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I am going to write a article about what series and films are watched by me.

First of all, I would like to say that I love all different types of movies but It is true that I prefer watching
geeker genres, for example Sci-fi, on which you can see space battleships and new animals that live in
other worlds. However, there is another film genre which tells fantasy stories, there you can know the
old world where the Magic existed. This type the films are irreal too.
Secondly, I prefer watching sitcoms when i am tired and i need to laugh. You can watch a group of friend
with a comic life on a sitcom , they are so funny that you can stay in front of the tv during hours.
Thirdly, the love stories are great to watch with your girlfriend, girls usually love these films, although my
wife hates them because she always says that they are boring, she prefers police films. Love films are
based in impossible loves, for example the feeling between a queen and a pedestrian. This genre is very
beautiful and you will can terminate crying.
I wish to finish this article doing a recommendation, the cinema is changing with the time, for this reason
if you like being in the present days, you should watch different genres of films, because you could
discover new likes.

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