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Submitted as partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of Magister

Pendidikan (M.Pd.) in English Language Education



Student’s Registration Number: 20711019









By :
Students Registration Number: 20711019

Approved by

Advisor I Advisor II

Dr. Arif Rahman, M.Pd. Dr. Jupri,M.Pd.

NIDN. 080205080001 NIDN. 0831127612

Ceritified by:

Head of English and Education Program

Dr. Arif Rahman, M.Pd.

NIK. 556060179


This master thesis entitled “The Effect of Animated Pictures on Students’

Writing Achievement of Narrative Text” by Abim Hasrul Syani (NIM 20711019) has
been examined on July 12, 2022, by the Board of Examiners.

Board of Examiners

Name Position

Dr. Arif Rahman, M.Pd………….………………………… (Advisor I /Examiner)

NIDN. 080205080001

Dr. Jupri, M.Pd …………………………………… (Advisor II /Examiner)

NIDN. 00831127612

Dr. Haerazi, M.Hum ….……..………………………… (Main Examiner)

NIDN. 0805058301

Acknowledged by:

Dean Faculty of Culture, Head of Graduate Program

Management and business

Muliani, M.Pd. Dr. Arif Rahman, M.Pd.

NIK. 495200312 NIK. 556060179


This undersigned:

Name : Abim Hasrul Syani

Student Number : 20711019

Study Program : Magister of English Language Education

Address :Dusun Montong Buwuh, Desa Meninting,

Kec. BatuLayar, Kab. Lombok Barat, NTB.

I hereby certify that this thesis entitled “THE EFFECT OF ANIMATED PICTURES
own work submitted as a partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of
Magister Pendidikan (M.Pd) at the English Graduate program at Mandalika
University of Education (UNDIKMA) and it has never submitted to any other
institution for any other purposes. The works of others cited there in have been
properly acknowledged in the references section.

Mataram, July 2022

Abim Hasrul Syani

NIM: 20711019



“Man Jadda Wa Jada,Whoever Strives Shall Succeed”


This thesis is dedicated to:

 Thanks to Allah SWT that always hearing my pray so it can be run out is
 For my first supervisor (Dr. Arif Rahman, M. Pd) and second supervisor
(Dr. Jupri, M.Pd.) Thank you for guidance in correcting my thesis and
help me during the process of writing this thesis. Thank you so much.
 Thanks to my beloved parents (H. Ahmad Yani and Hj.Siti Hasanah),
thanks for your supports and who always pray for me every time, always
protect me, care to me and many things that have given to me till I finish
this study,I cannot describe all your kindness. I love you so much.
 Special thanks to my Best friends(Habibi, Afif, Mae, and Reis) thanks for
you all for carrying and supporting me till I finish this study. Love you
 For all my friends UNDIKMA who always supporting me every day.
 The alumnus of Magister class who always help me when I was get
difficulties during the process of writing this thesis.
 For headmaster and all teachers and students of SMKN 3 Mataram who
gave fun time for me during research, thank you so much.
 For all of my friends that I cannot mention one by one who always
supporting me, thank you.

 For the entire lecturer in UNDIKMA and both of my advisors thanks for
guiding and supporting me till I finish this thesis.
 And the last but not least my lovely Almamater of UNDIKMA


ABIM HASRUL SYANI: The effect of animated pictures on students’ writing

achievement narrative text at SMKN 3 Mataram (Supervised by Dr. Arif Rahman,
M.Pd and Dr. Jupri, M.Pd.)

This research was aimed at finding out whether the effect of media Animated Pictures
is effective or not in teaching writing at the third grade of SMKN 3 MATARAM. The
research was experimental research and the design used was quasi experimental with
control group pre-test post-test design. The population of the study was the first grade
students of SMKN 3 MATARAM which consisted of seven classes (330 students).
Two classes were chosen by using simple random sampling technique and the result
was X TKJ class (32 students) became the experimental group and X MM class (29
students) became the control group. In collecting the data pre-test and post-test were
done next the data were scored by scoring rubric. And then, the data were analyzed
by inferential statistic using IBM SPSS version 19. The result of data analysis showed
that t-test was 2.566 with t-table was 1.674. It was shown that t-test was higher than t-
table. So it can be concluded that teaching writing at using media Animated Pictures
produce much greater change in the students’ writing competence. On the other
words, media Animated Pictures is effective in teaching writing at SMKN 3

Keywords: Animated Pictures, Writing, Narrative Text.


Researcher express deepest gratitude to Al might ALLAH SWT for the Mercy

and Blessing and Giving me health and strength so that this proposal entitled” THE



Researcher also very grateful to Dr. Arif Rahman and Dr Jupri as the first and

the second consultant, thanks for invaluable correction, guidance, and assistance who

have spread their time during the process of this thesis proposal and thank you for my

mother and father for their continual encouragement and financing support. Thank

you for all the people who take part in the process of finishing my thesis proposal

Finally, as there no such a thing which is perfect in the world researcher

honestly appreciate with all constructive criticism for the completeness of this thesis

proposal. Hopefully , this proposal can be useful for everyone.

Mataram, july 2022



STATEMENT OF ORIGINALLY........................................................................................iv
MOTTO & DEDICATION.....................................................................................................v
TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................................ix
LIST OF TABLES..................................................................................................................xi
LIST OF APPENDIX............................................................................................................xii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................1
A. Background of Study.....................................................................................................1
B. Statement of the Problem...............................................................................................3
C. Purposes of the Study.....................................................................................................3
D. Significances of the Study..............................................................................................3
E. Scope of the Study.........................................................................................................4
F. Definition of Key Terms................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE....................................................6
A. Former research on animated pictures...........................................................................6
B. The Nature of Writing....................................................................................................8
C. The Types/ Genre of Writing.........................................................................................9
D. Using Media in Teaching.............................................................................................15
E. Definitions of Animated pictures.................................................................................16
F. The main types of animated pictures...........................................................................17
G. Advantages of using animated pictures in the field of teaching..................................18
H. The advantages of using animated pictures in teaching...............................................22
I. Theoretical Framework................................................................................................24

J. Hypothesis....................................................................................................................25
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD..............................................................................26
A. Research and Method...................................................................................................26
B. Population and Sample.................................................................................................27
1. Population.................................................................................................................27
2. Sample.......................................................................................................................27
C. Research Instrument.....................................................................................................27
D. Method of Collecting Data...........................................................................................28
E. Technique of Data Analysis.........................................................................................29
CHAPTER IV FINDING & DISCUSSION.........................................................................33
A. Research Finding..........................................................................................................33
1. Proses Treatment.......................................................................................................33
2. Data Scoring..............................................................................................................34
3. The Process of data analysis......................................................................................38
B. Discussion....................................................................................................................40
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION&SUGGESTION................................................................42
A. Conclusion& Suggestion..............................................................................................42
1. Conclusion................................................................................................................42
2. Suggestion.................................................................................................................43


Table 3.1 Scoring Class X TKJ................................................................................34

Table 3.2 Scoring Class X MM...............................................................................36

Table 3.3 Group Statistic.........................................................................................38

Table 3.4 Independent Samples Test.......................................................................39

Table 3.5 T-table (55-56).........................................................................................40


Appendix 01.RPP.....................................................................................................48

Appendix 02.Pre-test & Post-test.............................................................................51

Appendix 03.Animated Pictures..............................................................................53



A. Background of Study

English is a language that is very important to learn, even though this

language not from the local language. This foreign language introduced to the

student since kinder garden. English become the one of subject which is tested in

national exam. In learning English, there are four language skills that should be

mastered, namely listening, reading, speaking, and writing.

Writing is one of language skills that students should be mastered after

learning listening, reading, and speaking. Through writing, students are able to

systematically explore and pour their idea, thought, and opinion in their own

language. However, writing is regarded as the most difficult skill to be mastered.

This is supported by Richards (1990:56), who says that learning to write well is a

difficult and lengthy process, one that induces anxiety and frustration in many


In Writing is clearly a complex process, and competent writing is frequently

accepted as being the last language skill to be acquired (Nunan, 2007:91). It

means that the students need a guidance to practice their written, because writing

has some of elements (content,vocabularies, grammar, organization, punctuation

and spelling). It is one of the difficulties in teaching writing skills, the students in

Indonesia is non-native language. The teacher must to motivate and give them the

interesting technique or media to make them easily to write. Indonesia has English

Standard Competence to teach English in Indonesia, especially for teaching

writing. English Standard Competence has some of forms that the teacher must

teach in teaching writing, there are narrative text, descriptive, spoof, recount,

procedure, report, news item, anecdote, exposition, explanation, discussion,

commentary, and review text (Depdiknas Indonesia, 2006). Based on this

statement, the writer choose the narrative text to teach in the classroom, because

narrative text is the personal experience text, so the students will be easy to write

their own experience. now days students are considered still having difficulties in

writing activities. So, teachers have to creative in teaching writing. Media is

recommended to use and animated pictures are simple visual aids. Narrative text

is a kind of genre text taught in middle school. In teaching narrative texts using

animated pictures, it can be a medium to guide students to formulate ideas.

Animated pictures can be a reference for students, because the media containing

information, objects, actions, events, and relationships. When animated images

are shown, students are able to make meaningful contexts.

When the researcher observed in SMKN 3 Mataram. There were some

problems found in the field when the researcher did an interview to the English

teacher, for example the students did not know general structure in building A

narrative text, lack some vocabulary, and students’ didn’t know how to use past

tenses in narrative text. Despite that, there is also problem related to teacher

performance for example they used good strategy but the media used was note

innovative one.

Regarding the problems mentioned previously, Researcher would like to

apply the effect of animated pictures as teaching media in writing narrative texts.

This research is conducted to know whether using animated picture would be

effective text or not.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study is directed to find out the answers to the research question that


1. “is there any effect of animated picture on students’ achievement of

writing narrative text?”

2. “How Animated Pictures affect the students’ achievement of writing

narrative text?”

C. Purposes of the Study

The purpose of this study is to find out whether animated pictures has

effect or not to narrative writing students.

D. Significances of the Study

The Study is expected to have both theoretical and practical significance;

1. Theoretical significance, to help teachers/ researchers to find out the

alternative way of teaching writing, especially narrative text and to produce

the relevant and valid knowledge for their class improvement in teaching

English writing.

2. Practically, it can be used as a model on students’ ability in writing narrative

text, and it may guide, help and encourage students to express their ideas,

opinion, and thought into paper.

E. Scope of the Study

In conducting the research, the researcher has several limitations as


1. The students’ English writing taken in the class of third grade students of

SMKN 3 Mataram.

2. The study was limited to the application of animated picture as a teaching

media to improve students’ achievement in writing narrative text.

F. Definition of Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation about the topic, the

following definitions of variables are put forwards:

1. Writing

Writing is a productive skill besides speaking, to write simple sentence,

message and announcement and to write text in the forms of narrative, recount

and descriptive, and to write simple messages and personal letters for the first &

second grade students in junior high school.

2. Narrative Text

Narrative Text is one of 13 types of English text (genre) born from the

Narration as well as Recount Text, Anecdote Text, Spoof Text. The definition of

narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people. The Narrative text is not

necessarily effective because it could be just an imagination or a fictional story

made by someone or a story made by a group of people who has not proven the


3. Animated Pictures

Moving diagrams or cartoons that are made up of a sequence of images

displayed one after the other and these animations are produced with effects and




A. Former research on animated pictures.

The previous study used by the researcher as guidance to make prediction

of the study. For this reason, the writer attempts to find the previous study

that has a close relationship with the study. Those previous study is:

The previous study was from a research entitled “THE EFFECT OF


WRITING NARRATIVE TEXT (Pre-Experimental Research at the tenth

grade students of SMA Harapan Bhakti Makassar)” was written by Iqbal

Anan Anugrah, Muhammadiyah University of Makasar.

In this study there are several similarities and differences with previous

studies. The similarities and differences are:

Table 2.1
Similarities and Differences with Previous Research

Title Similarities Previous Research
reseah plan

Iqbal THE USE OF ANIMATION Independent Dependent Dependent

Anan FILM TO Variabels : Variabels : Variabels :

Anugrah IMPROVESTUDENTS’ Writing Animation Animated

ABILITYIN WRITING Narative Text Films Pictures


Research Period : Observation

(Pre-Experimental Research Method : 2019/2020 Period :

at the tenth grade students of Pre- 2021/2022

SMA Harapan Experimental

Bhakti Makassar) Research

Considering previous study above, the writer can conclude that the finding of

the previous study is has the positive relationship. This can be the guidance

and prediction for the writer to conduct this research.

B. The Nature of Writing

According to Byrne (1998) writing involves the encoding of a message of

some kind that is we translate our thought into language. He states that when we

write, we use grammatical rules and the letters or combinations of the letters

which relate to the sound that we make when we speak. We do not write just one

sentence or even a number of unrelated sentences. We produce sequence of

sentences that is might be very short, which consist of two or three sentences, but

because of the way they have been put in order and linked together, they form in

coherent whole. Meanwhile, Susanti (2007) states four English Oracy and literacy

level for students;

1. Performative

At this first level, the learners are expected to be able to read, write, and

speak using the symbol of English.

2. Functional

The second level, learners are expected to be able to use English to fulfill

daily activities, i.e. reading newspaper to get information.

3. Informational

The third level is the learners are expected to be able to use English to

access knowledge.

4. Epistemic

The last level is the learners are expected to have the ability to use English

to transfer or disseminate knowledge.

C. The Types/ Genre of Writing

Determining the type of writing you will need to do, will help you

determine your topic (subject), purpose (why you are writing), style (how you

should write) and tone your attitude toward your subject – supportive,

condemning, objective, etc.). There are many types of writing such as narratives,

recounts procedures, report, explanations and expositions. (Wing Jan. 2001)

1. Narratives

A narrative text tells an imaginative story, although some narratives may

be based on facts. Narratives are written in many different forms and each form

has distinctive characteristics. The main purpose of narrative is to entertain and

engage the reader in an imaginative experience. A variety of narratives also have

other purposes, e.g. they may seek to explain a phenomenon (myths and legends)

or to teach a lesson (fables). The narrative text is focused on specific sequential

events and actions. There are many language features that are common used in the

narrative text such as:

a. Specific, often individual, participants with defined identities. Major

participants are human, or sometimes animals with human characteristics.

b. Descriptive language to create vivid images (strong verbs, adverbs, adjectives,

smiles, methaphors, hyperbole, analogy, alliteration).

c. Adjectives and related groups of words to provide rich description of nouns

(character setting).

d. Adverb and related groups of words to create rich description of verb (to

describe how, when and where event take place)

e. First- or third-person pronouns

f. Past tense

g. Dialogue

h. Tense changes-present tense in dialogue and usually past tense in the

remainder of text.

2. Recounts

A recount is the retelling or recounting of past experiences. Recounts are

generally based on direct experiences of the author but may also be imaginative or

outside the author’s experience. Young children often write recount which is

directly taken from their news telling. The purpose of a recount is to tell what

happened and this may involve the author’s experience. Young children often

write recount which is directly taken from their news telling. The purpose of a

recount is to tell what happened and this may involve the author’s personal

interpretation of events. Recounts generally begin with a setting or orientation that

includes background information to assist the reader’s understanding of the

recount. There are usually details about Who? When? Where? And Why? Many

recounts have a calculate comment or concluding statement that simply be

comment on the preceding set of events but this optional It is often a comment

that reflects the author’s feelings about the preceding events described. These are

the language features of recount:

3. Procedures

Procedural texts are used to either direct behavior or to describe how

something is done. They are often referred to as ‘How to’ texts as they include

directions and instructions and are constructed around a description of a sequence

of actions. Their cultural purposes are to command and direct behavior, to tell

how to do something. There are many different types of procedures, the structures

and features of which may vary according to the audience. They include:

1. Directions

2. Instructions

3. Recipes

4. Rules for games

5. Manuals

6. Agendas

Procedural texts include information that is broken up into logical

sequence of steps to enable the reader to interpret and replicate the process

described. The language features of procedures:

a. Specialized vocabulary to describe the subject and process

b. Identifications of target audience

c. Timeless present tense

d. Use of conjunctions or connectives to do with time and to indicate the

chornological order of the actions

e. Detailed information

f. Action verbs-use of imperatives

4. Reports

Reports are factual texts that present information clearly and succinctly.

The stages of report are context-specific and relate very closely to its purpose. The

purpose of report is to systematically organize and record factual information to

classify and describe a whole class of things. A report usually introduces the topic

with an opening generalization or classification. This may be in the form of a

definition (e.g. Snakes are retiles) or a reference to the particular aspect of the

topic to be elaborated in the report. This is followed by a description of various

aspects of the topic. Aspect described will vary according to the context of the

report. Reports is often regarded as summarizing comment. These are the

language features of report:

a. Specialized vocabulary that allows for more informations to be conveyed in

the fewer words.

b. Sentences containing one or more facts, complex sentence-use of conjunctions

c. Written in the third person

d. Generalizations that apply to general class of thins-rather than specific things

e. Formal and objective style of writing (few personal pronouns and greater use

of relative pronouns)

f. Descriptive language using factual and precise adjectives, verbs and adverbs

g. Language of comparison

h. Definitions of uncommon or subject –specific terms

i. Timeless present tense generally used

j. Brackets to explain, clarify or add extra information

5. Explanations

An explanations is an oral or written text that seeks to explain how things

come to be the way they are, or to analyze how things work. The purpose of an

explanation is to give an account of variety phenomena. Explanations generally

begin with definition or statement about the phenomena. The definition may or

may not be classifying statement. A variety of explanations also include

information about special features or an evaluative summary. There are some

language features of explanation such as:

a. Generalized participants (rather than about a specific things)

b. Vocabulary associated with time and sequence (e.g. then, later, first,

eventually, finnaly, at last initially, after, before)

c. Words that link cause/action and effect (e.g. therefore, because, so due to, as a

consequence, s a result, consequently, caused, resulted in, led to)

d. Timeless present tense generally used

e. Technical terms and subject specific vocabulary used

f. Passive voice may be used

g. Action verbs mainly used

h. Nominalization in which a process (action) is expressed as a noun in order to

impart meaning in less words.

i. Detailed description in which a process (action) is expressed as a noun I order

to impart meaning in less words

j. Detailed description used to create richer meaning.

6. Expositions

An exposition is the critical evaluation of ideas involving argument,

persuasion or debate. The purpose of an exposition is to develop ides and

supporting details in order to present a logical argument from a particular point of

view. Expositions may be written:

1. To persuade reader to agree with a writer’s particular point of view or thesis

2. To compare and/or contrast topics and develop a case that will persuade the

reader that the writer’s premise is correct

3. To analyses a topic, presenting all points of view and stating the logical

conclusion or expecting that the reader will form a logical conclusion (based

on the information provided by the writer).

Expositions generally begin with a statement of the basic position to be

taken and/or an overview of the topic or question. The exposition ends with a

conclusion or summary that maybe in the form of an evaluation, a restatement of

the position and/or a re-defining of the argument. Language features of

exsposition id followed by:

a. Generalized participants (sometimes human but often abstract)

b. Possibility of technical terms relating to the issue

c. Variety of technical terms relating to the issue

d. Mainly timeless present tense when presenting position and position and

points in the argument, but might change according to the stage of the text

e. Frequent use of passives to help structure the text

f. Action are often changed into ‘things’ (nominalised) to make the argument

sound more objective and to help structure the text

g. Connectives associated with reasoning (therefore, so, because of, the first

reason, etc.)

Based on the previously explanation, the researcher will be focused on

narrative text as the topic of thesis research.

D. Using Media in Teaching

According to Hart and Hicks, media in the classroom are appropriate for

triggering ideas, making difficult subjects more understandable, and for holding

attention on important ideas. It should lead students to remember ideas by

becoming more involved with them. What is not always obvious is that students

should first know what media is and ways to think about it critical skills in

understanding media are extremely important, without them the film, video,

record or slide presented in relation to a subject is only on dimensional.

In teaching and using various media in the classroom are somewhat

skewed in that teaching art or media or some combination. The nature of the

classes dictated that the teachers may demonstrate most of the expressive media

that we use to communicate with – print, books, drawing, slides, film, video,

audio, computer screens (Hart and Hicks, 2002:8)

E. Definitions of Animated pictures

Many researchers have given definitions of Animated pictures, and they

are all extremely similar. However, differences arise because of different


Baek and Layne (1988: 132) define animated pictures as “The process of

generating a series of frames containing an object or objects so that each frame

appears as an alteration of the previous frame in order to 12 show motion”. Vasari

and Haugh (1922: 83)also define animated pictures as" An art or technique of

producing images on a surface usually paper by means of marks in graphite ink,

chalk, choral or cartoon. It is often a preliminary stage to work in other media".

Moreover, Gonzales (1996: 27) proposed a broader definition of animated

pictures as “a series of varying images presented dynamically according to user

action in ways that help the user to perceive a continuous change over time and

develop a more appropriate mental model of the task”.

According to Ganges (1968: 57), "animated pictures are a moving text and

pictures or simply interesting transitions between visual tableaus which can be an

effective attention grabber, that lay the necessary foundation for learning".

Moreover, Betrancourt and Tversky (2000: 113)states that animated pictures are

any application which generates a series of frames, so that each frame appears as

an alteration of the previous one". Additionally, Henry and Laura (2010: 20) refer

to animated pictures as" a rapid display of a sequence of static images that create

the illusion of movement". Brainy Quotes (2009) also argues that animated

pictures are the act of animating, or giving life or spirit, the state of being animate

or alive. The researcher defines animated pictures as "the rapid display of a

sequence movement of colored images and texts with sounds ".

F. The main types of animated pictures

There are many types of animation which can be used in our classes, but

the researcher will mention the three major types of animation. These types can be

used in technology education and graphic communication classes:

1. Traditional animation:

Thomas and Lisa (2003) state that this type of animation is called cell

animation because it is the individual frames of a traditionally animated film and

photographs of drawings, which are first drawn on paper. It is the main process

which can be used for the most animated film of the 20th century.

2. Full animation:

Full animation refers to the process of producing high quality traditionally

animated films, which have a regular use, detailed drawing and visible movement.

3. Computer animation:

Computer animation means the digital pictures which can be digitally

created. It focuses on manipulation of images in which characters and objects

move and interact. Moreover, Bancroft and Keane (2006: 87) define computer

animation as a program which uses animation software to create and copy

individual frames. Animation software programs, such as Mice or Animor, are

known for their usability."The researcher will use the computer animation, the

most usable and the easiest kind which can be used in our schools.

G. Advantages of using animated pictures in the field of teaching

Using animated pictures opens up practical possibilities more than static

pictures. Here are just a few advantages of working with Animation:

5. Makes learning faster:

Hegarty and Sims (1994: 12) state that animation may help students learn

faster and easier. Furthermore, they add that this is an excellent aid for teachers to

teach students difficult subjects such as science and mathematics.

1. Visual attributes:

Kobayashi (1986), Rieber (1996), Goetz and Fritz (1993) mention that

information coded both visually and verbally is more likely to be remembered

than when each is coded alone. So, animation doubles the chance of information

being stored and as a result retrieved easily. Rieber and Kini (1991: 33) also

suggest a number of advantages of animation over static graphics. For example,

with animated graphics, learners do not need to generate a mental image of the

event or action being targeted and therefore, avoid the risk of creating a false

understanding. In addition, Wang (1994: 18) states that animation provides and

increases capacity to present information regarding a continuity of motion.

Yunis (1999 : 170) also adds that the movement element in animation film

is considered as the most important one that can confirm the information in the

students' mind. Furthermore, Animation provides viewers with two different

visual attributes: images and motion (Rieber1996: 34). For scientific learning,

images and motions are both essential for understanding and memorization.

2. Saving time and effort: Stephenson ( 1994: 179)

Argues that such system (animation system) can reduce time by an average

of 33% and aid the "quality" of learning, as compared with more traditional

techniques.Stoney and Oliver (1998) also cite that computers can save efforts

from painting, shading, calculations for appropriate and consistent lightening

effects instead of the animator. This can be explained in these following main


a. Creating images that cannot be filmed by cameras, like the structure of an


b. Creating images that are impossible to obtain in real life like landing on any

desired path of the earth from other spaces.

c. Reproduction of some works of art that were destroyed by natural causes or by


d. Producing work which requires high costs that can cause danger.

e. Producing moving images generated from graphical materials like

photographs, letters and maps.

f. Transforming the abstract thoughts into concrete images.

g. Producing images which look realistic.

h. Transforming complex events into basic graphical expressions.

i. Producing images which look realistic.

3. Using sounds and music effects :

The usage of sound or music and how and where they are going to be used

in the plan and during presenting animation is very important. These sounds can

be used to support the images and the events in the animation.

4. More creative fun/ satisfying tool:

William and Fisher (2002: 324) notice that many case studies suggest that

students find using animation in education more satisfying and engaging than

traditional learning modalities. Moreover, Hallagren and Gorbis (1999: 66)

confirm that ''Historically, visualization technology played an important role in

many fields and made district interesting environment. Scientific and engineering

community has used it to convey information to a viewer. The perceived utility of

visualization technique took a quantum leap forward when the entertainment

industry realized that computers could be used to create special effects in

animations. They realized that there is potential role for not only presenting

information but also for holding a viewers' attention while it is being presented''.

Moreover, Armstrong (1966: 69) adds that multimedia has the ability of capturing

the attention of a generation who has grown up with technology. It plays an

increasing role in their lives and education.

Waters (2007: 34 )also cites that using animation films helps students to

develop listening, speaking and reading skills. This strategy provides an

environment with native speakers, real texts and thousands of real- life images.

The teacher through using animation films introduces the new vocabulary through

defining them with objects, pictures and events. Thus, students acquire the new

vocabulary and the language by linking them to objects and events from the real

world around them. Furthermore, Coyner and Mccann (2004: 223) state that

learning outside the traditional room using technologies like animations and

movies through computers encourage students to learn.

5. More useful and household record:

King (2010: 16) indicates that teachers, doctors and businessmen/women

benefit from this strategy (animation) to explain complex subjects. Also, students

(target group) can take the animation films to their houses. They can think deeply

about them and repeat them many times.

6. Instant, easy, photo sharing:

King (2010: 15) states that: ''You don’t have to address an envelope, find a

stamp or truck off the post office or delivery drop box. You can send the

animation film by attaching it through email. It is not just sending a film through

an email, it is also convenient''.

7. Most coded animations become dynamic:

Coyner and Mccann (2004) indicate that if anybody watches a movie on a

DVD or CD player, he/she will see the same animation repeatedly. With a coded

animation, students could use that to make it dynamic by determining a random

point to place it with random direction and speed to move it. Hence, the animation

will appear differently on the screen or T.V. or any other medium that will be


H. The advantages of using animated pictures in teaching

Animated pictures can enrich students' mastery of diverse subject matter.

Through various lessons and units, educators and students can use a simple

animation program to create visual, animated representations of numerous

concepts. Animation films help students solidify their understanding of abstract

ideas. Rule ( 2008: 1) confirms that using animation through computers has

become easier with a variety of media tools, and it is an effective way for students

to share cultural information.

1. Facilitating understanding of subjects:

Lin, Chen and Dwyer (2006: 203) state that the effect of animation in

presenting a subject matter that requires visuals to complement the text in

facilitating understanding of subject matter knowledge under a specific and

limited condition has a superior effect.

2. Enhancing listening comprehension:

Wilberschied and Berman (2004: 534) in their case study state that

students who received authentic pictures taken from authentic videos and students

who watched cartoons increased listening comprehension.

3. Enhancing EFL / SFL writing:

Baralt, Pennestri and Selevandin (2004: 12) argue that using animation

wordle/ word clouds (it is most of the popular form of data visualization) is also

commonly called text or tag cloud. It is a visual representation of word frequency

that affects the students’ writing through:

a. Engaging discussion in the classroom using key words produced in a word


b. Using animation wordle as a reflection tool for writing projects.

c. Using word clouds to generate ideas for new writing topics and themes.

d. Using animation word clouds as a reflection tool for writing process.

4. Enhancing and facilitating immediate and delayed achievement in the EFl


Lin, Chen and Dawyer (2006: 203) state in their action research that

computers generated animations are more effective than static visual in assisting

students' retention of the more difficult and complex knowledge than they

received from instruction.

I. Theoretical Framework

At present English is important to master. English is used in several

aspects of life such as education, entertainment, sports, politics and so on.

Mastering English is a must to get people involved and knowledgeable in modern

life. People try to get exposure through reading, listening, writing, and speaking.

Writing is a productive skill that can only be mastered by practicing a lot

of writing. However, students claim that reading is difficult with regard to the

story ideas they will write, the rules of writing, and the lack of mastery of

vocabulary. These problems then lead to students' reluctance to write. Because

reading is very important to make students involved and knowledgeable, it is

therefore important to build students' willingness to write.

Animated pictures are media to enable students to overcome the desire to

write. This media can make students easier to understand text by applying

animated pictures. Then it is also intended to find out whether they have

understood how to write narrative texts before, during, and after paying attention

to the animated pictures.

In addition, animated pictures is also a tool to help teachers teaching

narrative texts. By knowing the importance of using this media, the teacher must

introduce this media before teaching narrative text writing. In this case, animated

pictures can be introduced by the teacher as a medium to better understand

narrative texts.

J. Hypothesis

Based on the rationale above, the researcher proposes a hypothesisas



Teaching narrative text using Animated Pictures is effective in improving student

writing Narrative at ten grade of SMKN3 Mataram in the academic year



Teaching narrative text using Animated Pictures is not effective in improving

student writing Narrative at ten grade of SMKN 3 Mataram in the academic year




A. Research and Method

The design of this research will be quasi-experimental research which to

find out the effect of using animated pictures in teaching writing. Quasi-

experimental research is research that resembles experimental research but is not

true experimental research. Although the independent variable is manipulated,

participants are not randomly assigned to conditions or orders of conditions (Cook

& Campbell, 1979).

There will be two groups in this research: experimental and control

groups. The experimental group will treated by using animated pictures and the

other group using picture series. Before giving treatments in experimental and

control groups, the researcher firstly will give pre-test to the students. After done

giving a pre-test, the researcher gave treatments by applying animated pictures in

experimental group and using picture series in control group. At last, the

researcher will give post-test in order to observes the effect of using animated

pictures in experimental group and the effect of using picture series in control

group in teaching writing narrative text. In elaborating the data analysis, the

researcher will apply statistical analysis which was supported by descriptive


B. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this study included all of the Junior High School

students of SMKN 3 Mataram.

2. Sample

Sample is partly or representative of the population that is researched,

(Arikunto, 2006: 131). Arikunto (2006: 134) said that “if the number of the

population less than a hundred, it is better to take all of the population as the

sample of the research, but if the number of the population more than a hundred, it

is suggested to take 20% - 25% of the population as the sample”.

The researcher will use the cluster random sampling technique to take the

sample from population. As the result of cluster random sampling, there will two

classes be chosen as the sample those are X TKJ & X MM. After that, the

researcher will divide those two classes in two group, class X TKJ will be

determined as experimental group and the X MM as control group.

C. Research Instrument

Acording to Arikunto (2010), research instrument is the tools or facilities

used by the researcher in collecting the data. The instruments used in this research

were a Test.

The researcher will use writing test to asses and examine the students’

writing ability. The tests were pre-test and post-test. The pre-test is give to asses

and to examine the students’ writing ability without using animation film in the

previous treatment while post-test is given after treatment of applying animation

film as media to asses and examine the students’ writing ability. Both pre-test and

post-test will use to find out the development of the students’ writing ability after

the treatment by using animation film.

D. Method of Collecting Data

The kind of data in this research is Quantitative data. The Quantitative data

took from students’ score in tests. In collecting the data, pre-test and post-test

were applied. To make it clear, the test divided into two major categories

1. Pre-test

The pre-test will given in the beginning of attending class to ensure the

equivalency of the control and the experimental group before conducting the

experiment. The test is a writing test which will require by students to write a

narrative text that students know with their own words without using animated

pictures. The students’ scores will collected as the data for the researcher.

2. Post-test

The post-test will given at the end of the treatment in order to see if there

anystatistically significant difference in teaching writing through animated

pictures. Aftertreatment, the researcher will give post-test to the experimental

group to write narrative text related to animated pictures, while on the control

group, the researcher will gave the students test to write narrative text based on

picture series.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing the data related to the students’ test of writing ability, the

researcher will use analytical scoring rubric adapted from Brown cited in Puspita

(2014:36) to analyze the students’ paragraph.

The Item
To Be Description

1.Content Excellent :

The paragraph contains complete sentencesand correct use of

tenses, degree of

comparison and adjective

Good :

There are mostly complete sentences, there

Are still several errors in tenses,degree of comparison and


Average : 2

There are few complete sentences, there areerrors often occur

on tenses, degree of

comparison and adjective

Poor :

The paragraph shows that the writer does notmaster the 1

grammar, degree ofcomparison and adjective

Excellent :

The major points of the text aresupportedby relevant 4

orientation, events andreorientation in detail of content

Good :

The major points of the text are supportedbyorientation, events 3

and reorientation butrather less relevant detail of content

ation Average :

The major points of text are supported byorientation, events 2

and reorientation but lessrelevantdetail of content

Poor :

The major points of text are supported butunrelated 1

orientation, events andreorientation

3.Vocabul Excellent :

ary The paragraph shows thatpersonal pronoun, linking verb and 4

adjectiveare used appropriately

Good : 3

Occasional errors of words form such aspersonal pronoun,

verb and adjective.

Average :

Frequent errors of words form such aspersonal pronoun, verb 2

and adjective.

Poor :

The paragraph does not show that the writerunderstands the 1

usage of words as personalpronoun, linking verb and adjective

Excellent :

Effective complex constructions, few errorsof agreement, word 4

order/ function and goodmeaning

Good :

Effective but simple construction, minorproblems in complex

construction, severalerrors ofagreement, word order/

4.Langua functionbut meaning seldom obscured.

ge Use
Average :

Major problems in simple/ complexconstruction, frequent 2

errors of agreement,wordorder/ function, meaning obscured

Poor :

Virtually no mastery of sentenceconstruction rules, dominated 1

by errors,not communicative, or not enough toevaluate

Excellent :
Spelling, punctuation and capitalizationareCorrect

Good :

Occasional errors of spelling, punctuation 3

and capitalization in a paragraph
Average :
Frequent errors of spelling, punctuation andcapitalization in a 2

Poor :

No mastery of convention, dominated by\ errors of spelling, 1

punctuation andcapitalization

Students score = (Content + Organization + Vocabulary +

Language Use + Mechanics) x 5

After that the data collected, the researcher then will apply SPSS

computation to analyze the data.

1. Inferential Analysis

Inferential statistic is inferential statistic is utilized to analyze the data that

made inferences about the population from which the sample would be taken. In

this research the researcher used T-test to compute the data which is the interval

and derived from two samples. To find out the value of sig 2-tailed, the researcher

applied the analysis from the results of SPSS computation.

To identify whether or not Animated pictures is effective towards

students’ writing narrative text, the research will considered the result of sig 2-

tailed and the results of t-test. If the results of sig 2-tailed is lower than 0.05, the

hypothesis set would be accepted. It means that Animated pictures has significant

effect towards students’ writing narrative text.


A. Research Finding

a. Proses Treatment

This chapter present the researcher result and discussions. Thiss

research involved the third year students at SMKN 3 Mataram. Total

population were 430 students consist of ten class X TKJ, X MM, XI TGB,

X TAV, X TEI, X TKR, X TKB, X TP. The researcher took 2 classes as

sample those are X TKJ class consist of 32 student’s as experimental

group & X MM consist of 29 students as control group. The experimental

group gave treatment by using animated pictures and the other group was

taught by using picture series.

Before giving treatments in experimental and control groups, the

researcher firstly gave pre-test to the students. After doing pre-test, the

researcher gave treatments by applying animated pictures in experimental

group and using picture series in control group. At last, the researcher gave

post-test in order to observe the effect of using animated pictures in

experimental group and the effect of using picture series in control group

in teaching writing narrative text. In elaborating the data analyzed, the

researcher applied statistical analysis which was supported by descriptive


The researcher also organized the lesson plan as effective as

possible to control the teaching process. The researcher took K13 reused


b. Data Scoring

Starting from tabulating the pre-test and post-test score of writing,

the data would be analyzed by using the guidance score and then

processed by measurement. The process of analyzing data continued to

calculate the mean and deviation of group.

Table 3.1
Scoring Class X TKJ

No Name D=(X2-X1) D=(X2-X1)2

55 85 30 900
60 75 15 225
65 80 15 225
4 AI
50 65 15 225
5 DA
60 80 20 400
6 FD
70 85 15 225
65 85 20 400
8 FA
70 85 15 225
65 80 15 225

10 GNL
60 80 20 400
70 85 15 225
60 85 25 625
13 IS
60 85 25 625
14 JAN
60 80 20 400
15 KZ
60 85 25 625
16 LIH
60 90 30 900
60 80 20 400
18 MFK
60 75 15 225
19 MY
60 85 25 625
20 MKF
50 85 35 1225
21 MD
60 80 20 400
22 MAA
60 80 20 400
23 MAP
65 85 20 400
24 MRA
60 80 20 400
25 MSG
60 85 25 625
26 NHS
65 85 20 400
27 RD
60 85 25 625
28 SA
60 80 20 400
29 TDP
65 85 20 400
30 TW
65 85 20 400
31 WA
55 75 20 400
32 YA
55 75 20 400
Total 1.950 2.615 665 14.575

60,94 81,72 - -

Xa : Pre-test score of experimental group

Xb : Post-test score of experimental group

D : Deviation score of the mean of experimental group

D2 : Square of deviation score of experimental group

Table 3.2
Scoring Class X MM

No Name D=(Y2-Y1) D=(Y2-Y1)2

70 80 10 100
70 70 0 0
65 75 10 100
4 A
65 60 -5 25
60 60 0 0
65 80 15 225
65 80 15 225
65 80 15 225
75 75 0 0
10 IAP
65 80 15 225

60 75 15 225
12 KPS
80 80 0 0
13 KBS
80 85 5 25
65 75 10 100
15 LPT
65 85 20 400
16 MJA
70 90 20 400
17 MRA
60 75 15 225
18 MIS
60 75 15 225
19 MHA
65 80 15 225
65 80 15 225
21 MRS
65 70 5 25
22 NSI
65 80 15 225
75 80 5 25
24 NK
70 80 10 100
60 85 25 625
75 85 10 100
27 SFI
60 80 20 400
28 WBW
60 80 20 400
60 80 20 400
1.925 2.260 335 5.475
66,38 77,93 - -

Ya : Pre-test score of control group

Yb : Post-test score of control group

D : Deviation score of the mean of control group

D2 : Square of deviation score of control group

a. The Process of data analysis

After the researcher scored the test from both group. The

researcher then computed the result of the gained data. The researcher

used SPSS computer software from IBM version 19.

First the researcher determined the data from both Experimental

and Control Groups. Then data input in IBM SPSS. After that IBM SPSS

show the data down below.

Table 3.3
Group Statistics

Std. Std. Error

Group N Mean Deviation Mean
Nilai 1.00 32 81.7188 4.85423 .85811
2.00 29 77.9310 6.61671 1.22869

Table 3.4
Independent Samples Test

Test for
Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. Interval of the
(2- Mean Difference
taile Diffe Std. Error
F Sig. T Df d) rence Difference Lower Upper
Nilai Equal 1.039 .312 2.566 59 .013 3.787 1.47634 .8335 6.741
variances 72 7 86

Equal 2.527 51.014 .015 3.787 1.49868 .7790 6.796

variances 72 1 42

After analysis the data, the researcher found that the result of Sig

(2-tailed) is lower than the significant level. The sig (2-tailed) < 0.05 that

means there is significant effect of using animated picture in teaching

writing narrative text. That is why the hypothesis the research set is then

accepted. This it can be conducted that the effect of animated pictures can

positively improve the student writing competence.

Table 3.5
T-table (55-65)

0.25 0.1 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.005 0.001

No 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.002
1 55 0.67898 1.29713 1.67303 2.00404 2.39608 2.66822 3.24515
2 56 0.67890 1.29685 1.67252 2.00324 2.39480 2.66651 3.24226
3 57 0.67882 1.29658 1.67203 2.00247 2.39357 2.66487 3.23948
4 58 0.67874 1.29632 1.67155 2.00172 2.39238 2.66329 3.23680
5 59 0.67867 1.29607 1.67109 2.00100 2.39123 2.66176 3.23421
6 60 0.67860 1.29582 1.67065 2.00030 2.39012 2.66028 3.23171
7 61 0.67853 1.29558 1.67022 1.99962 2.38905 2.65886 3.22930
8 62 0.67847 1.29536 1.66980 1.99897 2.38801 2.65748 3.22696
9 63 0.6784 1.29513 1.66940 1.99834 2.38701 2.65615 3.22471
10 64 0.67834 1.29492 1.66901 1.99773 2.38604 2.65485 3.22253
11 65 0.67828 1.29471 1.66864 1.99714 2.38510 2.65360 3.22041

The T-test also indicated that 2.56 is higher than t-table (2.56 >

1.67). This also means that the effect of animated picture is effective in

improving the students’ writing narrative text.

B. Discussion

After analyzing all the data that collected from the experiment by

using IBM SPSS. The researcher found different achievement from both

classes. (experimental and control) in writing ability. The result of data

analysis revealed that the students’ score of writing taught by animated picture

is better. It can be inferred that the students’ score of writing taught by

animated picture can increase students’ writing ability.

In addition, there is also a significant improvement in relation to the

minimum criteria achievement (KKM) that has decided in SMKN 3 Mataram

in writing skill is 75. Before the treatments were given to experiment class.

The students’ average score KKM was 61. However, after the researcher used

animated pictures in order on students’ writing ability in writing narrative text,

the students’ average score KKM increased became 81.As exposed in the

background, the following problem was concerned in using animated pictures

in increasing students’ writing ability in writing narrative text.

Animated pictures also can be the alternative media in stimulating

students’ in SMKN 3 Mataram. They more enthusiasm in learning narrative

text, because the animated picture give more visual and make them could

comprehend the focus of story.

In short, based on the result of the post-test in experimental class the

researcher can conclude that animated pictures can solve students’ difficulty in

writing especially in narrative text.

The reason using animated pictures could improve the students’

writing narrative text because animated pictures could introduces the new

vocabulary through defining them with objects, pictures and events. Thus,

students acquire the new vocabulary and the language by linking them to

objects and events from the real world around them.


A. Conclusion& Suggestion

This chapter present the conclusion and discussion. This includes

(1) Conclusion; (2) Suggestion

a. Conclusion

Based on the research results and discussions, the researcher

concluded that the effect of animated pictures can increase students’

writing ability. This is proven by the improvement of students’ learning

outcomes. The mean score of the post-test for experimental class is higher

than of the pre-test (81.72>60.94). This indicates that there is a significant

difference in score between the two means. It can be concluded that the

students get improvement in writing particularly narrative text by using

animated picture.

Meanwhile, the mean score of the post-test control class difference

than the pre-test (77,93>66,38). It means there is little significant

difference between control class and experiment class.

Finally, based on the t-test analysis, the obtained t-test value (2.56)

is higher than critical score at the level of significance 0.05 that is 1.67,

which proved that the alternative hypothesis of this study is accepted and

the null hypothesis is rejected. It indicates that the effect of animated

picture is increasing students’ writing ability has given positive result.

b. Suggestion

In order to improve students’ writing ability. There are some

suggestions to be considered as follows.

1. For The Teacher

Writing is considered as a difficult subject. In order to make the

lesson was easy and interesting, the teacher should use a fun media in

teaching English, especially to teach writing. One of the media that can be

implemented by teachers in teaching writing is animated pictures. By

using this media, the students will be in learning without feeling bored.

Besides, it enables to make students active and enjoy in writing activity

during teaching and learning process.

2. For The Students

To improve students’ writing ability. The students are hoped to be

active in learning and teaching process. They have not been reluctant to

ask their teacher for any difficulties. Then, the students are expected must

do more practice as much as possible especially for writing skill.

3. For The Researchers

This study focused on the effect of animated pictures in on students’

writing achievement of narrative text. It also solved the problems that might be

faced by students in writing.


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Appendix 1


Subjek : English
Class/semester : X TKJ / X MM
Text Tipe : Narrative text
Aspek/skill : Writing skill
Alokasiwaktu : 4 pertemuan (4 x 40 minutes)

• KI-1 dan KI-2:Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama
yangdianutnya. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur,
disiplin,santun, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran,
damai),bertanggung jawab, responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi
secaraefektif sesuai dengan perkembangananak di lingkungan,
keluarga,sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan alamsekitar, bangsa,
negara,kawasan regional, dan kawasan internasional”
• KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual
konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingintahunya
tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, danhumaniora dengan
wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan,dan peradaban terkait
penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, sertamenerapkan pengetahuan
prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifiksesuai dengan bakat dan
minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah
• KI4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan
ranahabstrakterkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya
disekolah secaramandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, sertamampu
menggunakanmetodesesuai kaidah keilmuan.

Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam essay sederhana
secara akurat, lancer dan di terima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
dalam teks berbentuk narrative.

Menulis teks tulis esei pendek sederhana dalam bentuk narrative
berdasarkan video yang dilihat.

By the end of the learning, the students will have been able to:
Menulis teks tulis esei pendek sederhana dalam bentuk narrative dengan

Materiajar writing :
1. Narrative teks
Narrative text tells a story from a particular point of view and canbe
presented using words, images and sounds. Narrative explorethemes related
to deeper human concerns, such us trust and honestly,true love and
friendship, good overcome evil, valuing people andovercoming challenges.
Narrative is the text that purpose to amuse orentertain the reader and to tell a
story and consist of orientation,complication, and resolution

•Animated film
• Laptop
• Proyektor
• PapantulisdanSpidol

1. Kegiatan awal :
a. Menyapa siswa
b. Menjelaskan materi yang akan di pelajari.
2. Kegiatan Inti :
a. Memberikan pengertian tentang narrative text.
b. Menjelaskan tentang generic structure narrative text.
c. Menginstruksikan siswa untuk menulis sebuah teks berbentuk
3. Kegiatan akhir :
a. Guru menyampaikan kesulitan siswa selama proses belajar
b. Guru menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran.

Bentuk instrument : Pertanyaan tulisan
Rubric penilaian :
Menulis narrative text

Aspek yang dinilai

No. Nama siswa Nilai
Content Organization

Mataram , 2022

Mahasiswa yang meneliti,

Abim Hasrul Syani

Appendix 2

Name :
Class :

1. Make a Narrative paragraph.!


Name :
Class :

1. Make a Narrative paragraph based on the animated picture that have you
watched and used by your own word.!

Appendix 3
Folklore Lake Toba and Samosir Island


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