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My favorite movie is Zombie Station because in that movie there is a lot of emotion in the

scenes and the characters perform their interpretations very well, therefore at the end of the
movie it is unique.

I think you should be 13 years old to watch those movies but you should have parental
permission because when you watch that movie you should be old enough because
inappropriate events can appear in the movie.

I like to eat the popcorn or also the combo that comes with tatos with cola and a hot dog
because it is usually the cheapest

I think the most I would pay to see that current movie would be 12 dollars because I don't
think I would pay how much to see a movie that I can watch later for cheaper.

I don't remember the name of the movie but I didn't like that movie because it wasn't to my
taste and all the scenes weren't interesting since they made jokes without a joke and I stopped
watching it instantly because it wasn't for me.

I like action and horror movie genres because they are entertaining and when I watch it, it
amuses me to see the suspense and action of the movie, but it also sometimes scares me
because there are scenes that can make me scared

I think that children should watch children's movies where they can learn new things such as
learning to speak, to read, letters, the alphabet since today there are many movies that teach
us about that, therefore children should watch that and not horror movies since when they go
to sleep they will not be able to sleep and they will be afraid

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