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Business Plan



Founders/Contact Information:
Chadia Ali Ouqassou:
Malak El Alami El Idrissi:

 Brand-Name: Association Name: AMAL ANISSAE

 Target Market:

AMAL ANISSAE is targeting artisan women aging from 18 to 60 years and who not
only come from the middle atlas region, but who also live in Morocco. These women
are not educated and are unemployed. However, they need to have talents in producing
natural cosmetics, Moroccan carpets, Moroccan furniture, or home made food.
 Market Segmentation:
 Geographic : all artisan women who come from the middle east region
 Demographic variables : Women aging from 18 to 60 years.
 Psychographic variables :
o Life style : Succeeder women : confident, serious, strong goal orientation,
organized, and work oriented.
o Interest : generating some profit, getting to know clients, and promoting their
home made products.
o Artisan women willing to learn from their selling experience, willing to give
their best in producing home made products, and to gather all their efforts and
make this event a successful one (generate profit) through their sales.
 Behavioral variables : Artisan women willing to participate to the event twice a
 Competitive Advantage: Our association operates in the region of Khénifra and creates
an event for only artisan women to sell their home-made products. However other
associations do not create events, their activity is to help women get some money from
charity. Our association’s adavantage is that it helps women earn profit from what they
can produce and learn how to sell and deal with customers from their experience in the
event. We are also trying to transform these women to independent ones, so that even if
the event is not occuring they can still stay in touch with their clients and continue their
selling activity.
 Positioning: Not-for profit organization that targets artisan women and serves their
community by helping them gather customers -local and global- and sell them their home-
made products. We also want people when hearing AMAL ANISSAE to think of an
association that will transform these women from non productive and unemployed to
women who are dependent and generate profit from something they produce with their
 Brand Logo:

 Tagline: Together we make a change

 Business Card:


Malak El Alami El Idrissi Chadia Ali Ouqassou

CEO of AMAL ANISSAE Association CEO of AMAL ANISSAE Association

+212628925760/ +212661368565/

 Service: The organization provides careers for Middle Atlas women by creating event
where they sell their homemade products.
 Cost Based Pricing vs. Value Based Pricing: Our service provided is free, but the
products women sell are value based pricing because it depends on what customers are
willing to pay.
 Product Attribute Map: In order to establish a unique position, our product attribute
map for Amal Anissae can be illustrated as:

 Marketing Mix:
o Product: In our case, our product is intangible, however our service goes
beyond just organizing an event, but our goal is to create careers for Middle
Atlas Women.
o Price: Since we are a non profit organization, we have two constituencies:
Customers who are willing to pay for the products provided by women, and
donors/ investors about the costs involved.
o Place: Khenifra city
o Promotion: there are different ways we will advertise our event such as:
Social media: Facebook page, Radio ads, flyers and local newspapers.

 Distribution or Supply of the Service: The best place for our event in terms of selling, is
in khenifra city because it is at the heart of the Middle Atlas as the map illustrate:

So we will be able to receive customers from all the surrounding of the city (Azrou, Oued
Zem, Midelt, Sidi Addi). The location chosen is close to where we are raising funds
(except for international funds).

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