You Are Light, Alright Book

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You Are Light, Alright

By: Faise One

You Are Light, Alright?


Peace, Reader

Before we travel Eye will first impart unto you an affirmation of light that
was passed onto me from my mother whose name is Elena, which means
light. This affirmation was taught to me so that Eye would be able to
balance my emotions, heal my being, and have courage in the darkest of
moments throughout life. Here is the affirmation:

“Omnipotent O Light, you are lead by way of the Light,

and that Light is in your Light, O Light “
In this build, we will explore light and why it’s important for us to
Overstand as living beings that part of us and how it functions in this
reality. Time is speeding up, and so is the realm we’re within. This realm is
referred to as the observable universe. Be it technologically or
biologically, everything we think we see, perceive or observe, exists within
the reality of light.

We must first raise our consciousness to the speed of light before we

can truly begin to fathom those realms that exist beyond where we
currently are. Do also remember that you are the light, and that ALL things
are apart of you, because that light, that energy within itself, exists within
an infinity of an existence that is constantly in motion and will always be.
When Eye say always Eye want you to see the word in more than one way.

See the word “always” as a word to reference perpetual time, or forever.

Also see the word “always” as a directional reference of perpetual

motion, which would be two words. Those two words are ALL and WAYS,
meaning all ways, or every direction.
NOVEMBER 23, 2021

Does the expansion of the Universe break the speed of light?

Just 13.8 billion years after the hot Big Bang, we can see 46.1 billion light-
years away in all directions. Doesn't that violate...something?

In terms of the geometry of the universe, scientists have also theorized

that the shape of the universe could indeed be spherical. The only “shape”
that could be made from an occurrence of perpetual motion in the form of
energy in every direction would be a sphere. Imagine the “beginning” or
starting point as a dot • .

If you were to draw lines out from that dot of the same length in as many
directions as possible you would find that if you were to connect the ends of
those line together by drawing one line to connect those points, you would
end up with a circle around that dot. You see? Now that circle is the two
dimensional form of a sphere. This should help you visualize the universe
as a sphere having started at a single point and expanded in ALLWAYS,

So as this universe expands,

so should your consciousness of its expansion.
This is because you are the center of the universe, or the center of your
system, the light that burns in the darkness. You are also the solar system.
Look closely at the word “solar”, as this word is also, phonetically, soul-ar.
The soul is that inner sun and that sun is the light. This is why the son of
God, Jesus, is portrayed pointing to the solar plexus, that area of the body
that sits right beneath the chest, seemingly making the reminder that is:
don’t forget the sun, the soul, that burns within you as your soul as well as
without you as the sun.

Jesus pointing to the solar plexus

John 1:9

The light is the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the

This number 1:9 is the number 19. This is an important number as it

represents the travels from an animalistic, lustful minded, undeveloped,
carnal based being to a godly, love minded, developed, spiritual
based being.
It doesn’t matter if you are a Christian or not, you can Overstand what
I’m about to explain. It’s time for us to REturn to the TRUE light.
If there’s a true light, then there must be a false light, or an illusion.
Our divinity is and has been on the line for a while, yet children are still
being born, and so there’s still hope for the reemergence of the true light.
We, the messengers, have been on this walk for ages, pleading with the
human race that they might finally Overstand the ways in which they’ve

Human beings have become such instinctual beings that they’ve grown
to reject the importance of loving one another and existing in an agreeable
frequency and have instead made this life about “making a living.” We don’t
have to “make” a living. Life is already here for us to experience.
Put away the sin of the lusts of this world, and turn back to love
(or the heart chakra, anahata. This is the GREEN energy of ALKHIDR)
and please do make note and keep in mind that the word sin only means
to miss the mark or to fall short or to transgress.

1 John 1:9

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

The issue with this is if people have become too proud

to even look around and bring themselves to admit that
how the majority of human beings have been living their
lives is out of order then how can we even begin to right
ourselves, not solely for the sake of, but even if just in
case, there are watchers or other beings who govern the
realms intergalactically to keep things in order according
to whatever known or unknown laws have already been
established way before human beings, or the earthly
humanoid beings, were ever created or brought to be.
Here’s what the Holy Quran says the angels had to say about this idea.

Quran 6:6

Have they not considered how many generations We destroyed before

them? We had established them on earth more firmly than We established
you, and We sent the clouds pouring down abundant rain on them, and We
made rivers flow beneath them. But We destroyed them for their sins,
and established other civilizations after them.

The Holy Quran made mention of other generations of people who were
destroyed in the earth by these extraterrestrial beings or gods or aliens or
angels or Anunaki or Neteru or Sky Gods. Think of all the times you’ve
heard of these stories. You may remember hearing about the story of
Sodom and Gomorrah, the two cities that were destroyed in the bible
because the inhabitants had become unjustly immoral, sinning boastfully.
This destruction story ties you back to the Dead Sea Scrolls and the
ancient Sumerian stories of the cities that were destroyed by the “gods”
for the same sins or transgressions.

Sodom and Gomorrah bombed and destroyed

This may not seem right to you, reader, yet these are the events that
have been recorded in history. We have the task of looking into all of these
stories in search of clues of their validity. Use context and comparison, if
you will, study and cross reference, but by all means, Eye don’t encourage
you to simply write these things off as mere beliefs any longer. It seems
that there is some sort of experiment taking place on the earth where
the human beings serve as the subjects. Why would that be the case?
I’m not all the way sure as to how to answer that question, because there
so many different races of beings with so many different families and so
many different purposes recorded in these scriptures, scrolls, and stories
that I’m not exactly sure which one you and Eye would even belong to or
which races are still rooting for “humanity” or plotting against them. Eye just
see the evidence in the texts that show that there are some who want us to
elevate and evolve as beings so that we don’t suffer another destruction, or
even worse, a permanent one.

Angelic beings descending unto the Earth

Once we get back to the light, we’ll be ready to reach out to the
etherians, those angelic beings called extraterrestrials who are waiting for
us to become the ascended masters we’re capable of being. It’s important
for us to further explore those ideas because when we observe this realm
we’re seeing something set up seemingly so intentionally mathematical that
it’s very clear that we, as the flesh beings we currently are, did not
ourselves create. Eye don’t mean the earth and the sun and the stars only,
I’m speaking of the pyramids, temples, statues and phenomenal places
such as the Bermuda triangle and Mount Shasta that still to this day
functions in ways we just don’t fully Overstand.

It’s very possible that this was all created by a much more advanced
race of people much longer ago than we’ve been taught or could ever even
imagine. Looking into the ancient histories can help us at least make sense
of these things. Remember the movie E.T. and how his goal the entire
movie was to “phone home.” This is something I’m pointing out especially
for the religious people. If you are truly of the “elect” than it is of utmost
importance that you aren’t fooled by the false light, or the lesser light. You
must figure out all that you can, while you can, about your salvation and
returning to your star family, God and the Angels.

When Eye say “elect” Eye want you to think of the word “electricity.”
Human beings are indeed electrical beings and our cells have the ability to
conduct electricity. Imagine that in order for you to e able to ascend into
higher frequency realms, or heaven, that electricity must reach a certain
ampere, bringing about a more potent glow in the body, which would
promote the activation of the “light body” that people of speak of. Now
remember, you ARE the light, and that light is in and of you, yet the you
Eye speak of is not a matter of flesh as you may perceive it so. I’m
speaking on the energetic composition that is expressing itself consciously
that is able to experience and feel and explore even without the “body”, as
you’re able to observe in what is called the dream realm as well as the
astral realm. Knowing the mechanics of the body as well as the power of
the mind will open doors unto you to even receive the things I’m explaining
more clearly, because I’m coming from a place of knowing, and not of
believing, and so this information is indeed knowledge that CAN be
converted into power if you take time and digest it.
The Light Body
The Devil is afraid of the power of unity.

These are the words of Dr. Malachi Z. York on the power of unity as well as
the power of the light that existed within us, as us.

“..... When we start focusing our mind on anything and start chanting on
that, things start happening. It happens in the church, it happens in the
mosque, it doesn’t have anything to do with whether you’re a Christian, Jew
or Muslim. Muslims go into ecstasy as Sufis and Christians are getting the
Holy Ghost, it’s the

The power is in YOU because God said “Eye breathe my spirit into you
(man) and you became a living soul...”

Genesis 2:7

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed
into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

You aren’t merely a man you’re a living soul, he’s a man, you are a
spirit incarnated and you have the power to project that energy but you’ve
confined yourself to the body, and in that you’ve confined yourself to certain
places in space and time. You’ve limited yourself by excepting the
confinement to the body when you can think, right now, from where you are
back to your house or anywhere you want to be.

Go to your room.
Go to your bedroom and make up your bed.
Walk on out the room.
Walk on to the kitchen.
Stop and look around.

You are there and you are here at the same time when you learn to
control that you can send a powerful you, an etheric you, anywhere in the
world or in the universe. In that state you cannot die, but if they can confine
you by pain and suffering and fear to a bed where all your mind is based on
getting up out that bed if you die you are bound to that spot you are
etherically trapped in a space in time.

The same way if Eye focused a video camera on you and Eye spun
around, pointed it at a streetlight and Eye spun back, that light would go
into that lense and burn itself into the lense and that light would stay there
for a while and then gradually fade away. The same thing happens with you
and death because you are an energy field.

The physical part of You makes the light.

You Overstand?

The soul of you is in darkness.

That’s why when people are conceived they’re conceived in light.

The devil has now put LIGHT in the womb.

What is light? (In this sense)


Dr. Malachi York IS The Master Teacher. Do look into his teachings on
Youtube. If you type in “D.r York True Light Tapes” you’ll find plenty.
Eye Am That Eye Am Yaanuwn
As Spoken By Dr. Malachi Z. York

Who am Eye?
What am Eye to You?

Eye am called in tones Yaanuwn.

Eye was there, which was here, before the light.

Before what you call light, the “shadow hours” was right.

Eye was there, which was here, in triple darkness. Eye was there
when they asked “Let there be light” and Eye knew right then that it
was right.

Who am Eye to You?


Eye was there, which was here, when they said “Let the wind blow.”

The breeze.
The storm.
The hurricane.
The tornado.
And The sweet, gentle wind.

Eye was there, which was here, when they said, let the water be.

There became a sea, the waters, a stream, the lake, the pond, the
source, matter. (Water)

Eye was there, which was here, when they asked “Let there be life.”

The breath that you hear, exists.

Energy in Motion. Emotion.
Who am Eye to you ?


Eye was there at the seat when the word was mentioned of defeat and
Eye knew Eye would be sent to you and Eye feared the end because
of the being that touches your from within, called
ZUEN, but is near his end.

Who am Eye to you ?

Eye am Yaanuwn.

Eye was there which is here.

When it all began.

Who am Eye to You?

Eye am here which is there.

Eye am Yaanuwn.

Listen Here
God Is Talking To You

The Medu Neter is the speech of the Divine and you’re actually saying
it backwards if you’re looking at it as two words or concepts, because that
Neter word (Netjer, Nejer, Nether) is the ancient Egyptian tone for God or
Divine, which was no ghostly being. This was THE common word used by
the Kemetic inhabitants at that time to describe rulers, God and gods,
extraterrestrials and spirits of every kind, and beings of all sorts, and kinds,
and forms, which were said to have possessed different types of
superhuman abilities biologically and or technologically.

The Great Oracle of Tehuti was brought to the human beings by the
Supreme Grand Master Tehuti, which is where you get this story of Moses
and the 10 commandments from. Make note of the fact that it wasn’t
originally 10, but 613 commandments. Moses received the commandments
from “God” which in this sense it would have been Tehuti and the Neteraat,
the Neteru, which means these beings, or these Gods, or simply: Gods.

Tehuti, The Grand Scribe of the Neteru (Gods)

Tehuti is the person who was said to have been so ancient that over the
ages he himself became known as more of a mythological character or a
being that was associated with the allegorical world, which is clearly still
true to this day as even amongst the spiritual community he’s only spoken
of as a characteristic within oneself. However, He, Tehu, who is also the
most ancient TAU, or TEO, is truly the “ancient of days” and was not
recorded to be merely an attribute, but an actual living being who came to
this planet, Tiamat, or the Blue planet, or Earth, accompanied by the other
Neteraat, the Gods or extraterrestrials, who set up establishments and
cities and taught the people of this world many sciences that they would not
have known prior to those encounters. These types of encounters are
documented worldwide.

You may be familiar with the word “Anunaki”. This is another word that
has lost it’s actual meaning over time due to misinterpretations. The word
comes from two separate words; An, who was the Sumerian god of the
sky, who came with his “children” or his offspring, the children of the sky, or
the anuna, and the word “Ki”, meaning Earth. Thus when this name was
given to these extraterrestrials it’s very important to note that this was a
word that came from pure observation. They saw these beings come from
heaven (outer space) “Anuna”, into the Earth, “Ki”. Anunaki.

Some of The Anunaqi

If you were observing these beings today, you would use the word
“extraterrestrials.” Extra, meaning beyond, Terra, meaning the Earth, and
Astral, meaning Outer Space. It would be said as:
Beyond the Earth from the Astrals. These people were not recording
“myths” or things that didn’t actually happen. They were recording actual
occurrences and were only explaining it in the languages that they spoke at
those times with all of their expressions, metaphors, similes, ect. Yet, after
all of this time has passed, people have reduced these stories to be a mere
representation of the body or some sort of attempt to explain this
phenomenal existence. The true light has been manipulated and its glow
dimmed along the way. Time to spark it back up.

Why do you think it’s important that even when it comes to the
conversation of Jesus now being categorized as this spirit or ghost that is
floating around within the earth realm that the Bible clearly states in

1 John 4:3
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether
they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out
into the world. 2Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit
(prophet) that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the
flesh is of God:
And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is
come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of
antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and
even now already is it in the world. 4Ye are of God, little
children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is
in you, than he that is in the world. 5They are of the world:
therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth
them. 6We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us;
he that is not of God heareth not us.
Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
Most people, both Christian and spiritual alike, have proclaimed Jesus
to be an egregore, which by definition of what an egregore is would mean
that Jesus is a nonphysical entity that was made up.
Do you see that this is exactly what happened in regards to Tehuti?
How can we really begin to explore as well as Overstand the sciences that
were left for us to delve into when we only have an allegorical
comprehension of well documented history. Is this where the Mystery
Schools come in? Were the sciences intentionally hidden away from
mankind by the Neteraat, the Gods, so that until it was time, those who
were supposed to possess the knowledge but were not ready would not
fumble the divine plan to revive a fallen consciousness? Does this also tie
into an example of God “lying” for the Greater Good?
The answers are indeed within the questions.

Tehuti, also Thoth, is recorded to be the God (Neter) of writing,

communications, language, architecture, mathematics, accounting,
physics, astronomy, science, and magic. This sabeyat, or
wisdom/knowledge was in and of itself absolutely not allegorical. It was the
“Rh”, the ancient Egyptian word that meant “to know” or “knowing.” When
you say that word “Rh” you’re also saying the word “Ruach”, which is the
Hebrew word for “spirit.” Do you see? So that concept of knowledge and
wisdom links together even phonetically. When you merge the sciences
with the idea of spirituality, you put yourself in the position to break this
GOS SPEL(Ghost Spell) or the Gospel.
This is not to disrespect what the word Gospel may mean for most people.
Eye only intend to show you how certain words have vibrated with the false
light and have therefore separated people from the reality that they’re faced
with. This was always about the sciences that could lead you to activate
your spirit, your ruach, so that you might know, Rh.

Tehuti was the Grand Master of the sciences and many temples and
places of study and organiztions and orders have been established
in his name. Eye do mean that literally. The Western magical tradition,
the Hermetic tradition and the tarot (tau-ro/teo-ru) were all sourced from
Pa Neter Djehuti (the God Tehuti). The Mayan Botan, the Mayan
temple which is called, and do pay attention to the spelling
the Teotihuacan–the Astec Tecuhtli (grandfather or lord)–
the Indo-Tibetan Khubil-Khan–and the ancient Celtic demigod Cuchulain all
tie back to and align with Pa Neter Djehuti.
The Bible and Quran also make mention of this
God Of Wisdom (Neter Sebayt)

John 38:36

Who gives the ibis wisdom.?

The ibis symbolizes the Great Wisdom an the Great Knowledge

and the ability to work magic, or perform the arts.

Tehuti is indeed the God of Wisdom and also the God of ART or the
Arts. He is also the God of Architecture and is actually the one who
established the mysterious supreme mathematics that people
speak on. Look at the perfection of the number NINE. Look a how the
pyramids were built. What Great Knowledge must one have had in those
times to be able to draw out a blueprint of a Mer, a pyramid, that could
withstand all this time and still does not cease to completely baffle
archaeologists to this very day. This was indeed a Master, which would
also have to mean that he was either self taught or there was also a master
or there were masters who taught him. Do peep the tau in taught.

His Mask was an Ibis , with the long beak of the bird also reflected in his
hand as the pen because he was also the Master Scribe, that pen
being called the quill , which was likened unto a feather-pen and the

feather itself also represents the Ibis and it’s (his) wisdom.

The name Tehuti is derived from the Kemetic Tehu, meaning to

measure in relation to the moon. This is why he’s also referred to as the
God of Time. Tehuti is derived from the oldest name of the Ibis in Egypt,
hence his physical depiction as an Ibis, often illustrated with a head of an
ibis as well as a baboon on occasion.
He’s no mere allegory. He’s the Master. When you can see this, then it
helps to make sense of all the other things that have been group into this
realm of ghostism or spookism.

The Sacred Wisdom by Dr. Malachi Z. York

The Laws Of The Heavens And Earth

Q: Can you speak on the intergalactic law as it pertains to the

angels as well as how it applies to human beings on Earth?

A: Intergalactic law does not have anything to do with laws governing

the planet earth. Once man was placed on the planet earth then laws were
set up for him here according to what his nature had regressed to. While he
was in an etheric state he was judged by galactical laws which are the laws
that the angels (extraterrestrials) are judged by.
That’s why the conversation came up of whether or not the laws of the
earth were going to be the same as the laws in the heavens, or outer
space, intergalactically.

Quran 2:30

“Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: “I will create a vicegerent on

earth.” They said: “Wilt Thou place therein one who will make
mischief therein and shed blood?- whilst we do celebrate Thy praises
and glorify Thy holy (name)?” He said: “I know what ye know not.”

Which meant “Are you going to create another Michael

(an agreeable being) or is he an Iblis or a Satan (an opposition or a
disagreeable being).” That is what the angels were asking when they said
you (humans) create what is called mischief and shed blood. They were
really asking would the laws that govern the earth be the same laws that
govern heaven.

So the angels are governed by different laws then men are.

Q: So are you saying that they both are the same or the revealing
of the world the same in the next realm or spiritual realm ?

A: Revealing the love and nature of man to the angels violated galactic
law it did not violate the earth law. The results of it was sentencing you
(humans), your woman and this devil to earth. And y’all will be each other’s
rivals until the last day (yohm: day/ period of time).

Q: Is it correct that human beings are “baby angelic beings” that

haven’t evolved?

A: See it’s a spiral in and out process. You were an angel when you
were in the realm of Malakut as “Adam.”

(Malakut is the spirit realm most directly adjacent to the material

plane of existence known to the jinn as Nasut.)
As such beings within this realm can look into that adjacent material realm
as if they are looking through a frosted window.)

Q: So are you saying angelic beings don’t have bodies?

A: Yes and when they become incarnated in order for you to see them
in Human form they must become a self. As they go through crystallization
it gives them a plasma or spirit like form. And then in the next stage if they
continue to slow up in vibration, they start to take up the forms of the
magnetic field around the atmosphere. And finally they become a physical
body which is governed by the synthetic nerve system which is intuned with
the magnetic force field that surrounds the planet earth.

So man is basically intuned with magnetism. That’s what keeps his body
together. And if you were to release the magnets in this planet all the
elements would explode. All the molecules and atoms would start to reduce
themselves and vibrate at a more rapid pace and then man would
transform from a physical being into a spiritual being which would be the
second step. If man continues then he becomes a soul. Once he becomes
a soul he is in the presence of God. So angelic beings split just like man did
and once you finally got into earth you had both a conscious and an
unconscious system which would’ve broken you down, if you were a 360
degree being, into a 180 degree being.
180 degrees of man’s actions activated by his brain are voluntary and
180 degrees of man actions activated by his brain are involuntary. So if
you voluntarily smoke a cigarette you would have to pre meditate the
dangers and then set out to do it. That within itself is executing a form of
will and that will is an evil act. On the other hand, when you decide to
become a vegetarian and stop drinking and smoking and taking any type of
drugs, you are using another side of your voluntary functions which leads
into a healthy voluntary participation. That would be the good side of things.
These angelic beings are also the voluntary and involuntary systems that
human beings have within them.
They have both of those attributes.
One to be obedient and the other to make decisions to not be obedient.

Q: So that would be the will within us?

A: Yes, that is the will within us.

This came from an actual question an answer class taught by

The Master Teacher, Dr. Malachi Z. York El. In this class he broke
down for the student the differentiations between the intergalactic
and galactic laws and the earthly laws. Notice he’s speaking in terms
of galaxies and planets. This is a modern way of saying the heavens,
the heavenly bodies, and the earth. The biggest thing that needs to be
Overstood is that the light in you is burning and has the will to
“know” and to be scientific. The truth is that extraterrestrials do
indeed exist within and without the Earth and have been recorded to
have existed throughout history.

These are the angels. These are the Gods. They are more like you
than what you have been taught. They have laws they are supposed
to follow, they have missions to carry out, they have desires, they
have will. These are some of your heavenly neighbors. Come into the
light. The “governments” aren’t the only ones who can know these
things. Here’s a link of a Russian documentary that goes more into
depth about extraterrestrial or angelic encounters, even as it pertains
to war.
Can God Lie?

This is a deeper conversation regarding the true light. We must

Overstand that if there is a so called true light then there must also be a
light that is the opposite, which is the false light. Let’s first establish that this
light can also be Overstood allegorically as the information that one
receives throughout their life. Think in terms of the word “enlightenment”
which means the state of being enlightened, enlightened meaning having
or showing a rational, modern, and well-informed outlook or the state of
one’s being spiritually aware.

That light can be manipulated, coveted, hidden, twisted, disguised, etc.

Knowledge of this realm and all of the truths one is able to uncover and
realize as well as the activation of that knowledge can be used to liberate
or to enslave. That light can be used to inform or to misinform. It is written
in scripture that the opposition, or the tannin which is the Dragon, and
that Old Serpent that was mentioned in Revelation 12:7-9 was capable of
deceiving the whole world. Is this something that only the opposition is
capable of? No. This is also something God must be able to do. For if he
weren’t able to deceive or to lie, then that in itself would be a limitation of
God. This could not be so, according to scripture, for it is written,
Mark 14:36, when Jesus prayed to the father after having come to grips
with the gravity of his potential death:

Mark 14:36

And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away
this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.

Do you see that this is a statement coming straight out of the Bible that
was said to have been made by the only begotten son of God, who would
indeed be familiar with his father, by way of his father. Jesus has said that
ALL things are possible for God and so to even insinuate that it is
impossible for God to lie would contradict the scripture that quotes his very
son saying that nothing is impossible for him, God.
So that’s the trick. People are being taught to believe that God is only
capable of good because he’s recorded to be good, yet murder is not
good, and God has an extensive record of murderous acts throughout the
stories. This would be Good for God, yes, but not for the lives of the people
or the innocents like the children who suffered the death plague in Egypt. It
can be argued that that’s just God’s plan, yes. Until it’s your child. Then,
you’re wondering why, even screaming out and questioning him, the God
you serve. This is because you can only see the Good in God subjectively
and when that subjectivity goes unchecked, the reality of God being also
capable of doing Bad becomes almost unfathomable.

Anyone who would want you to exist in that type of paradoxical state of
mind would be undoubtedly deceiving you. However, if this breakdown is
personal to you, and you feel that it is a challenge of faith, and it doesn’t
currently sit right with your spirit, then Eye want to take this time to remind
you that all of these things boil down to the birth right that you as a
conscious human being currently possess, and that is your will, or your free
will if you’d rather say it that way. You don’t have to internalize what I’m
explaining, I’m only aiming to provoke you, reader, to establish the habit of
ALWAYS thinking for yourself, that you may be centered in the universe,
able to turn in any direction to observe this infinite plane of information
called existence.

So think. Can God lie?

Numbers 23:19

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man,
that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he
spoken, and shall he not make it good?

This is what is written in scripture, yet when we read in Genesis where

God has decided that mankind has become far too corrupt in the Earth to
even be allowed to live, it is written that he did repent.

He repented for making this destructive race of beings, called man, so

much so that he chose to destroy them.
Genesis 6:6

And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it
grieved him at his heart.

Noah’s Ark and The Flood that destroyed most of God’s creation

The conditions of the reality of mankind’s existing in the Earth had

become unfavorable to God. This creation was no longer a creation that
pleased him. This was where he had a realization moment and a change of
mind (repentance), and more specifically, a change of heart. Since this
creation no longer pleased him, which was its purpose, he wanted to
destroy it. We can conclude what the purpose of all creation was, including
mankind, because it is written in the book of Revelation:

Revelation 4:11

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou
hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
It becomes clear that according to the scriptures God created man for
his pleasure and also his glory. Do you see how this repentance was an
intelligible change of mind due to an error on God’s part? If you were aware
that your creation would turn out to be corrupt and all things were created
for your pleasure and glory, then what sense would it make for you to
create something that would not serve that purpose?

And if you were to go ahead and interject with the supposed “free will”
clause that is often weaponized when devout Christians are met with
questions such as these, then the rising question would then be wouldn’t
God know that they, the human beings, were going to choose the lesser
frequencies and become corrupt, that is IF he in fact was said to “know
ALL things?”

These discrepancies and brick walls of confusion protrude out of the

abyss of whimsical beliefs that have been buttressed by malignant
deceivers who have convinced the majority of the religious people that the
God(s) being referred to as the extraterrestrial being(s) who visited or
settled on Earth is the
God that is being referred to as the perpetual force, within and without the
universe, that causes all things to: BE.

This “mysterious force” as the scientists call it has yet to be fully

Overstood and therefore “it” remains a mystery to this day. This mysterious
force being the mystery of life that it is was surely not able to be confined to
one place and time as a humanoid being or creature would, yet there are
many times when “God” was written to have specific locations and actions,
having the capability of:

-walking amongst the human beings

Genesis 3:8

And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the
cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence
of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.
-engaging in face to face dialogue

Exodus 33:11

Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his

-sitting down and eating

Genesis 18:8

And he took butter, and milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it
before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat.

The list of times where God is described to be in one

place at one time in a specific area in the Earth is ongoing.
And so this God is not the force that created the universe
being referenced. This is a being likened unto a man. The
angels and heavenly creatures are beings who are also
likened unto man, or human beings.
Ezekiel 1:5

Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures.
And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.

And so, regardless of what is being said by the pastors and the
preachers and even some of the writers of these stories, the simple facts
are as follows:

An omniscient being would not have to repent or change their mind

EVER being that being would TRULY know all things as well as the
outcomes of those things.

An omnipresent being would not be able to be located unless that

location was always “everywhere” because that being would ALWAYS be
Confusion can be dissolved when the Overstanding of these things
arises. It then becomes much easier to fathom how it’s possible that God
could tell a lie, or how God could make an error or a mistake. After
reviewing these examples and exploring these points and conducting one’s
own research on all of these things, if the response is still along the lines of
“God cannot tell a lie, it’s not possible” or “God can’t repent, because he’s
God” or “God is not able to be compared to human beings” then it only
means that your belief system has backed you into a corner that you don’t
even have to come out of, because, again, you have the right to believe
whatever you want to believe, it’s just much more of a matter of facts or
truths than belief. Peace on that.

1 Kings 22:23
Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all
these thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil concerning thee.

2 Chronicles 18:22
Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of
these thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil against thee.

Jeremiah 4:10
Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people
and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; whereas the sword reacheth
unto the soul.

Jeremiah 20:7
O LORD, thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived: thou art stronger
than I, and hast prevailed: I am in derision daily, every one mocketh me.

Ezekiel 14:9
And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD
have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and
will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.

2 Thessalonians 2:11
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should
believe a lie:
Genesis 2:17

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for
in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

The Hebrew word yohm is used for day in the bible. That word means a
24 hour day, as in the Earth created in 6 days, yet Adam ate of the
forbidden fruit and he lived to be 930 years (shana) old. ONE yohm is
approximately 24 hours. There are 8,760 hours in a 365 day period, or a
year. There are 8,146,800 hours in 930 years. Eye exaggerate this point
not to disprove the Bible but to raise thought on the possibility of God’s not
being truthful for whatever reason that may have been. Eye say this also
because it wasn’t scripturally true that man would SURELY die as it was
stated by God, because just as they had accessed the tree of knowledge of
Good and Evil, if they were able to eat of the tree of life, they would have
lived forever, according to scripture.

Genesis 3:22

And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know
good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree
of life, and eat, and live for ever:
Garden of Eden depicted

Do note that God is clearly stating that it was, even after the
consumption of the fruit, possible for man to still live forever, which
means that it was not for CERTAIN that he would die. You see? And so
Eye break all this down to help remind you that God is more like you than
what has been explained to you, and so is The Devil. Your choices in life
pull you to either side, ideally, dependent upon which side you view as the
power you relate to. This does not serve to encourage you to be a
deceiver, at all. It is still written that the Truth shall make you free, and so
even if God can lie, for lack of better words:

Make him/them proud and aim to stand on the truth, so that you may be
made free. Eye Love You.


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