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Members: Juan Forttini, Sebastian Tejada, Sebastian Ramos

Prewriting: Listing

Public transportation must be free for all university students


- University students make a public impact on public transportation.

- Public transportation affects the economy of students.

Financial shortage
- Most of University students don’t have a lot of money to support it
- University students spend most of their money in tools about his career
- University students will be stressed about money if they pay the public

● Using public transport instead of private vehicles could reduce the traffic
● Help to reduce the carbon footprint
● Promote a sustainable transport for the environment

Public transportation must be free for all university students


G1: Most University students don’t have a lot of money to support it.
G2: Promote sustainable transport for the environment.
G3: University students will be stressed about money if they pay for public

University students would spend 1700 dollars per year on public transportation.

Thesis Statement:
Even when public transportation generates economic losses and stress on the part
of low-income students in my opinion, therefore, it should be free for all university
students and the possibilities of future for students because university students have
lack of money in the financial resources and

A: University students have lack of money in the financial resources

1. SI1: Most University students don’t have a lot of money to support it.
Det: The majority of university students don't work in a formal job
Expl: University students don’t have experiences about how is to work in a job
and they have money that their parents gives them
Exa: A university student usually is take care about the degree so they don’t
work in a job to earn money

2. SI2: University students spend most of their money in tools about his career
Det: They usually buy things related to their degree
Expl: The university usually asks you for complementary things throughout
your career that will help and facilitate learning.
Exa: The professors ask you for a calculator, papers, tools and mockups. The
university students spend the most of their money on these types of things for
the university.
3. SI3: University students will be stressed about money if they pay the public
Det: If the university students take care about the money they woulb invest,
they wouldn’t pay attention their degrees
Expl: They won’t focus on studies, if they are overthinking about their financial
Exa: When university students focus on some things at the same time, they
feel stressed and they are going to achieve bad grades in their courses.

A: Students spend too much on transportation all year round.

SI1: Students choose to save on transportation due to low economic

Det: Students usually spend money on their career things and it becomes
difficult for them
Expl: Students tend to have various stresses regarding paying for public
transportation because it is too excessive for some.
Exa: Students prefer to walk to save public transportation.

4. SI2:

5. SI3: University students will be stressed about money if they pay the public
G2:. Private sustainable buses for university students to reduce the carbon footprint.
1) Work with a company that have electric buses and can provide comfort to the
Det: Know a days we have electric vehicles that have a lot of autonomy
Expl: Some of them use private vehicles to go fast and be comfortable because
public transport is always crowded.
Exa: Private buses with enough sits and air conditioning will make a better option
2) Create and app that show the distance for the next bus
Det: it’s hard to calculate went it going to pass the next bus so with and app you can
track the bus
Expl: Some of them lose the bus but they don’t know went is going to pass the next
one so the take taxis
Exa: Showing them the times and the route of the buses will make them not take
other options.
3) Easy way to travel and faster with special routes
Det: Easy way to travel without paying a expensive cost for the students
Expl: Making special routes will make that student have a faster way


Public transportation has become an economic problem in relation to the constant

lack of resources of university students, affecting families. It is known that university
students spend most of their money on tools for their career and sometimes they do
not have enough money for public transportation.

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