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Cassidy Carmichael

OGL 357

11 July 2023

Organizational Assessment Reflection Paper Level 2

Level two of the organizational assessment simulation helped me understand that we

need to be providing an optimal environment for our team to help build a game plan for an

assessment that is effective and timely. To create that environment, we need to ensure that we are

diverse in our team. Being diverse in our team will help us be able to broaden our horizons and

bring in strengths from many different places. Even though I knew how important diversity is, it

was helpful to me in level two to understand some more reasons as to why it’s so important. Just

because someone may not be as experienced in the field that doesn’t mean they won’t be able to

bring something to the table. Having a team with different skills in different areas is so important

to ensuring you have diversity and will only help you in the end.

The scenarios within this level made a lot more sense to me than the previous level. I got

every single question correct, along with earning all of the bonus points. I was surprised by this

level in a way because a lot of the questions, especially the ones about other team members kind

of came off as very negative. I know negativity can be very common within a workplace, so that

is probably why it was included. At the end of this level I really liked how they put so much

emphasis on the importance of being diverse and how even having someone with little skills but

high emotional intelligence can still bring so much to your team, one size doesn’t always fit all!
A way I can implement what I learned in this week’s simulation into my job is to help

create a diverse team that can bring many skills. I am not in charge of hiring people for my

current job but, since I am a shift lead, I am someone who people look up to as a leader. Since I

have a team of people who look up to me, I always try to lead by example along with learning

everyone's strengths so they can thrive but also learning their weaknesses so I can help them

improve! In chapter two of our text, there is a section about culture. Culture is our habits or the

norms of a company that are unwritten standards within the workplace (Perkins, L. N., Valerdi,

R., Nightingale, D., & Rifkin, S, 2010, pg 35). Culture helps create the standard and if people

aren’t meeting that standard you can help them improve so that they meet what you are looking

for, or you can remove them and find someone who is meeting those standards. We have a great

culture at my job, we have many customers who give us compliments and it makes us feel like

we are doing all of the right things!


Perkins, L. N., Valerdi, R., Nightingale, D., & Rifkin, S. (2010). Organizational Assessment

Models for Enterprise Transformation. Lean Advancement Initiative, Massachusetts Institute of


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