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e-book, in full electronic book, digital file containing a body of text and images suitable for
distributing electronically and displaying on-screen in a manner similar to a printed book.
E-book readers
E-readers are devices that facilitate screen-based reading of books and periodicals. These are
devices for which reading is the sole purpose or among the leading uses. E-readers today
primarily include black-and-white e-readers using e-ink technology; tablet devices, which offer
color, allow access to rich media, and support enhanced eBook content as well as newspapers
and magazines; and smartphones, such as the iPhone, and Android- and Windows-based phones.
Digital rights management
Digital rights management (DRM) is the use of technology to control access to copyrighted
material. It also enables copyright holders and content creators to manage what users can do with
their content, such as how many devices they can access media on and whether they can share it.
DRM is increasingly important to protecting content against the rise of online piracy and illegal
sharing of content on file-sharing services.
Digital eye strain
Digital eye strain (DES) is an entity encompassing visual and ocular symptoms arising due to the
prolonged use of digital electronic devices. It is characterized by dry eyes, itching, foreign body
sensation, watering, blurring of vision, and headache.
Cognitive load theory
Cognitive load theory is an instructional theory based on our knowledge of human cognition
(Sweller, Ayres & Kalyuga, 2011). Since its inception in the 1980 s (e.g., Sweller, 1988), the
theory has used aspects of human cognitive architecture to generate experimental, instructional
effects. These effects are demonstrated when novel instructional procedures are compared with
more traditional procedures as part of a randomized, controlled experiment. If the novel
procedure facilitates learning, based on test performance, a new effect may have been
demonstrated, an effect generated by our knowledge of human cognition.
Instrinsic cognitive load
An intrinsic cognitive load refers to the fundamental difficulty of a specific topic, regardless of
how that topic is presented. If you are learning calculus, the problem-solving resources needed to
find a derivative will be the same whether your teacher clearly explains the topic or not.
Multimedia features
As a system of relaying information or entertainment that includes many different forms of
communication. You might use multimedia to give a presentation at school. Multimedia might
include video, audio clips, and still photographs, for example
Digital platforms
Digital platform is the software and technology used to unify and streamline business operations
and IT systems. A digital platform serves as a company’s backbone for operations and customer
Site is most often concerned with location; it is related to situate, "to locate," and situation,
"relative position or combination of circumstances at a particular moment." A building site is the
place where a building is, or will be, located. In contemporary English, site is frequently used as
a shortened form of website to refer to the location of a group of web pages. Site comes from
Latin situs, meaning "place, position, site."
Graphic novels
Graphic Novel" is a format, not a genre. Graphic novels can be fiction, non-fiction, history,
fantasy, or anything in-between. Graphic novels are similar to comic books because they use
sequential art to tell a story. Unlike comic books, graphic novels are generally stand-alone stories
with more complex plots.
Graphic novel that originated in Japan, usually intended for adults and characterized by highly
stylized art.
Webtoon or manhwa
Manhwa is the Korean word for comics, so it's the term used for comics created by Korean
creators. Webtoon is simply the term for a comic that originates online and is produced in an
optimized format for online viewing.
Reading comprehension
Reading comprehension is the ability to read text, process it and understand its meaning. It relies
on two, interconnected abilities: word reading (being able to decode the symbols on the page)
and language comprehension (being able to understand the meaning of the words and sentences).
Portable Document Format PDF
PDF stands for "portable document format". Essentially, the format is used when you need to
save files that cannot be modified but still need to be easily shared and printed. Today most
devices have a version of Adobe Reader or can open a PDF in an Internet Browser.

A piece of thick paper, leather, or plastic that you put between the pages of a book so that you
quickly can find a page again.
An annotation is a note or comment added to a text to provide explanation or criticism about a
particular part of it. Annotations are often added to scholarly articles or to literary works that are
being analyzed. But the term can be used in a more general way to refer to a note added to any
text. For example, a note that you scribble in the margin of your textbook is an annotation, as is
an explanatory comment that you add to a list of tasks at work.
20-20-20 Method
Using the 20-20-20 rule can help to prevent this problem. For every 20 minutes a person looks at
a screen, they should look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Following the rule is a great
way to remember to take frequent breaks. This may reduce eye strain caused by looking at digital
screens for too long.
Electronic Devices
Electronic devices are components for controlling the flow of electrical currents for the purpose
of information processing and system control. Prominent examples include transistors and
diodes. Electronic devices are usually small and can be grouped together into packages called
integrated circuits.
a building, room, or organization that has a collection of books, documents, music, and
sometimes things such as tools or artwork, for people to borrow, usually without payment.
a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or
An electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational
computer facilities around the world.
Array is the range or array containing the values you want filtered. Include is the logical test that
returns a Boolean array (TRUE/FALSE) the same height or width as the array.
Small and light enough to be carried or moved easily, and not attached by electric wires.
Copyright is a type of intellectual property that protects original works of authorship as soon as
an author fixes the work in a tangible form of expression.,a

Do not disturb
You can silence your phone with Do Not Disturb. This mode can mute sound, stop vibration, and
block visual disturbances. You can pick what you block and what you allow.

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