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Who Knows The Secrets?

by: Faise One

Thy cup runneth over. You, as a people, have outgrown this
synthetic world that these psychopathic beings have built up around
you. You want to know the answers to the questions that they can’t
even factually answer without revealing the untold sacreds (secrets)
to you. This means that when you step forward with the A.S.K., the
ask, seek and knock aura, those who possess the answers to those
questions you ask, the whereabouts of that which you seek to find
and the keys to those doors upon which h you knock would have to
tell you the truth at this point in time, because you’ve simply no true
room for fallacy.

Even the sacred societies are having trouble, as a whole, keeping

those sacreds sacred, because there are no secrets. That’s the
secret. It is known, that the Devil’s system has collapsed. His
recorded 6,000-year rule is UP. Now is the time to emerge from the
Shadows, into the Sun. Out of the Darkness, into the Light. This is the
true meaning of a National/International Emergency.

In the travelers’ order, which is known to the public as masonry or

more specifically Freemasonry, there’s a very clear Overstanding of
the darkness and the light, or the yin and the yang, or the dual nature
of all that exists. This duality is referenced within the book
The Kybalion: Chapter X: Polarity
where it reads:

"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its

pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are
identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all
truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."

This is speaking on the 4th Hermetic Principle, The Principle of

Polarity. The word “Hermetic” comes from the name Hermès, also
known as Thoth. Thoth, or Tehuti, introduced the sciences to
mankind that we still have available for our exploration to this day,
through which the Masons carry out all of their works.
“Built I the Great Pyramid, patterned after the pyramid of earth
force, burning eternally so that it, too, might remain through the
ages. In it, my knowledge of ‘Magic-Science' so that it might be
here when again I return from Amenti. Aye, while I sleep in the
Halls of Amenti, my soul roaming free will incarnate, dwell
among men in this form or another.” – Emerald Tablet 1

He, Thoth, spoke and wrote often about polarity, or duality, or

polar equals and opposites, or darkness and light.

"Look in thy life for disorder, balance and order thy life, quell all
the Chaos of emotions and thou shalt have order in LIFE. ORDER
brought forth from CHAOS will bring thee the WORD of the
SOURCE, will give thee the power of CYCLES, and make of thy Soul
a force, that free, will extend through the ages, a perfected SUN from
the SOURCE."

It is the popular saying of the Masons that expresses:

Order out of Chaos.

The Bible and the Quran also steer the mind toward that reality.
In the Bible:

Isaiah 45:7

“Eye form the light, and create darkness:

Eye make peace, and create evil:
Eye the LORD do all these things.”
Think of the idea of The YAHWEH, Meaning Good and Evil.

The Lord God mentioned in Genesis that there was a YAHWEH,

and so were the other beings with him, and they had a full
Overstanding of polarity and what happens when things ultimately
become out of order or when there is potentiality for disorder and
how that potentiality may come about.

Genesis 3:5

For GOD Knows that when you eat from it your eyes shall be opened
and you will be LIKE GOD, knowing GOOD and EVIL

So even if there existed no knowledge or scholarship on the

WORD or NAME, YAHWEH, being Good and Evil, they can find that
in Genesis 3:5 that whoever the beings were who were walking in the
Garden at least had the KNOWLEDGE of Good and Evil.

(This was the fore bitten fruit, forbidden meaning not to be

touched but also fore bitten meaning bitten before meaning
someone already knew what it was and what it yielded.)

Refer to the QURAN Surah Al-Baqarah

(which means THE COW), which is Chapter 2, Verse 30, and take
note of the words being recorded.

And (remember) as your Lord said to the Angels, "Surely I

am making in the earth a successor." They said, "Will You
make therein one who will corrupt in it and shed blood while
we are the ones who extol with Your praise and call You
Holy?” He said, "Surely I know whatever you do not know."
There was knowledge of the potentiality of corruption even
amongst those angels who stood in the presence of the one called
ALLAH as he presented to them his project to be, namely the
creation of human beings. Eventually, the human beings journeyed
into certain information and sciences presumably prematurely. They
weren’t yet ready to know these things or to become like God, and
therefore preventive measures were taken to keep them from
touching the tree of life, which could have been even more
detrimental to the order of things.

And so it was written and Overstood that on that day they stepped
down from being ELOHIM to being simply YAHWEHS.

(Good AND Evil)

These Yahwehans could live forever and according to the story

they didn’t want Adam to touch the tree of life after having consumed
the “forbidden fruit.” (This means that the “thou shalt surely die,” part
did not prove to be true, because if they were allowed to eat of the
tree, they could’ve lived forever.)

Genesis 2:17

But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil thou shall not eat of it,
for in the day that thou eat thereof thou shalt SURELY die.

(Surely- Emphasizes the speakers firm BELIEF that what they are
saying is true)

The word “day” was also already established as a short period of

time, separated from the night. The LIGHT was called (day) and the
DARKNESS was called (night). We can see this to this day, and we
do Overstand that 1 year is roughly 365 days. Adam living to be 930
years old means he did NOT die IN the day that he ate of the tree of
good and evil. He also COULD HAVE lived FOREVER if he were
allowed access to the Tree Of Life
Genesis 6:5-6

“And God saw the **wickedness**....

(This means that whatever beings were in the Garden also had
wickedness in them, refer back to 3:22)
...of the human race had become on the earth, and that every
inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was evil continuously.”
They, the human race at that time, had become imbalanced and
disorderly. They were moving in evil, continuously, without good.

Genesis 6:11

The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with

In the Quran, Chapter 51 verse 49 it was said, regarding “polarity”:

“And of every thing We have created pairs: That ye may receive


The universe as we know it operates within the realm of polarity.

Polarity is not to be mistaken with equality. This just means that if a
plus exists, then so does a minus. However, there can be disorder, or
imbalance, and there can be an overage of pluses and or minuses,
which could have a chaotic outcome. That chaos is the disorder.

The purpose of acquiring “higher knowledge” is to bring the

chaotic mind, which is the world within, to “order,” hence being able
to reflect that order onto the world without. Revisit the saying:

Out of Chaos, Order.

Order out of Chaos
Now do you see why the major groups and organizations are
called “orders?” When there is order there is balance. There is
something called the Chaos Theory which is rooted in the philosophy
that is “determinism.” According to that philosophy all events that
occur are the results of events that have occurred prior. This is where
people get the “Everything happens for a reason” phrase. This is
true, to an extent. All things do happen for a reason. However, the
human mind is powerful beyond what most people have ever thought
or were taught was possible.

Free Will allows for human beings to choose to operate within

order or within chaos. It’s important that we remember that because
of this we must remain vigilant of the constant battle between chaos
and disorder and balance and order. That isn’t to say that one is
Good or Bad, because both are dependent upon circumstance.

Who’s receiving?
Who’s emitting.

Eye only brought up Free Will to show you how even in the
Overstanding of who we are, there’s a polarity that exists there also.

Let’s explore more of the sciences of polarity, also known as the

Yin and the Yang. When you look at the symbol of Yin and Yang
itself, you’ll see two numbers, which are the 6 and the 9. These two
numbers together make up the sacred number of 69. In regards to
the dual nature of human beings you have your “God” version of self
and you have your “Animal” version of self. One of these versions will
lead you to the salvation, which is to the Most High. The other will
lead you to the destruction, which is the Most Low.


Do you recall when the elders used to tell the upcoming youth, or
young adults, to be cautious of thinking with the “wrong head?” This
was mostly said to the young men, although it applies to everyone.
The wrong head would be the reproductive organs, or the penis. The
right head would be the brain, or the actual “head.”
Often times when we as human beings move on lust, or think with
the wrong head, we find ourselves in trouble that we might have
otherwise avoided. This was a warning to be heeded by the wise,
although all would have benefited from listening to those words. We
can choose our higher self, or we can choose our lower self. By
higher and lower, I’m speaking about our frequency. In order to
“ascend”, we must raise it up, to activate more of the LOVE and
LIGHT, from the Pineal Gland, and Less of the Desires of Flesh,
from the Pituitary Gland.

Rev: 14:4
“...for these were the virgins.”


Do you see why Eye linked Nun to Nine? It is the Nuns who are
said to seek the preservation of their virtuosity so as to not fall
victim to the temptations of the flesh or of the world, “saving”
themselves for the LORD, which is also the higher ranking
position in the line of creation.

The Most High, or the highest when it comes to the dual nature of
humanity, or more specifically for visualization purposes, the Yin and
Yang, the 6 and the 9, is the number 9. Thoth/Tehuti speaks on the
number 9 in the Emerald Tablet 9.

“Nine are the interlocked dimensions, and

nine are the cycles of space, nine are the
diffusions of consciousness, and nine are
the worlds within worlds, aye, nine are the
Lords of the cycles that come from above
and below.”
This number is the highest number known to mankind. Every other
number exists as one or multiple numbers below the number 9.

Example: 2+3 = 23

Here’s the numerology of the words Free and Masonry, which

gives you the word Freemasonry.

Free= 6+9+5+5 = 25 = 7
Masonry= 4+1+1+6+5+9+7 = 33

(Numerology: Translating letters to numbers based off of the

characters in the alphabet of focus. The letter “A” would be
equivalent to 1, the letter “B”, 2. Any numbers after nine are
added together to get back to the original numbers of 1-9. An
example would be as shown above. We solved the word “Free”
and ended up with the number 7 after having calculated the sum
of 6,9,5 and 5. That sum was 25. 25 comes after the number 9
and so we add the 2 and the 5 together and we get the number 7.
You see?)

The First two letters translated to numerological numbers of the word

FREE are 6 and 9. Interesting coincidence, wouldn’t you agr33? After
you add up the letters of the word “Masonry“ you arrive at the
number 33. Most people are under the impression that there are 33
degrees of Masonry. This is a hidden code within itself.

3 and 3 when added gives you the number 6.

3 and 3 when multiplied gives you the number 9.

There are deeper sciences to explore about the misconception of

the number 33 and the actuality of the number 25. When a Mason
becomes a “25th degree” he arrives at a point where he is charged
with the task of RECREATION and REFORMATION. He then
continues on in his honorary studies after he is recreated.
(Re-Created // Ra or Ray= The Sun)
Interestingly enough the 25th Law of Power also teaches about
the power of RECREATION. Why recreation? Look at that number,
25. The number 25 or 2+5 is that “Free” word from earlier, which we
add up to be 7. 7 is the number of completion, not 33 which would be

(You can, however, add the 7 and the 6 together and find the
number 13 hidden in “Free Masonry”. Yes, 13 is also a
significant number in the order.
13 is the letter “B” when you pull the 1 and the 3 together. This B
represents the actual Bee. The Bee is known for its honeycomb
hive, which is likened unto a pyramid. Now you may Overstand
why there are 13 levels on the pyramid on the dollar Bill. It may
also dawn on you that during the construction of the corporation
that is “America” there were originally 13 colonies. Bees also
have “colonies”. You see?)

But how many actual degrees of Masonry are there until your
travels as you began them are complete and you continue as a new
being? That would be 25. Which, again, is the number 7.

(In all actuality there are 3. 5-2=3)

Seven is an important number when it comes to many things. Think

back on Genesis 1:1 where it reads: “In the beginning God created
the heavens and the Earth.” What’s the 7th word? Heaven. On
what day is it said that he, “God”, rested?

Genesis 2:2-4
“And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made;
and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had
And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in
it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.”
Ponder this question; “How does one become a Mason, or a
traveler?” If you know a Mason personally, and don’t know this
answer. Pause your reading and call them and ask them. See if they
give you the answer that I’m about to explain further.

Whether you called someone or not, here’s the answer. It’s

encoded. In order to become a Mason, or in order to join the order,


This code isn’t too hard to crack. You may have even seen or
heard it already somewhere before. What does it mean?


This means if you want to be one, “one” being a Mason, you have
to ask one. That word A.S.K. is an acronym that stands for: and the answers will be given

S.eek and you will find
K.nock and the doors will be opened

So why is 2B1A1 important? When you replace the “B” and the “A”
with their equivalent numerical value you’ll end up with 5 numbers:


That 7, if you were to draw it out perpendicularly, would be an

upside down right angle, or an “L”. That Right Angle is the

foundation of all buildings. Without the building being set on a proper
foundation, the establishment thereof would surely crumble. That
right angle is also 90 degrees, which is 9+0, which is 9.
Do you see? Even within the number 7 is a science that leads you to
the supreme number, which holds the highest numerical value in the
universe known to man.
Do with this information what you will. Here’s something to think
about. “The people in the dark think they can see, and the people
with the light can see, but they’ve the false light. The people with
the true light can see all.”
This is a quote of my own. Read it over and realize how polarity
even applies to realities we may think we already Overstand.

All of these things have been previously encoded and decoded

way before this day in time. That which is the TRUE light must shine
in this day. Another KEY principle of every order is Ma’at, which is
TRUTH or JUSTICE. Ma’at in the Islamic world is often translated into
Jihad, which is a physical or spiritual struggle against injustice.

The Quran speaks on how injustices and impartiality WILL NOT

be tolerated in the Surat Ghafir (the Forgiver), which is Chapter 40
verse 17. It spoke of how in that DAY every soul will be recompensed
for what it earned, no injustice today, Allah is swift in account. The
TRUTH has to come out in this day in time especially.

False: manifests in the “physical”.

Truth: manifests in the “spiritual”.

Remember that you CANNOT LIE to yourself. YOU CANNOT LIE TO


The School of Islam teaches:


You are your best master.

You are the judge of the judged
You are that you are. This is the truth.
In EXODUS 3:14 of the Bible, Moses was asking who he was
supposed to say to the Israelites had sent him and the answer
was “Tell them Eye am that Eye am.” It’s the connectivity to the
divine, the source, the Most High, the TRUTH that actually
FREES you.
(John 8:32: You shall know the truth and the truth shall make
you free)

Take this note: There were three Israelites (Rubin, Simon, and
Levi). They all wanted the secrets (sacreds). Levi received most of
the secrets and set up a priesthood and set up the brotherhood of
Leviathan. They knew all of the Egyptian laws but they didn’t have the

These were hidden in the 9th kingdom.

Certain secret or sacred words came from the moors. The indigenous
people were taught by the moors who came up from Senegal to


The moors brought them into the brotherhoods and taught them
certain sacreds. They were taught to square off their actions and
round off their deeds. Pay attention to those words, square and
round, because they both hold the same amount of “degrees”, which
is 360 degrees, or 3+6=9. These sacreds showed them how to walk
“upright”, or to be of the 9 and not of the 6.

This is the transformation from man to God. Or from animal to

God. Let’s see what happens when we break down the word MASON
into two parts.

Ma- Ma, which is Matr, Mother.

Son- Which is the Sun, but man.
It’s time for the Matriarch to rise, and for the Patriarch to set. It
was clear that the mothers gave the sacreds to the sons. It’s also
clear that the sons got ahead of themselves and forgot about Divine,
or The Vine, which connects us to all things source, as the umbilical
cord did for us while we were in the womb.

To have respect for the mother is to be worthy of the sacreds.

There should now be an Overstanding that when you’re saying

SECRET society, what you’re actually saying is SACRED society.
There’s another polarity placed on the sword. The “sword” is the

People are literally split between which word is being used, and
therefore their realities are split. Think about it, though. If these were
“secret” societies, would you even know about them?

Come, The Hour. It’s time for people to know the TRUTH. From
1970 to 2,000 Malachi York walked the people who were willing and
capable on a long walk on a short path. It normally takes a lifetime to
become a Christian or a Muslim or a Buddhist, etc.

They took that LONG WALK on that SHORT PATH which means
they collected within 30 years lifetimes worth of information, Eye
myself being born into the information by the information from the
information. Within those 30 years they collected all of that for US
and now I’m here speaking and letting you know it was not in vain!!

Your container is overflowing, Thy cup runneth over. It was YOU

who was keeping the Devil as you call it powerful all along.

The people sought out to live in the image of the devil and by way
of his laws, for the love of him and his money and his lusts and his
delicacies, and now, as a people, they’ve inherited his poison.
This means that our people are walking after Sama El, the fallen
one, (Sama El meaning the Posion Of God) and not too long ago on
the posters in the schools and in the advertisement of the military it
used to say to people: “Uncle SAM wants YOU” pointing directly to

There’s been, for ages, a personal attack on a very specific group

of PERSONS, and not just on the “physical” level, but on the
“spiritual” level as well. “Disembodied” souls roam this planet after
they pass away because they were too material, and they live
through other people. There are also beings who prey on humans
and use them as hosts almost exactly like the movie venom portrays.

Most people have experienced these beings in their lifetime during

something scientists have called “sleep paralysis.”
Adrenaline protects you from those beings telling the Hemoglobin to
call the plasma and tell them to Get READY. The vibrations shoot
through your body, sending a serum throughout your temple.

That’s within your physical and your astral body as you know it.
These disembodied souls try to get within your BLOOD to be able to
stay within this material plane. They wait for people to fall weaker and
weaker. But they can only get in if you invite them in.

One way to help with these occurrences is to stay up until you’re

literally about to fall out and then go to rest so that you aren’t tempted
in the comfort of the habitual to open up these doors like pornography
and consequentially LET THEM IN. These are the beings that move
in the Shadows, or the unseen, and they’re fighting everyday to move
humanity into lower and lower frequencies and vibrations

Another way to protect oneself from these types of beings is to

surround yourself with cleanliness and higher frequencies. Refer to
the movie Venom. Tones that were high enough caused the beings to
detach from their hosts, as they couldn’t withstand those types of
frequencies. Surrounding yourself with tranquility and brighter sounds
and tones will assist in keeping “evil spirits” out of both of your
temples, namely your home and body.
These beings move within the element of Sulfur.

Sulfur on the periodic table reads as having the atomic number:

Atomic number: 16
Atomic mass: 32.065 u
Group: Chalcogen (group 16)

If you add up the number of the Atomic mass of sulfur you get the
number 16 as well.

So that’s:


That last 16 is the group Eye mentioned and that’s the Chalcogen

What does that sound like?


(a Jinn is a being made of fire.)

Do you remember Char Coal? That’s also dealing with an element

that would burn and be used for fire.

Fun Fact: Gunpowder:

Salt Peter

That’s speaking about the elements

(Ella Ments- Tools of the Gods)
The “secret” is that when you speak on the idea of this whole thing
being a spiritual war what you really mean is that this is a MAGICAL
war. That MAGIC has been kept from you for AGES.

You may have the childhood memories of seeing the magician

waving the magic wand over the magic hat, uttering the famous
words “Abracadabra!” and blowing your young mind as they withdrew
a white rabbit from the hat.

TA-DA!! The triumphant double syllable tone would ring out and
there would always be the instinctive reaction of WONDER, which
would lead to the question. “How did you do that?” This question
was followed up with an all too clever answer. “A magician never
reveals his secrets.” The audience is left baffled and amazed, the
“trick” is complete, and the “show” is over, but what’s the meaning
of it all?

And so BOOM. Just like that, you were minding your business as
a living being, you opened this book, you began reading the words up
to this point, and whether or not you actually had childhood memories
of that magician, as you read the words, you IMAGINED the
magician, you imagined the magic wand, you imagined the magic hat,
and you imagined the rabbit. What’s more? You may have even
imagined a stage, a faint blue light, some white gloves on the
magician, and some smoke. What’s the point here?

The point is this: You just witnessed magic. Another word or title
for a magician is an illusionist. The etymology of that
word illusion leads us to the late Latin word illusio which is the
action of mocking. To mock is to mimic. Illusionists specialize in the
manipulation of the perception of the viewer, creating an atmosphere
of light that can be deceiving, where something appears to be “real”
but is only a “play” on the senses.

When you began reading and started to experience the “spelling”

of the words and began to “imagine”, that’s where the magic started.
Look at the word imagine and observe therein the root word image.
In order to fathom an image you must first be able to perceive light.
The image, even within the mind, most appear as some form or
manifestation of light, which is merely a reflection.
Now look at the words magic and imagine and observe the
“mag” within the words. These two words are related both in tone and

Let’s build on the answer to the question “How did you do that?”
which that answer is always “A magician never reveals his secrets.”
Remember that when you hear the word secret you’re in tone
hearing the word sacred. The answer “A magician never reveals
his secrets,” is Masonic in nature. Masons are taught to conceal and
to not utter the secrets or the sacreds. An antonym of the
word conceal is the word reveal. To reveal something is to bring it to
“light“ or into the knowing and to bring it out of the darkness, which is
the unknown.

When the magician pulls the rabbit from the hat after speaking the
words “ABRACADABRA” which comes from the Latin
“avra kehdabra”, meaning “I will create as I speak”, this is symbolic
of the ability to bring things into the light out of the darkness. The
opposite of AVRAKEHDABRA is abbada ke dabra,
which means perish like the word. You may have observed the act
where the magician places a dove in his jacket. This is symbolic of
the ability to bring things out of the light into the darkness.

What the magician won’t tell you is that you too, reader, are a
magician, and that the only separating degree in that regard is your
awareness of that reality. There is nothing that they’re “showing” you
that you aren’t capable of doing. All it begins with is the question.
Remember that it is expressed by the Masons or the Travelers that in
order to become or be one of them all you simply have to do is ask
one of them, or simply “To be one, ask one.” (2b1a1)

This doesn’t mean that because you ask a Mason to become a

mason that they will or are to reveal to you all the sacreds they know,
however they may show you which way to go, that you may begin
your travels as a MAGI, or a wise man/woman which that word wise
partners with the word WIZ, as in the WIZARD OF OZ. Say the word
“Oz”. What does it sound like? When you say the word Oz, you’re
also saying the word “Eyes”. This is how your realm is set up. And so:
Real Eyes
Real Lies
Reel Oz

Magic is all about REALIZATION. What’s even more powerful

than manifestation? Visualization. This is the art of being able to
visualize or realize that that which you wish to manifest is already
here in the realm, it’s merely in the darkness and must be brought to
the light to have the affect on the realm that you will for it to have.

Everything is in the ALL. Meaning everything that

exists is connected. Refer to the 1st law of
thermodynamics. This law expresses that energy
cannot be created nor destroyed and that it can
only be transformed or transferred. Everything in this
reality is energy, and so there are no true separations
except that of specified energetic compositions
through which we imagine and realize our world that
appear to have their own frequency and vibration, yet
they are all connected.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe,

think in terms of energy, frequency and

-Nikola Tesla
Mi casa es su casa. Your house is literally my house,
because both are of the ALL. Both are energy.

Magicians Overstand this completely. When it is said that

something disappears it doesn’t mean that it actually vanishes or
ceases to exist. This isn’t actually possible based off of the 1st law of
thermodynamics as well as that reality that EVERYTHING is
connected. So these illusionists only can cause things to “disappear”
which means to appear not to appear. You see? When your mind
perceives an energetic composition, you access it; you evaluate its
color, its volume, its density, its size, etc. You “realize” the energetic
composition, or the object. If it were to suddenly disappear, the only
thing that is actually happening is you have lost your awareness as to
the whereabouts of that energetic composition or object.

The Magicians that you envision when we speak of magicians or

illusionists are not to be mistaken as the actual alchemists or
sorcerers that have been portrayed in stories such as The Book Of
Abra Merlin, a story of a mage which is another word for a magician
or a magi or a learned person or a wise person or a WIZ.
These alchemists are sorcerers are the ones who are being
mimicked by the illusionists. Both have awareness of LIGHT. One is
working in the Light; one is working in the dark. What does that mean.
The “light” is the natural, easy to explain magic that only requires
the awareness of perception. The “dark” is the supernatural, more
complicated to explain magic that requires much more than an
advanced awareness of perception.

Notice the name of the mage Eye mentioned. “Abra” Merlin

(Abramerlin). Abracadabra. See how these things tie together?
Abramerlin, or Abra, was of wondrous statue. The original sorcerers
or wizards or alchemists would tote these staffs, sticks and scepters
called WANDS. These wands were used as mediums and tools to
pull in and work with the elements. These wielders were Elemental
Sorcerers, meaning they were able to use their mental to lead them
to be able to source the energy of the EL, or the ALL. This simply
means they were EL•CHEMISTS, or chemists of the ALL, which is
the energy of the realm.
Some were able to source their own energy, which is their INNER
CHI, and yield that INNER CHI to interact with the surrounding EL, or
GOD, or ALL, the energy of the realm. These were those and are
those who don’t necessarily even need a wand to work the
WANDERS which do cause others to WONDER or to have that
question, a reality that is mirrored when the magician does his “trick.”
(Do note that word “trick.” Have you ever WONDERED why it
was called a magic “trick”? They’re admitting to tricking your
mind, yet they were able to change the tone and energy
signature of the word “trick” itself, causing one to be perfectly
fine with being “tricked” or “deceived” or “beguiled.”)

It’s extremely important to note that when we speak of the mind

that we aren’t speaking of something that is intangible
or unfathomable at all. Everything that occurs within the mind is
actually recorded physically in the brain. The “mind” itself is also
energy, and the energetic composition that is the brain functions as
the control center for the body through which the mind expresses.
This is important to note because the mind and brain both deal with
the conscious ability to sense the realm, or the ALL. Sensory input
allows for one to record and interpret the energy of the realm.

Even when it comes to information, as you know it, people will ask
you “Does that make sense?” after having shared some information
with you. They’re literally asking if the information in the form of
energy traveling from their mind/brain, through their vocal chords out
of their mouths, through the medium called the air, into your ears and
into your own brain and mind at the speed of thought where it either
resonates to the point of conscious comprehension or it doesn’t. If it
does, we allude that this energy in the form of information has made it
to your senses, or simply, “made sense.”
The realm is to be felt. All things sensory are actually dealing with
one’s ability as a being to “feel” or to consciously realize and interpret
the movement of the realm. Every sense that human beings have
deals with the ability to feel, not just the overly simplified “touch”
aspect as it pertains to the five senses we were taught about in
school or otherwise. For example, when you taste something, once
whatever it is that you’ taste comes in contact with the sensory cells
or microvilli which are the tiny hairs on the tongue, messages are
sent out to your brain that either trigger the “familiar taste” or the “new
taste” realization. All of this happens because the energy was felt
throughout. Energy, in the form of information, when felt, allows for us
to “realize” or “make sense” of all things we come in contact with.

All of these things must be Overstood in order to grasp the

concept of magic. You must be active in your awareness. You must
be able to comprehend the connectivity of all things. You must be
able to comprehend light and it’s functionalities for it is the
comprehension of light that leads one to Overstand how all things are
connected and to even brace the unspoken why all things are
connected. You must also be willing to be an active student of the
realm. The more “learned” you become, the more you will be able to
be one with the ALL, as it is ever changing. (I’ll remind you that the
mages or magicians or the wizards or the wise ones are referred
to as the learned ones.)

Being “woke” is about being actively aware and that means that no
matter what happens or where you are, you will always be in the
position to center yourself. The mantra “Eye am centered” is uttered
in times of stress or confusion. Remember, everything is connected,
and be sure to never believe the lie spoken to you that the world
doesn’t revolve around you.

Your world, the reality you can perceive, literally does revolve
around you. The suffering comes when you step out of your center
and teeter off of your square. It won’t always be easy, because there
are always challenges. Yet, your active awareness will allow for you
to be wise and to adjust.
What does all this have to do with magic? Eye had to first make
sure that before we began our travels we established a strong sense
of what we were actually going to be delving into. It’s neither a goal
nor an intention of mine to ever present to you any hollow or empty
boxes. Eye seek to set you, Reader, on a path that will allow for you
to truly explore these subjects and concepts such as “magic” that you
may at the very least acquire or realize your possession of the tools
necessary to operate within any of these fields with the utmost

The truth, as you might’ve inferred from what was presented

earlier on, is that you are indeed already a magician; it’s only a matter
of whether you realize that. Magic is happening day in and day out
all around you. That’s the “secret.” When you’re traveling down the
roads, streets and highways and you see the big, bright yellow or
“golden” arches of McDonald’s accompanied by the alluring red
background, be it directly or via your peripheral, and you start having
cravings for food, there was magic that came into play.

Of course, this can also be scientifically explained by simply

exploring the psychological aspects of human beings. Take a look at
these images:
It may seem insignificant that the colors yellow, red, and orange
are consistent in these images, especially being that there are only
but so many colors to choose from when developing a color scheme
for a logo or a brand. However, those who are charged with the task
of selecting these colors as well as symbols to be established as the
auras of the logo are meticulous in their endeavors. Each color holds
a frequency of its own. When we observe these colors our brains
have a response based off of our own previous experiences and
associated ideas when it comes to those specific auras and
frequencies (color). So why do so many people have the same
responses to these colors? I’ll explain.

Let’s recall the lyrics of Tupac Amaru Shakur’s

“Keep Ya Head Up” (1993) where he sets the record straight with
the words:
“Don’t blame me, Eye was given this world. Eye didn’t make it.”
Eye made that reference for the purpose of introducing the fact and
the matter that is we have been presented with those experiences
and associated ideas as a society. This is why we’re united in our

So think about it. If we’re all for the most part responding the same
way to the frequencies around us, you may not see it to be so, but
that’s a spell. But these aren’t just any spells, however, these are
very BROAD spells that have been CAST on the masses. Did you
pick up on why Eye placed great emphasis on those two words
“broad” and “cast”?
What does it mean to BroadCast?


transmit (a program or some information) by radio or television,

especially to a large audience.
This is another form of magic. These people in these positions
have the ability to formulate and inject entire realities into the minds
of the masses. Think of this situation regarding the all too mysterious
“Coronavirus.” What you’ve been seeing is actually more of a
response to the idea of Coronavirus than you are even aware of what
this “virus” actually is to begin with. The new programs, the alleged
variants, the frenzy, the fear. That fearful response is a result of a
phenomenon Eye call
“Media Induced Paranoia.” Those in position to influence the
masses utilize the media, or the medium, which is what that energy
travels through to get from point
A to B, to persuade people to act, think, and ultimately live and exist
a certain way. This type of influence is also known as a “spell.”

You may be able to see now that magic isn’t just some mystical
fantasy world of wonder that’s all “fake” and only serves to entertain
children and interested adults looking for a thrill. Magic is happening
all around you, at all times. You would just have to become actively
aware of that fact. Next time you’re in a vehicle or taking a stroll
through the streets or through your neighborhood, be sure to take
note of all the different types of colorful advertisements that make it to
your senses. Imagine how many thoughts you’ve had in life that were
influenced by these subtle, however potent frequencies.

These are the “secrets” that the sacred orders

Overstand. Disclaimer:
You don’t have to join an order to figure these
things out. You just have to be ready to be humble
enough to A.S.K. and to continue to be a student
of the realm.
These things I’m speaking on are being used against you as the
people, the human beings, but it’s not an inevitable loss is what we’ve
been incarnating time after time to show you. We just have to be
willing, and activate upon that will.

The spirit is willing, the flesh is weak.

Revelations 18:4


That ye be NOT partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her

And that’s also in

Jeremiah 51:45



Matthew 24:4

And in this day take heed that

All the false prophets, all the selfish ones, all the deceivers, all the

Romans 3:7

Paul is a deceiver and he admits he is one.

For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his
glory; why yet am I also judged as a sinner?

And just keep in mind that it was also said in Matthews

Matthews 7: 22

Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied
in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name
done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from
me, ye that work iniquity.

And let’s get this clear because people say Eye speak from these
books a lot which is true and Eye also speak from science and
experience a lot also. These are the books that hold truths and
sacreds whether we love it like it or hate it.

You don’t have to see Jesus, or Yeshua, or Isa, or Muhammad, or

any of these people as a messiah or a leader or a savior if the
concept of help and aid bothers you or even if you just feel
or know that you have what it takes to get to where you need to get to
but don’t miss the MESSAGES.
Also, don’t forget that although there has been deception through
interpretations and misguided teachers turned misleaders
themselves, even those in position to cause the deception know the
TRUTHS of this world. It’s time for you as a people to know those
truths so that you may do whatever you need to do with them.

Think back on the movie Constantine. There was a scene where a

lady named Isabel’s suicide tape was being reviewed by a lady who
knew her. The lady who knew Isabel heard her whisper
“Constantine..” on the tape. She proceeded to rewind it and didn’t
hear it again. Then the phone rang, she picked it up, no one was on
the line

After that, all of the phones where she was started to ring. Point
being, you have certain points where things are revealed to you that
might even seem impossible or you’ll doubt it , and even in those
moments where you have that intuition activated, and there may be a
pinch of doubt, things around you still try to get your attention to
reaffirm that which you’ve been shown.

Eye Say To You Again:


The question is will simply you call it a coincidence, or explore it

A lot of beings, including humans of certain calibers, see humanity
as waywards. Let’s look at what that word means.


1. difficult to control or predict because of unusual or perverse


In the Quaran it speaks of a very specific being by the name of Iblis

Verse 2:34
Surat I- Baqarah

And mention when We said to the angels, "Prostrate before

Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblis. He refused and was
arrogant and became of the most disbelievers (kafiroun)

It may seem messed up that mankind is involved in this

experiment but you’re still a part of the universe as consciousness as
you know it, and so you do have a choice in the matter. Literally.
However, If you refer to this biblical scripture:

Matthews 6:24

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and
love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other,
Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
... you’ll see that there’s a constant pull on your consciousness, a
GAME, if you will.
Please take note of these things because hell is very real. Heaven or
the heavens is also. What people call angels and demons are also
very real and more alike than you may think. The human beings are
somewhere in the middle, given the power to choose , as direct yields
of the divine.

Which path will you take as a collective?

Will you open the doors of hell on earth

or will you allow for the will, the divine, which
does echo within you, to be done on earth as it
is in heaven? As it was written that you might

Matthew 6:9

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed

be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it
is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our
trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and
lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Which path will it be, humanity?
Which path has it been?

You, we, are all already powerful beyond definitive measure. This
is because the realm we exist within and are a part of is constantly
moving and changing through space and time, and even speeding
up. The power of the people is ongoing. Never forget that, however
these events pan out, you were always capable of overcoming and
establishing peace on planet Tiamat, Earth.

Peace and Plenty Love To You, Reader.

Eye Love You. Talk to you soon.

Faise One

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