn't I? (c) aren't you? (d) don't they? (e) shouldn't you?
7. (a) isn't it? (b) shall we? (c) doesn't it? (d) shall we? (e) do they?
8. (a) shall we? (b) can't we? (c) won't it? (d) don't they? (e) aren't they?
9. (a) aren't they? (b) shouldn't it? (c) doesn't it? (d) haven't they? (e) don't they?
10. (a) can it? (b) isn't it? (c) could we? (d) shouldn't we? (e) will it?
11. (a) don't you? (b) hadn't you? (c) shan't I? (d) won't you? (e) aren't I?
12. (a) isn't it? (b) should we? (c) don’t I (d) shall we? (e) will we?
13. (a) aren't you? (b) don't I? (c) isn't it? (d) doesn't it? (e) isn't he?
14. (a) haven't we? (b) does it? (c) doesn't it? (d) can I? (e) mustn't you?
15. (a) isn't it? (b) aren't they? (c) didn't we? (d) don't I? (e) need I?
16. (a) haven't you? (b) isn't it? (c) haven't you? (d) mustn't he? (e) shall we?
17. (a) could you? (b) did I? (c) couldn't you? (d) will you? (e) aren't you?
18. (a) aren't you? (b) aren't I? (c) is it? (d) won’t you (e) shall we?
19. (a) isn't she? (b) isn't it? (c) does it? (d) can you? (e) isn't she?
20. (a) isn't it? (b) shall we? (c) can't we? (d) isn't it? (e) isn't she?
21. (a) didn't he? (b) didn't he? (c) was he? (d) didn't he? (e) wasn't he?
22. (a) don't you? (b) haven't you? (c) don't you? (d) will you? (e) is there?
23. (a) don't they? (b) is it? (c) shouldn't he? (d) must he? (e) can't he?
24. (a) don't you? (b) is it? (c) haven't we? (d) can they? (e) shall we?
25. (a) haven't you? (b) should we? (c) wasn't it? (d) had you? (e) shall we?
26. (a) doesn't it/ she? (b) aren't I? (c) shall I? (d) didn't they? (e) isn't it?/she?
27. (a) isn't it? (b) doesn't it? (c) don't they? (d) can they? (e) shall we?
28. (a) doesn't he? (b) can he? (c) has he? (d) do they? (e) doesn't he?
29. (a) aren't you? (b) isn't it? (c) didn't he? (d) doesn't he (e) is there
30. (a) haven't you? (b) don't we? (c) dare we? (d) weren't you? (e) won't you?
31. (a) mustn't there? (b) aren't you? (c) can't I? (d) don't I? (e) aren't I?
32. (a) isn't it? (b) don't they? (c) haven't you? (d) won't it? (e) will you?
33. (a) didn't you? (b) didn't I? (c) wasn't it? (d) didn't we? (e) couldn't he?
34. (a) haven't you? (b) isn't there? (c) didn't I? (d) aren't you? (e) mayn't I?
35. (a) don't you? (b) haven't they? (c) should you? (d) will you? (e) isn't here?
36. (a) aren't you (b) isn't it? (c) don't you? (d) doesn't it? (e) can they1?
37. (a) isn't it? (b) aren't we? (c) don't you? (d) aren't I? (e) aren't you?
38. (a) aren't you? (b) mustn’t you? (c) don't you? (d) doesn't it/isn’t it? (e) will you?
39. (a) isn't it? (b) don't they? (c) aren't they? (d) was it? (e) shouldn't it?
40. (a) isn't she? (b) won't she? (c) aren't they? (d)'don't they? (e) should she?
41. (a) don't you? (b) isn't it? (c) haven't we? (d) can they? (e) shall we?
42. (a) oughtn't we? (b) isn't it? (e) can he? (d) don't we? (e) aren't they?
43. (a) can they? (b) can he? (c) doesn't he? (d) aren't they? (e) can they?
44. (a) do I? (b) won't you? (c) can he? (d) can't he? (e) won't he?
45. (a) could I? (b) did they? (c) hadn't they? (d) could they? (e) wasn't It?
46. (a) aren't you? (b) isn't it? (c) am I? (d) didn't you? (e) will you?
47. (a) isn't it? (b) isn't it? (c) isn't it? (d) shouldn't we? (e) mustn't they?
48. (a) will you? (b) doesn't he? (c) are they? (d) shall we? (e) can't we?
49. (a) wasn't she? (b) is it? (c) had he? (d) hadn't he? (e) aren't I?
50. (a) isn't she? (b) aren't they? (c) haven't you? (d) can't he? (e) won't she?
51. (a) can they? (b) have they? e) mustn't you? (d) won't she? (e) isn't it?
52. (a) wasn't it? (b) won't they? (e) wasn't it? (d) was there? (e) did you?
53. (a) mayn't it? b) hasn't she? (c) wouldn't they? (d) shouldn't you? (e) mustn't they?
54. (a) hadn't I? b) won't we? (c) do they? (d) doesn't he? (e) aren't they?
55. (a) doesn't it / she?.(b) don't we? (c) does he? (d) doesn't it? (e) did they?
56. (a) does he? (b) didn't we? (c) didn't they? (d) didn't she? (e) weren't they?
57. (a) didn't I? (b) did we? c) didn't we? (d) isn't it / she? (e) can they?
58. (a) shouldn’t you? (b) will I? (c) shall we? (d) doesn't she? (e) is there?
59. (a) wasn't he? (b) oughtn't we? (c) couldn't they? (d) didn't they? e) didn't he?
60. a) are they? (b) isn't he? (c) wasn't she? d) oughtn't we? (e) weren't they?
61. (a) isn't it? (b) do they? (c) haven't we? (d) wasn't she? (e) didn't she?
62. (a) mustn't they? (b) were they? (c) don't I? (d) does he? (e) doesn't it?
63. (a) should you? (b) can they? (c) will you? (d) shall we? (e) aren't I?
64. (a) aren't I? (b) didn't they? (c) won't they? (d) will you? (e) will you?
65. (a) didn't she? (b) will they? (c) don't the? (d) wasn't he? (e) doesn't it?
66. (a) wasn't he? (b) aren't they? (c) can we? (d) didn't she? (e) shan't we?
67. (a) aren't they? (b) wasn't it? (c) does it? (d) can we? (e) didn't there?
68. (a) didn't she? (b) was that? (c) isn't it? (d) shan't we? (e) aren't they?
69. (a) wasn't it? (b) wasn't it? (c) wasn't it? (d) isn't it? (e) didn't it?
70. (a) isn't it? (b) does he? (c) wasn't it? (d) aren't I? (e) don't I?
71. (a) didn't he? (b) shouldn't they? (c) are they? (d) doesn't he? (e) hasn't he?
72. (a) wasn't she? (b) did you? (c) will you? (d) hasn't it? (e) didn't she?
73. (a) doesn't he? (b) should we? (c) hasn't he? (d) mightn't I? (e) didn't he?
74. (a) mustn't they? (b) doesn't it? (c) doesn't he? (d) shall we? (e) could she?
75. (a) aren't they? (b) has she? (c) must they? (d) could they? (e) must they?
76. (a) doesn't it? (b) isn't he? (c) shall we? (d) doesn't it? (e) doesn't it?
77. (a) doesn't she? (b) hasn't he? (c) was it? (d) had he? (e) should we?
78. (a) can't we? (b) will you? (c) shall we? (d) don't they? (e) can't I?
79. (a) doesn't it? (b) aren't they? (c) does she? (d) didn't it? (e) will you?
80. (a) don't they? (b) does she? (c) will you? (d) isn't it? (e) will they?
81. (a) shall we? (b) is it? (c) don't they? (d) didn't it? (e) can't he?
82. (a) isn't he? (b) won't you? (c) doesn't he? (d) will you? (e) doesn't he?
83. (a) did you? (b) won't you? (c) can they? (d) isn't he? (e) shall we?
84. (a) won't he? (b) shall we? (c) didn't there? (d) isn't he? (e) isn't he?
85. (a) aren't I? (b) doesn't it? (c) won't you? (d) can they? (e) isn't it?
86. (a) can they? (b) shall we? (c) don't I? (d) will you? (e) have I?
87. (a) isn't it? (b) does it? (c) does it? (d) don't they? (e) didn't it?
88. (a) did they? (b) didn't she? (c) mustn't we? (d) shall we? (e) will you?
89. (a) doesn't he? (b) did they? (c) oughtn't we? (d) will you? (e) shall we?
90. (a) can they? (b) aren't I? (c) mustn't we? (d) shall we? (e) didn't she?
91. (a) did they? (b) will you? (c) aren't I? (d) don't they? (e) will you?
92. (a) don't they? (b) didn't it? (c) shall we? (d) didn't he? (e) does she?
93. (a) isn't it/ she? (b) aren't I? (c) will you? (d) shall we? (e) don't they?
94. (a) doesn't she? (b) is it? (c) didn't we? (d) isn't it? (e) should you?
95. (a) isn't it? (b) aren't I? (c) don't they? (d) shall we? (e) does she?
96. (a) will you? (b) did they? (c) need you? (d) won't he? (e) aren't I?
97. (a) aren't I? (b) will you? (c) won't she? (d) did he? (e) don't they?
98. (a) didn't he? (b) won't you ? (c) shall we? (d) didn't it? (e) will you?
99. (a) shall I? (b) did they? (c) does it? (d) aren't they? (e) shall he?
100. (a) aren't I? (b) isn't he? (c) can't she? (d) do they? (e) will you?
101. (a) should we? (b) don't they? (c) don't they? (d) shall we? (e) will you?
102. (a) aren't I? (b) can they? (c) do they? (d) will you? (e) isn't there?
103. (a) does it? (b) will you? (c) didn't he? (d) don't they? (e) oughtn't we?
104. (a) didn't they? (b) shall we? (c) oughtn't we? (d) do they? (e) does he?
105. (a) didn't it? (b) won't you? (c) didn't he? (d) oughtn't we? (e) need he?
106. (a) do they? (b) shall we? (c) aren't I? (d) won't you? (e) don't I?
107. (a) do they? (b) mustn't we? (c) will you? (d) won't you? (e) isn't it?
108. (a) can they? (b) shall we? (c) aren't I? (d) won't they? (e) doesn't she?
109. (a) need he? (b) don't they? (c) do I? (d) doesn't it? (e) can't they?
110. (a) can they? (b) shall we? (c) don't I? (d) will you? (e) have I?
111. (a) isn't it? (b) didn't he? (c) won't you? (d) can't she? (e) do they?
112. (a) won't he? (b) doesn't it? (c) will you? (d) did they? (e) will you?
113. (a) shall we? (b) will you? (c) aren't they? (d) does he? (e) shan't we?
114. (a) did they? (b) is there? (c) can't I? (d) have you? (e) will you?
115. (a) don't they? (b) does he? (c) doesn't it? (d) will you? (e) didn't he?
116. (a) does it? (b) isn't he? (c) won't I? (d) shall we? (e) do they?
117. (a) isn't it? (b) isn't it/ she? (c) won't you? (d) have I? (e) didn't they?
118. (a) don't they? (b) did they? (c) will you? (d) oughtn't we? (e) can anyone?
119. (a) don't they? (b) shall we? (c) hadn't he? (d) dare you? (e) aren't I?
120. (a) do they? (b) does she? (c) shall we? (d) oughtn't we? (e) mayn't he?
121. (a) will you? (b) shall we? (c) is it? (d) shouldn't they? (e) didn't he?
122. (a) aren't I? (b) shall we? (c) will you? (d) won't she? (e) doesn't it?
123. (a) shall we? (b) can they? (c) isn't she? (d) doesn't it? (e) will you?
124. (a) will you? (b) will you? (c) didn't it? (d) will you? (e) can't they?
125. (a) oughtn't we? (b) doesn't it? (c) aren't I? (d) doesn't it? (e) does they?
126. (a) doesn't he? (b) need you? (c) won't you? (d) did they? (e) is there?
127. (a) can they? (b) will you? (c) aren't I? (d) shall we? (e) don't I?
128. (a) can they? (b) shall we? (c) didn't he? (d) aren't I? (e) won't he?
129. (a) isn't he? (b) will you? (c) shall I? (d) doesn't it? (e) isn't there?
130. (a) won't she? (b) aren't I? (c) does he? (d) shall we? (e) do they?
131. (a) mustn't we? (b) will you? (c) shall we? (d) did they? (e) didn't she?
132. (a) aren't I? (b) shall we? (c) did they? (d) is there? (e) is it?
133. (a) shouldn't he? (b) do they? (c) isn't it? (d) didn't they? (e) didn't she?
134. (a) do they? (b) isn't it? (c) can he? (d) don't they? (e) don't they?
135. (a) did they? (b) should you? (c) don't they? (d) aren't I? (e) can they?
136. (a) shall we? (b) do I? (c) will you? (d) shan't I? (e) will you?
137. (a) won't they? (b) are you? (c) do I? (d) shan't I? (e) aren't I?
138. (a) don't they? (b) shouldn't we? (c) doesn't it? (d) do they? (e) will you?
139. (a) shall we? (b) aren't I? (c) doesn't it? (d) should they? (e) will you?
140. (a) aren't they? (b) aren't they? (c) will you? (d) shall we? (e) doesn't it?
141. (a) isn't it? (b) did you? (c) shall we? (d) didn't it? (e) does he?
142. (a) wouldn't they? (b) need you? (c) isn't there? (d) isn't it? (e) should you?
143. (a) aren't they? (b) shouldn't we? (c) did they? (d) isn't it? (e) shall we?
144. (a) isn't it? (b) doesn't it? (c) do they? (d) hasn't he? (e) oughtn't we?
145. (a) don't they? (b) aren't they? (c) don't we? (d) don't they? (e) won't it?
146. (a) wouldn't I? (b) aren't there? (c) isn't it? (d) can you? (e) doesn't it?
147. (a) didn't they? (b) won't you? (c) ought we? (d) didn't they? (e) haven't I?
148. (a) isn't it? (b) aren't we? (c) shouldn't we? (d) mayn't we? (e) must we?
149. (a) shall we? (b) will you? (c) wasn't it? (d) didn't it? (e) does he?
150. (a) shall we? (b) do they? (c) don't we? (d) could they? (e) shouldn't they?
151.(a) isn't it? (b) is he? (c) can he? (d) do they? (e) mustn't we?
152. (a) wasn't it? (b) don't they? (c) don't they? (d) can he? (e) do they?
153. (a) mustn't you? (b) didn't he? (c) wasn't he? (d) didn't they? (e) don't they?
154. (a) are you? (b) can I? (c) can't you? (d) do you? (e) will you?
155. (a) don't they? (b) is it? (c) shouldn't he? (d) must he? (e)-can't he?
156. (a) didn't he? (b) didn't he? (c) wasn't he? (d) don't they? (e) should we?
157. (a) shall we? (b) aren't I? (c) doesn't it? (d) should they? (e) won't you?
158. (a) won't you? (b) have you? (c) should he? (d) isn't it? (e) shall we?
159. (a) aren't they? (b) don't they? (c) do they? (d) won't it? (e) shouldn't we?
160. (a) isn't she? (b) won't she? (c) aren't they? (d) don't they? (e) should she?
161. (a) need you? (b) shall we? (c) did they? (d) hasn't she? (e) doesn't he?
162. (a) are you? (b) do you? (c) oughtn't we? (d) don't they? (e) won't they?
163. (a) aren't we? (b) can we? (c) isn't it? (d) isn't it? (e) shall we?
164. (a) is it? (b) doesn't she? (c) shall we? (d) does he? (e) aren't you?
165. (a) haven't you? (b) don't they? (c) oughtn't we? (d) didn't you? (e) isn't it?
166. (a) aren't you? (b) can I? (c) haven't you? (d) hasn't he? (e) can't he?
167. (a) aren't I? (b) haven't I? (c) do I? (d) doesn't he? (e) shall we?
168. (a) isn't it? (b) hasn't it? (c) hasn't it? (d) can't it? (e) shall we?
169. (a) don't they ? (b) should he ? (c) oughtn't we ? (d) hasn't there ? (e) shall we ?
170. (a) aren't they ? (b) don't they? (c) doesn't he ? (d) doesn't it ? (e) can't He ?
171. (a) don't you (b) haven't I? (c) aren't they ? (d) aren't you ? (e) will you ?
172. (a) mustn't there ? (b) aren't you ? (c) can I (d) don't I? (e) Aren't I ?
173. (a) didn't it (b) haven't you ? (c) aren't I ? (d) won’t it? (e) will you ?
174. (a) didn't I (b) are we? (c) don't you? (d) aren't I? (e) aren't you?
175. (a) didn't there ? (b) didn't he ? (c) could he ? (d) hadn't he ? (e) didn't it ?
176. (a) wasn't he ? (b) didn't he ? (c) didn't he ? (d) wasn't he ? (e) shouldn't we ?
177. (a) aren't you ? (b) isn't it (c) aren't they ? (d) should you ? (e) will you ?
178. (a) wasn't there ? (b) usedn't he (c) wasn't it ? (d) didn't they ? (e) didn't he ?
179. (a) didn't we ? (b) aren't there ? (c) doesn't he ? (d) hasn't it ? (e) can it ?
180. (a) can it ? (b) will you ? (c) isn't it ? (d) hadn't we (e) isn't it ?
181. (a) don't they ? (b) is it ? (c) shouldn't he ? (d) must he ? (e) can't he ?
182. (a) didn't he ? (b) shall we ? (c) is he ? (d) isn't it ? (e) isn't she ?
183. (a) have you ? (b) won't I ? (c) isn't it ? (d) hasn't he (e) won't it?
184. (a) aren't they ? (b) aren't they ? (c) can we ? (d) shall we ? (e) shouldn't they ?
185. (a) isn't she ? (b) isn't it ? (c) does it ? (d) can you ? (e) isn't she ?
186. (a) hasn't he ? (b) isn't he ? (c) wasn't he ? (d) should they ? (e) will he ?
187. (a) don't we ? (b) is she ? (c) don't they ? (d) is it ? (e) can't they ?
188. (a) don't they ? (b) hasn't it ? (c) aren't there ? (d) isn't it ? (e) oughtn't we ?
189. (a) don't I ? (b) shall we ? (c) hadn't I (d) is it ? (e) mustn't they ?
190. (a) aren't you (b) won't you (c) hasn't it? (d) shouldn't they? (e) shall we?
191. (a) don't you ? (b) is it (c) haven't we ? (d) can they ? (e) shall we ?
192. (a) doesn't she ? (b) will you (c) is this ? (d) mustn't she ? (e) shall we ?
193. (a) don't they ? (b) can we ? (c) doesn't it ? (d) is it ? (e) will you ?
194. (a) aren't there? (b) doesn't one? (c) doesn't one? (d) mustn't you? (e) won't you?
195. (a) haven't you ? (b) isn't there ? (c) didn't it ? (d) aren't you ? (e) mayn't it?
196. (a) don't you ? (b) hadn't you ? (c) shan't 1 (d) won't you ? (e) aren't I?
197. (a) don't we ? (b) can you ? (c) isn't it ? (d) can't you (e) doesn't it ?
198. (a) isn't it ? (b) haven't you ? (c) aren't there ? (d) aren't they ? (e) shall we ?
199. (a) aren’t they? (b) didn’t it? (c) isn’t it? (d) didn’t she? (e) didn’t I?
200. (a) wasn’t he? (b) haven’t we? (c) didn’t he? (d) can’t he? (e) won’t it?

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