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telling the time


Play- What's the time Mr Wolf?

Students stand against the back wall of the classroom, I stand at the white board as the 'wolf' with my
back turned to them. Students ask me 'what's the time Mr Wolf?' I will answer 'three o'clock', students
must take steps towards me but only as many as I say the time is. At any point of the game I can say
'dinner time' which means students must run to the back of the room again and I must try to 'tag' a
person who then beomes Mr Wolf.


• o'clock
• quarter past
• half past
• quarter to
• 5, 10, 20, 25 past
• 5, 10, 20, 25 to
• time
• minute
• hour
• half an hour
• early
• late
• morning
• afternoon
• evening

Rather than individual flashcards I will draw a large clock face on the white board. I will use different
colours to indicate the different morning, afternoon and evening by putting a coloured dot next to each
number. E.g. all numbers will have a morning dot, 12-5 will have an afternoon dot and 6-11 will have an
evening dot.
I will also write down and explain:
9 in the evening--> 7 in the morning = sleep
8 in the morning --> half past 3 in the afternoon = school
5 in the afternoon --> 6 in the evening = football
6 in the evening --> go home


What is the time?

Do you know what the time is?
What time is lunch/football?
Make sure you come to class on time

I will draw the time on my clock and students must tell say the time
Fern has a dance lesson at ______
The next bus to Sukhothai is at _______
I went to sleep very late last night! It was _______
Aoy has a to see the dentist today. He will see the dentist at ________
________ is a good time to eat lunch.


Have students write down what time they

• wake up
• eat breakfast
• sing the national anthem
• go to sleep


Two teams. I will draw a large clock on the board with no hands. I will say a time and a student from
team one must come up and draw the time, then a student from team two. Every time they get it right
they win a point for their team.

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