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A Term Paper
Presented By
Khaider ladjahasan isirani
Grade 10 Dagohoy
Zamboanga City

Presented to
Antonio J. Alpechi
Grade 10 Math Teacher

JUNE 13 2023

Dedication ........................................................ 1

Acknowledgement ....................................................2

Summary ........................................................ 3

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Work of Pythagoras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Pythagoras and his triangle ............................................7

Love interest of Pythagoras . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 8

Conclusion ........................................................ 9

Recommendations ................................................... 10

I am eternally grateful to my cherished family and friends, whose unshakable

dedication and encouraging words have been instrumental in defining my educational

journey. Their unshakable faith in my abilities has inspired me to continue exploring the

complex area of juxtaposing imagined and actual numbers. I am grateful to my distinguished

mentor, whose invaluable mentorship and insightful ideas have enlightened my path as I

dived into the rigorous study and creation of this document. This tiny project is dedicated to

all of the extraordinary people who have made significant contributions to my personal

development and scholastic advancement.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the valuable guidance and support I

received from various people during the research and preparation of this thesis. Their

contributions played an important role in shaping the content and structure of this work.

First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my esteemed mentor, Sir

Antonio J. Alpech. His continued encouragement, insightful feedback, and expert guidance

were crucial throughout the research process. Her deep knowledge and expertise in the field

of mathematics contributed greatly to my understanding of this issue. I would also like to

thank the faculty members of the Department of Mathematics for their tireless efforts in

teaching and their active participation in intellectual discussions. Your efforts to foster an

environment of scientific inquiry have greatly enhanced my understanding of imaginary and

real numbers.

I would also like to thank my classmates and friends for their constant support and

stimulating discussions. Your perspectives and insights played an important role in refining

my ideas and strengthening my arguments.

Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my family for their constant

support and encouragement throughout my studies. Her unwavering belief in my abilities has

been a constant source of motivation for me and I am truly grateful for her presence in my


The influence of mathematics on Ancient Greek architecture is a fascinating topic that

highlights the advanced knowledge and innovative thinking of the Greeks. This body of

research will explore the various ways in which mathematics played a crucial role in shaping

the architectural achievements of ancient Greece.

1. Proportions and Harmonic Ratios:

Ancient Greek architects believed in the concept of harmony and sought to create

buildings that were aesthetically pleasing and balanced. Mathematics, particularly the study

of proportions and harmonic ratios, greatly influenced their design principles. The Golden

Ratio, also known as the Divine Proportion, was employed extensively in Greek architecture.

This mathematical concept, represented by the ratio 1:1.618, was believed to reflect perfect

beauty and was used to determine the dimensions of various architectural elements, such as

columns, pediments, and friezes.

2. Geometry and Symmetry:

Geometry played a fundamental role in Ancient Greek architecture. Architects

utilized geometric principles to design and construct buildings with precise measurements

and symmetrical forms. The use of geometry allowed them to create visually appealing

structures that conveyed a sense of balance and order. The most notable geometric shape

employed in Greek architecture was the rectangle, which served as the basis for designing

temples and other significant buildings. Additionally, the use of symmetrical forms, such as

bilateral symmetry, helped achieve architectural harmony and balance.

3. Structural Stability and Engineering:

Mathematics also contributed to the structural stability and engineering prowess of

Ancient Greek architecture. Architects employed mathematical calculations to ensure that

their buildings could withstand various forces, such as earthquakes and heavy loads. The

study of geometry and trigonometry enabled them to calculate angles, measurements, and

weight distributions, ensuring the stability of structures like the Parthenon. Mathematical

principles guided the placement of columns, the architrave, and other load-bearing elements,

ensuring the long-lasting durability of the buildings.

4. Acoustics and Theater Design:

Greek theaters, renowned for their exceptional acoustics, were designed with careful

consideration of mathematical principles. The placement and design of the seating tiers, the

shape of the orchestra, and the arrangement of the stage all incorporated mathematical

calculations to optimize sound projection and amplify the actors' voices. By utilizing precise

mathematical techniques, architects were able to create theaters that provided excellent sound

quality, allowing large audiences to hear performances clearly without the use of modern

amplification systems.

5. Urban Planning and City Design:

In addition to individual buildings, mathematics influenced the planning and design of

entire cities in ancient Greece. City layouts were often based on a grid system, with streets

intersecting at right angles. This grid pattern, known as the Hippodamian plan, facilitated

efficient navigation and land allocation. It also reflected the Greeks' appreciation for order

and geometry, ensuring that cities were organized and visually pleasing.

Ancient Greek architecture is renowned for its harmonious proportions, structural

innovation, and timeless beauty. Behind these remarkable achievements lies a deep

connection between mathematics and architecture in ancient Greece. This connection

influenced the design and construction of temples, public buildings, and even entire cities. By

exploring the ways in which mathematics influenced Ancient Greek architecture, we can gain

a deeper understanding of the genius of ancient Greek architects and the enduring impact of

their architectural legacy.

In this term paper, we will delve into the intricate relationship between mathematics

and Ancient Greek architecture. We will examine how mathematical principles and concepts

influenced various aspects of architectural design, including proportions, geometry, and

structural stability. Additionally, we will explore the philosophical and cultural factors that

contributed to the integration of mathematics into architectural practice.

For the most part, straightedge and compass constructions dominated ancient Greek

mathematics and most theorems and results were stated and proved in terms of geometry. The

straightedge is an idealized ruler that can draw arbitrarily long lines but (unlike modern

rulers) it has no markings on it. A compass can draw a circle starting from two given points:

the center and a point on the circle. Thus a straightedge is used to construct lines while

compasses are used to construct circles.

Geometric constructions using lines, such as those formed by the straightedge of a

taut rope, and circles, such as those formed by a compass or by a straightedge (such a taut
rope) rotated around a point, were also used outside of the Mediterranean region. The Shulba

Sutras from the Vedic period of Indian mathematics, for instance, contains geometric

instructions on how to physically construct a (quality) fire-altar by using a taut rope as a

straightedge. These alters could have various shapes but for theological reasons, they were all

required to have the same area. This consequently required a high precision construction

along with (written) instructions on how to geometrically construct such alters with the tools

that were most widely available throughout the Indian subcontinent (and elsewhere) at the

time. Ancient Greek mathematicians went one step further by axiomatizing plane geometry in

such a way that straightedge and compass constructions became mathematical proofs.

Euclid's Elements was the culmination of this effort and for over two thousand years, even as

late as the 19th century, it remained the "standard text" on mathematics throughout the

Mediterranean region (including Europe and the Middle East), and later also in North and

South America after European colonization.

Ancient Greek mathematicians possessed remarkable problem-solving abilities, even

tackling polynomial equations using straightedge and compass constructions. Their methods

not only provided solutions but also offered geometric proofs to verify the correctness of

those solutions. These constructions involved the measurement of specific line segments or

other quantities to determine the answer. For instance, the square of a quantity, such as 5

multiplied by 5 (5 x 5), was visually represented as a literal square with sides of length 5.

This is why the mathematical expression "x squared" (x^2 = x * x) in modern parlance refers

to raising a number to the second power.

While these techniques allowed ancient Greek mathematicians to solve certain

instances of algebraic problems, they did not possess a comprehensive system for solving

polynomial equations in general. It was not until much later, with the work of Muhammad
ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi in his treatise "The Compendious Book on Calculation by

Completion and Balancing," that a systematic guide for solving low-order polynomial

equations emerged. Al-Khwarizmi drew upon Greek geometry to prove the correctness of his

solutions, which were presented in the form of ordinary sentences rather than using algebraic

symbols. This rhetorical approach, devoid of algebraic notation, distinguished it from later

syncopated algebra found in works like Arithmetical.

The mathematical contributions of ancient Greek mathematicians, though not fully

encompassing algebra in its modern form, demonstrated their prowess in solving algebraic

problems within specific contexts. Their use of geometric constructions and proofs

exemplified the interconnectedness between mathematics and architecture, which we will

further explore in the context of Ancient Greek architecture in this term paper.

By studying this topic, we can appreciate the intellectual sophistication and ingenuity

of the ancient Greeks in bridging the realms of mathematics and architecture. Furthermore,

we can gain insights into the lasting impact of their architectural principles, which continue to

inspire and influence contemporary architectural design. Through the exploration of primary

sources, scholarly research, and examples of architectural masterpieces, we will uncover the

fascinating interplay between mathematics and Ancient Greek architecture, shedding light on

the significance of this relationship for both ancient and modern architectural practices.

Ancient Greek architecture was strongly influenced by mathematics, and the work of

Pythagoras played a significant role in this regard. Pythagoras was a Greek mathematician

and philosopher who lived around the 6th century BCE. His mathematical discoveries,

particularly the Pythagorean theorem, had a profound impact on the field of architecture.

The Pythagorean theorem states that in a right-angled triangle, the square of the length

of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the

other two sides. This theorem provided a fundamental understanding of the relationships

between different lengths and proportions, and it became a cornerstone of Greek architectural


One application of the Pythagorean theorem in architecture is evident in the design of

temples and other buildings. The ancient Greeks sought to create harmonious and balanced

structures, and they believed that mathematical principles were essential in achieving this

aesthetic ideal. The Pythagorean theorem allowed architects to determine precise

measurements and proportions for the construction of columns, walls, and other architectural


The Greeks also employed mathematical concepts such as ratios and geometric

principles to design their buildings. The most famous example is the Golden Ratio, which is a

mathematical proportion that is aesthetically pleasing to the human eye. It is believed that the

Greeks utilized the Golden Ratio extensively in their architectural designs to create visually

balanced and proportionate structures.

In addition to Pythagoras, other Greek mathematicians and philosophers, such as

Euclid and Archimedes, also made significant contributions to the development of

mathematical principles in architecture. Their work expanded upon the understanding of

geometry, measurement, and proportion, which further influenced the architectural style of

ancient Greece.


Ancient Greek architecture was heavily influenced by mathematics, and one of the

key mathematical principles that influenced it was the Pythagorean theorem. The

Pythagorean theorem, attributed to the ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras, states that in

a right-angled triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right

angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

The application of the Pythagorean theorem in architecture allowed the Greeks to

create buildings with precise proportions, harmonious ratios, and balanced aesthetics. It

influenced various aspects of Greek architectural design, including the layout and dimensions

of buildings, the positioning of columns, and the proportions of various architectural


One notable example is the widespread use of the Golden Ratio, which is derived

from the Fibonacci sequence and closely related to the Pythagorean theorem. The Golden

Ratio is a mathematical ratio of approximately 1.618, believed to create aesthetically pleasing

proportions. It is found in numerous Greek architectural structures, such as the Parthenon in

Athens, where the dimensions of the building follow the Golden Ratio.
The Pythagorean theorem also influenced the design and construction of Greek

temples. The placement of columns and the spacing between them were often determined by

geometric principles derived from the theorem. For example, the columns of the ancient

Greek Doric order were arranged in a precise manner using a ratio derived from the

Pythagorean theorem, resulting in a harmonious visual effect.

Furthermore, the Pythagorean theorem influenced the use of symmetry and geometric

patterns in Greek architecture. The Greeks believed in the idea of cosmic order and sought to

reflect this order in their architectural designs. By using mathematical principles, such as the

Pythagorean theorem, they were able to achieve a sense of balance, harmony, and proportion

in their buildings.


Ancient Greek architecture was strongly influenced by mathematics, and the

principles established by mathematicians like Pythagoras played a significant role in shaping

the architectural designs and proportions of Greek structures. Here are some key ways in

which mathematics influenced Ancient Greek architecture:

 Proportions and Harmony: The Greeks believed in the concept of harmonious

proportions, which they believed would create aesthetically pleasing and balanced

structures. This concept, known as "symmetria," was influenced by mathematical

principles. The Golden Ratio, a mathematical ratio represented by the number phi

(approximately 1.618), was often used to determine the ideal proportions in

architecture. It was believed to represent perfect harmony and was applied in various
architectural elements such as the overall building proportions, column diameters, and

the relationships between different parts of the structure.

 Geometric Principles: Geometry played a crucial role in Ancient Greek architecture.

Architects used geometric shapes and principles to design and construct their

buildings. The concept of symmetry was highly valued, and shapes such as squares,

rectangles, circles, and triangles were widely employed in architectural designs. For

example, the Doric order of columns, one of the three classical orders of Greek

architecture, was based on simple geometric shapes.

 Pythagorean Theorem: The Pythagorean Theorem, attributed to the mathematician

Pythagoras, states that in a right-angled triangle, the square of the length of the

hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the

other two sides. This theorem had practical applications in architecture, particularly in

determining the proportions and angles of triangles in construction. It allowed

architects to ensure the stability and balance of structures, especially in designing

roofs and triangular pediments.

 Optimal Structural Design: The Greeks sought to create efficient and structurally

sound buildings. Mathematics provided them with tools to calculate and optimize

structural elements such as arches, columns, and roof spans. By understanding

mathematical principles, architects could determine the appropriate dimensions and

ratios to ensure stability and minimize material use.


In conclusion, mathematics played a crucial role in shaping Ancient Greek

architecture. The principles of mathematics, particularly those established by mathematicians

like Pythagoras, influenced various aspects of architectural design, including proportions,

harmony, geometry, and structural stability. The Pythagorean theorem, with its application in

determining the proportions and angles of triangles, had a significant impact on the

construction of Greek buildings. The use of mathematical concepts such as the Golden Ratio

and geometric principles allowed architects to create visually balanced and harmonious

structures. Additionally, mathematics played a role in optimizing structural design and

ensuring the stability and durability of buildings. The integration of mathematics and

architecture in ancient Greece exemplifies the Greeks' appreciation for order, harmony, and

the pursuit of aesthetic beauty.


To further explore the influence of mathematics on Ancient Greek architecture, it

would be valuable to examine specific architectural examples in more detail. Analyzing the

dimensions, proportions, and geometric relationships of famous structures like the Parthenon

or the Temple of Hephaestus would provide concrete evidence of the mathematical principles

employed by Greek architects. Additionally, investigating the role of other mathematicians

and philosophers, such as Euclid and Archimedes, in the development of mathematical

principles in architecture would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the subject.

Furthermore, exploring the cultural and philosophical beliefs that underpinned the Greeks'

integration of mathematics and architecture would offer insights into the broader context in

which these architectural achievements occurred.

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