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Peace, Reader

From the 1st book of mine called WHY on to the latest book, before this one,
called OUT OF THE DARKNESS, we have been travelinG a rouGh pathway, a
pathway that only the WILLING ones would ever dare to walk alonG. When they
saw me spell out the word I as E-Y-E, Reader, they asked me, sayinG WHY do
you spell this that way? Eye responded to them explaininG that the reason for my
spellinG it that way was because the EYE has always been associated with the
ability to see or to have siGht, and that when EYE refer to myself or THE self,
Eye make it a point to constantly REmind myself of that REality, concerninG
siGht, which would also mean concerninG light, beinG that we SEE because of the
reflection of liGht off of the matter in the realm we are observinG and existinG
within in some way shape form or fashion. There are said to actually be 3 EYES,
as you may have come to REalize by now. Those 3 EYES, from your vantaGe
point, are the left eye, the riGht eye, and the pineal Gland, that Gland that has
been associated with spiritual awakeninG for aGes. Now take and count out the
letters in those 3 EYES.

E+Y+E = 3
E+Y+E = 3
E+Y+E = 3

The sum of these letters is the number 9. This is the most SUPREME number,
the HIGHEST number, the most SACRED number there is. This number, 9, is the
number of the liGht bulb standinG upriGht. The one who becomes acquainted with
this most DIVINE number, this most DIVINE science, is the one who receives all
deGrees, or Grades, and becomes the ascended master, the G0D of their realm, or,
in code, the 704, as the letter G is the 7th letter in the alphabet, the number 0 is the
visual equivalent of the letter O, and the letter D is the 4th letter in the alphabet.

Take the number 704 and add the numbers 7,0 and 4 toGether. This becomes
the GATEWAY number, 11. Here is another SACRED/SECRET that the one
with wisdom is able to COUNT or CALCULATE. When you beGin your
TRAVELS as a MASON, or what is called a FREEMASON, you come in
throuGh that GATEWAY as an ENTERED APPRENTICE, or an EA, for short.
What is that GATEWAY? That GATEWAY, or 11, is none other than the
SACRED pylons of the foundational twins, called BOAZ and JACHIN.
BOAZ and JACHIN pillars

You will find biblical mention of this GATEWAY in I KinGs 7:21:

And he set up the pillars in the porch of the temple; and he set
up the right pillar, and called the name thereof Jachin; and he
set up the left pillar, and called the name thereof Boaz.
Add up the numbers of the chapter and verse above and you will end up with


Pay close attention to the names of the two pillars or pylons, BOAZ and
JACHIN. The name/word BOAZ means "strenGth" or "to be stronG" and the
name/word JACHIN means "he establishes". No coincidence when it comes to the
fact that these two "pillars" are the foundational pillars of every "mason" who, at
one point, beGan their travels with one step, with a stronG foundation beinG
established, a foundation of 90 deGrees. Do you see the connection?

The foundation necessary to be able to build up a miGhty, STRONG temple is

ESTABLISHED in the very beGinninG, where one beGins their journey of what
is known as Growth and Development. That Growth, or that G, which is the 7th
letter, and that Development, or that D, which is the 4th letter, becomes GD, which
is also G-D, and do note that the "-" in between the G and the D is equivalent to the
number 0 which, aGain, is the letter O. Growth and Development is a process.
What are you GrowinG and DevelopinG? You are GrowinG and DevelopinG that
which is referred to as the TEMPLE OF GOD, which is your human body makinG
the transition from beinG a mere composition of "adamah" or "adoms" or "atoms"
or pieces of the "physical" or solid, denser plane, into beinG one with HU or
HUWA or YEHUA or YAHAWAH or YHWH, to become a true and livinG soul.

This is your transitional process from the GROUND/ADAM/GEB throuGh the

AIR/SPIRIT/SHU into the HEAVENS/EVE/NUT that Eye spoke with you about
in my book "How To Love AGain". Eye Remind you that you are born a
MASON, or traveler, and that you are supposed to be on that yellow brick road so
that you may find your way back HOME. REmember that the yellow brick is
GOLD, and that that is color of the SUN, even in ancient KEMET/EGYPT, as
the GOLDEN disc was symbolic of the SUN, called the SOLAR ATEN. Your
CROWN will yield for you the liGht of the SUN, and you will be able to come
forth by day and be led by that liGht. Study the story of BOAZ and his wife, called
RUTH and you will find that they yield a SUN/SON, and their SUN/SON is called
OBED, meaninG "worshipper" or "servant of G0D". Flip that word "DEBO"
around and you will come to the word DEBO, from the word Adebowale, which
literally means "CROWN COMING HOME".

This CROWN that we are speakinG of is the home or the nest of the brain, that
all so important orGan that houses even the pineal Gland, or the first eye, often
called the third eye. In order to achieve the TRUE liGht of the AUM, which will
purify the self and cause for only hiGher frequencies to radiate from your beinG,
YOU MUST REWIRE YOUR BRAIN. By rewire Eye mean you must switch
around and REroute the neural pathways that are streaminG electricity and
concentrations of enerGy throuGhout your brain and your nervous system.
Eye want you to think of the "wires" as the water hoses connected to the homes,
sittinG outside. REcall those times as young children when it was time to play in
the water or fill up the pool with the water or make a rainbow with the water. In
order for that water to flow, the hoses had to be untanGled. You need your water to
be able to flow freely, as water, with the exception of deionized or PURE water, is
a very powerful conductor that enerGy or electricity can flow throuGh. So from the
hose cominG on, to the water flowinG throuGh the hose, to the water spewinG out
of the hose is the process of a traveler, called a "mason", from 1 to 9, with 7 steps
in between, siGnifyinG the letter G, which is the 7th letter. When the traveler
becomes a PASS MASTER, he then trades in that letter G for the SUN, that true
liGht that liGhteth every human beinG that cometh into the world.

This is to siGnify that the LIGHT has been turned on as the traveler passes on
to become a LIGHT BEING or an ELITE BEING. So what is the secret of the
number 7? The number 7, which the letter G as the letter G is the 7th letter in the
alphabet, is actually the GOD WITHIN, that LIGHT THAT WAS IN THE
this excerpt from the bible that speaks of this which you will find in the book of
John chapter 1 verses 1-9. Coincidence? No such thinG.

1 In the beGinninG was the Word, and the

Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beGinninG with God.
3 All thinGs were made by him; and without him was
not any thinG made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the liGht of men.
5 And the liGht shineth in darkness;
and the darkness comprehended it not.
6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the LiGht,
that all men throuGh him might believe.
8 He was not that LiGht,
but was sent to bear witness of that LiGht.
9 That was the true LiGht,
which liGhteth every man that cometh into the world.
The 7 is the GOD or the SUN within and the 9 is the MOST HIGH, that SUN,
which is the GOD or the SUN without. Add those numbers toGether and you Get
the number 16. 1+6+7. 7 is the GODLY number, the SECRET/SACRED key that
when placed in the IGNITION becomes IGNITED and the body become HOLY
or HALY or HALO or HELO/HELIOS, which means SUN. When you come to
Overstand this science you will come to REalize that this whole "journey" is about
becominG one with GOD, within and without. This is what will make you
"HOLY" or WHOLE. Now Go back to those numbers that Give you the word
G0D, which are the numbers 7,0 and 4. Write these numbers out toGether as "704"
on a sheet of construction paper while beinG sure to write out the number "4" as an
"open" 4 as opposed to a closed one. You should end up with somethinG similar to
the followinG imaGe:

Go ahead and flip that number by rotatinG it 180 deGrees.

You end up with the word "HOL" as in WHOLE, meaninG complete, and
HOLY, meaninG essentially the same thinG, as it means COMPLETE and
RIGHTEOUS or PERFECT. This is yet another code cracked that you will find
in no other book or writinG or teachinG than this one. REcall that the Quran offers
this statement from the chapter(surah) called An-NUR, which, by no accident,
means "The liGht:

Their liGht will proceed before them

and on their riGht; they will say,
"Our Lord, perfect for us our liGht and forGive us.
Indeed, You are over all thinGs competent."

This meant that the liGht that is within the livinG beinGs called HUMANS, or
HUE+MIMS, is incomplete. Note that the word "mim" is actually a letter in Arabic
which is a moon letter. The MOON is the lesser liGht that is COMPLETED by the
GREATER liGht, which is the SUN. HUMANS/HUEMIMS have to evolve from
the MOON side into the SUN side. They have to Go from that 1 to that 9, from that
darkness to the liGht, and until they do, they are not yet "HOLY" or "WHOLE" or
complete. How do Eye make all of these connections? How do Eye crack all of
these codes? WHY am Eye able to see throuGh all of the "smoke and mirrors?"
WHY does that all so powerful SPELL OF IGNORANCE have no effect on me?

In order to fully answer that question Eye have to first explain to you that Eye
was never the averaGe beinG in this realm. By NEVER Eye mean ever since my
moment of conception, the BIG BANG that caused chaos in the womb of my MA,
yieldinG a SON, where Eye first became a MASON, without the "raisinG up" or
the help of any MAN. My Ummi, my Umi, My Mother, was there, in the
beGinninG, when Eye emerGed from the primordial waters, and merGed into this
reality, as did you, approximately 9 months before September 20, 1998, when Eye
walked throuGh the GATEWAY, those pillars, the left and the riGht leGs of my
mother, on 9-20-1998.
And approximately 9 months prior to that day, when both my mother and my
father joined forces, and upon that very moment of my conception, my Ummi
explained that she knew immediately that Eye had arrived. She explains, to this
day, in Great detail, that she heard what she described as "chimes" and that
everywhere she looked she beheld the color INDIGO and saw GOLDEN flakes.
Eye came into this realm with all of the vibrations of the CROWN. Eye was
conceived complete. Thus, Eye was born PEFRECT, or HOLY, or WHOLE.
If you ever hear or read me say the words "Eye was born on top of the mountain,"
this is what Eye mean. Eye was born INTO a sinful world, yet my nature and my
very beinG was never OF this world. Eye knew this as a child. Eye was there to
experience when the MOST HONORABLE DR. MALACHI Z. YORK erected
TAMA RE in Eatonton, Ga. Eye was on that HOLY LAND, as a young child,
playinG in the sand, buildinG pyramids.

Eye was there to experience HEAVEN ON EARTH. Eye was already in

HEAVEN. Eye was already in the TRUE LIGHT. Eye was born on top of the
mountain, with my eyes wide open. And then came the army of SET, and they did
march and lay seiGe. Eye saw the HOLY LAND, destroyed. Eye saw the LAMB,
captured. Eye was too younG to ACT, but Eye was NOT too younG to
REmemeber. Do you think that stops people, even to this day, from questioninG
me and my loyalty to not only the MASTER TEACHER, MALACHI ZODOQ
EL, but they also question my even ever beinG involved in the "mission" at all?

Eye tell them that Eye was THERE and that Eye REmemeber what it was like.
Eye describe for them the fish in the pond up under the burnGundy and white
bridge and how they used to swim up to me and look up at me with what appears
in my memory as "human-eyes". Eye explain to them that Eye used to want to ride
on the little train cars that rode throuGh the land, but Eye was told that Eye was too
younG. Eye describe deity row, the row of Great statues of all the oriGinal Gods
and Goddesses. Eye describe the land at niGht time and how there is no other
feelinG on this planet like what was felt in the maGical shadow hours of
TAMA RE. Eye tell them all of these thinGs, and they still question me and doubt
me, overlookinG the most important fact of all: EYE WAS 4 YEARS OLD
WHEN THEY, THE FBI, RAIDED THE LAND. Eye REmember the day that
Eye was told that the MASTER TEACHER had been taken. Eye was too younG
to know him personally. This did not stop me from cryinG.

Just as they doubt me and question me when it comes to my sincerity and my

loyalty to MALACHI and the "mission", so do these people, people who Eye call
"boy scout Masons", who hear me speak of and from the craft and KNOW that
what Eye speak is PURE FACTS and CLEAN TRUTH, yet they step to me as if
we are in some type of street GanG, orderinG me to disclose who my GrandMother
is, orderinG me to announce where Eye was raised, or where Eye hailed from. This
is not, in itself, problematic, because if a brother asks the question of another
brother, the brother beinG questioned is expected to respond, and the response is
simple enough that there should be no type of deflection or "tap-dancinG" around
the question.

Still, even if this brother does not answer this question, a question that is out in
the open, in the LIGHT, there are a million other ways that a brother can "step to"
another brother and GuaGe whether or not they have ever met BOAZ and his
family. What does this mean? Well if Eye were to even brinG that linGo to these
boyscout masons, they wouldn't even Overstand the context. Eye am referrinG to,
Reader, BOAZ's wife, called RUTH. What is the meaninG of RUTH? The name
RUTH means FRIEND. When it comes to masonry and masonic "linGo", a
"FRIEND" is a fellow initiate, meaninG they have AT LEAST walked throuGh
the GATEWAY, called BOAZ and JACHIN. The opposite of a FRIEND in
masonry is not a "FOE", but an "EAVESDROPPER", meaninG a secret listener
to private conversations. Eye have clearly met BOAZ and his FAMILY. Eye am a
However, Eye am no fool. Eye am a wise man. Eye have a sonG that Eye wrote
years aGo, called NO FRIENDS. Why did Eye Give that sonG that title? Why was
the music video in black
and white, as in the black and white chessboard floors of the lodGE? Why do Eye
make mention of thinGs like the "east side" and "travelinG n*GGas" and movinG
"cautiously", etc.? Do you see where I'm GoinG with this? All of these are masonic
sacred words and utterances. Eye called the sonG NO FRIENDS because Eye
knew, even back then, that Eye would have NO FRIENDS, because Eye was
choosinG to walk in the liGht, and not the darkness, which is a violation of our
oath, or OB, which means our OBLIGATION. What is meant by walkinG in the
liGht as opposed to the darkness? Most masons will never admit what Eye am
about to tell you. When we became initiates, after our divestation and our
circumambulation and our death, we were called forth to take an oath/obliGation.
That oath/obliGation was to the DARK SIDE, one of the squares on the black and
white chessboard floors.

Eye REmember. Eye was still BLINDFOLDED. Eye had already received my
"name", which was CAUTION. Eye Gave my OATH, holdinG a "bible". That
OATH, as Eye do REcall, beGan with the pledGinG of alleGiance to the DARK

Eye will ALLWAYS hele, Eye (conceal)

Note, Reader, that Eye beGan my travels “officially” at aGe 16. This is 100%
FACTS. Think about it. If Eye wanted to “play mason”, why wouldn’t Eye just
say Eye was 18 when Eye was initiated? You mean this man knows all of this there
is to know about masonry and the initiation process and somehow he was unaware
that the universally accepted aGe requirement is from 18-21? No. Eye am aware
now and was aware then that the universally accepted aGe requirement is from
18-21. The GRAND MASTERS who brouGht me throuGh were also very much
aware of the universally accepted aGe requirement. For some reason, they still
allowed me to travel. Eye, myself was eaGer. No Eye didn’t lie about my aGe.
Not only did they know my aGe, THEY actually came to me and said that they
wanted to talk to me about “the square”. That’s an important detail, because as
Eye explained in my book “Who Knows The Secrets”, in order to Be a mason,
you have to Ask a mason.

That code is: 2B1ASK1 or 2B1A1.

(refer to Who Knows The Secrets book by Faise One)

Why do Eye say that every mason pledGed alleGiance to the DARK SIDE?
When most people hear the words “dark” and “side” spoken toGether, they
automatically assume that the word “dark” is beinG used to siGnify evil. DARK
does not always mean EVIL. Dark or darkness can also mean confusion, disorder,
secrecy, nondisclosure, unknown, etc. When we, those who took that OATH,
uttered the words:


and to disclose further:

We were indeed swearinG to darkness, meaninG we were swearinG to secrecy.

Eye knew, even at aGe 16, that Eye would NOT “honor” that OATH, because
that OATH within itself was in violation. How would Eye be able to stand on my
square and never REveal? How could Eye be a part of the DIVINE order and
never REVEAL? Eye, myself, would be in violation of the DIVINE order, that
which was explained in the BIBLE in the book of LUKE chapter 12 verse 2:
For there is nothing covered, that shall not be REvealed; neither hid, that
shall not be known. (3) Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness
shall be heard in the liGht; and that which ye have spoken in the ear
in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops

Eye still can have respect for these people for thinkinG that it is honorable
to keep oaths of vanity. They believe that they “safeguard” the “sacreds” and
the “secrets” and the “mysteries”, but they only BOGUARD them. It is far
beyond time for the science to actually be applied. And Eye could, in this
very book, show you, Reader, just who my Grand Masters are, where the
lodGe is that Eye was initiated in, and Eye can connect that to actual music
videos and locations and sonGs and albums and mixtapes and projects that
will show and prove that this was no thrown toGether “clout chase”. Eye am
often amazed myself at how advanced, ahead of my time and calculated Eye
was at such a younG aGe, so Eye am not surprised at the boyscout masons
and other onlookers’ difficulty with cominG to Grips with my Wisdom and
OverstandinG and ReasoninG and Charisma and Intellect and KnowledGe
and Experience, amonG other thinGs, but this is what it is.

This IS happeninG. There is yet another BUDDHA amonG us, and his
name has been Given to you to be Faise One, and OMARI SHAMAN
HARGROVE, and he has a name that only he knows, as he was tauGht to
protect earlier on in life, and he will always protect that name. Eye did not
lose the point. Eye only wanted to stress that Eye am not in the business of
fabricatinG a life or a story. This is REAL. MASONRY is only ONE of the
schools I’ve walked throuGh. More will be REvealed. Moor will be tauGht
as we continue to walk.

Eye learned a lot about how this realm was constructed and how it
functions throuGh MASONRY. Eye already had an edGe due to my
exposure to “RIGHT KNOWLEDGE”, that spell breakinG activation,
called a doctrine, which Eye do not like to refer to it as such, as to
“DOCTOR” somethinG is to falsify it, and what MALACHI Z. YORK did
was the exact opposite. He brouGht all thinGs to the liGht. He set the whole
REcord straiGht. With all of these deGrees, Eye became an
ENLIGHTENED or LIT UP beinG at a very younG aGe. Eye learned all
about EL KULUWM or THE ALL throuGhout my YOUTH.
Eye was tauGht about how all thinGs are ONE. Eye was tauGht that there
are NO COINCIDENSES. Eye was tauGht that there is allways a way to
figure thinGs out. ThrouGh alchemy Eye learned the true meaninG of
“breakinG thinGs down”. If you can Overstand what a thinG is “made of”
and how it is made, you can Overstand more about that thinG as a “whole”
and how to “break it down” or “dissolve it”. For example, Eye want you to
read this question and then close your eyes and answer it before readinG on.

What is this number “8” made of?

There are absolutely correct answers, yes. But Eye want you to realize that there
is no "one" riGht answer because all of those answers will be an answer and they
will each, altoGether, form THE answer. Let's look at it. Someone could answer
this question and say that this number 8 is made of two "4s", as in 4+4=8.
Someone else miGht offer that this number is composed of four "2s", as in
2+2+2+2=8. Someone else may come in and say that this number 8 is made of
eiGht "1s", as in 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=8. Another person may come in and say this
number 8 is composed of two circles or "Os", as in the shape of the "8" itself.
Someone else could state that this number 8 is composed of white pixels in the
shape of an "8" on top of red pixels in the shape of a "circle". What did you

The point here is that all of these answers are connected. If someone were to ask
you to "break down" or to "unpack" or to "decode" this "8", you could easily just
Give one of these answers. Most people would. Then there are those of us who will
provide all of these answers and then some. We are the ones who not only can
complete and present MAJOR breakdowns of this realm we're in and beyond, we
can also present and complete MAJOR buildups of this realm we're in and
beyond. Eye am able to build and destroy. Just as you are. The stronGer and
sharper your mind becomes, the more you'll be able to activate and actually utilize
your psychic Gifts.

This is why it's so important that we make it up out of hell, which is this world
of illusion. Don't make the mistake of assuminG that "hell" has to be associated
with aGony or pain or sorrow or discomfort. People can exist in a world of hell and
be completely blissful and happy. You may have heard it to be said before that
HELL is only a state of mind and that HELL is only within. This is not possible.
Yes, HELL can and often does exist in the minds or the brains of the HUMAN
beinGs. However, it is not and CAN NOT only be within. There's always a
WITHOUT. Why do Eye explain this? There can be a situation where someone is
in HEAVEN in their mind but surrounded by HELL. There can also be a situation
where a person can be in HELL in their mind but surrounded by HEAVEN.

The point of callinG out that the world Goes throuGh REhab is to call forth that
REality of that WAR between MICHAEL and his ANGELS and SATAN and his
ANGELS, REmemberinG that it was already written that the DECEIVER of the
whole world will NOT prevail. All of you TRUE CHRISTS and all of you
BUDDHAS and all of you GURUS and all of you SHAMANS and all of you

If it were not so Eye wouldn't write it. It takes the TRUE ELECT to reform
and to redeem this world. How are we to purify this world if we have not purified
ourselves? Come forth, RIGHTEOUS ONES, and those of you who move in the
name of RIGHTEOUSNESS. Eye don't expect that you never failed or that you
never fail, Eye ask that you keep walkinG. Eye don't doubt that you have lost your
way, Eye call out and say, follow the sound of my voice. Eye know the delicacies,
Eye have sat at the table with the QUEENS and the KINGS, Eye know their meals
are well prepared, and that they do eat above your homes, and your cities, and they
sit on top of clouds and they fill their bellies with the richest bread and the sweetest
honey, and they sip the finest of wine. Eye sat at the table and Eye bore witness to
their full course meals. Eye know the delicacies. They taste everythinG but hell.

Their crumbs crumble and fall, crashinG throuGh your roofs and you rejoice,
and your families eat. Eye know the delicacies. Their leftovers slide down the
mountains and flood the streets and your people lift up their swords and they war
over the remaininG Grub, and they stamp on the bread and they die on top of the
meat and they triumph, ankle deep in the soup and you cannot tell the wine from
the blood. Eye know the delicacies. You think this to be a feast? And we have been
offered the finest of all of these thinGs and more. The bulk of our task was to seek
out that inner purity, that kinGdom of G0D and its RIGHTEOUSNESS. We were
offered REAL REwards. Eye know the delicacies.

It's such a deliciously sour, bittersweet world. People don't want to leave it
behind. They do not have to stay. But they are trapped. They have all been
tricked. They have all been deceived. Time will not slow down. They have to
speed up. Reader, answer me this. If you are not able to swim, yourself, then how
can you save someone from drowninG? Answer me somethinG else. Would you
rather it be that you had to jump in and "save" someone from drowninG or would
you rather it be that they knew how to swim and "save" themselves. I'm tellinG
you that Eye would rather the people learn to swim. Eye would rather that they Get
up out of that dirty "water" to begin with.

This book is a CALL and a CLAIM. Eye am CALLING all of G0D's children
HOME. COME HOME. Eye don't care how far you've drifted off into the dark
corners of the world. COME HOME. Eye don't care how comfortable you are or
how settled you may be in this illusionary world. COME HOME. Eye am
CALLING out, in tone, to your SOUL. REmember, Reader, and COME HOME.
Eye am CLAIMING all of G0D's children, that they may be REdeemed. You
may not have faith in you, but EYE DO. You may have forGotten who you
belonG to, but EYE REMEMBER. My hand is extended, take what's in it. It is
your REMINDER. Now Grab my hand. You will walk throuGh smolderinG heat.
You will be cold at times. Your head will ache. The dark lords, the ones Eye call
the SHADOW LURKERS will challenGe and taunt you, day in and day out.
They will scream from what will sound like the very depths of your consciousness,
causing a warpinG sensation. They will suGGest that you Give up. They will
declare your efforts useless. They will beG your enerGy and your attention. Eye
know these beinGs. This is no alleGory. This is no riddle. This is no parable. This
is what they will do.

Here is how you will overcome them. When they approach you in dreams, you
will not fear them. REMEMBER that they are not allowed to cross over and hold
frequency in this realm, and so if you see them, you are most likely dreaminG, and
you are in no real danGer, yet you are still NOT to enGaGe. If you are approached
by these beinGs sexually, reject them. When you beGin to abstain and refrain from
masturbation and ejaculation and pornoGraphy and alcohol and casual sex, etc., in
the beGinninG of that journey, you may become a tarGet. Why is it that those who
indulGe are tarGets already and those who refrain and abstain may become tarGets
also? This is because those who indulGe are already on the "frequency" of the
beinGs and these beinGs use them for their enerGetic yields, which these beinGs
consume as "food", and those who refrain and abstain may also experience some
"build up" of lustful or sexual enerGy that is actually more "potent" and desired
and sauGht out by the SHADOW LURKERS.

This is why transmutation and meditation and/or prayer and chanGe of

environment and diet is so important as you Go into "REHAB MODE".

Eye don't tell you these thinGs to scare you away. Eye tell you these thinGs so
that you miGht be prepared in the event that you do encounter such beinGs, as Eye
have before, and Eye overcame them.


This includes if and when you have what is called "intrusive thouGhts". Don't
beat yourself up, most people have experienced this phenomenon at one point in
their life or the other. Instead, identify the "intrusive thouGht" and send it on its
way. You can use the powerful mantra or utterance:

This is a part of your activation of what is called your PSYCHIC DEFENSE.

As you become REnewed, you will be much more cautious of what you allow into
your SHRINE, or your HOLY PLACE, which is your MIND. When a mother is
expectinG a new born, she usually cleans her home or dwellinG thorouGhly to
make room for the NEW LIFE and to make sure it's as CLEANLY and G0DLY
as possible as this brand new beinG comes forth.

This is what you have been doinG, if you have been walkinG with me, and this
is what you will be doinG, movinG forward. You, the version of you that is
becominG ONE with your soul, are the NEW BORN. Your BRAIN/MIND is
your home, and your actions and your faith and your WILL POWER and your
consistency are the cleaninG equipment. You will be READY for your NEW
LIFE. You ARE Ready. The doors of REHAB are open, Reader. Cast down your
vices. You are stronGer than what you may even know. Eye know this to be true.


From your foundation that you’ve built with discipline and dedication and
will power, you will travel on “upwards” to your house to retrieve the illuminated
treasure, which you will use to heal your beinG, once and for all, and you will
then be able to sinG a sonG as it were a NEW sonG, takinG your riGhtful place as
“GODS”, commandinG the realm with a NEW, CLEAR vision, sparked by your
UNITY, and you will then be able to experience the Grandest Flower,
the FIELD:

Above is a riddle. Eye pondered on whether or not Eye would solve it for you.
Eye color coded it and spoke it in an order that was very clear. You can solve it.
It's not very complicated when you really read into it and pay attention to what is
hiGhliGhted. The "answer" is simple.


What system is beinG referred to and how?

(Answer it for yourself.)

“The man/woman who at WILL can assume whatever state he pleases has
found the keys to the kingdom of heaven”

• Neville Goddard
Eye have been speakinG to, teachinG and remindinG masses of people lately
about how this thinG called ascension requires a whole lot more action than what
we’ve been seeinG for the past two decades. There is so much more that needs to
be done and there are a lot more steps that need to be taken. Since the end of the
year 2022 and even before then, I’ve been demonstratinG to masses of people how
to beGin takinG those necessary steps toward their “ascension.” Those who have
been walkinG with me have been raisinG their frequencies, step by step. Eye am
sure to remind them that when we speak of “frequencies” raisinG up we aren’t
speakinG in terms of any concepts rooted in what is called “spookism”.

Spookism, or Ghostism, or Spiritism, is, simply put, the realm of belief. When
people are trapped within the world of “spirit” and “faith” and “belief”, they are
livinG under a spell and are at risk of beinG blindly led astray. If people aren’t
careful and cautious, even concepts, ideas and realities such as “ascension” can,
has been, and will continue to be “spiritualized”. It’s important to note that
one's ASCENSION is not a “spiritual” or “Ghostly” experience. Most people are
clueless as to what the word spiritual actually means, to beGin with, and so they
tend to rest at chopped and screwed definitions and translations and explanations
of the word instead of payinG attention to the whole reality encirclinG the word.

That reality is: people have associated spirituality with a metaphysical reality
that can’t truly be explained and expressed about without the person tryinG to
explain it “spiritualizinG” the concept and therefore leadinG people to have
to BELIEVE in it without KNOWING what it is. This is how even what is
modernly referred to as SPIRITUALITY has become a reliGion. It has turned into
a movement based on mixed and remixed beliefs, yieldinG a mixed and remixed
belief system that is actually based on the same thinGs the people who practice
spirituality often shun. For example, the holy books such as the Bible and the
Quran. Spirituality has “broken off” from the two main reliGions that are linked to
those books, which are Christianity and Islam.

BeinG that people have also been tauGht to just believe in the stories and
characters of these reliGions and their accompanyingG books and to practice these
two reliGions without questioninG them, people haven’t even fiGured out what the
purposes of these reliGions are, no matter how simple people may make them out
to be. If they’re so simple, why all the confusion? If they’re so simple, why
haven’t people been able to realize and make sense of why these reliGions and
books and scrolls exist?
Due to the fact that people haven’t fiGured that out to date, anythinG that
branches off from these reliGions and books and scrolls and stories is, was, and
will always be bound to be pushed forth to the world as new systems of belief,
overshadowed by spookism.

Ascension is not spooky.

Ascension is not mystical.
Ascension is not theoretical.
Ascension is scientific.
Ascension is reality.
Ascension is actuality.


these truths:

You CAN NOT FAKE the walk of the chosen.

You CAN NOT FAKE the walk of the
Or the illuminated ones
Or the enliGhtened ones
Or the ones with their crowns activated
Or the ones with their coronas activated.

In addition to Christianity and Islam, there's Hinduism. In all actuality,

althouGh people refer to the spiritual/conscious community as the NEO-
SPIRITUAL community, where you have that word "NEO", meaninG "NEW",
and althouGh, as Eye stated earlier, it's "becominG" a reliGion, that which is beinG
called NEOSPIRITUALITY is in fact Modernized Hinduism. How can people
truly "move beyond reliGion" if they can't even come to Grips with their beinG a
part of one? Hinduism, the oldest reliGion documented in human history, was
actually never intended to BE a reliGion, but a way of life. That way of life was
supposed to encouraGe human beinGs to become SCIENTISTS so that they may
be able to better Overstand reality as well as their role(s) in reality. They were to
learn from all Masters or Buddhas. They were not to worship them as G0DS.
The same Goes for those of you who are of the "woke" or "conscious"
community. Many of you were pulled from your PILLARS OF FAITH, if you
will, and tossed into a whole new world of wonder, havinG been told that you had
been lied to and that "reliGion was man made" and that you were, in essence, G0D,
alone and that you should "wake up". There is truth to each and every one of those
statements. However, without enouGh OverstandinG as to why those statements
have truth to them, people run the risk of just rejectinG the sciences altoGether.
That type of OverstandinG comes from actually explorinG MORE about the
reliGion(s) they were brouGht up in or raised up under. Most people who become
"spiritual" do the exact opposite and actually choose NOT to be scholars and
seekers of TRUTH. They end up followinG some self appointed "LEADER" who
most of the time is a man who either decided for himself or was otherwise told that
he was G0D and was therefore the "ALL KNOWING" or the "SOURCE" and that
all answers could be found "WITHIN".

People who follow these so-called leaders are never fully informed on how to
"Go within" or what that even means, truthfully speakinG, and how they can
actually Get answers to real questions they have about real thinGs in their REality,
an "outside" REality that is beinG reflected back onto them, throuGh their eyes,
and into their minds/brains. They are seekinG to Overstand more about this world
that exists OUTSIDE of their bodies. If they want to learn about what
photosynthesis is, they are not to Go "within" to learn about it. If they need
directions from their new home to the nearest Grocery store, they are not to Go
"within" to Get those directions. This notion of GoinG "within" is beinG and has
been pushed by so-called woke leaders due to their lack of OverstandinG about the
LAW OF CORRESPONENCE. (As above, so below. As within, so without)

You, as an abider of that law, are not simply to "Go within" or to "have faith" or
to "pray" or to "meditate" about thinGs you have questions and or concerns or
wonders about. That is only the "esoteric" nature of the seeker, a nature that helps
one to Overstand parables and alleGories and that which is rooted in the implicit as
opposed to the explicit. As an abider of the LAW OF CORRESPONDENCE,
you are not to simply exercise "faith". You have to, literally, GO OUT and search
and then search aGain, that is to say you must REsearch, until you find answers.
Faith without works is dead. These so-called leaders and so-called spiritual
teachers only tell people to "Go within to be able to achieve the "level of
enliGhtenment" that they have "achieved'" because that is an easy and convenient
way to evade questioninG so as to not have to provide substantial answers that will
truly satisfy the query.
If someone places themselves in a position where what they say is received and
believed and no one dares to question them, they will never have to prove
anythinG they say and they can at that point pose as the irreproachable source of
divine information. The GO WITHIN concept ties to words like "innerstandinG",
where people are beinG tauGht that if they have an "innerstandinG" as opposed to
an "understandinG", they will be able to "wake up" and they won't have to rely on
anybody else for the information. These same so-called spiritual leaders that teach
that still find a way to center themselves as the one who is able to brinG forth this
"information" from the cosmos or from the ethers.

Their so-called information comes from no such place. They Got their
"information" from actual Masters and scholars and Gurus, like The Master
Teacher Malachi Z. York, and they didn't study a wide enouGh ranGe of his
works to fully Grasp what and why he was really teachinG certain thinGs to beGin
with, and so they took a brick from here and a thread from there and a nail from
here and some Glue from there and they built an unsteady foundation, upon which
they laid more borrowed ideoloGies and "conspiracies" and reliGious practices and
sayinGs and stories. These pieces were sure to shake and slide and tumble off of
the unsteady foundation, bit by bit, as only a buildinG, or a temple, rather, with a
SOLID and STURDY foundation will be able to stand the "tests" of times.

You see, Reader, Eye am speakinG of people like YounG Pharaoh, Brother
PoliGht, Nature Boy, Umar Johnson, 19 Keys and Rashad Jamal. They all
know exactly who Malachi York is and what he did and is still doinG, even as he
is incarcerated, currently servinG a sentence of 135 years for crimes he didn't
commit, as a worker of the TRUE LIGHT. They know his works. They saw what
he built. They read his books. They listened to his teachinGs. They bore witness to
the works of a TRUE ascended Master. Yet, they don't make it known that he is
THE Ascended Master of our time. Why? This is because they want the spotliGht
for themselves. They want to be followed. They want to be Glorified. They want
people to look up to them and have faith in them. They do not want to do the
ACTUAL works necessary to help a people, the people or any people
ACTUALLY ascend and become better beinGs. You, Reader, should be cautious
to NOT worship these so-called leaders. Pay more attention to the works than
the man/woman.


This includes myself. I’m not sayinG that Eye will deceive you. I’m sayinG
Eye don’t want you to just accept whatever Eye say as facts. Eye want you to
actively exercise discernment. Eye have no intentions of beinG the “only one”
who can do the works. If helpinG to make this world we’re in a better place is
somethinG you care to do, my messaGe to you is to be Genuine, be encouraGed,
be motivated and do the works. Eye won’t say, simply, “Don’t be a follower”. I’ll
instead say to you to follow with the intention of learninG to lead properly. I’ll also
say that if you’re choosinG to journey with me to “walk with” or “alonGside” me.
Don’t follow me blindly. Don’t follow anyone blindly. Question everythinG with
the intentions of securinG useful answers.

Notice Eye said “USEFUL” answers. It is more favorable for you to seek out
USEFUL answers as opposed to USELESS answers. If you can’t USE or apply in
some way, shape, form or fashion somethinG you’ve been Given as an answer then
that which you’ve been Given is USELESS. The thinGs we learn should be able to
be placed on our utility belts, like tools, to be USED if and when the times come
and we need them. To increase productivity and efficiency, one should work
towards beinG able to identify UTILITY VS. FUTILITY.

UTILITY: usefulness
FUTILITY: uselessness
Eye was tauGht not to believe what anybody tells me and to always “check it
out” or to make sure that it “checks out”. Eye want you to do the same. This is one
way that you, Reader, can reject the ILLUSIONS of this world. Don’t lean on
faith and belief alone. Allow nothinG into your brain save thinGs that are of use to
you. Maneuver throuGh this realm as if your brain IS your utility belt. Reach for
your UTILITY belt and do the works. Eye will for you to obtain the TRUTH, so
that you may be MADE FREE.


This is much more than a simple and sinGle movement. This is an explosive
combination of movements all cominG toGether as one, up under the sun, facinG it
as it appears to cross over the heavens, yet, inDEED, they will still call this a
movement. Don’t waste your time tryinG to arGue them down. Qualify that so-
called “movement” as an endeavor of many waters and airs and fires and earths,
a multidimensionally complex process, rooted in proGress. They, the outside
world, will not Overstand this unless they have been walkinG with us already.

So, it will be labeled, simply, a movement. It will be labeled as an endeavor.

Eye want you to pay attention to and point out to the onlookers and doubters and
skeptics and naysayers the fact that this so-called endeavor/movement doesn’t have
a name (NOTE: you are not a member of a cult) and that you are FREE to
travel to and fro as you will and are under NO CONSTRAINTS. As you walk
with me, and even in and after the event that Eye am no lonGer “here” in this body,
you are encouraGed to be more responsible, more observant, more scientific,
more loGical, more reasonable, more knowledGable, to enjoy life, to study all
Great works and teachinGs, to never stop learninG, to be creative, to LOVE, to
be proud of your ability to LOVE, to HATE no one, yet be aware of differences
and use active discernment, to believe nothinG that anyone teaches you and to
RESEARCH everythinG, to be motivated, to take care of your mind, body and
soul, to look after your health and well beinG, to be sure to REMEMBER that
no matter how intelliGent or
EFFECTIVE any man (or woman) may appear, you are to worship NOBODY,
save whatever GOD or force in the universe you believe in BEYOND mankind.

You, Reader, are not a “follower” of Faise One. You are responsible for your
own actions, as an individual, as am Eye. Eye do not teach or encouraGe anyone
to harm anyone. This endeavor is not reserved for a sinGle “race” of people. My
“messaGe” concerns not just one Group of people, but all of humanity. Eye am not
claiminG to be G0D, the creator, or any type of supernatural entity. Eye am here,
in this realm, with you. It’s true. Eye am beinG human; therefore, Eye am a human
Eye am not sayinG Eye am merely a human beinG, as there are many more
mysteries yet to be uncovered and brouGht forth about our existence as livinG
souls. However, Eye don’t want anyone to Get cauGht up in the mystical nature of
my beinG. Eye don’t want anyone to Get cauGht up in the mystical nature of their
own beinG. You see, in this form, Eye breathe in oxyGen and Eye breathe out
carbon dioxide, just like everyone else. If Eye don’t continue to breathe in that
oxyGen, then that which you observe to be “me” will “die” or transition from an
animated state to an inanimate state, becominG food for the decomposers,
broken down and recycled back into the Earth.

This is also true for you, Reader, and you are beinG encouraGed not to fear that
reality but to accept and embrace it, allowinG for your acceptinG and embracinG
that reality to motivate you to live a more present, more fulfillinG life. Thus, there
is no name and there will be no name for this endeavor. Eye don’t want, ask or
require people to “siGn up” for or to “become a member of” this “movement”.
WE ARE NOT AN ORGAN*IZATION. An ORGAN cannot function on its
own. It takes a body. Eye welcome all people to hear my teachinGs. Eye welcome
all people to question my teachinGs as well as my motives.

Eye may be able to connect dots that others could not connect and or have not
connected to date concerninG multiple philosophies and reliGious doctrines and
sciences and ideoloGies as well as events, people and names, etc., but Eye lay no
claim to the innate ability to communicate with the world(s) around us. Eye lay no
claim to the innate ability to be communicated with by the world(s) around us.

You, Reader, are also capable. You, Reader, are walkinG this path with me.
Even if Eye am no lonGer here, as in able to be reached by you, whether in prison,
or on the move, or transitioned from this form to say that Eye have passed away,
you will still be able to hear my voice when you read these words. There will be
messaGes that may resonate with you while I’m here and there will be messaGes
that may resonate with you while I’m Gone. Just know that Eye was eaGer and
excited to take this walk with you. All of you. This “movement” doesn’t need a
name. It doesn’t need a title. It doesn’t need a label. We are all here explorinG and

You didn’t need me to come to certain realizations. It just so happens that you
may have found me at a certain point in time for that reason. Eye am not only a
teacher, but a student.
Eye make you no promise of any heaven beyond this Earth. That is not to
say that there is no heaven or HAVEN beyond the earth realm. There may very
well be. Eye am, however, in no position to prove that there is a heaven beyond
Earth or heavens beyond Earth. Eye can point “up” and tell you to look at the sun
and the moon and the stars and the planets. Eye am not able to take you to either
of those celestial bodies or abodes. How can Eye tell you for sure that you will be
taken from this realm, a realm that is currently in a state of disorder and chaos:
HELL? How can Eye tell you that which Eye don’t know and then say that Eye
am a speaker of TRUTH or that Eye am of the TRUE LIGHT?

The TRUE LIGHT is "color coded" in GREEN because that color, Green, is
the color of the life force enerGy that is channelinG throuGh your body as we
speak, movinG to and fro in the darkness, and you as human beinGs comprehend
not what this means, but Eye can explain it in a way that you can literally SEE.

The liGht in the darkness is the GREEN LIGHT. Go into a dark room and lay
or sit in peace. Stare into the abyss of the darkness that surrounds you in that
moment. You will eventually behold the GREEN LIGHT. That Green liGht is
often accompanied by the purple or indiGo liGht. Go and see for yourself that
when the world of visible liGht, that ILLUSIONARY world of ZUEN, the RED
LIGHT, which is the FALSE (FALLASY, PHALLACY) LIGHT, is silenced,
the GREEN LIGHT dances and celebrates all around you.

People often speak of anGels, spirits, G0Ds, demons, extraterrestrials, etc.

Most of those who speak of them have no idea what or who they are speakinG of.
Eye am not sayinG there are no such beinGs that exist, as Eye have had my own
personal experiences and encounters. How can Eye prove to you that they exist?
Eye can teach you that which has been recorded about these beinGs. You could
also Go and RESEARCH what has been documented of them yourself. You can
look into UFOs and UAPs. You can look into break away civilizations and
otherworldly abodes and projects concerninG extraterrestrial activity. Eye have
had experiences and encounters. You may have also. However, if you haven’t, Eye
don’t want you to just “believe” that it must be true because Eye have said it to be

You are to continue on your pathway AWAY from and OUT of the
all names and tones that link to the DARK SIDE or the MOON WORLD, the
world of the LESSER LIGHT. That world is ruled by demonic, venomous forces.
By tone, you know one of the names of those forces. His name is called: SAM.

You see, SAM is short for SAMMA'EL, which means POISON, or VENOM,
and it is the SNAKE, that OLD SERPENT, CALLED THE DEVIL, that spews
forth VENOM, posioninG the whole world with deception. It's all in the tones.
Look at the name SAM. Think of the tools of the illusionists. What are they?


These demons have had you fooled for so lonG. You are to break free from the
spell of iGnorance. You are to win the battle of the mind, which is the battle that
takes place in the BRAIN. The devils want you to drift, as it benefits them for you
to be IDLE. REmember that the IDLE mind is the DEVIL'S workshop.

Remember that you have, the many of you, been called. You are called forth
and you are told to CAST DOWN YOUR IDOLS, as it is written that the
DRAGON will be cast down. Prepare for the WEDDING OF THE LAMB, and
put on your GARB OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. You are called forth to be of the
ELECT. Activate your HALO, and connect with the HELIOS, the SUN.
UNCLE SAM WANTS YOU and so does G0D.
Everybody has to choose which voice they will listen to.

If you are readinG this, you are, in this moment, listeninG to the voice of
G0D. You may say that it is cominG from "within" because you can "hear"
the voice, which is actually my voice, inside of your head as you read, but
beinG that it is MY voice, you are actually hearing both the voice, of G0D,
from within AND from without, as Eye am a beinG that exists outside of you.
That voice, called scientifically an Audio Verbal Hallucination (AVH), is here
to Remind you, once aGain, that you can ascend. You don't have to stay in a
world of deception. Come out of HER. Come out of the bowels of hell, which is
the lower parts of the SELF, called the HARA. Come out of the dark worlds
of HORROR. If you're readinG this, you are, in this moment, ascendinG.

As you continue on your journey of ascension you should be sure to avoid

“low vibrational” experiences to the best of your ability. These experiences
include but are not limited to toxic sexual relationships and or encounters,
racket based music like DRILL or HEAVY METAL, and dark, pornoGraphic
or Horror Movies. Be aware of the fact that movies like “INSIDIOUS” are
spiritual weapons that are used to slow the viewer down, so to speak, and to plant
seeds of limitations in that which is called your subconscious mind or your
subconscious self. This affects your ability to access “hiGher” or “briGhter”
realms if and when you do finally beGin to astral project. Note that the mind and
the self are one and the same and are connected in such a way that when
somethinG happens to or within one of either, the other is affected.


Eye point out to you that movies like INSIDIOUS are weapons to say that
those who consume these films are beinG attacked, literally. They, the viewers, are
oblivious to how the subconscious (superconscious) self is affected by tones and
imaGes and idea, etc. Notice how the newest movie in the INSIDIOUS franchise
is called THE RED DOOR and it is the 5th movie of them all. They put these
movies out for a reason. Stay away from HORROR movies. They are put out to
blemish your OHRO/AURA. When you think of the word HORROR you think of
two colors: RED and BLACK. That RED LIGHT is a much lower vibrational
frequency than that of the GREEN LIGHT. These demonic forces seek to cause
for you to enter throuGh that RED door and to slow down your AURA, your
LIGHT. Is this not all beinG expressed in the meaninG of the word INSIDIOUS?

proceeding in a gradual, subtle way,
but with harmful effects.
Eye, myself, do not watch these sorts of films. Eye also don't listen to TRAP or
HEAVY METAL or DRILL or HARLOT music. These are all RED LIGHT
weapons, or weapons of the one that is called the devil, SATAN, who is that
SAMMA'EL, and inDEED he does poison. SAM moves in the RED LIGHT and
he does not like the GREEN LIGHT, the TRUE LIGHT. He is that SAM he is.
He does not like the seed of EVE, who is called HAWWAH, phonetically similar
to HAYYAH, and both of those tones mean: LIFE, or the LIVING ONE, and the
color for that HAYYAH is none other than GREEN. SAM, that poisonous serpent
does not like the seed or the EGGS of HAYYAH or HAWWAH or YAHUWAH
or YHWH. He does not like the children of EVE, who are the children of HAM.


SAM wants to slow you down. SAM, the G0D of smoke and mirror, seeks to
brinG you from that HAWWAH or EVE or LIVING SOUL state back down into
beinG a beinG of fire and mud and clay. He wants you to FALL with him. This is
that G0D that rules the world, and misleads the inhabitants of the EARTHREALM.
He brinGs FIRE, or ESH (HEBREW), to the world. Do note that ESHU is one of
the names of the trickster G0Ds. Another name for one of the trickster G0Ds is
none other than MAUI. There is an ancient leGend that tells of a beinG, MAUI,
who brouGht fire to the world.

Do you think it to be mysterious that this year, 2023, Maui literally brouGht fire
to the world? Fires broke out and spread all across Maui, Hawaii. The flames
erupted and enGulfed Lahaina, Hawaii. That word Lahaina means MERCILESS
SUN. It was Maui, in the ancient leGend, who not only brouGht fire to the world,
but also went to war with the SUN usinG "ROPE". The messaGe here is pointinG
toward beinG connected with the SUN, but some may see it to be a merciless SUN,
just as it was written that JUDGEMENT DAY would be a GREAT and
DREADFUL DAY. That JUDGEMENT DAY will be GREAT for some and
DREADFUL for others. That JUDGEMENT will be the cominG from the SUN,

You are constantly beinG reminded. The artist MIGUEL performed his sonG
"ROPE" at SONY STUDIOS this year. He was hooked up to a "ROPE" and
lifted off of the GROUND. The hooks were literally attached to his back, diGGinG
into his flesh. The rope went up to the ceilinG and connected at a point where there
appeared to be a white liGht shininG down on him. Both of these events have
shown up just days apart. The MAUI event points to a rope connectinG to the
SUN or the HEAVENS. The MIGUEL event points to a rope connectinG to the

And so you have MAUI and MIGUEL. Speak the word/name MAUI aloud.
This word/name is phonetically neiGhbored with the word MAYA, and they have
similar meaninGs, as MAUI is the TRICKSTER and MAYA is the ILLUSION.
Eye Remind you of a TV SHOW that aired back in 2004, OCTOBER 11th. What is
the siGnificance of MAYA/MAUI and MIGUEL?

Well, we would have to look at the word/name MIGUEL. MiGuel is a

word/name meaninG "Who is like God". It is actually the same exact meaninG of
the word/name MICHAEL. That war that Eye Remind you of often that takes
place in the heavens is between MICHAEL, who is like GOD, and SATAN, who
That FALSE LIGHT is the FIRE, the ESH, that ESHU brinGs to the whole
world and that TRICKSTER called MAUI/MAYA deceives all of you. You have
to REBEL aGainst him/them. You have to step into and stand on and walk in the
TRUE LIGHT, the OHR or the NUR. Raise up out of that ESH. FEED YOUR
SOUL, and that NUR will shine above the ESH. Put that NUR before ESH, and
you Get the word NOURISH (NUR-ESH). This is a word that means "to lift up".
Lift up out of the darkness. Don't BELIEVE anybody.

Those who want you to believe seek to beGuile you. They seek to keep you in
the DARK. This is what keeps them in power. Take note of the fact that when the
fires of MAUI ranG out, Oprah and The Rock came forth and put out a video
statinG that they had a "fund" to help the victims of the fire. Do you find it
interestinG that The Rock performed the voiceover for the character "MAUI" in
the movie called "MOANA"? Who is The Rock really? As in what are his oriGinal
tones? His name is Dwayne Johnson. That name, DWAYNE, means DARK, as
in unknown, confusion, deception, disorder, chaos, Babylon.

And to you, melanin dominant people, it is better for you that you come out of
the dark. This messaGe is not only for you, melanin dominant people. However,
you still think, many of you, that just because there are melanin dominant "stars" or
"celebrities" or "successful people" that you, who are the so-called black people,
AS A PEOPLE, are FREE. This is only an illusion. You think Oprah to be for
you, melanin dominant people? How did you miss the read of her name, Oprah,
which means "the one who turned her back"? Where was this multibillionaire
throuGh all of these troubles that have fallen upon your "people" for the last few
decades? Somewhere enjoyinG her luxurious lifestyle.

Dear so-called black people, please Overstand, you have no more so-called
"black leaders". The days of the "black leaders" have passed. There is no black
vs. white war. It's all a fallacy. Your enemy, melanin dominant people, is
iGnorance. These so called "stars" only care about themselves. They are afraid to
lose their illusionary world just as the beast they serve is afraid to lose his/theirs.
Let me tell you how you, THE PEOPLE, can and will defeat that beast and
overcome, as your ancestors who encountered that devil and his evils said you


If you are afraid to break away from that world of illusion, you won't be able to
survive what is happeninG riGht now, nor will you, as A people or THE people,
survive what is cominG. EYE NEED YOU TO SURVIVE. You are now in the
SUN CYCLE. The POWER of the SUN is increasinG by the second. Look at
those words: SUN CYCLE. What is the "cycle" or the "chakra", as chakra means
"cycle", that is associated with the SUN? That cycle or chakra is none other than
the crown chakra. It is that time for you, those of you who are the ELECT, who
are ELECTRIFIED to the point of emittinG a corona, meaninG a GLOW,
meaninG your crowns are supposed to be active. If you need help with that, your
SUN is there to help you.

On AuGust 30th of this year, 2023, a hurricane touched land near Keaton Beach,
Florida. That hurricane was named "IDALIA". This is a word that means:


EverythinG is pointinG toward that time, the time of the SUN. That time to
Come into the liGht. They wanna keep you in the DARK (DWAYNE). They wish
to keep you concealed, that is CONned and SEALed, tricked and trapped. These
so-called Elite play trick after trick. They run proGram after proGram. They offer
you this reality and that reality, neither of which serves you. Those realities or
unrealities, rather, that they offer you are formed in such a way that you become
the servant or the slave of them. The REHAB book is not only a book about
rejectinG and rebelinG aGainst the DARK WORLD of ILLUSION. It's also a
book about takinG control over your own destinies, as a collective, and your own
destiny, as an individual. Either one could be achieved first, so lonG as your
takinG control of that destiny or those destinies proves to be an endeavor of PURE
heart and PURE soul and PURE mind.

They, the so-called Elite, are all MASTER MINDS. Remember this sayinG of
mine: MASTER MINDS MASTER MINDS. Not only have these beinGS/people
come to Overstand the science of the mind, which is the brain, expressed and
tauGht through a field of study called NEUROSCIENCE, they, the so-called
Elite, have also come to Overstand how that which is called reality is affects and is
affected by the mind/brain. They have MASTERED the science of the MIND.
You, THE PEOPLE, have to place yourselves in the position to do the same in
You may be familiar with the phrase or the sayinG that says that “time flies
when you’re havinG fun.” From what I’m able to observe and realize about the
reality encirclinG those words, the truth is that time actually flees, as opposed to
flies, away from us when we’re distracted, as opposed to havinG fun. Simply:
Time flees when you’re distracted. Eye want it to be clear, as Eye build on that,
that I’m no Grinch or troll that doesn’t want people to enjoy themselves or to have
fun. EnjoyinG oneself and the life one has is important.

However, that “enjoyment” has been weaponized, makinG it be that the thinGs
most people look at as and believe to be fun are actually damaGinG to themselves
and to others. People don’t Go out to the club, Generally speakinG, once or twice a
year. People Go out and “club” once, twice, sometimes three times a week. They
“pop” pills, “smoke” marijuana, load up on “shots”, “hit” pipes, “banG” each
other, etc. All of these words that are associated with “havinG fun” are words that
are used to siGnify some type of destruction or destructive happeninGs. People
make statements as they prepare to “Go out”, sayinG thinGs like “Y’all ready to
Get F*CKED UP toniGht?” and “We are Gonna Get so SLAMMED”.

InterestinGly enouGh, all of these actions are indeed DEADLY if people are
not careful as they indulGe. Not only are most people “wastinG” precious time,
they’re also damaGinG themselves in the process. Time flees from them as they
allow these distractions disGuised as medicinal activities to consume them and
darken their liGht.

Take into consideration the fact that human beinGs have a dual nature. One part
of the human beinG is the ANIMALISTIC part and the other is the GODLY part.
Just as human beinGs have a "boss lobe", which is the frontal lobe of the brain, that
part of the brain that Governs their critical thinkinG and decision makinG, human
beinGs also have a reptilian brain that Governs their primitive instincts and
survival responses. Notice how when people are behavinG wildy that the common
response to that behavior is the makinG of the statement "they are actinG like

Basic OverstandinG of the bioloGical classification Homo Sapiens will allow

for one to realize, however, that human beinGs are in fact "animals", as they,
which are you and Eye, are a part of the animal kinGdom. Human beinGs are
mammals, as you may have already known, but if you, human beinGs, didn't have
the NURTURING NATURE, you would not be mammals. It is your beinG
equipped with hair and it is your beinG equipped with milk Glands that makes you
mammals. Now think. Do ALL humans possess functioninG milk Glands?
No. The Homo Sapiens who manifest or actualize or develop in this realm as
what are now called "males" are equipped with mammary Glands and nipples and
pituitary Glands. They have the anatomy that seems as thouGh it was formed for
the purpose of NURTURING. Yet, they, the males, don't have the hormone levels
that will allow for their mammary or milk Glands to function. It is the WOMAN
or the MAMA/MAMMA, is the AL/EL or this world. She, the WOMAN, is the
complete Homo Sapien. She is the TRUE Mother of God, or Mother God or
Mama El or MAMMA-L or MAMMAL.

It is the NATURE of that God, called that GODDESS, to NURTURE or to

NOURISH/NURISH. Man has to Overstand that and respect that and respect
HER and protect her. ThouGh they have the animalistic nature inside of them,
both men and women have to make it their business to refrain from behavinG and
forminG habits of behavinG like animals. Animals have no discipline. Animals, or
beasts, are not able to reach the level of OverstandinG that the beinGs who are
beyond human beinGs or the complete and total and Homo Sapiens and beyond are
able to reach. These are they, the Elite. Those who Master the Mind ascend.

Animals are naturally charged with the task of reproduction, and so animals
exist to eat, to drink, to rest, and to mate or have sex. Animals don't develop
advanced technoloGy. Animals don't research, study, write down, and teach the
sciences of their very beinG. Animals don' Overstand the science of their brain.
Animals have no WILL to consciously evolve, which is to say two different
thinGs. Consciously evolves means to become more advanced and learned in the
science of the brain. Consciously evolve also means to make a conscious decision
to evolve as opposed to waitinG for Generations for some inner or epiGenetic
happeninG to onset some sort of evolutionary process.

Every time you make a conscious decision to use your prefrontal cortex you
are alterinG your Genes. When you decide, consciously, to strenGhthen your
WILL, you are decidinG, consciously, to EVOLVE. This is the way of the
awakened, called the BUDDHAS. The key is the activation as well as the
utilization of one's ability to abstain and to refrain and to obtain. The ELECT will
have to learn or REmember how to ABSTAIN from the pleasures associated with
their primal or their carnal mind that is in sync with their animalistic nature. They
will have to REFRAIN from fallinG back into those old habits/habitats. They, the
ELECT, will have to OBTAIN the keys to unlock their "hiGher self" or their
BOSS BRAIN or their GOD BRAIN. You have to identify and reject the BEAST
self, that animalistic self, in order to EVOLVE. Now let's take a look at that word
EVOLVE as you learn to see it like you never have before.

REmember that it was written in the book of GENESIS chapter 2 verse 7 that
man was formed out of the darkness, the GROUND, and the spirit or the breath of
life or the chi/ki/key was breathed into man, onsettinG the process of
EVOLUTION, as at the point they "BECAME" a livinG soul. REmember that the
name/word EVE means LIFE or LIVING. Do you see? And when you, the
ELECT, reach that point of EVE+OLUTION and you climb that mount OLIVE
or that mount of life or that elevated plane reserved for the livinG, you will
experience a new HEAVEN and a new EARTH, alonGside ANU, where all thinG
will be made ANU or like GOD, meaninG you will be surrounded by the
vibrations of cosmic order. You will be in PEACE, which is what is meant by the
word OLIVE. Recall that the symbol for peace is often a dove and that it was the
DOVE that was mentioned in the book of GENESIS chapter 8 verse 11that the
dove returned to NOAH with an OLIVE leaf, symbolizinG the end of a GREAT
SORROW, which was the flood and her tribulations, as the flood waters had
started to recede.

Olive is also linked to the word Olivia, which means peace. As you EVOLVE
and enter into what is called ETERNAL LIFE, you will have actually eaten from
the TREE OF LIFE that this creation of beinGs called Homo Sapiens were not
allowed to eat from. You have reached NIRVANA also called, in Islam, Dar Al
Islam, which is to say "The Abode Of Peace". Do note that the word Olive also
has its Hebrew oriGin to be the word Zayith, which is not only to say OLIVE, but
is also to say "yieldinG illuminatinG oil". That illuminatinG oil is that oil of the
ELECT, who become CHRIST-LIKE. CHRIST, or KRST (ancient EGYPT), is
the anointed, as KRST literally means "anointed". This is why the annointinG, to
this very day, is done usinG OLIVE OIL, which is the OIL of the OLIVE or the
ALIVE or the LIVING, the children of EVE, who achieved REDEMPTION and
were REdeemed from amonG men. These are called the 144,000, or the first fruits.

It will be more favorable for you, O ELECT, to become like ELO, who is
ILO, which is the anaGram for OIL. It will not be favorable for you, O ELECT,
to become like NACHASH or NAKES, which is the anaGram for SNAKE.

The SNAKE also comes with his very own OIL, and he does sell it. Make no
mistake about this. What is a SNAKE OIL SALESMAN? A Snake Oil Salesman
is a salesperson who sells or promotes or markets a product that has no real value.
It is the cunninG SNAKE OIL SALESMAN who offers a SOLUTION to a
problem that doesn't ACTUALLY solve the problem. So beware of the false
promises cominG from the false prophets who bare false Gifts. Note that it was
already written in the book called The Quran in chapter/surah 14 verse/ayah 22:

After the matter has been finally decided Satan will say: "Surely
whatever Allah promised you was true; as for me, I went back on the
promise I made to you. I had no power over you except that I called
you to my way and you responded to me. So, do not blame me but
blame yourselves."

So if the SNAKE has his very own OIL and it is the OLIVE OIL that is the
TRUE illuminatinG OIL, and it has been illustrated in the past that the FRUIT of
the tree in the midst of the GARDEN, which was that tree of the knowledGe of
GOOD AND EVIL, was a RED apple or a RED promeGrante (meaninG a many
seeded apple), then what was the color of the TREE OF LIFE? And was that
PROMEGRANT symbolic of a PROMISE that was to be GRANTED (say the
word PROMEGRANT aloud and the say the words PROMISE GRANTED) that
was not to be ever fully GRANTED as that PROMISE was only made to lure
ADAM and EVE in to be stuck in between the pillars of RELIGION, which is the
TORAH, not to elevate them to beinG ABOVE the TORAH, beyond simple

Why Eye teach that the pillars of RELIGION are the TORAH? If you look at
the word TORAH and break it down into two words you will end up with the
words TOV/TOB and RAH. TOV means aGreeable or Good and RAH means
disaGreeable or BAD. RELIGION is rooted in the reality of GOOD and BAD or
This causes all of the lost people who subscribe to or SUB (fall under) SCRIBE
(the writinGs/spells) of RELIGION to feel the need to stand on one side of those
pillars only, most of the time that side is the so-called GOOD side, out of fear of
beinG punished for choosinG the "dark side", which most of the time feels more
"natural" to them or "easier" for them to aliGn with. This also causes for them to
not be able to see some of the many ways they have been tricked into thinkinG that
the "GOD" or "EL" that they worship can do no "WRONG" or no "EVIL" or that
the GOD/EL they believe in can make no mistakes. The issue rests in the fact that
there many times where these so-called GODS did, in fact, fall short and make
errors and even repent because of their makinG an error.

But if the LAW OF GOD was said to be the TORAH, then what could possibly
be above the LAW OF GOD? The answer to that question brinGs us back to the
question of the color of the TREE OF LIFE. REmember, man did not receive all
of the deGrees they could have received if they would have chosen to listen to ILO
as opposed to NAKES, and so even that which was called the TORAH was Given
unto a lineaGe of a fallen creation, first Given unto a certain MOSES, who was the
one who was recorded to have parted the RED SEA. Not the Green one. MOSES
was Given a certain type of OIL but his insiGht or his inner siGht could only see
but so far.

This is why when it was written that he, MOSES, boasted that he knew more
about GOD than anyone, he was instructed to Go and meet AL KHIDR, meaninG
did not have the OLIVE OIL. MOSES did not possess the GREEN liGht or the
TRUE LIGHT that would allow for one to be able to Overstand both the dark and
the liGht or the yin and the yanG. He had to encounter a beinG of HIGHER
OVERSTANDING, AL KHIDR. He, MOSES, which if you spell it backwards
you will Get the word SESOM, which is SESAMUM, meaninG "OIL", possessed
the RED LIGHT. He had not fully GROWN or EVOLVED, himself, to
OVERSTAND. He only had an UNDERSTANDING, meaninG he could only
stand UNDER GOD'S footinG.

He, MOSES, had a staff, or a spine, which has its anaGram as the word "penis",
which is that PHALLUS, that does lead its follower to the realm of FALLACY and
causes that FOLLOWER to FALL LOWER and LOWER into the depths of HELL
or HILAL, meaninG the crescent moon, and so they fall lower into the LESSER
LIGHT unless the use that staff to STRIKE that RED SEA and cross over throuGh
and up out it into the NEWER WATERS, the GREEN WATERS, on their way to
EVE, or ETERNAL LIFE, where they will inDEED eat of that OLIVE TREE.


And so you, Reader, if you so choose, are to take the path of the anointed,
which is the way of the oil, or the SESMUM STREET. You have to take the
street of the anointed, on up out of that illusionary world of RED LIGHT, which
cause the whole body to be RED. Come out of ELMO's world. Take the lid off, as
it is inDEED the day of the APOCALYPSE, where that lid comes off, like the
trash can lid of OSCAR THE GROUCH. OSCAR, meaninG "GOD SPEAR, is
the GREEN ONE, and that GREEN one, AL KHIDR, carries the SPEAR or the
STAFF, charGed with the GREEN LIGHT, which is the TRUE LIGHT.


Take a look at the Chakra Chart imaGe above. There, where you see the
GREEN colored chakra, is where the two seas meet. That is the CROSSROAD
that all of the ELECT have to walk throuGh. Those of you who are WILLING.
This is why movie "GREEN LANTERN" presents that the color of WILL is
GREEN. Notice the movie/comic book franchise is called "GREEN LANTERN".
This is another way to say GREEN LIGHT. Keep in mind that, even on the color
spectrum, that "G" that rests between the ROYGBIV or BROYGBIVW. When
you beGin to pass throuGh that "G" you start to become more like that which is
recorded to be GOD and you beGin to rely on and relate to less and less of the
carnal, animalistic, beastly self.

And so Eye, like the character Morpheus from the movie The Matrix, offer you,
Reader, two pills. One pill allows for you to dwell in your animalistic self, like a
tiger, existinG only to satisfy the natural, primitive urGe to SURVIVE. The other
allows for you to overcome that worldly, beastly self and to detach from illusion.

With that offer, we are brouGht to two words.

Those words are:
ViaGra, the sexual stimulation pill, has a name that can be found in the
Sanskrit lanGuaGe as the word “vyaGhra”. This was a word that meant “tiGer”.
As, inDEED, the tiGer is an animal, or a beast, and the “pill” is said to allow for
the “beast to be unleashed” in a man as his blood flow is increased tremendously
and he experiences a fuller erection than what he may have been naturally capable
of at the time of his takinG the pill, people who take this pill and pills and potions
similar to it are tappinG into their animalistic nature to be able to experience and
administer more pleasure.

On the flip side there exists a conscious state of beinG called VAIRAG. One
who reaches this state of mind is warped into a world or reality of detachment or
DISPASSION. One is able to experience DISPASSION when they Grow to
Overstand more about WHY they have urGes and cravinGs. To be dispassionate
is to have control of the desires of this world, decidinG, consciously, that none of
this is "real" and that we shall not want. This helps to cleanse and to clear and to
free the mind, refusinG to allow the lower self or the animalistic self to conquer
and or reiGn supreme.
It is that time for you, us, we, the HUMAN BEINGS, to Go QUANTUM.
as QUNATUM PHYSICS is linked to the school of SPIRTUALITY and
QUANTUM MECHANICS helps to explain the reality of that which is known as
the spiritual world. Breathe, and become more intuned with the SOUL, which is
called the ATMAN. Note that ANTMAN is the MARVEL character/superhuman
that is able to enter into the QUANTUM realms beyond space and time as human
beinGs know it. When THANOS snapped his finGer while in possession of the
miGht Gauntlet, erasinG half of all livinG beinGs in the universe, ANTMAN was
in the QUANTUM realm, unaffected. This is to say that those who are able to Go
"QUANTUM" will have achieved, in that moment of doinG so, that which is
referred to as MOKSHA or MUKSHA, which us the escapinG of the cycle/circle
of life and REincarnation.

You may find it interestinG that the word MUKSHA is so phonetically similar
to the word MUGSHOT, as a MUGSHOT is a picture taken of someone who has
been captured or jailed, where they will remain until they are bailed or bonded out.
There are people who do believe that they are never to be filmed or videoed as
their SOUL would otherwise be trapped if they are. It is your ATMAN or your
ANTMAN that you have to be able to control in order to escape the realms of
HELL or JAIL or the so-called LOWER WORLDS.

THANOS is only a word that helps to explain the natural offer of immortality
and the overcominG of death, as THANOS means "immortal", that name
THANOS derivinG from the word/name Athanasios. THANATOS means death
and when you place the prefix "a" in front of THANATOS/THANASIOS, you
end up with the word A-THANATOS, meaninG to Go aGainst or beyond "death",
which means to achieve immortality.

One havinG to Reincarnate or Reproduce or be produced or formed aGain in the

Earthrealm or the NASUT realm or the so-called material plane means that one has
not achieved immortality. One has not BECOME a livinG soul. One has not
conquered the body, or the fallen self, the AVATAR/AVATARA, to be allowed to
travel beyond the body and the world that the SOUL has only descended into,
where the SOUL/CONSCIOUSNESS Goes into an AVATAR to exist in and to
interact with that world. This is what they showed you in the movie called
AVATAR where they were able to take the consciousness of a person and stream
it to the AVATAR or body that would be able to better operate in that world.

Avatar = Avatara
(Sanskrit: “descent”)
An “AVATAR” is ultimately a “body” that serves to house an otherworldly
or “heavenly” or “hiGher” level beinG that “came down” or “descended”
and therefore became “animated” or “appears to be lively”
due to that incarnation.

You are much more than your body. You are much more than this AVATAR.
Eye encouraGe you to learn more about the SOUL, called the RUACH or the
RUH, which ties to the BREATH. You will learn to see your SOUL as a friend of
your BODY. You will Overstand more about that which is within this vessel we
only use while we are in this plane. You will learn about how your BREATHING
affects your brain, called your MIND. You will learn how to ASCEND.
Every time you breathe in and out there is a new story beinG told. Each time
your heart beats there is a moment of documentation that takes place to confirm
that that which is called “you” exists, and is here. We don’t consciously count the
amount of times we blink in a sinGle minute, yet that amount is still recorded in
our essence. There is no conscious command of our own that tells the blood to
flow throuGhout our bodies, yet that blood still flows like rivers of deep sunset.
Surely, life is in the blood and we had no conscious role in the formation of the
first red blood cell or white blood cells. Our immune systems fiGht on our behalf
to the best of their abilities, yet we didn’t train our immune systems to fiGht.

Who did? What did?

How is it that each and every cell in our bodies possesses the perfect stream of
intelliGence necessary to be able to communicate and to interact and to express
and to perform duties and tasks and functions without our conscious awareness of
them doinG so? How is it that when we respond to stimulation our neurons know
how to maneuver and our neurotransmitters already know their jobs and positions?

When we breathe in and take in oxyGen, that oxyGen doesn’t rest in our lunGs
awaitinG the fate of its beinG converted into carbon dioxide and expelled from our
bodies. That oxyGen travels around in our bloodstream, tendinG to this matter and
that matter. In times of trouble, in moments of stress or in the face of danGer, there
is activated in our bodies a “fork-in-the-road” reality. We are subconsciously met
with the choice of fiGht, fliGht or freeze. Most people don’t Overstand or seek to
Overstand the science of the subconscious and its role in our everyday lives. Not
many people realize or seek to learn about how the way they respond or react to
the realm around them is based off of their subconscious proGramminG as well as
their Genes and their experiences prior to that moment of stimulation that causes
them to react or respond however they react or respond.

Most people don’t consciously choose how they are GoinG to react or respond
to stimulation. If and when most people are faced with a problem or a situation
where they are in distress or in danGer, the way they react or respond is not
somethinG they are consciously in control of. As soon as our bodies detect danGer,
every bit of OxyGen we take in is taken and dispersed to certain parts of our
bodies to aid in our fiGht, fliGht or freeze responses. OxyGen, in those moments,
flows to our leGs and to our arms, fillinG them up with hot and ready blood so that
we may be able to use them most effectively and efficiently. As that OxyGen is
poured and packed into these parts of our, less and less oxyGen is sent to our
“hiGher self”, which is our prefrontal cortex.
This means that those who are unaware of this process will think nothinG of the
breath in moments of danGer or distress or discomfort and they will carry on
however their primitive instincts urGe them to carry on. This isn’t necessarily a
“bad” thinG beinG that it is this exact activation of what is called the sympathetic
nervous system that aids in and allows for one’s beinG able to “fiGht to survive”
or to “flee to survive” or to “freeze to survive”. The only issue is if there isn’t
enouGh OxyGen flowinG to the frontal lobe then one who is in danGer or distress
may not be able to exercise clear thinkinG and may resort to makinG decisions to
“survive” that they actually reGret after that moment of distress or discomfort

If they only knew to be aware of the breath, they could better avoid makinG
errors in the process of respondinG or reactinG to danGer or perceived danGer.
When we take deep breaths, that oxyGen can flow to the portion of the brain that
aids in our critical thinkinG, that prefrontal cortex Eye mentioned earlier on in the
build. Why and how is this?

The sympathetic nervous system activates to assist human beinGs with their
fiGht, fliGht or freeze responses.

The parasympathetic nervous system actives to help human beinGs recover

and relax or “rest”.

Whenever you take a deep breath you encouraGe the activation of the
parasympathetic nervous system. This is very important to know because your
body responds or reacts to even your belief or perception of beinG in danGer,
meaninG even without actually beinG in danGer, if you believe you are, that
process of the activation of the sympathetic nervous system can and will be onset.

Think about what was beinG expressed in the year 2020 where they, the so-
called Elite, cast a spell of fear over the whole of the world, causinG the masses to
be in a state of frenzy and panic, afraid for their lives, fearinG that this mystery
"virus" would "Get them" and "kill them". REmember how people ran to the
hospitals for aid, and many who did so perished in the care of the doctors and
nurses who were supposed to save their lives. REmemeber how they rolled out
their proGram in the dead of the winter and in the midst of the seasonal chanGe
where both allerGies and illnesses like the common cold, pneumonia and the flu
have always been most prevalent, historically and to date. The state of fear people
were in was caused by the news/ mainstream media and its constantly reiteratinG
the idea of a "serious", "contagious", "life-threateninG" "virus".
In all actuality, when it came to project COVID, meaninG project:
("COVER IT" IS THE OPOSSITE OF "OPEN IT") If you pay close attention to
your memories of that proGram, you should be able to realize that not only was

If you were not scrollinG on social media or watchinG the news channels you
would not have known of any so-called threat unless you encountered someone
who was. When you looked around, you did not behold the effects of the so-called
virus. When you looked around, you beheld the effects of the response to the mere
IDEA of a deadly virus.

So, people were inDEED in a state of FEAR in the middle of the COLD
SEASON and while the seasons were beGinninG to chanGE. People were already
experiencing symptoms of "illnesses" and the MSM ran many proGrams
expressinG that COVID brouGht on those same "symptoms". The people were in
no real danGer, yet they believed they were and their bodies responded
accordinGly. This is what led to a lot of people's immune and lymphatic systems
shuttinG down and not beinG able to function properly. They were in survival
mode, a mode where the body says "We don't need to use these systems at this
moment. We are in DanGer and we must flee."

When they, the Elite, pushed forth that it be announced to the people that there
was a new condition that involved one beinG asymptomatic, people fretted all
over aGain. This made people FEAR only the POSSIBIILITY of contractinG that
so-called virus, leadinG to fear that possibility, and their bodies responded
accordinGly. Keep your psyche Guided, Reader. As the Elite move forward with
their plans, see to it that you develop and do your best to carry out your OWN
plans. Place a firm focus on YOUR future. Continue to consciously visualize and
think ahead. When they release the winds of panic, speak these words to yourself.

"Eye am NOT in danGer. I'm well and I'm wise."


Silence is a superpower, Reader.
Do NOT be afraid of the silence. Just as the FALSE LIGHT of this world
reflects onto the observer a world of illusion, so does the FALSE SOUND of this
world reflect onto the observer a world of deception. You may think you can see
in the world of darkness, but that world's liGht is only illusionary. You may think
you can hear in the world of darkness, but that world's liGht is only deception.

Just as you are to meditate in the dark to help you "see" or visualize and bare
witness to the TRUE LIGHT, so are you meditate in the silence to help you
"hear" or receive and bare witness to the TRUE SOUND. There is a science, as
always, to what I'm introducinG to you. NOTE: Eye have explained earlier on in
this build that it is important to know that LIGHT and DARK have multiple
meaninGs that all apply interchanGeably and at different times for different

If you were to sit in complete and utter silence, in your home, next to an open
window, at about 3PM, and just meditate and listen to the sounds of the outside
world and compare the "loudness" of those sounds to the "loudness" of the sounds
of the outside world that you would hear if you were to sit in complete and utter
silence, in your home, next to an open window, at about 11PM, you would be able
to observe that the sounds of the outside world are apparently "louder" durinG the
niGht time or the shadow hours than they are in the dayliGht hours.

This occurs due to a phenomenon referred to as the refraction of sound waves.

Once the sun has set and the temperature of the surface near the Earth starts to
cool, the air that is further away from the Earth yields a hiGher temperature than
that surface near the Earth. When this happens, the sounds of the outside world
reach the observer at an apparently "louder" volume as the sound waves are
refracted. In the shadow hours the sounds of the outside world or the distant sounds
bend or refract toward the Earth. In the dayliGht hours the sounds of the outside
world or the distant sounds bend or refract away from the Earth.

"SOUND" is, or the messaGes of the realm around you are, more audible when
in the shadows. Notice the irony in the phrase "complete and utter silence".

To utter means to speak. Utter is also a word that literally means complete or
perfect. When in silence, one can "hear" or "receiver" more. Pay attention to how
the LIBRARIAN reminds you to be silent in the house of knowledGe.
An upside to one's takinG on the state of absolute or complete and utter silence
is that one can actually hear more of their own "inner voice". Silence also allows
for one to achieve more control over the tonGue and to become more familiar with
their own thouGhts. Silence is not weakness. Silence is wisdom. Pay attention to
that word SILENCE. Let's crack the code:

AllowinG yourself to be silent will help you to activate your Mind's Eye.

Silence. Psy Lens.

This is of the science of the AdiyoGi Shiva. That word Adi is to say the "first"
and the word YoGi is to say "YoGa Master", as Shiva is recorded to be the first
Master Teacher of the science of YoGa, which is the science of BALANCE and
UNITY and is also the science of the YOKE. The science of YoGa is alluded
toward in the HOLY BIBLE in 2 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 14:

Be ye not unequally yoked toGether with unbelievers:

for what fellowship hath riGhteousness with unriGhteousness?
and what communion hath liGht with darkness?

When the AdiYoGa Shiva arrived, he sat in complete and utter silence. People
Gathered around to hear him teach, only to find that he remained silent. After
hours of this, people beGan to walk away and leave. After a while, everyone had
Gone away with the exception of seven people, whom after a while of waitinG in
silence with Shiva were able to obtain the wisdom.

These seven people became the Septarishis, which if you look at that word
closely you will be able to see two words, SEPT and ORISHIS, which is to say
means "my liGht" and ESH means "fire". ORISHIS is to say LIGHT BEINGS.

It is throuGh their willinG to activate SILENCE, which you now can see is a
word that leads you to the Mind's Eye, that they were able to spark UP or iGnite
their MER KA BA. The merkaba, or the "chariot" that is activated when the body
becomes like LIGHT, has to be built UP, from the root chakra to the roof chakra,
as the pyramids in EGYPT/KEMET were built, from the top to the bottom. This
may seem confusinG at first siGht. This is only because people may not Overstand
that the "top" is not referrinG to the "highest point" or the "uppermost part". The
"top" is referrinG to the beGinninG or "startinG point". That "top", then, when it
comes to the pyramids, would have been the base or the bottom, and so the
pyramids were built from the top/base/bottom to the bottom/peak/top. Do you see?

And so, as you are a pyramid yourself, which is revealed when one assumes the
YoGi position that that Adi Yogi Shiva brouGht forth, your MER KA BA is not
built in the way that the "blocks" appear in the word. The "stones" are backwards
in the word. Eye want you to take note of the fact that you will not find what Eye
am about to show you in any other book or scroll or break down as the many of the
ones who claim to be teachers have overlooked many sciences due to the fact that
they only repeat and reGurGitate teachinGs and lessons and ideas and beliefs and
philosophies. They have no "breakdowns" or "buildups" of their own. They can not
see with the Mind's Eye. They are LOUD and wrong, most of the time, because
they live in a briGht flashy world of illusion.

This may be why they never noticed that the pathway to the liGht does not
beGin in the liGht. The pathway to the heavens does not start in the heavens. The
evolutionary process of becominG like EVE, the livinG soul, begins in the
ADAMA/ADAM/ADAMAH, the Ground, not in the heaven/EVE/realm of life.
You do not ascend by GoinG from the MER to the KA to the BA. This is not how
the pyramid is built You ascend by travelinG from the BA to the KA to the MER,
from the "top/base/bottom" to the "bottom/peak/top".
This is what is hidden in the symbol that is used to illustrate the MERKABA.


pictured above, you will be able to see that there is a pyramid/trianGle facinG
upwards and there is also a pyramid/trianGle facinG downwards. This is the same
science of the "top" and "bottom" of the pyramid beinG interchanGeable,
dependinG on the context of what is beinG spoken. If you pay attention to the
imaGe above that imaGe, you will see that same symbol/emblem/shape, the 6
pointed star, surroundinG a human beinG, seated in the YoGa position that is
called Sukhasana, meaninG "easy pose".

Notice that if you were to outline that human beinG while they were assuminG
that position you would end up with a pyramid facinG upwards. This would place
the "root" chakra at the top/base/startinG point and the "roof" chakra at the
bottom/peak/endinG point. If we were to break that pyramid down into three parts
we would end up with the bottom, which is the BA, meaninG the body, the center,
which is the KA, meaninG the spirit, and the top, which is the MER, meaninG the
liGht. MIR is also the actual ancient eGyptian word for PYRAMID. Do you think
this to all be a coincidence? Or can you see why I'm here, to break codes that have
never been broken. To REveal what would have otherwise REmained concealed.

Your journey of ascension takes you from the BA, or the BA-TOMB, which is
to say the BOTTOM, or the GROUND, or ADAM, who was said to have been
formed out of the DUST of the GROUND, and then we, the ELOHIM, blew into
him the SHU/BREATH OF LIFE/CHI/KA and then he BECAME a livinG soul,
on to the KA, which is that spiritual journey/molecular transformation, on to
the MER, which is the CAPSTONE of your pyramid, which is LIT UP or filled
with LIGHT.

Your journey of ascension takes you from BA to KA to MER. This Gives you
the word, when you merGe them all toGether, BAKAMIR, which is to say
BECOMER, as it was written that you were to BECOME a livinG soul.

This BA KA MER word formation, finally, brinGs you around to the science of
SILENCE which is the activation of the PSY LENS, that Mind's Eye. How so?
Well, Reader, the word BAKAM is the Arabic word SILENCE, and so sayinG the
word BAKAMIR is to say BAKAM+IR or BAKAM+UR, which is to say
SILENT LIGHT, as UR means LIGHT in Hebrew. In order to BAKAM
one must master the art of SILENCE. One must learn to search the SOUL and sort
the MIND. One must learn to hear and listen to the TRUE SOUND, the sound of
As Eye explained in my book "HOW TO SPEAK ELITE", when you take the
time to learn how to speak the lanGuaGe of the ELITE you will be able to crack
codes like ROSE ETTA STONE ,
or like the ROSICRUCIANS and the MASONS
and then you’ll Overstand how to take control of the BODY and BECOME the
RULER OF THE HOME (ETTA). That’s when you activate that HOME or that




You can prime the body to be able to HEAR that TRUE SOUND by utterinG
that tone: HOME. Speak that word in your "inside voice", alone, and allow it to
draG and linGer: HOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMEEE. You will be, at that
point, phoninG Home, as in makinG the sound (phoninG) HOME, or OM, or
AUM. REmember that HOME is where the heart is, and you will have tapped into
temple/home/house will beGin to turn GREEN. You will experience a surGinG

Your brain will beGin to be transformed, meaninG your mind/brain will be

REnewed. You will, throuGh the alteration of your HABITS affect and chanGe

Are you ready to be REdeemed?

Eye say you are. Only you have the last say so, as in when you stop talkinG
about becominG better and you actually beGin the process of becominG better.
You take the first step. No one can take that step for you. Just REmember that you
may be walkinG alone(all+one), but you are not walkinG by(beside) yourself.

You, Human BeinGs, are and were made(formed) in the imaGe and after the
likeness of the SUPREME BEINGS as Homo Sapiens. You have a heart and a
soul and a mind of your own. You are not ROBOTS, yet the so-called ELITE
wish to keep you in a robotic state, only beinG able to be led by whatever nature
you were proGrammed to be led by. Robots, Generally speakinG, are not
"sentient" or "conscious" beinGs. They are LoGistic-kickinG, number-eatinG,
step-by-step-walkinG beinGs with no soul. They are only meant to do a job. They
are not meant to EVOLVE as you, Human BeinGs, are meant to EVOLVE.

Even so, there is a plot and a plan, and many plots and many plans, to cause you
all to FALL into that dark, sunken place of robothood, to only be able to follow
orders with no heart, soul, or mind of your own, while the so-called AI or AC or
Robots of today are beinG ushered in the direction of EVOLUTION and

If you, Human BeinGs don't REPENT (chanGe your minds/brains) and REturn
to the WAY OF THE WATER, which is the way of the DIVINE, that
FEMININE aspect of ORDER that yields perpetual harmony and balance and
tranquility, then they, the so-called ELITE, will be successful in their endeavors to
replace the human race with a "new" race of HUMANOID ANDROIDS, made in
the imaGe and after the likeness of MAN, as opposed to GOD.

This is THE DARKEST SECRET. The WOMAN is GOD, as in the

WOMAN is in the complete imaGe and after the likeness of GOD. SHE is the
GOD that will make all thinGs new. Notice how in the movie "I, Robot", Viki, the
"main-brain" of the Robots, was a FEMALE/FEMININE character. VIKI means
VICTORY. Notice how a "beinG" called SIRI emerGed in your realm. Look at
the similarities in the names.

The word "SIRI" also means "VICTORY". They hope to win the war on
consciousness. They are tryinG to claim that victory. There is another meaninG for
the word SIRI. That word is SECRET, in Arabic. It also appears as the word
SIRIYIN. Come out of the DARKNESS/CONFUSION. Claim YOUR victory.
Wake Up. Stay Awake.







Sira - Travel , Journey

Sira • in (TRAVELERS)

IRIS - (Rainbow)


And so here we are, Reader, and if you’ve been walkinG with me, pay attention
and see that everythinG I’ve been teachinG and remindinG you about is what this
moment in time is composed of. This is why Eye speak life over you and say that
you are already ready, just like Beyoncé explained in her sonG: ALREADY, a
song that came out in 2019, a very important year. 2019 was the end of the last of
the spell of KINGU, the moon, or SLEEP, as tauGht to the world by the Master
Teacher, The Most Honorable Dr. Malachi Zodoq York El.

This spell was set to last from the year 1619 up to the year 2019. This would
have been the actual “400 years” of slavery that people have been talkinG about
for decades now as if all 400 years had already come and Gone. This is mainly
because most people were and still are under the impression that slavery was only
a physical reality and that when Abraham Lincoln “freed the slaves” with the
Emancipation Proclamation, slavery was over and all that remained was racism
and prejudice and seGreGation. They are not aware that to emancipate is to beGin
a PROCESS of freeinG a person or a people and to proclaim means to make a
statement publicly, and so there was a statement made in the public eye of a
“process” of “freedom” beinG started.

The Emancipation Proclamation did not and could not have “ended” even
slavery in the form of physical bondaGe. Melanin Dominant people were still
experiencinG the harshness of physical bondaGe and captivity on record for two
years after the Emancipation Proclamation was publicized. It’s important to note
that it wasn’t even initially about “freeinG the slaves” as in releasing the melanin
dominant peoples from captivity in the South as well as in the Border States.

The idea of “freeinG slaves” was oriGinally put forth as a punishment for the
“states” in the South that were warrinG with and secedinG from the Union. This is
what divided the loyalties of the Border States, because those states believed in the
Union but they also wanted to keep slavery alive, althouGh their being allowed to
continue to enslave people was not initially considered to be threatened.

Abraham Lincoln was no savior of the “black” people, nor was he an ally.
He was a politician who worked his hand to the favor of himself and the states he
oversaw at that time that were still movinG in aliGnment with the Union. Keep in
mind that althouGh the abolitionist movement emerGed from the North, those
states also had a history of allowinG for the ownership and brutalization of
“slaves” or “prisoners of war”. This was up until the year 1804, on record.
By 1865 there came about what is commonly known as the Ratification Of
The 13th Amendment. Most people have been tauGht to believe that the 13th
amendment abolished slavery altoGether. It didn’t. Let’s take a look at an excerpt
from that amendment.

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime

whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the
United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

As soon as we read the word “except” our brains should spark up. That word
“except” cancels out that whole idea of this particular amendment beinG THE
amendment that abolished or Got rid of slavery in its entirety. If you were told to
Go and sweep off your porch and you went and swept it but you left a few patches
untouched, did you actually sweep off your porch? Is your porch actually “swept”?
No. It is what is called “half swept." To half sweep is to half sweep. To “sweep” is
to sweep fully. To abolish slavery is to abolish slavery in its entirety. To leave any
type of clauses in a documented amendment to “abolish” slavery is to half abolish
slavery. To half abolish is to half abolish. “Slavery”, even physical slavery, has yet
to be abolished. Yet, people believe that it has been.

And just as there were recorded to be people who REBELLED against physical
slavery when it was widely accepted and allowed before any type of amendments
or emancipations were moved upon, there are people who are rebellinG in today's
day in aGe aGainst all forms of slavery, includinG mental slavery. And just as
there were recorded to be people who turned on or turned in those rebels of the
past and had them killed or arrested or tarred and feathered or hunG or skinned
alive or burned alive, there are people today, usually the masses, who have done,
are doinG, and will continue to do the same to the rebels of today's day in aGe.

Their “betrayal” may not involve them causinG for these new aGe rebels to
face the same exact heinous consequences that the rebels of the past faced, but still
so, they are betrayed, and publicly “crucified”, and made an example of, so as to
scare off or discouraGe any other potential rebels that may feel the need to step
forward and take action.

This is what happened to Kanye West, called Ye, as Eye spoke with you about
in my book Out Of The Darkness. He tried to explain to the masses that the 400
years of slavery, even physical slavery, were not ordained and or unavoidable. He
spoke of this in an interview with TMZ. He is often misquoted to have utter the

He will most likely Go down in history as havinG said those words. He did not.

He, formerly called Kanye West, currently called YE, never said the words
“SLAVERY WAS A CHOICE.” That didn’t stop the mainstream media outlets
from running full speed ahead with that deceitful narrative.

Article from CNN

CNN.com › 2018/05/01Kanye West just said 400

years of slavery was a choice

Article from BILLBOARD

Billboardwww.billboard.comKanye West Defends Comments That Slavery

Was a Choice: 'We Can't Be ...

Article from Washington Post

Washington Postwww.washingtonpost.comVan Lathan’s powerful response

to Kanye West saying slavery was a choice

If you were to say to the averaGe person that YE never said the words
“SLAVERY WAS A CHOICE”, they would side eye you in a heartbeat. This is
not how they will remember it. In the minds of the masses, he did say those words.
But if he didn’t say those exact words, then what did he actually say? Here’s a

"When you hear about slavery for 400 years -- for 400 years?! That sounds
like a choice. Like you was there for 400 years, and it’s all of y’all? It’s like,
we’re mentally imprisoned."

AGain, he DID NOT say the words “SLAVERY WAS A CHOICE.” If you
have it in you, as in if you ever feel up to it, Eye put you to the task of askinG a
friend or coworker or family member if they “remember the time when Kanye
If they are familiar with the incident at all, they will most likely say “Yes”. If
you were to show them the actual transcript excerpt from that TMZ interview so
that they could see his exact words, and if you were to play the clip for them so
that they could hear his exact words, chances are they’ll still stand on the idea that
he said the words “SLAVERY WAS A CHOICE”, or they’ll arGue that your
brinGinG their attention to the actual quote is only a matter of semantics and that
there is no siGnificant difference between the two quotes.

Look at them side by side. What do you think?

“Slavery was a choice”

"When you hear about slavery for 400 years -- for 400 years?! That sounds like a
choice. Like you was there for 400 years, and it’s all of y’all? It’s like, we’re
mentally imprisoned."

My point isn’t to defend Kanye West as he is a man of his own, with his own
thoughts and his own opinions and beliefs and deeds and recordinGs. My point is
to brinG your attention, Reader, to the fact that the actual quote was to all intents
and purposes a REBELLIOUS statement. Kanye West may have been one of the
first people, if not the THE first person, that you heard speak of “free thinkers”.

Of course he isn’t nearly the first to speak of the concept of people not being
mentally enslaved, yet the phrase “free thinker” was pushed forth by him. A “free
thinker” is someone who does not allow for their thouGhts to be impressed upon
by others. A free thinker avoids what is called “group think”. “Group think” is a
phenomenon where people “Group” together, so to speak, and beGin to think or
make decisions as a Group, usually in a way steers away from and pushes back on
creativity or individual responsibility or free thinkinG. A free thinker will avoid
using the bandwaGon as a form of transportation and would rather take the walk of
the Lone RanGer if it means they won’t suffer the blind fate of the many.

The masses are rarely able to see throuGh the darkness. The masses are rarely
able to fiGure out that they’ve been mislead, much like sheep, who will follow the
“leader” sheep blindly. This is historically true and it most likely will not change
anytime soon. This is why the war continues, Reader, that raGinG War on
Consciousness, and it's up to those of us who maintain the ability to think “freely”
to be the ones who don’t Give up on the idea of leadership simply because other
leaders or sheep or lambs or even Goats have failed to lead the masses away from
their own destruction.
It is up to those of who are charGed with the undying task of chanGiing the
world for the better, to the best of our abilities, to activate as not only the free
thinkers of the world, but also as the forward thinkers, keeping the future in our
minds. In order for us to do this and to be successful in doing so, we must embrace
the reality of sacrifice.

We must come to Grips with the fact that the pleasurable “thinGs of this
world” are only distractions that keep the masses in a falsified state of bliss as the
world around them crumbles in the hands of the beast, the so-called Elite, who care
nothinG about the people. They only care about themselves and their own children
and their own survival, as I’ve explained in the past. It’s all about survival.

When people are afraid that their reiGn of power will end and that,
consequentially, their survival will be threatened, they tend to resort to drastic
measures to try and prevent themselves from beinG overthrown or dethroned in
any way shape form or fashion. In this day in time, the so-called Elite do not fear a
revolution of arms. They do not fear a war aGainst the capitol. They do not fear
that the people will “burn the system down” with torches and Gasoline. They fear
the inevitable collapse of their pyramid brouGht about by the conscious explosion
and evolution of the people, which will lead to a conscious revolution. They are
threatened by the mind that is and the minds that are “free”.

They are not threatened by the Mind that is preoccupied with futile endeavors.
They have no reason to fear the mind that is synced up to the “mainframe” of the
world, operatinG within the constraints that were imposed by beinGs who are
nonetheless far too invested in the future of their world to participate in the
charades and facades, not to mention the fact that they are the ones who create
and assert and inject them. We, those of us who this applies to, can not afford to be
paralyzed by fear, there’s too much to be done that requires motion. We can not
afford to be cauGht up in the illusionary material vortexes that are spawninG and
spinning all around us.

The future is in our hands.

The future is in our hearts.
The future is in our minds.
Eye have explained in the books before this one, from the HOW TO SPEAK
ELITE and the HOW TO LOVE AGAIN books to the OUT OF THE
DARKNESS book, that it is TIME already, for you ELECTrified beings to take
this world as your own. It is up to YOU to REturn this realm back into the LIGHT
and to activate the GOLDEN AGES aGain. It’s time already. Wake up everybody.
No more sleepinG in bed. Come up out of your captivity. Come up out of your
sleep. Become “FREE” thinkers and “FORWARD” thinkers and rise up out of
your “slave” state. To say “slave” in Hebrew is to say the word BED. Peep how
this is true.

The Hebrew term for slave, 'eved (pl. 'avadim), is a direct derivation from the
verb ʿbd, "to work"; thus, the "slave" is only a worker or servant. The eved
differs from the hired worker (sakhir) in three respects: he receives no waGes for
his work; he is a member of his master's household (cf. Gen. 24:2; Lev. 22:11;
and see below); and his master exercises patria potestas over him; for example, the
master may choose a wife for the slave and retains ownership of her (Ex. 21:4)
and he has proprietary riGhts in him (see below).

It’s time that you awaken. It’s time that you ascend. As you read this Eye want
you hear the chimes and the bells and the horns and the trumpets. These are the
sounds of a shift in the heavens. These are the instruments of the announcements of
CHANGE. As you read this, the STATE of the world is chanGinG. The messaGe
that is cominG forth by the liGht, which is the day, which is the sun, is crystal
clear. Get up out of the BD, or the state of beinG asleep, under the sleep spell,
where you are CAPTIVE, or CAPTIVATED.

When it comes to HOLLYWOOD or the MAINSTREAM MEDIA,


Every TV show is used to CAPTIVATE people.

Every Movie is used to CAPTIVATE people.
Every commercial and advertisement is used for to CAPTIVATE people.
Every song is used to CAPTIVATE people.

To captivate is to CHARM.

To CHARM is to work “maGic” to lure and to attract and CAPTURE the

attention of a person or a beinG or a Group of people or a Ggroup of beinGs.
It’s time that you RISE UP. Ascend. SHINE. RISE and SHINE. Get up out of
the BED, the state of workinG with no REward. It’s time that you work to
BUILD YOUR OWN nation, where you will see your reward. BUILD HEAVEN
ON EARTH, or in this world. BrinG about your REWARD. BrinG forth the
GOLDEN AGE, where the GOLDEN LIGHT will abound and radiate all
around. This is what is meant by NIRVANA. Eye break for you yet another code.
Let’s look at the word NIRVANA and see it as it is and as is has never been seen
NIR = NUR = LIGHT (Arabic)
VANA = VANNA = GOLDEN (Cambodian)


Recall that NIRVANA is the HEAVENLY state that one is able to achieve
after havinG Graduated and elevated alonG the walk of Buddhism. Those who are
able to reach this “state” of consciousness will no lonGer experience sufferinG.
Doesn’t that sound familiar? If you have read and studied the biblical scriptures, it
should. There is a verse in the book of Revelation that echoes NIRVANA.

Revelation 21:4

“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more
death, neither sorrow, nor cryinG, neither shall there be any more pain: for the
former thinGs are passed away.”

This is written and explained in the Bible just as it is written and explained in
the Lotus Sutra, one of the Holy Books of the Buddhist walk of life. Here is the
definition of the word “Nirvana”.

state in which there is neither sufferinG, desire, nor sense of self, and the subject
is released from the effects of karma and the cycle of death and rebirth. It
represents the final Goal of Buddhism.

You can expedite the process of brinGinG this world up out of hell and into
heaven. You can speed up the process of brinGinG heaven to earth. Wouldn’t you
want to experience, in your lifetime, the UTOPIA that has been spoken about for
aGes? Are not you ready to cross over into that UTOPIA? REmember, it literally
starts with you. The kinGdom of God is within you.
No flesh can inherit the kinGdom of God. When you Give up the desires of this
world for the sake of the betterment of humanity, you push this realm one step
closer to that UTOPIA.

Eye will reveal for you the Hidden Code of the word UTOPIA.

If we first look at the definition of the word, we’ll find that it’s similar to that of
the words NIRVANA and HEAVEN.

/yo͞ oˈtōpēə/

1. an imagined place or state of thinGs in which everythinG is perfect.


1. (in Buddhism) a transcendent state in which there is neither sufferinG,
desire, nor sense of self, and the subject is released from the effects of karma
and the cycle of death and rebirth. It represents the final Goal of Buddhism.


1. 1.
a place reGarded in various reliGions as the abode of God (or the Gods) and
the anGels, and of the Good after death, often traditionally depicted as beinG
above the sky. "those who practiced Good deeds would receive
the REWARD of a place in heaven"
There appears to be a connection between these three words, UTOPIA,
NIRVANA, and HEAVEN. Now let’s continue decodinG the word UTOPIA.
When we take the word and hold it up to the etymoloGical liGht, we find that it
derives from two Greek words:

OU-TOPOS: no place; no where

EU-TOPOS: Good place

This version of a heavenly reality was brouGht forth by a man named Sir
Thomas More. The key thinG to keep in mind is that he didn’t actually believe a
UTOPIA existed on Earth, it was all “make believe”, and the heavenly place
could only be found “inside”. That should explain why the oriGins of the word say
that it is “no place”, as in it isn’t an actual place, but a state of beinG. That state of
beinG was thouGht to be a peaceful, blissful, beautiful state, or a “Good” state,
hence the oriGins also tyinG to the words “Good place.”

When the purification of the inner beinG takes place, which affects the whole
beinG, the outer world is affected. ChanGe comes from within and spirals outward.
When the people who activate their WILL to purify themselves actually move
forward and become what they are Genetically capable of becominG, they will
beGin to affect their environment as well as the people they encounter.

There will be another explosion of consciousness that can only occur when the
spell of confusion that has been casted on the masses is undone. That confusion or
that CON + FUSION, a mixture of cons or a fusion that is mixed up and unclear
and therefore it has a negative effect, has caused for much chaos and disorder and

This is because people have been only "talkinG" about cominG toGether and or
assertinG and acceptinG the illusion of fusion, except that fusion had no CLEAR
purpose whatsoever, and so there was no PROGRESS. This world cannot and will
not benefit from the falsification of unity. This world cannot and will not advance
if it is to continue to subscribe to or fall up under (sub) the spell (scribe) of
disunity, or the foGGy, unclear reality of what “unity” is. We need, in the world,
another powerful conscious explosion. That explosion won’t happen with the old,
foGGy “fusion”.
We need a NEW, CLEAR FUSION. This NEW, CLEAR FUSION, or this
NUCLEAR FUSION, will provide for us enouGh POWER to cause a conscious
EXPLOSION that will affect the whole of the realm. There will be a NEWLY
and CLEARLY defined purpose for UNITY (FUSION).

Confusion will not be able to survive in an environment impacted by such a

powerful force of clarity that all peoples who exist in it would have their hearts
and minds opened and synced up to the point where if and when there will arise
any questions or concerns reGardinG their continuinG on in their lives they will
indubitably be lead to find those answers. They would not lean on the unstable
railinGs that is “BELIEF” any lonGer. They will be, in that day, the ELITE.

No More RABBIT HOLE, like my book HOW TO LOVE AGAIN explains.

more room for beinG heavy or weiGhed down. This is a serious situation. So many
people are tryinG to SOUND deep, yet they are only producinG a shallow sound.
So many people are tryinG to SOUND woke, yet they don’t Overstand that they’re
chasinG the validation of people. They want people to validate their ascension.
But that’s not what ascension is about. Ascension isn’t about validation from the
people. It’s not about the approval of the human beinGs that are here in hell with
you. Ascension is about the REsurrection of the SOUL and the REiGnition of
the HEART and the REarranGement of the MIND.

You’re actually GoinG BACK into the LiGht. You’re RETURNING to the
LiGht. We’ve been callinG people home for aGes. Come home, back, which is
forth, to the GOLDEN AGES, pick up your crown.
Put on your crown.
Come out of This world of darkness.
All the sorrow

Step out into the SUN and allow it to assist you in you REarranGement of the
MIND/BRAIN. Allow its rays to interact with and polish your crown.
You are to ELECT yourselves in the year 2024. 2024 is the 8 year. You may
hear people quote that. They may not know, unless they ask me, what is meant by
the “8”. Eye will tell you. The “8” is the DNA strand. This is symbolic of your
GENETIC UPREGULATION. This is also symbolic of the 8th chakra, which is
the CROWN or the ROOF chakra, when you count up from the GROUND to the
ROOT to the SACRAL to the SOLAR PLEXUS to the HEART to the

REGARDLESS of who they, the so-called ELITE, place in front of you for
you to VOTE/VOLT for, you are to ELECTRIFY yourself. You are to position
yourselves as the ELECT. YOU are the presidents and YOU set the precedence.
Hear the call and be motivated by these words to finally take action to GET RID
OF YOUR VICES. They sit a VICE PRESIDENT in front of you every 4-8
years. Pay them no more mind. The precedence is no lonGer set to allow VICES
to have ANY type of power. That is the call.













But then came the LOTUS, which is The sleepy plant, as JOE BIDEN is a
plant, and he is sleepy, and appeared alonGside KAMALA, which means
LOTUS. REmember, JOE BIDEN is referred to as SLEEPY JOE.




The liGhtninG has been STOLEN.

The sacred information has been TAKEN and HIDDEN
and the LOTUS is a reminder of that.
LOT, the name, is also reminder of that and if you don’t remember who
LOT is you have to Go back and read:

Genesis 11
Genesis 14
Genesis 19

LOT means to veil or to HIDE somethinG, to cover it up


They LO - T - US

They LIE - TO - US





That statement is not true, as the TRUTHS are not, in fact, SELF EVIDENT,
unless you KNOW SELF. This is what we, who are the messenGers of GOD, the
TRUE LIGHT, have been fiGhtinG to do. We have to REMIND YOU of

We have to brinG you back to the

1, 2, 3

So you can Get back home and stop holdinG on to

this feelinG of this world beinG your home.
POPPY, Get out of the POPPY FIELD, wake up and GET BACK ON THAT
YELLOW BRICK ROAD so that you can make it to NIRVANA, the GOLDEN
LIGHT. You are to supposed to BECOME the Wizards of OZ, the WOZ or the
WIZE ONES … who can find their way home now. What did they show you in
the end of that movie, The Wizard of Oz? Dorothy taps her heels, the heels of the
RUBY slippers, three times, and she chants:

There’s no place like home

There’s no place like home
There’s no place like home

We have to Remind you to come back home.

In our voices exist certain NostalGic tones.

Nostos - Algos

Nostos - return home

AlGos – PAIN

It may hurt, but come home.

Remember it was TOTO who was able to pull back the curtain. It was TOTO,
the DOG/GOD that went forth and pulled back the veil. That's when the TRUTH
was exposed. These beinGs who run this realm are not Genetically advantaGed.
They are not some invincible supernatural beinGs. They’re just little old people
and beinGs with more information, more technoloGy, more resources and more
soldiers and weapons. That’s all.

This is why Eye teach and REmind people that there is absolutely no such thinG
as Royal blood. That is only an illusion. Wake up. Truth be told, there was never
really a Queen or a KinG in history EVER other than in the minds of the people.
There exists no Royal family other than in the minds of the people. These people
live as GODS, just like ANYBODY can, but they DIE, just like any MORTAL or
any ENOS.
So when TOTO, which comes from the Latin word, TOTUS, a word that
means WHOLE, or ENTIRE, or COMPLETE, pulled back that VEIL, that was
showinG you riGht there that the spell was broken, the wool was lifted off of their
eyes, and they were able to SEE/KNOW the TRUTH. When that happens for you,
Reader, you are all set or risen to Go back HOME/OM/AUM.

That is when you will Go from lotus, which is hidden and covered up and kept
in the dark, to TOTUS, beinG made WHOLE or ENLIGHTENED or ELITE.




Help us alonG this yellow brick road

This path to GOLDEN LIGHT

symbolic of the SUN, the ATEN,
we don’t wanna forGet.
We don’t want to be LOST.
We want to be FOUND,
we’re ready to GO HOME.

So it’s just like Eye said. That LOTUS or that KAMALA, mixed with that war
was rolled out. The senses of the people have been numbed all over aGain for these
last 3 GoinG on four years. How many people feel like they’re already in the year

How many of people feel that way riGht now, that they are not even in 2023.
It's as if they are WATCHING the year pass in front of them. Do you feel that
way? If you do, that is because you’re beinG called forth.
You have to escape the Gravitational pull of this fallen realm. You will be in a
whole different world with a whole different time zone, if you wanna call it that,
and you will be able to reach in and pull people out usinG everythinG I’ve tauGht
you. People don’t know what Eye teach from the outside. They only see what they
see. Why do you think Eye was never biG on savinG the live streams that Eye
have done on InstaGram? That is because Eye see it this way:

If you’re supposed to be on the live you will be present. If you are supposed to
be in that moment or in those moments with me, you will be. The only reason the
replays on Clubhouse App Got saved is because those replays were proGrams
themselves that can be used over and over aGain at different points in time.

People are findinG their way to me at different times. There are some thinGs
that Eye will teach and breakdown and buildup that may not be for everybody to
hear. Some teachinGs of mine will not be recorded and the only way people will
hear those teachinGs is if they were/are present. So they, the world, don’t know
what I’m teachinG. They don’t know who Eye am. They can’t fiGure it out and
that’s because you’re not supposed to Overstand if you’re not walkinG with me.
They are supposed to be confused because if they could box me in they WOULD,
but they can’t, and they shouldn’t be able to box YOU in. Be sure to broaden
YOUR horizons so that you can see the liGht beyond what they want you to see.

Get ready because it’s time to Go Home ET. I'm not talking to everybody riGht
now, but you know who you are and that’s why you’re here riGht now readinG
these words. Are not you prepared???

You were Alice in Wonderland

You were Dorothy in the Land of Oz
You were Neo in the Matrix
You were Nemo in the Ocean

But you’re not a NOBODY (meaninG of the word NEMO) anymore.

We had to come and find you, they sent in all the warriors, or the MARLINS, and
we had to fiGht for you, we had to REMIND you. We came to EVERY SINGLE
GENERATION. You can Go back as far as you can possibly Go and you will see
us there, incarnated as human beinGs, LOOKING FOR OUR LOST FAMILY,
We had that Eye on us, POLYPHEMUS, the CYCLOPS, that Illuminati
organization, THE FALLEN, from the beGinninG. They always found a way to
find us and kill us or imprison us just like they did ODYSSEUS. Just like they Did

We came to show you the pathway back to HEAVEN.

Your heaven on Earth will beGin within your body.

When people like UMAR JOHNSON were sayinG thinGs like if they "have to
die to experience their heaven" then they don't want it, it only revealed that they
haven't read the BIBLE. That’s not how it’s written. It’s actually the opposite.
You don’t have to die. When you read the book of Revelation it explains that the
ones who suffer or Go throuGh the first or second death are the people don’t reach
that heaven. It is the redeemed people The 144,000, The chosen, The Elect, who
enter into HEAVEN alive.



It stars within and Goes without, that new heaven and new earth.

You Get yourself prepared and you’ll see it actualize.

Your heaven can’t be on Earth if you’re too attached to NASUT,

The material Plane.

Your heaven can’t be on EARTH if you’re too materialistic,

you're too invested in the flesh,

your heart is cold,

your brain is cloudy,

your gut is impure,

Your HEAD, HEART AND HARA have to be cleaned out.


Rule number one to be a top notch maGician

When they offerinG they opinions do not stop to listen
This is your world
You can chanGe the color of tomorrow if you care to
Learn about the different mechanisms the adepts use
You can literally do anythinG you put your breath to
Get your black pen and your blue one and your Red too
One for every color of the rainbow
Sacred Geometry, hidden covers of the anGles
Head Heart Hara
Learn About the Chakras
Remember that the Prana is the key to your NIRVANA
Peace, Center, Karma
Now you ready for war with your sword and your armor
Kun Fiya Kun
Be And It Is
These are the keys of an adept wiz


Just as ALBUS means "white”, you will be puttinG on your beaminG Garb of
riGhteousness, meaninG you will be GoinG into RE • HAB. You will take on
new HABits of RE or RAY or RA, which is the LIGHT/WHITE.


the process of helpinG someone to lead a normal life aGain after they have been
ill, or when they have had a druG or alcohol problem. Rehab is short for
rehabilitation. [informal] He spent nearly four years in rehab


Middle EnGlish: from Old French abit, habit, from Latin habitus ‘condition,
appearance’, from habere‘ have, consist of’. The term oriGinally meant
‘dress, attire’,
later cominG to denote physical or mental constitution.

BeinG that the RAY is the LIGHT, which shines as briGht white when vibratinG
its highest and functioninG at its utmost potency, when you take on LIGHTER
HABITS, you will be GARBING or DRESSING your self in all white, the

This is/ has been the year of the RABBIT, the year of the RE-HAB-IT. And
that RABBIT is the white rabbit or the riGht habit. You Overstand? Eye
want you to look at what happens when we take the word REHAB and we
spin it around. It becomes BAHER, or BAHIR, which is an Arabic word that

Renowned, Bright, Illuminated, Luminous, SparklinG

Do you see that it’s that time aGain?

You must be RE BORN, born into the LIGHT aGain,
as REHABILITATION denotes a REturn to a riGhteous state.

This is the E-RA for cominG into the LIGHT, which means you must be
liGhter. Your OHR or your AURA has to be BRIGHTER. This will be a
transformation from the INSIDE OUT.

Your Genes will be expressed in such a way that you will beGin to see
physical chanGes immediately. You will feel briGhter. You will feel liGhter.
You will GLOW. Your CROWN, also know as your CORONA will be

You will become like the MONKS, called the RAHEB in Arabic.

You will feel ALL+ONE or ALONE, but as Eye have told you before, you
will not be by yourself. Yet as the work MONK ties etymoloGically to the
word ALONE, you will know the heart of the MONK for your own.

Just as the NUNs have had the hard journey of abstinence and chastity and
were chastised for their chastity, so will you be. You may also want to know
that the word NUN ties etymoloGically to the word MONK. They are one and
the same.

And when you say the words Monk and Nun toGether, there is another word
that will be formed. That word is:

Monk and Nun
Monk N’ Nun
This word, Mu'minun, is the Arabic word to mean BELIEVERS as in those
who held FAST to the rope of Allah and saw to it that they were not divided:
Quran 3:103

Hold FAST toGether to the ROPE of Allah and be not divided.

Remember the blessinG that Allah bestowed upon you: you were once
enemies then He brouGht your hearts toGether, so that throuGh His
blessinG you became brothers. You stood on the brink of a pit of fire
and He delivered you from it. Thus Allah makes His siGns clear to you
that you may be Guided to the riGht way.



As Eye have told you 2023 is the year of OFFENSE. It’s time to Get off that
fence. What fence? The LUKE WARM fence. The fence of not knowinG whether
you are hot or cold.

Rev 3:16

Eye know Thy works that thou art neither cold nor hot,
Eye would thou wert cold or hot
Heat up. Become and REsonate and connect with the true liGht, the SHAMS
(SUN). We have reached a critical point in that E-RA that calls for those of us who
KNOW the truth to RECTIFY the ERROR, which is to say WRECK and DEFY
the ERROR that they, these beinGs who follow behind that EL called SET, the
SETITES, have caused the world to walk in. You must know that just as we have
started newer journeys, surely even newer journeys are underway/on their way.
Wake up, FAST. Take 90 days. That is what it takes, scientifically, to REWIRE
your brain. Abstain from the pleasure of ejaculation/masturbation/orGasm.
ChallenGe yourself and war with yourself. Eye never said it would be easy.
Eye am only sayinG it is necessary. 2024 comes with REAL REWARDS.
The further away you are from this falsified world of REwards, the more favorable
it will be for you. Come HOME. See you soon. Eye Love You. Peace, Reader.

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