Ogl 357 Project Overview Culminating Project Milestone One 7

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Brittanie Braggs

Dr. Paula Veach

OGL 357
July 23, 2023

Project Overview/Culminating Project: Milestone Two

To supply the team with effective and engaging training material, I propose a dynamic

and interactive approach through Technology Training. My presentation will focus on

Organizational Assessment, and I will ensure clarity and conciseness by gathering key points and

delivering them in a classroom setting.

To capture the team's attention and promote active participation, I will intersperse the

presentation with thought-provoking questions and designated reading sections. Additionally, I

will incorporate an interactive video that showcases real-life examples of Organizational

Assessment, enabling the material to be better absorbed.

In developing the training material, I will leverage the available pen tools and resources

to keep the production in-house, eliminating any external fees. This will allow us to maintain

control over the content and customize it to suit our specific needs.

Considering the nature of our business, I plan to create interactive skits or videos that

portray relatable scenarios, enhancing information retention by connecting theory to practice.

To measure the progress of the training, I will employ Summative Assessment methods.

These assessments will depart from traditional approaches and involve engaging mediums such

as podcasts, visual skits, or collaborative group study projects.

Undoubtedly, ensuring all team members actively participate will be a challenging aspect

of the training. However, I will devise strategies and encourage inclusive activities to ensure

everyone's involvement in the learning process. By fostering a collaborative and interactive

environment, we can maximize the training's impact and effectiveness.

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