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A Thesis of Sarjana
Submitted to State Islamic University of Mataram to fulfil the requirement
for Serjana Degree



Ahmad Daud
NIM: 170107118




Thesis by: Ahmad Daud, student’s number (NIM): 170107118 entitled

“The Effectiveness of Teaching Vocabulary by Using Show and Tell Method at

Mts Darul Muhajirin Putra In Academic Year 2021/2022” has fulfilled the

requirement and has been approved by the thesis advisors to be examined.

Approved on:

Research Advisor I Research Advisor II

Prof. Dr. Muhammad, M. Pd, M Dr.Ribahan, M.Pd.

NIP.196801051994031003 NIP.1979072320031211002


Mataram, 2022

Subject: Thesis Examination

The Honorable
The Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
in Mataram

Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb,

Respectfully, after doing guidance, direction, and correction, we are of

the opinion that a thesis of:

Name : Ahmad Daud

St.Number : 170107118
Program Study : English Language Education
Title : The Effectiveness of Teaching Vocabulary by Using Show and
Tell Method at Mts Darul Muhajirin Putra

has fulfilled the requirement to be submitted in the thesis examination session

of the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of
Mataram. Therefore, we hope that this thesis can be examined immediately.

Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.

Advisor I, Advisor II,

Prof. Dr. Muhammad, M. Pd, M.S Dr. Ribahan, M. Pd.

NIP. 196801051994031003 NIP. 197907232003121002


Name : Ahmad Daud

St. Number : 170107118
Program study : English Language Education
Faculty : Education and Teacher Training
I hereby sincerely state that the thesis entitled “The Effectiveness of
Teaching Vocabulary by Using Show and Tell Method at Mts Darul Muhajirin
Putra” is my real research. The things out of my research in this thesis are signed
by citation and referred in bibliography. If later proven that my thesis has
discrepancies, I am willing to take the academic sanctions in the form of repealing
my thesis and academic degree.

Mataram, 2022
Stated by,




Thesis by:Ahmad Daud,Students Number: 170107118 entitled “The

Effectiveness of Teaching Vocabulary by Using Show and Tell Method at Mts
Darul Muhajirin Putra in academic year 2021/2022” has been defended in front of
the examiners board of study program of English Language Education, Faculty of
Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Mataram on

The Board of Examiners

Prof. Dr. Muhammad, M. Pd, M.S _________________________

(Exam Chairman/Advisor I)

Dr. Ribahan M. Pd. __________________________

(Exam Secretary/Advisor II)

Najamuddin, S, Pd, M. Hum __________________________

(Examiner I)

(Examiner II)

Acknowledged by,
Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

Dr. Jumarim, M. HI
NIP. 197612312005011006


“The Blessing of Knowledge Will

Not be Obtained If It Is Not
Accompanied by Istiqomah”1

Tgh , Ma’arif Darek 13 februari 2022


“This thesis is dedicated to my beloved

mother Maenah, father Nasir, grandfather
papuk tuan Dani , brother Hasbullah, all
of my friends D class and my almamater:
State Islamic University of Mataram.


In the Name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful. All praises and

thankfulness are given to Allah, Lord of the creatures and universe for all

blessings and mercies so the researcher was able to finish this research proposal

entitled “The Effectiveness of Teaching Vocabulary by Using Show and Tell

Method at Mts Darul Muhajirin Putra In Academic Year 2021/2022”. Many

invocation and safety always be given to the prophet Muhammad SAW, His

companions, His families, and His follower up to the end of the world.

However, the research will not be able to finish this research proposal well

without any help, guidance, and support from the other people. Therefore, the

researcher would like to convey her sincere gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Muhammad, M. Pd, M.S. as my first consultant and Dr.Ribahan,

M. Pd. as my second consultant for the guidance, patience in providing

careful guidance, helpful correction, indefatigable suggestion and

encouragement to the best result of this Research Proposal.

2. Dr. Ika Rama Suhandra, M.Pd. the chief of English Department which has

given the researcher opportunity arrange this research proposal.

3. Dr. Hj. Lubna, M.Pd. as a Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah, UIN Mataram.

4. Prof. Dr. H. Masnun Tahir, M.Ag. as the rector of State Islamic University

of Mataram.

5. My beloved parents, Nasir and Maenah who always pray the best, devote

and everlasting love, give priceless motivation, wonderful strength and

trust to the researcher. You are the reasons of my life.

Mataram, 2022

The researcher

Ahmad Daud


TITLE PAGE..................................................................................................ii
APPROVAL ...................................................................................................iii
SUPERVISIOR’S OFFICIAL NOTE...........................................................iv

ACKNOWLEGMENT .................................................................................x
TABLE OF CONTENT.................................................................................xi
LIST OF TABLE ...........................................................................................xi
LIST OF APPENDIX.....................................................................................xiii
A. Background of the study.........................................................1
B. The Statement of problem and Research limitation...............4
C. Objective and significance of Research .................................4
D. Definitions of Key Terms.......................................................5
A. Review of Previous Research.................................................6
B. Theoretical Bases ...................................................................10
C. Theoretical Framework ..........................................................19
D. Research Hypothesis...............................................................20
A. Approach and Type of Research...............................................21
B. Population and Sample..............................................................25
C. Setting and Time of Research...................................................26
D. Variable of Research.................................................................31
E. Research Design .......................................................................31
F. Instrument of Research.............................................................32
G. Procedure of Data Collection....................................................33
H. Technique of Data Analysis......................................................35
I. Validity and Reliability.............................................................37
A. Finding......................................................................................40
B. Discussion.................................................................................55
A. Conclusion ................................................................................61
B. Suggestion.................................................................................61



Table.3.1 Rubric assessment of vocabulary test..........................................23

Table.3.2 Quasi-experimental research design............................................24

Table.4.1 The list Teachers of Mts Darul Muhajirin Praya.........................27

Table.4.2 Facilities and basic facilities of Mts Darul Muhajirin Praya......29

Table. 4.3 Score of pre-test in experimental group......................................41

Table.4.4 Scores of pre-test in control group...............................................42

Table.4.6 Experimental group’s post-test score...........................................45

Table.4.7 Control group’s post-test scores...................................................47



Ahmad Daud
NIM: 170107118


The objective of this research aimed to find out of Show and tell method
effective in teaching students vocabulary at the Ten grade of MTS Darul
Muhajirin Praya in academic year 2021/2022. This research was classified as
quasi- experimental research. It involved 40 students of two groups. Class X A as
the experimental group and XB as the control group. The experimental was taught
show and tell method approach. The researcher employed vocabulary test. The
instrument used to collect data in this research was test consist of pre-test and
post-test. The researcher found that there was significant difference between the
students’ score in pre-test and post-test it was proved by the mean score that the
post-test was higher than mean score in the pre-test. In the experimental class, the
mean score of pre-test was 64 and the mean score of post-test was 72. While the
control group, the mean score of pre-test was 62 and the mean score of post-test
was 66. While, both of the group are improved, the significant improvement
happened in experimental group. In addition, the value of the t-test 5.805 was
higher than t-table 2.024 at the level of significant 0.05 with degree of freedom
(df)=38. Base on the result of this research, the researcher concluded that the use
of show and tell method can improve the students’ vocabulary in the tenth grade
students of MTS Darul Muhajirin Praya in academic year 2021/2022.

Keywords: Show and Tell method , Vocabulary


Ahmad Daud
NIM: 170107118


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pendekatan pengajaran kosa-
kata effective bisa meningkatkan kemampuan kosa-kata siswa pada kelas 10 MTS
Darul Muhajirin Praya tahun ajaran 2021/2022.Penelitin ini di klasifikasikan
sebagai penelitian quasi-experimental.Melibatkan 40 siswa pada dua kelompok.
Kelas X A sebagai kelompok experiment dan kelas XB sebagai kelompok control.
Kelompok experiment diajarkan dengan pendekatan pengajaran bahasa
komunikasi. Peneliti menerapakan test kosa-kata. Instrument yang digunakan
untuk mengumpulkan data pada penelitian ini adalah test yang terdiri dari pre-test
dan post-test. Peneliti menemukan ada perbedaan signifikan antara siswa hasil
pre-test dan post-test itu dibuktikan dengan dengan nilai rata-rata post-test lebih
tinggi dari pada pre-test. Di kelompok experiment nilai rata-rata pre-test adalah 64
dan nilai rata-rata post-testnya adalah 72.Sedangkan kelompok control, nilai rata-
rata pre-test nya adalah 62 dan nilai rata-rata post-testnya adalah 66.Jadi kedua
kelompok mengalami peningkatan namun peningkatan yang lebih signifikan
terjadi pada kelompok experiment. Sebagai tambahan, nilai t-test nya adalah 5.805
lebih tinggi dari t-table 2.024 di tingkat significant 0.05 dengan tingkat kebebasan
= 38. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa pengunaan
pendekatan pengajaran pertunjukan dan cerita bisa meningkatkan kemampuan
berbicara siswa pada kelas siswa kelas 10 di MTS Darul Muhajirin Praya
tahun pelajaran 2021/2022.

Kata kunci: Show and Tell, Kosa-kata

‫استخدام منهج التدريس بلغة التواصل لتحسين الطالب الذين يتحدثون مهارة في الصف‬
2021/2022 ‫العاشر من ماجستير نورنا بريا في العام األكاديمي‬
‫بامبانج بورناما‬

‫نبذة مختصرة‬

‫الهدف من هذا البحث هو معرفة منهج تدريس اللغة التواصلية الذي يمكن أن يحسن مه{{ارات‬
‫التحدث لدى الطالب في الصف العاشر مننور اليقين براي{{افي الع{{ام الدراس{{ي ‪.2022/2021‬‬
‫تم تصنيف هذا البحث على أنه بحث شبه تجريبي‪ .‬شارك فيه ‪ 40‬طالًبا من مجموعتين‪ .‬الفئ{{ة‬
‫‪ X A‬كمجموعة تجريبية و ‪ XB‬كمجموعة مراقبة‪ .‬تم تدريس التجربة التجريبية لتدريس لغة‬
‫التواصل‪ .‬استخدم الب{{احث اختب{{ار التح{{دث‪ .‬ك{{انت األداة المس{{تخدمة لجم{{ع البيان{{ات في ه{{ذا‬
‫البحث عبارة عن اختبار ما قبل االختبار وبعد االختبار‪ .‬وجد الباحث أن هناك فرًقا كبيًرا بين‬
‫درجة الطالب في االختبار التمهيدي وما بعد االختبار ‪ ،‬وقد ثبت من خالل النتيجة المتوسطة‬
‫أن االختب{{ار الالح{{ق ك{{ان أعلى من متوس{{ط ال{{درجات في االختب{{ار التمهي{{دي‪ .‬في الفص{{ل‬
‫التجريبي ‪ ،‬كانت النتيجة المتوسطة لالختبار األولي ‪ 64‬والنتيجة المتوسطة لالختبار الالح{{ق‬
‫كانت ‪ .72‬بينما كانت المجموع{{ة الض{{ابطة ‪ ،‬ك{{انت النتيج{{ة المتوس{{طة لالختب{{ار األولي ‪62‬‬
‫والنتيجة المتوسطة لالختبار الالحق ‪ .66‬بينما ‪ ،‬تم تحسين كال الفريقين ‪ ،‬حدث تحس{{ن كب{{ير‬
‫في المجموعة التجريبية‪ .‬باإلضافة إلى ذلك ‪ ،‬كانت قيمة اختبار ‪ t 5.805‬أعلى من الجدول ‪t‬‬
‫‪ 2.024‬عند مستوى ‪ 0.05‬مع درجة من الحرية (مد) = ‪ .38‬استناًدا إلى نتيجة ه{{ذا البحث ‪،‬‬
‫خلص الباحث إلى أن استخدام تدريس اللغة التواصلية يمكن أن يحسن مهارات التح{{دث ل{{دى‬
‫الطالب في طالب الص{{{ف العاش{{{ر من ماجس{{{تير ن{{{ور اليقين براي{{{ا في الع{{{ام الدراس{{{ي‬

‫‪HAPTER 1‬‬
‫‪A. Background of Research‬‬

English is an international language used a tool for communication in daily

life and in academic activities. In Indonesia, English as a foreign language is

formally taught in school from junior high school until university. It has

become an obligatory subject and as one of the subject examined in the

national examination. Furthermore, there are so many elements in English

that has to be mastered by students because without vocabulary we can’t

understand each other. Vocabulary is a smallest element in English that has to

be mastered by students. So that way teacher has to choose an appropriate

ways in teaching English vocabulary. So the students enjoy and relax learning

vocabulary and they can master it.

One of English components teach to the learner is vocabulary because it

has primary role for all Language skills as Linda said vocabulary may has

special importance for adult learner, since it is the one area of the language

learning that does not appear to be showed down by age. 2 Vocabulary can

make good students performances in all aspects in English language. But it

does not mean the other components are ignore such as: phonology and

syntax. All of these aspects are learn together by students, they are attached

one to another. We can improve our vocabularies by reading books, watching

TV, or learning through internet by chatting among the country and film

videos. In learning process the teachers is hopes to develop student ability to

communicate to give them practice pattern.

Linda Taylor, Teaching and Learning Vocabulary, (New York: Cambridge University
press, 2006),p.57.

Alpino Susanto stated, learning vocabulary is important part in learning

foreign language. Students learn new words are very frequently emphasized.

Vocabulary is first element in learning language because it is importance to

language students.3

Based on the preliminary study was conducted at MTS Darul Muhajirin

Putra Praya Kabupaten Lombok Tengah in class VI, the researcher found

some problems such as: students can’t understand the meaning and did not

know how to write the word because the students are very lazy to memorize

the meaning of the word, students just see word on dictionary without

memorizing their meaning and without giving attention about the written

form of sentence and students could not pronounce the word well. Because,

students just read the words base on its writing, they did not observe the way

to pronounce words and the last teacher still used a traditional method in

teaching English, in this problem teacher just gives list of vocabulary to

students and ask students to memorize the vocabulary, it will make students

are not interested in learning process.

By those conditions, the researcher assumed that the teaching of English

must be really improved with some practical and easy ways. The teacher had

chosen an appropriate method in teaching vocabulary, because it is not easy

to teach English especially vocabulary without using suitable method.

Teaching vocabulary is like teaching other social science, which is needed to

be suitable techniques or method in other to get the successful learning. One

Alpino susanto, “The Teaching of Vocabulary A Perspective’’, (Universitas Putra, Batam

of the good technique or method is Show and Tell method. Show and Tell

method is describes as a method of learning in which students tell about an

objective or process that has been or over experience. The method will be

used by the teacher can be influence, the success or overcome failure in

language learning.

According to Gordon and Harel, Show and Tell is new method combine

natural language parsing methods with interaction and show and tell uses to

create students in learning.4 Students will interest in learning vocabulary even

though teacher can use the material easier so the teacher will have a new

method to teach vocabulary through show and tell method. The teacher will

make this method become to be interesting method and students are easy to

understand in learning English vocabulary. Secondly, students enjoy and

understand easily the learning process and not to be bore when the teacher

give the material. Show and tell method has benefited in learning vocabulary

such as, Show and Tell method can increase students ability in learning

vocabulary, Show and Tell method will make students are interesting in

learning vocabulary, and Show and Tell method will make students enjoy and

more fun in learning vocabulary.

Based on the discussion above, the researcher intends and takes the title

“The Effectiveness of Teaching Vocabulary by Using Show and Tell Method

at MTS Darul Muhajirin Putra.

B. The Statement of Problem

Gordon M & Harel D, “The Use of Show and Tell Method For Teaching Vocabulary’’,
(Malaysia University Sains Malaysia,2000),p.4.

The problem in this research can be formulated as follows:
Is the use of show and tell method effective in teaching Vocabulary at MTS

Darul Muhajirin Putra?

C. Objective and Significance of Research

1. The Objectives
Based on the research problem above, the objective of this research is:
a. To find out whether the use of show and tell is effective in teaching

vocabulary at MTS Darul Muhajirin Putra.

b. To find out how show and tell method is effect of teaching

vocabulary at MTS Darul Muhajirin Putra.

2. Significance of Research

After researcher find of the results of this study, the researcher is hopes
to be useful for academic, teacher, students and other researchers.
a. Theoretically

This research expects will be able to gave contribution and empirical

evidence to support the effectiveness of using show and tell method in

teaching and learning process especially for teaching vocabulary.

b. Practically

In this research the researcher expects to be useful for teacher,

students and researcher. For student, the researcher hopes them will

enjoy and understand easily in learning process and students are not

bore when the teacher will give the materials. For teachers, they will

become effective using some approaches to improve student learning

vocabularies, the teacher would have a new method to teach

vocabulary through show and tell method. For researchers, the

researcher hopes that can give contribution to teach English by using

show and tell method, especially in teaching vocabulary.

D. Definition of key terms

1. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the first element which the English learner would

learned in other to master English well besides vocabulary is the word of

language has meaning and function.5 Then from the word, people ccould

make up a language to communicate with others.

2. Show and Tell Method

Show and tell methods are new method, where these methods show

something to students in picture form and mention the pictures name. by this

methods can improve their students vocabulary, because this methods are

very easy and simple.



A. Review of Previous Research

Nur Vitasari, “ The Use of Show and Tell Method In Teaching Vocabulary at The Second
Year Students of Junior High School Negeri 4 Galesong Selatan Kabupaten Takelar, 2017).

Here the researcher would like to show three previous researches that

researcher had been by other researcher, as follows:

First, A Research conducted by Nur Haliza Agustina entitled “Using

English Video Songs to Improves Students Vocabulary Mastery at MTs

Manbail Futuh Tuban.6 The research aims to find the effectiveness of English

video song in teaching English vocabulary which has observed and analyzed

from students of seventh grade of MTs Manbail Futuh Tuban. The method has

used in this research is quasi experimental. The data collection in this research

is pre-test. The teacher teaches student to listen to the English video songs. The

last researcher would give students post test. The score of pre-test and post-test

were collected from twenty multiple choice questions, then it was analyzing by

using test. The research finding of this research shows that English video song

was quite effective. Research shows that the average of N- Gain score for the

experimental is 63.5094 or 63.3% include in the category of quite effective.

While the average N-Gain score for the control class is 23.4864 or 23.4%

include in the effective category, it can state that there are significant different

between students vocabulary scores tough by using English song from video

and without using English video songs. It means that the English video songs

are quite effective in improving student vocabulary mastery. From the research

above, there are similarities and differences between previous research and

current research. The similarities are the same as conducting research to find

Nur Haliza Agustina, “Using English Video Songs to Improve the Students Vocabulary
mastery” ,(Thesis,Teaching Training and Education Faculty, Univesitas Islam Negeri Sunan
Ampel Sumbawa Surabaya,2019).

out how students ability learning vocabulary while the difference is that Nur

Haliza Agustina researcher had conducted research at MTs Manbail Futuh

Tuban. While the current research researcher conducted at MTS Darul

Muhajirin Putra Central Lombok.

Second, a Research conducted by Misra Fadillah entitled “The

Effectiveness of Teaching Vocabularies Through Total Physical Response

Method.7 The research aims to gain the information about the effectiveness of

total physical response method in teaching vocabulary, moreover it is

conducted to get the effective technique in teaching vocabulary at seventh

grade of students in junior high school MTs Khazanah Kebajikan. The sample

of the research was 30 students of seventh year. The method had used in this

research is experimental method in the quantitative form by collecting data

from documentation and test. The data collected in this research has analyzed

by using t-test. According to the result of statistical calculation, the obtained

value of to ( t- observation is 4.01 and the value of “ t”( table ) from the df (29)

on degree of significance, the writer finds 4.01 > 2.04 so to is higher than te or to
based on the result, the null hypothesis ( H o) which says that there are no

significance influence of using total physical response method in teaching

vocabulary is accepted. The result of the research is make the class effective in

learning process, students could find the class easy to follow and they could

accomplish the leaning objectives more easily and it could also help them to

understand the lesson as well as the directions and goal of the lesson that

Misra Fadila, “ the effectivenees of teaching vocabulary through total physical response
method” ,(Thesis, Faculty of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakalrta, 2011).

lessons are really appreciate by the students for teacher use the method when

the process teaching learning. Based on the finding of this study it can be

concluded that using total physical response in teaching vocabulary is quite

success by using TPR method. It is not only effective to lead students fell more

interesting and enjoy doing activity in the class but, it can give students the

opportunity to be active in learning English vocabulary. From the research

above there are similarities and differences between previous research and

current research. The similarities are the same as conducting research to find

out how students ability in learning vocabulary, while the difference is that

Misra Fadila researcher conducted at MTs Khazanah Kebajikan Pondok Cabe

Ilir. While the current research researcher conducted at MTS Darul Muhajirin

Putra Central Lombok.

Third, a Research by Tasya Randita Siagian entitled “The Effect of Show

and Tell Method Assisted by Smart Cube in Leaning Speaking at SMK

Mandiri Pecut Seituan in Academic Years 2018 /2019. 8 The research aims to

find out effects of show and tell method assisted by smart cube in leaning

speaking at ten grade of SMK Mandiri. The method has used in this research is

Classroom Action Research. The data collecting in this research was oral test.

Namely by asking students to represent the information based on the topic that

based on the topic that researcher given and asked them one by one while

researchers listen to them, scores were classified based on speaking creation,

there were vocabulary, pronunciation, fluently, comprehension, and grammar.

Tasya Randita Siagian, “The Effect of Show and Tell Method Assisted by Smart Cube In
Learning Speaking”, (Thesis, Education English Department Faculty,Islamic University of Syarif

The result shows that test t observed > t table or 7.3 > 2.00 it means the

hypothesis that there ware significance Effect of show and tell method assisted

by smart cube in learning speaking in senior high school. From the research

above, there are similarities and differences between previous research and

current research. The similarities are the same as conducting research to find

out how students ability to learning vocabulary while the difference is that

Tasya Randiita Siagian researcher conducted research at SMK Mandiri Percut

Seituan Sumatra Utara. While the current research researcher conducted at

MTS Darul Muhajirin Putra Central Lombok.

B. Theoretical Bases

1. Vocabulary

a. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary knowledge is an important element of any languange. 9 An

extensive vocabulary items will help leaerners to construct appropriate

words in certain situation involving them in a meaningful and interactive

conversation. For instance, students engagments in a class discussion

requiire their competences in choose good word-list to engage them in a


According to Brown, vocabulary is the content and function words of

language which is learn by students. Vocabulary become a part of students

Sezen Tosun, “ The Effect of Blanded Learning on EFL Students Vocabulary Knowledge
Procedia-Social and Behavioral”, vol. 199,No.4, Desember 2015,p.642.

understand speaking, reading and writing.10 Second, vocabulary is words has

meaning when hard or seen, even through in communicate with others.

Richard said, vocabulary is one of the most components of language to

master by learners.11 According to Webster, vocabulary is a list of words

and phrases, it is arrange in alphabetical words to learner master of

voabulary. Marsuni stated vocabulary is ability to recognize individual

letters form of words. Vocabulary as the words we teach in learning foreign

language. Brown satated vocabulary is the content and function words of

language which is learns by students become a part of the child’s understand

speaking, reading, and writing. Based on explanation above, vocabulary is

words activity to involves speaker and listener to articulate ideas, thoughts,

and opinions in social environment.

b. Types of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is necessary for master four language skills well. Anyone

who uses a language will has a number of different abilities, in the most

general way we can classify for major skills as listening, speaking, reading,

and writing. According to Paul Nation vocabulary can divide become two

kinds, there are high frequency of vocabulary and low frequency of


1) High Frequency of Vocabulary

Brown, H. Douglas, Language Assessment. Principles and Classroom Practices’, (New
Yourk. Education, 2004),
Richards, “Communicative language teaching today, (Singapore :Cambridge University
press, 2006 ),P 16.

High frequency vocabulary consists of words is uses very often in

normal languages. Vocabulary uses in all four skills like reading,

listnening, writing and speaking. High frequency vocabulary consists of

2000 words families, which is about 87% of words in formal written text

and more than 95% of the words in informal spoken texts.

2) The Low Frequency Vocabulary

The low frequency vocabulary is covers only small proportion of

running words of continuous text, it mean that law frequency vocabulary

is rarely uses, in command activity of English language. This group

includes 100.000 word families.12

Evelyn Hatch and Charly Brown classify vocabulary become active

and passive. Active vocabulary is words to students understand four skill

in foreing languange, pronounce correctly, and uses constructive in

speaking and writing it refers to put item which is learners can use

appropriate in speaking or writing, and it is also called as productive

vocabulary. Meanwhile passive vocabulary is words to recognize and

understand words in peaper, but he cannot produce correctly by himself.

It refers to language item can be recognize and understand in context of

reading and also called as receptive vocabulary.13

c. Elements of Vocabulary

Paul Nation, New Ways of Teaching Vocabulary,( New York: Teacher of Eglish to
Speaker of Another lAnguange, 1994), P.3.
Jo Ann Acbersold and Mery Lee, From Reader To Reading Teacher, ( Cambridge
University Press, 1997), P. 139

According to Neuman & Dwyer Alqahtani stated vocabulary has

defined as words to communicate effectively, word in speaking (expensive

vocabulary) and words in listening ( receptive vocabulary).14 Vocabulary is

essential for students success in learning second language because without

extensive vocabulary, student will unable to use the structure and function

of words.

Nurvitasari divided Vocabulary become three parts, there are:15

1) Verb is words using to make sentence. Verb is express action and verb is

action words, verbs is very importance words, because every sentence in

English must has verb.

2) Noun, is to indicate persons, place animals, thing idea act,

3) Adjective, adjective is uses to describe a noun,it means that modify any

verb, adjectives is a way to understand purposes sentence of massage.

Adjective give us information about noun.

d. Function of Vocabulary

Gains and Redman said vocabulary is crucial things to master English,

students can recognize and comprehend the context of reading material

and students as productively uses it appropriately in speech and writing.

In this case, the statement by Legget stated vocabulary made student

recognize all the word in written and oral context. Finally, they are can

uses vocabulary in speaking and writing. According to this research the

Musfiroh Alqathani, “The Important of Vocabulary In Language Learning And How to
be Taught” ,King Khaled Academy, Saudi Arabia Vol. No 3 March 2015, Hlm.24.
Nurvitasari “ The Use Of Show And Tell Method In Teaching Vocabulary At Te
Second Year Students Of Junior High School Negeri 4 Galesong Selatan Kabupaten Takelar”

researcher have conclude vocabularies are importance for students in

recognize all the words in writing, comprehend the context of reading,

and vocabulary has used in speaking and writing.

2. Show and Tell Method

a. Definition of Show and Tell Method

According to Tilaar show and tell methods are activity prioritizing the

ability to communicate simple.16 The purpose of this activity is to train

children speak in front of the classroom and get children sensitive the

simple things every day. Suyanto stated show and tell methods are using

to uncover abilities, feelings, and the wishes of children . The teacher

will asks two or three children to doing show and tell. When children tell

stories, teacher can conduct an assessment on the child. Teacher can

continue the topic talks about children in learning.

Musfiroh stated technique of show and tell is activitiy of show

something to audience and explain or describe something. The method of

show and tell has divided become three main areas, namely education,

music and actions. Show and tell methods are educative method the most

reliable in western countries. Show and tell methods are utilizing for the

three domains at once. Show and tell method is educative for record

playing toys, show and tell method to play with toys and show and tell

method for children. According to description above, show and tell

method is show and tell parts of learning with children to show objects

H. A. R. Tilaar, “Unexpected Show and Tell method. United States”, ( Thesis,
FTK UIN Sumatra Utara, 2013).

and activities express opinions, express feelings, desires, and experiences

related to the object.

b. Types of Show and Tell (S&T) Method

According to Musfiroh, there are different types of show and tell

teacher can apply, show and tell method with personal objects, show and tell

method with food, and show and tell method with images and photos.17

1) Show and Tell Method with Personal Object

Students can bring personal object for using when they are doing show

and tell method such as book, pen, ruler, shoes, ect.

2) Show and Tell Method with Food

Foods are the things students need and have a strong range to develop

responsibility and independence. When childs are showing and tell, they

are talking about the taste, the main ingredient for making food, colours,

and so on.

3) Show and Tell Method with Images and Photos

Images and photos are relatively effective to stimulate the ability of

manners, responsibility, and independence. The children can increase the

ability to be well through media stories and with pictures or photographs

Meanwhile Tilaar stated, show and tell method will teachs to show

something like a new game, birthday gift, foods, or all the objects which

is considered new or interesting items for children. 18 Hoiril stated

Musfiroh,“Bermain Sambil Belajar Dan Mengasah Kecerdasan Simulasi Multiple
Intelligences Anak Usia Taman Kanak-Kanak”, (jakarta. Departemen pendidikan nasiona, 2004).
H. A. R. Tilaar, “Unexpected Show and Tell method. United States,” ( Thesis, FTK
UIN Sumatra 2013),p32.

children can show and tell to uses a work or a project had been made.

For example, children make something like show and scene from the

novel or true stories. On the next day students are standing to show and

tells the story of activity that show some aspect of the life of the learner.

opinions above is to show the application of method show and tell

can uses food, drawings or photographs, new game tool, birthday gifts,

tableware, children work, and all the objects that are considere attractive

for children.

c. Teaching Vocabulary Procedures Using Show and Tell Method

1. Teaching Vocabulary Procedures Using Show and Tell Method

There are some steps in teaching use show and tell method such as:

Pre Teaching. In this step the teacher explains to the student about the

definition of show and tell. The teacher can gives warm up by using the

media around the class such as window, book, pencil, and other or the

teacher can ask students to describe that thing as warm up.

While Teaching. In this step the teacher makes sure to explain the

strategy he will uses in teaching vocabulary. The teacher explains about

media like picture, definition of picture, the advantages of using picture

in teaching vocabulary and other. The teacher can gives some picture to

each student and then ask them to write vocabulary. Before the teacher

will gives them example how to write vocabulary using show and tell.

Post Teachings. In this step the teacher gives student time to ask and,

students will write simple words about foods. After students finish write

vocabularies, the teacher gives feedback about students make. At the end

of the class, the teacher gives conclusion about vocabulary by using show

and tell with picture.

d. Advantages and Disadvantages of Show and Tell Method

1. Advantages

There are several advantages of show and tell method. Some of the

advantages are as follows:

a) A very simple method, and learners will enjoy in learning and fun

b) Using a concrete object, it making easier for a child who tell story.

c) Children became active in lerning because emphasizing participatory

approaches in the learning process.

2. Disadvantages

There are several disadvantages of show and tell method. Some of

disadvantages are.19

a) The method will always be done with teacher supervision. This

problems because of this method requires guidance if learners

difficulty in telling the object use.

b) This method can’t be use in a sudden condition because, the methods

are need enough time.

c) The time takes to doing show and tell are limited. This is because

show and tell is done regularly to take turns, so all the learners can

perform in class.

Hall Brown Douglas, Principles of Languange Learning”, ( New Jersey: Prentice Hall,

C. Conceptual Framework

In determining theoretical framework, the writer stars to think base on the

problem of students in studying the English. In the process of teaching and

learning, especially in English, many problems and activities face by the

students and also the teacher. But, mostly the success of students in learning

English should be determined by themselves. Besides the students study the

English at the school, they should have a time to repeating what they have

studied at school to increase what the teacher tough in school.

In other instance, the students often get failed in their learning cause of

many factor, such as feel strange to the material, confuse and uninterested

situation in teaching learning process in the classroom. The duty of teachers is

how to develop student potential in studying English especially in vocabulary.

Vocabulary is essential for successful second language use for express feeling,

opinion, and ideas. Show and Tell method is one of method to facilitate the

teaching, and it can be able to overcame the failure of students in learning.

Therefore, the researcher is using show and tell method in teaching and

learning are better, and achievement of students will increase especially master

of vocabulary.

D. Research Hypothesis

Based on the theory in concept above, the writer formulates the

hypothesis as follows:

1. Null hypothesis (Ho) the use of show and tell is not effective of students

vocabulary skill taught by show and tell method.

2. Alternative hypothesis (Ha) the use of show and tell is effective in teaching

vocabulary by using show and tell method.



A. Approach and Type of Research

1. Approach

The researcher used quantitative approach with experimental

research for getring the data. Quantitative method is a concrete method

that are objective, rational, measured, and also systematically. 20 In

quantitative research, the research data is form of numbers and is also

analyzed using statistics. This method is important to know, because this

method is way and step. Quantitative research deals with numbers and

statistics, and allow the resarcher to test a hypothesis by systematically to

collecting and analyzing data, and this is how researcher have done the


2. Types of Research

In this study, researcher used quantitative research method that is

quasi experimental research dessign because this design is accordance

with the researcher research with the objective of the research indicator.

It means this study had to establish the causes and consequences from the

research conducted by researcher in increase student’s vocabulary. The

benefit of this research was to help and give students opportunities to

speak in the class because students had mastered enough vocabulary

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

Sugiono, “ Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, Dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta,

Population is a region of generalization that consists of object or

subjects which become a certain quantity and characteristic and decide

by researcher to study, than to make conclusion.21

The population of this study are ten grade students of MTS Darul

Muhajirin Putra Praya in academic year 2021/2022. Ten grades of

students consist of two classes. There are 20 students each and total

numbers of students are 40.

2. Sample

Sample is small group or subset of population. 22 The sample of this

study is students of 10th grade at MTs Darul Muhajirin Praya. Each class

consist of 20 students including experimental group and 20 students for

control, total numbers of samples of research are 40 students. The

sampling technique is purposive sampling technique to determine the

control group and experimental group as sample of the research.

Sugiyono stated that purposive sampling as technique with determine and

consideration sample.23

C. Setting and Time of Research

Sugiono, “ Metode Penelitian Pendidikan”, bandung : (alfabeta 2014 hlm,117).
Albi Anggito and Johan Setiawan, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, (Yogyakarta:CV
Jejak, 2018), p. 8.
Lexy J. Moleong. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya,
2013), p. 330.

This research was conducted at the first smester in academic year

2021/2022 at the first grade of MTs Darul Muhajirin Praya located in

JL.Raya tgh Najamudin Makmun Praya, Central Lombok, West Nusa

Tenggara. The accreditation of MTs Darul Muhajirin Praya is “A”

Therefore, this study was conducted in one month, started from 1 juni until

30 juni 2022. The researcher took four meetings to take data from

students. Therefore, the researcher took one meeting for pre-test, two

meetings for treatment, and one more meeting for post-test.

D. Variables of Research

In this research, there are two variables, independent variable (X) and

dependent variable (Y). Independent variable is a variable that is supposed

to influence the other variable, the dependent variable. The title of the

research is “ The Effectiveness of Teaching Vocabulary by Using Show and

Tell Method at MTs Darul Muhajirin Putra” the writer conclude that first

variable is show and tell technique as independent variable and second

variable is vocabulary mastery as the dependent variable.

E. Research Design

In this study, the researcher used quasi-experimental design. Quasi-

experiment is a research method that to test hypothesis that make form a

causal relationship through the treatment and test changes due totreatment

itself24 . In this experimental design, there were two class of assample of this

reserach. The first was experimental group and the second was control
Afrinawati, “Pengaruh Strategi PQ4R terhadapHasil BelajarSiswa di SMA
DarulMaarif”.(Skripsi. Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, FakultasTarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri SyarifHidayatullah Jakarta, 2010), p. 52

group with pre-test and post-test non-equivalent group design. The

researcher treated the experimental group using story completion strategy

and control group using another strategy.

Here is the model of quasi-experimental that researcher used in this


Table 3.2
Quasi Experimental Research

Class Pre-test Treatment Post-test

Experimental Yes Yes Yes
Control Yes No Yes

Based on the table above, both the experimental and control group

was given pre-teat and post-test. The experimental class was given treatment

using story completionwhile the control group using another strategy.

F. Instrument of Research

Instruments are a tool to collect the data. In this study the researcher

chooses test as the instrument. According to Sugiyono research instrument

is a tool that is used to measure the phenomenon of nature and social

phenomena observed.26 Measuring an instrument in research is usually

called the instrument of research. The instrument in this research was used

to know the the effect of using show and tell toward students’ vocabulary at

the first grade of MTs Darul Muhajirin Putra. Therefore, the instrument of

this research was vocabulary test. Moreover, vocabulary test was used to

Sugiyono, Metode…, p.77
Ibid, p. 92.

know the effect of using show and tell method for students’ vocabulary at

the first grade of MTs Darul Muhajirin Putra.

The vocabulary test was divided into pre-test and post-test. The pre-

test was given at the beginning of the meeting before the treatment. While, the

posttest was given to the students after four-time treatments have done.

Furthermore, the score of the pre-test was compared with the score of the

posttest. Then, those two scores were used as numerical data to measure the the

effectiveness of using show and tell at students’ vocabulary in the first grade of

MTs Darul Muhajirin Putra.

G. Procedure of Data Collection

The researcher used vocabulary test in obtaining data. The test was

used to determine the effectiveness of show and tell method completion on

students vocabulalry of the first grade of MTs Darul Muhajirin Praya.

Therefore, the test conducted before and after giving a treatment to identify

the problem in this study. The test was given in experimental class and

control class to get the students score in their achievement in vocabulary.

The procedure of collecting dat in this research is including pre-test and

post-test the techniques are presented below.

1. Pre-test

There are some steps in the pre-test that the researcher used,


a. The researcher came to the class and ask the attention to the students.

b. Then, the researcher explained to the students the procedure of test that

will give to the students.

c. Next, the researcher explained the purpose of the test and research.

d. At last, the researchers asked the student to present in front of class.27

The pre-test was used to collecting the data and to know student

treatment before using show and tell technique and to know students’

knowledge of vocabulary before giving the treatment.

2. Treatment

The researcher gives the treatment to improve students vocabulary by

show and tell. After the researcher conducting a pre-test, the researcher

gives the treatment to the students, such as:28

a. The researcher asked the students to introduce themselves.

b. The researcher introduced the introduction of the materials.

c. The researcher explained the materials about.

d. The researcher explained the show and tell technique.

e. Then, the researcher divided the students into 5-6 groups.

f. The researcher told the students the topic of the vocabulary and the title.

g. The researcher explained the way of show and tell technique.

Andi Putrawansyah, “Effectiveness of Using Youtube Video in Improving Students’
Speaking Skill through Asking And Answer Questions”(Thesis, Teacher Training and Education
Muhammadiyah University of Makasar, 2020), p. 21-22.
Ibid, 22-23.

h. Then, the researcher ask every group to complete the vocabulary

i. The researcher told the use of vocabulary beginning and asked the

students to continue it, and every student in the group had chance to

presented the vocabulary and spoke to another students

j. The last, the researchers gave students some motivations in learning


3. Post-test

After giving different treatments, students in both the experimental

group and control group were given a post-test. This aims to measure

student achievement in vocabulary tests.

In vocabulary test, the use of grading rubricswas important because

they clarify the quality of students’ performance in what they do. Therefore,

rubrics assist teachers in teaching, coordinate teaching and assessment, and

assist students in learning.

Table 3.3
Scoring of Vocabulary Ability29
No Name Aspect Total Score



G: Grammar

F: Fluency

V: Vocabulary

Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy Second Edition, (London: Longman, 2001), p. 406-407

C: Comprehension

P: Pronunciation

In clarifying the score, students score can be ordered from the highest

to the lowest, it would be easier for the teacher to know the student’s

achievement. Measurement of student’s achievement is interpreted with the

following table:

Table 3.4
The Measurement of Students’ Achievement30
No Classification Criteria of Assessment
1 Excellent 96-100
2 Very Good 86-95
3 Good 76-85
4 Fairly Good 66-75
5 Fair 56-65
6 Poor 46-55
7 Very Good 0-45

H. Technique of Data Analysis

In this part, data analysis is the last step in research methodology

which is important in calculating student’s achievement data. It was used to

determine whether show and tell effective on students’ vocabulary skill.

Researcher used several steps in obtaining data:

The data was analyzed using t-test. Prior to the application of t-test,

the data should be Normal and Homogeneous. Therefore, normality and

homogeneity test should be applied:

1. Normality Testing

AgusRahmat, “Small group Discussion Strategy towards students’ Reading
Comprehension of SMA Negeri11 Bulukumba”. Journal of English Language, Literature, and
teaching. Metathesis, Vol. 1, No, 2, Oktober 2017, p. 38.

The normality test was conducted to determine whether the sample

under study was normally distributed or not. The normality is the

Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and the Shapiro-Wilk test using SPSSversion 25.

Prior to testing, statistical hypothesis were determined as follow:

a. Ho = The data in pre-test and pos-test is not normally distributed.

b. Ha = The data in pre-test and pos-test is normally distributed.

The criteria for determining statistical hypothesis are as follow:

a. If the significance (p-value) > α (0.05), it means that Ha is accepted, the

sample comes from a normally distributed population

b. If the significance (p-value) ≤ α (0.05), it means that Ho is rejected, the

ample comes from not normally distributed population.

2. Homogeneous Testing

Homogeneity was carried out to determine whether the data from

the two groups had same variance or not. Tested by Levinetest using SPSS

version 25. Therefore, the basis for decision making is:

a. If the significant value is> 0,05 then the data distribution is homogeneous

If the significant value is< 0, 05 the data distribution is not homogeneous

3. Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing in this study requires testing to prove the truth

of the hypotheses that have been formulated previously. In testing the

hypothesis, the researcher used independent simple t-test with SPSS version

25. The test accessed whether the mean of groups was statically different

from one other, this analysis was appropriate to match the mean of two

groups, with the aim of whether of two groups has averages the same or not.

The null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha)

was accepted if the test result was lower than 0.05.

I. Validity and Reliability

1. Validity

One of the important principles in the assessment of English learning

is validity. According to Sugiyono, validity shows the degree of accuracy

between the data that actually occurs in the objects with data that can be

collected by researcher31.Validity is a measurement that shows the grade of

the number of instruments. An instrument is called valid one when it can

measure by uncovering the variable studied exactly. The method used in

measuring the validation of the instrument is called construct validity.

In construct validity, researcher have to measure the students’

difficulty and also to test must qualify. Construct validity focuses on the

extent to which the measuring instrument shows results measurement by

definition. The definition of variables must be clear so that the assessment

of construct validity is easy32. If the definition is based on the right theory,

and the item statement is appropriate, then the instrument is declared valid

with construct validity according to Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun in R. Ratika


Sugiyono, Metode...
Yusup F, “Uji Validitas dan ReabilitasInstrument PenelitianKuantitatif”.
JurnalTarbiyah. JurnalIlmiahKependidikan. Vol. 7, No. 1, January-June 2018, p. 19

Instruments that match the vocabulary test to measure students’

vocabulary skills. The researcher asked the students to montion English

vocabulary based on the story with story completion. While the validity of

the content of the researcher to obtain evidence of a valid instrument. In

addition, Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun said that validity expresses attention to

the important relationship between concepts and indicator.

2. Reliability

Reliability that is consistent and dependable. Reliability of the test is

the measurement that explains the consistency of the test. Arifin in Zulkifli

states that a test is said to be reliable if it always gives the same results when

tested on the same group at different times or on different occasions. 34 The

reliability of the instrument was estimated by using the Cronbach Alpha

reliability test. Based on the results of the study, the α value of 0.856 was

obtained. The table shows that instrument used in this study has a high level

of reliability. Calculations were carried out using the SPSS programversion


MatondangZulkifli, “Validitas dan ReliabilitassuatuInstrumenPenelitian”.
JurnalTabularasa PPS UNIMED, Vol. 6, No. 1, June 2009, p. 93



A. Research Finding

In this chapter, the findings and discussion of the research are

presented. Consists of a description of the data, validity, reliability,

normality and homogeneity test result, statistical hypothesis testing, and N-

gain score.

1. Validity Testing

Vlidity test is a test used to show the extent to which the meaasuring

instrument used in a measure is what is being measured. Gozali stated that

the validity test is used to measure the validity of questionare.

No R hitung R table Result

1 0,64 0,444 Valid

2 0,53 0,444 Valid

3 0,57 0,444 Valid

4 0,55 0,444 Valid

5 0,49 0,444 Valid

6 0,62 0,444 Valid

7 0,57 0,444 Valid

8 0,51 0,444 Valid

9 0,46 0,444 Valid

10 0,73 0,444 Valid

11 0,53 0,444 Valid

12 0,27 0,444 Not Valid

13 0,43 0,444 Not Valid

14 0,71 0,444 Valid

15 0,49 0,444 Valid

16 0,48 0,444 Valid

17 0,51 0,444 Valid

18 0,37 0,444 Not Valid

19 0,53 0,444 Valid

20 0,51 0,444 Valid

A question can be said to be valid if r count is greather than r table as

for the basis for making decisions in this validity test, it can be done by

comparing the calculated value r table using excel.

a. if the calculated r value is greater than the r table value, the item in the

questionare is declared valid.

b. if the value of r count is smaller than the value of r table, then the item in the

questionare is declared invalid.

2. Uji Reliability

Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
.856 20

Based on the reliability test result, it can be concluded that the

questian can be said to be reliability if the Cronbach’s Alpha value is greater
than 0,5% . Then it can be said to be reliable.

a. The Score of-Pre-Test and Post-Test in Experimental Class

The experimental class was X. which consists of 20 students. Before

giving treatment, students were given a pre-test to determine the students’

svocabulary before giving treatment. After giving treatment, students were

given a post-test to determine their achievement after receiving treatment in

learning vocabulary for experimental class and conventional methods for the

control class. The score of pre-test and post-test of experimental class can be

seen in the table below:

1) Pre-Test Score Of Experimental Class

Table 4.1
Students Score of Pre-Test in Experimental Group
No Respondents Pre-test
1 1 60
2 2 50
3 3 40
4 4 50
5 5 50
6 6 60
7 7 70
8 8 40
9 9 40
10 10 60
11 11 60
12 12 70
13 13 50
14 14 50
15 15 60
16 16 40
17 17 60
18 18 70
19 19 80
20 20 40

Table 4.2
The Description of Pre-test score in Experimental Class
No Description Experimental Class
1 Number of Respondents 28
2 Maximum Score 80
3 Minimum Score 30
4 Sum 1410
5 Average 50.36

The pre-test for experimental group aimed to determine the students

vocabulary scores before the researcher gives the treatment. The results

showed that the students got the highest score was 80 and the lowest score

was 30, the average score of the pre-test in experimental was 50.36. Then,

the sum score of pre-test in experimental class was 1410. Looking at the

data below, it shows that for students vocabulary ability the pre-test scores

test from the experimental group.

2) Post-test of Experimental Class

Table 4.3
Students Score of Post-test in Experimental Group
No Respondents Students’ Score
1 1 70
2 2 60
3 3 50
4 4 70
5 5 70
6 6 70
7 7 80
8 8 50
9 9 60
10 10 80
11 11 70
12 12 80
13 13 70

14 14 60
15 15 70
16 16 60
17 17 70
18 18 80
19 19 90
20 20 60

Table 4.4
The Description of Post-test Score in Experimental Class
No Description Experimental Class
Post –test
1 Number of Respondents 28
2 Maximum Score 90
3 Minimum Score 50
4 Sum 1860
5 Average 66.43

The post-test was conducted in the experimental group to determine

the students’ vocabulary. In general, the score of post-test were better than

the pre-test score. The result of post-test showed that the highest score was

90 and the lowest score was 50, while the average score of post-test in

experimental class was 66.43. Then the sum of post-test in experimental

class was 1860. Looking at the data below, it is clear that for students

speaking skillin the experimental group were better than the pre-test score.

3 Uji Normalitas

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

N 20
Normal Parameters Mean .0000000
Std. Deviation 2.96636106
Most Extreme Differences Absolute .151
Positive .151
Negative -.103
Test Statistic .151
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .200c,d
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.

d. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

Berdasrkan Hasil Uji Normalitas DI Ketahui Nilai Signivicance 0,200 Lebih

Besar Dari 0,05 Maka Berdistribusi Normal.



A. Conclusion

Based on the result of data analysis, the researcher concluded that the

use of show and tell method significant effecton students’ vocabulary in the

first grade MTs Darul Muhajirin. It was proved from the vocabularary test in

experiment class and control class. The pre-test mean score of experimental

class was 50.36 and the post-test was 66.43. While, the pre-test of control class

was 47.50 and post-test were 56.43. Therefore, the value of sig.2-tailed

between the experimental class and control class was 0.003, the value was

lower than thesignificance level 0.05 (0.003<0.05). It is agreed that there is a

significance effect or average between the experimental class and control class.

Thus, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and Null hypothesis(Ho) is

rejected. So, it can be concluded that the use of show and tell method affective

significantly on students’ vocabulary of the first grade students of MTs Darul

Muhajirin.Thus, this technique is essential for improving students’ vocabulary

for students to understand the material and make students enthusiast, and

interest in the teaching and learning process. Therefore, the students were more

excited and actively during learning process.

B. Suggestion

1. For students

Resercher suggestion for first grade at MTs Darul Muhajirin Putra, it

is suggested to practice vocabulary more in English even though in

increasing vocabulary it is mixed with indonesian. Acoording to the

researcher, there is nothing wrong with it, as long as the students keep

practicing. Practicing frequently will make it easier for students to be a good

in vocabulary.

2. For Researcher

After the researcher conduct this research, the researcher is also

expected to be able to use English more often in daily activity to motivate

students to be active in speaking English and to become an example for

students that researcher as teacher at that time are not only able to use theory

but also with examples and practices. Researcher must also learn more and

continue to learn in order to increase their knowledge so that it can be even


3. For English Teacher

The teaching process is not just explaining it, more ever the teacher

only asks students to take notes. But it must be with good and consistent

techniques and practices. The teacher should also provide many

opportunities for students to learn. The teacher must provide meaningful

learning so that one student can use english vocabulary appropriate when

they communicate with other students in real life. Teacher must also provide

a lot of motivation to students related to the importance of learning Englis.


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J.B.Heaton, Classroom Testing, New york: Longman inc.2000.hlm 15
Linda Taylor, Teaching and Learning Vocabulary, (New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2006), p.1.
Lexy J. Moleong. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. (Bandung: PT Remaja
Rosdakarya, 2013), p. 330.
Misra Fadillah. “ The Effectiveness of Teaching Vocabulary Through Total
Physical Respond Method”, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic
University Jakarta. 2011.
Muhbubah “The Using Of Scrabble Can Interest Learners To Learn Vocabulary.
Thesis, Faculty of Language and Arts UNM. 2005
Musfiroh, T. Bermain sambil belajar dan mengasah kecerdasan (simulasi multiple
intelligences anak usia taman kanak-kanak). Jakarta: Departemen
Pendidikan Nasional. 2005.

Nurvitasyari ‘’ The Use of Show and Tell Method In Teaching Vocabulary at The
Second Year Students of Junior High School ( SMP) Negeri 4 Galesong
Selatan Kabupaten Takalar” Universitas Alauddin Makasar, 2017.
Nur Haliza Agustina “ Using English Video Songs To Improve The Students’
Vocabulary Mastery at Mts Manbail Futuh Tuban” Thesis, Universitas
Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Surabya, 2019.
Novia Ayu Lestari “ Applying Show and Tell Method To Enhance Students
Speaking Skill of Describing”, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta 2019.
Paul Nation, New Ways of Teaching Vocabulary :“Teacher of Eglish To Speaker
of Another Languange TESOL Inc, New York, 1994, P.3.
Richard, Jack and A. Renandya Willy. Methodology in Language Teaching, New
York: Cambridge University, 2002.
Yogi Endarweni, “Implementing The Show and Tell Technique To Improve The
Speaking Skill of Grade VIII Students at SMP Pembaharuan Purworejo’’
( Thesis FTIK Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, 2001



RPP Experimental group
Madrasah : MTS Darul Muhajirin

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IPS 1/2
Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 Menit
Standar Kompetensi : Vocabulary
Memahami makna vocabulary pada setiap ungkapan dan penulisan dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari –hari.

A. Kompetensi Inti
 KI-1 dan KI-2:Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang
dianutnya. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,
santun, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung
jawab, responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai
dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat
dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, kawasan regional, dan
kawasan internasional”.
 KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,
konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya
tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan
wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait
penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan
prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan
minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah
 KI4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah
abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah
secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu
menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.8 Mengungkapkan kata-kata  Mengungkapkan vocabulary
( Vocabulary) dengan ucapan yang
jelas dan lancar yang berkaitan secara lisan dengan ucapan
dengan lingkungan terdekat yang benar.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:
 Siswa dapat mengucapkan vocabulary dengan pronounciation yang benar.
 Siswa dapat meningketkan vocabulary mereka yang dapat di aplikasikan
dalam kehidupan sehari – hari.
D. Nilai Karakter
 Berani ( courage )
 Rasa hormat dan perhatian
 Tekun ( diligence )
 Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
E. Materi Pembelajaran
 Kata sifat ( Adjective )
F. Metode Pembelajaran
Pendekatan : Saintifik Learning
Metode : Show and Tell Method
G Media Pembelajaran
1. Media
 Gambar yang di peroleh dari google image
 Worksheet
2. Alat / Bahan
 Penggaris

H. Sumber Belajar

 Buku penunjang kurikulum 2013 mata pelajaran bahasa ingris when
english rings a Bell, kelas vii, kemendikbud, revisi tahun 2017
 Pengalaman peserta didik dan guru.
I. Langkah kegiatan Pembelajaran
Langkah-langkah kegiatan pembelajaran Alokasi
Pendahuluan : 10 Menit
 Memberi salam kepada siswa dan mengajak siswa
 Mengecek kehadiran siswa
 Guru memberikan sedikit motivasi belajar untuk
siswa dan menjelaskan berapa pentingnya materi
yang akan di pelajari
kegiatan inti :
a. Eksplorasi 60 Menit
 Exsplorasi
 Guru menjelaskan devinisi adjectiive, fungsi
adjective, memberikan conntoh adjective yang
melibatkan siswa.
b. Elaborasi
 Guru menampilkan gambar adjective, kemudin
meminta siswanya untuk mengungkapkan adjective
apa yang ada pada gambar tersebut.
 Pada saat menampilkan gambar, jika terjadi
kesalahan pada saat siswa menebak kata dan
mengucapkanya guru membantu mereka
memperbaiki kesalahan siswa.
 Guru memberikan siswa lembaran test dengan
tujuan mengukur sejauh mana pengenalan siswa
dengan vocabuary yang telah di tampilkan

 Guru memperbaiki kesalaha – kesalahan siswanya
dari segi penulisan dan pengucapan vocabulary.
c. Konfirmasi
 guru memberikan penguatan dengan mereview
kembali materi yang sudah di pelajari.
 guru meminta siswa untuk membaca materi sudah
di pelajari
 guru menyimpulkan pembelajaran
 guru mengahiri dengan do’a bersama

J. Penilaian
Indikator pencapaian Teknik Bentuk Instrument/ soal
kompetensi penilaian instrument
Mengungkapkan secara Test lisan Performance Mengucapkan kata
lisan vocabulary dengan siswa dengan sesuai dengan gambar
ucapan yang benar. mengucapkan yang di tampilkan
vocabulary dengan pronounciation
secara lisan yang benar

K. Format Penilaian
No classification Score
1 Very good 90-100
2 Good 70-89
3 Fair 50-69
4 Poor 30-49
5 Very poor 10-29

Praya, 2022

Guru Mata Pelajaran, Mahasiswa,

Muhammad sabri Spd. Ahmad Daud

Kepala sekolah,




RPP Experimental group
Madrasah : MTS Darul Muhajirin
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IPS 1/2
Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 Menit
Standar Kompetensi : Vocabulary
Describing noun siswa dapat mendiskripsikan benda-benda di sekitar kelas

C. Kompetensi Inti
 KI-1 dan KI-2:Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang
dianutnya. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,
santun, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung
jawab, responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai
dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat
dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, kawasan regional, dan
kawasan internasional”.
 KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,
konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya
tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan
wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait
penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan
prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan
minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah
 KI4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah
abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah
secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu
menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan

D. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.8 Mendiscripsikan kata-kata  Mengungkapkan vocabulary

( Vocabulary) dengan ucapan yang
jelas dan lancar yang berkaitan secara lisan dengan ucapan
dengan lingkungan terdekat yang benar.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:
 Siswa dapat mengucapkan vocabulary dengan pronounciation yang benar.
 Siswa dapat meningketkan vocabulary mereka yang dapat di aplikasikan
dalam kehidupan sehari – hari.
D. Nilai Karakter
 Berani ( courage )
 Rasa hormat dan perhatian
 Tekun ( diligence )
 Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
E. Materi Pembelajaran
 describing ( noun )
F. Metode Pembelajaran
Pendekatan : Saintifik Learning
Metode : Show and Tell Method
G Media Pembelajaran
1. Media
 Gambar yang di peroleh dari google image
 Worksheet
2. Alat / Bahan
 Penggaris

H. Sumber Belajar

 Buku penunjang kurikulum 2013 mata pelajaran bahasa ingris when
english rings a Bell, kelas vii, kemendikbud, revisi tahun 2017
 Pengalaman peserta didik dan guru.
I. Langkah kegiatan Pembelajaran
Langkah-langkah kegiatan pembelajaran Alokasi
Pendahuluan : 10 Menit
 Memberi salam kepada siswa dan mengajak siswa
 Mengecek kehadiran siswa
 Guru memberikan sedikit motivasi belajar untuk
siswa dan menjelaskan berapa pentingnya materi
yang akan di pelajari
kegiatan inti :
a. Eksplorasi 60 Menit
 Exsplorasi
 Guru menjelaskan bagaimana cara mendiscripsikan
suatu benda, fungsinya, memberikan conntoh
diskripsi yang melibatkan siswa.
b. Elaborasi
 Guru mencontohkan bagaimana mendiscripsiakan
suatu benda, kemudin meminta siswanya untuk
mengungkapkan noun apa yang ada pada gambar
 Pada saat menampilkan gambar, jika terjadi
kesalahan pada saat siswa menebak kata dan
mengucapkanya guru membantu mereka
memperbaiki kesalahan siswa.
 Guru memberikan siswa lembaran test dengan
tujuan mengukur sejauh mana pengenalan siswa

dengan vocabuary yang telah di tampilkan
 Guru memperbaiki kesalaha – kesalahan siswanya
dari segi penulisan dan pengucapan vocabulary.
c. Konfirmasi
 guru memberikan penguatan dengan mereview
kembali materi yang sudah di pelajari.
 guru meminta siswa untuk membaca materi sudah
di pelajari
 guru menyimpulkan pembelajaran
 guru mengahiri dengan do’a bersama

J. Penilaian
Indikator pencapaian Teknik Bentuk Instrument/ soal
kompetensi penilaian instrument
Mengungkapkan secara Test lisan Performance Mengucapkan kata
lisan vocabulary dengan siswa dengan sesuai dengan gambar
ucapan yang benar. mengucapkan yang di tampilkan
vocabulary dengan pronounciation
secara lisan yang benar

K. Format Penilaian
No classification Score
1 Very good 90-100
2 Good 70-89
3 Fair 50-69
4 Poor 30-49
5 Very poor 10-29

Praya, 2022
Guru Mata Pelajaran, Mahasiswa,

Muhammad sabri Spd. Ahmad Daud

Kepala sekolah,


RPP Experimental group
Madrasah : MTS Darul Muhajirin
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IPS 1/2
Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 Menit
Standar Kompetensi : Vocabulary
Siswa dapat mengenal pembagian kata benda seperti abstrac noun, concrit

E. Kompetensi Inti
 KI-1 dan KI-2:Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang
dianutnya. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,
santun, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung
jawab, responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai
dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat
dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, kawasan regional, dan
kawasan internasional”.
 KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,
konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya
tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan
wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait
penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan
prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan
minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah
 KI4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah
abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah
secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu
menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan

F. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.8 Mendiscripsikan kata-kata  Mengungkapkan vocabulary

( Vocabulary) dengan ucapan yang
jelas dan lancar yang berkaitan secara lisan dengan ucapan
dengan lingkungan terdekat yang benar.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:
 Siswa dapat mengucapkan vocabulary dengan pronounciation yang benar.
 Siswa dapat meningketkan vocabulary mereka yang dapat di aplikasikan
dalam kehidupan sehari – hari.
D. Nilai Karakter
 Berani ( courage )
 Rasa hormat dan perhatian
 Tekun ( diligence )
 Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
E. Materi Pembelajaran
 describing ( noun )
F. Metode Pembelajaran
Pendekatan : Saintifik Learning
Metode : Show and Tell Method
G Media Pembelajaran
1. Media
 Gambar yang di peroleh dari google image
 Worksheet
2. Alat / Bahan
 Penggaris

H. Sumber Belajar
 Buku penunjang kurikulum 2013 mata pelajaran bahasa ingris when
english rings a Bell, kelas vii, kemendikbud, revisi tahun 2017
 Pengalaman peserta didik dan guru.
I. Langkah kegiatan Pembelajaran
Langkah-langkah kegiatan pembelajaran Alokasi
Pendahuluan : 10 Menit
 Memberi salam kepada siswa dan mengajak siswa
 Mengecek kehadiran siswa
 Guru memberikan sedikit motivasi belajar untuk
siswa dan menjelaskan berapa pentingnya materi
yang akan di pelajari
kegiatan inti :
a. Eksplorasi 60 Menit
 Exsplorasi
 Guru menjelaskan bagaimana cara mendiscripsikan
suatu benda, fungsinya, memberikan conntoh
diskripsi yang melibatkan siswa.
b. Elaborasi
 Guru mencontohkan bagaimana mendiscripsiakan
suatu benda, kemudin meminta siswanya untuk
mengungkapkan noun apa yang ada pada gambar
 Pada saat menampilkan gambar, jika terjadi
kesalahan pada saat siswa menebak kata dan
mengucapkanya guru membantu mereka
memperbaiki kesalahan siswa.
 Guru memberikan siswa lembaran test dengan

tujuan mengukur sejauh mana pengenalan siswa
dengan vocabuary yang telah di tampilkan
 Guru memperbaiki kesalaha – kesalahan siswanya
dari segi penulisan dan pengucapan vocabulary.
c. Konfirmasi
 guru memberikan penguatan dengan mereview
kembali materi yang sudah di pelajari.
 guru meminta siswa untuk membaca materi sudah
di pelajari
 guru menyimpulkan pembelajaran
 guru mengahiri dengan do’a bersama

J. Penilaian
Indikator pencapaian Teknik Bentuk Instrument/ soal
kompetensi penilaian instrument
Mengungkapkan secara Test lisan Performance Mengucapkan kata
lisan vocabulary dengan siswa dengan sesuai dengan gambar
ucapan yang benar. mengucapkan yang di tampilkan
vocabulary dengan pronounciation
secara lisan yang benar

K. Format Penilaian
No classification score
1 Very good 90-100
2 Good 70-89
3 Fair 50-69
4 Poor 30-49
5 Very poor 10-29

Praya, 2022
Guru Mata Pelajaran, Mahasiswa,

Muhammad sabri Spd. Ahmad Daud

Kepala sekolah,



RPP Experimental group
Madrasah : MTS Darul Muhajirin
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IPS 1/2
Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 Menit
Standar Kompetensi : Vocabulary
Siswa dapat mengaplikasikan vocabulary yang sudah di pelajari
G. Kompetensi Inti
 KI-1 dan KI-2:Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang
dianutnya. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,
santun, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung
jawab, responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai
dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat
dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, kawasan regional, dan
kawasan internasional”.
 KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,
konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya
tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan
wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait
penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan
prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan
minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah
 KI4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah
abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah
secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu
menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan

H. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.8 Mendiscripsikan kata-kata  Mengungkapkan vocabulary

( Vocabulary) dengan ucapan
yang jelas dan lancar yang secara lisan dengan ucapan
berkaitan dengan lingkungan yang benar.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:
 Siswa dapat mengucapkan vocabulary dengan pronounciation yang benar.
 Siswa dapat meningketkan vocabulary mereka yang dapat di aplikasikan
dalam kehidupan sehari – hari.
D. Nilai Karakter
 Berani ( courage )
 Rasa hormat dan perhatian
 Tekun ( diligence )
 Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
E. Materi Pembelajaran
 describing ( noun )
F. Metode Pembelajaran
Pendekatan : Saintifik Learning
Metode : Show and Tell Method
G Media Pembelajaran
1. Media
 Gambar yang di peroleh dari google image
 Worksheet
2. Alat / Bahan
 Penggaris

H. Sumber Belajar
 Buku penunjang kurikulum 2013 mata pelajaran bahasa ingris when
english rings a Bell, kelas vii, kemendikbud, revisi tahun 2017
 Pengalaman peserta didik dan guru.
I. Langkah kegiatan Pembelajaran
Langkah-langkah kegiatan pembelajaran Alokasi
Pendahuluan : 10 Menit
 Memberi salam kepada siswa dan mengajak siswa
 Mengecek kehadiran siswa
 Guru memberikan sedikit motivasi belajar untuk
siswa dan menjelaskan berapa pentingnya materi
yang akan di pelajari
kegiatan inti :
a. Eksplorasi 60 Menit
 Exsplorasi
 Guru menjelaskan bagaimana cara mendiscripsikan
suatu benda, fungsinya, memberikan conntoh
diskripsi yang melibatkan siswa.
b. Elaborasi
 Guru mencontohkan bagaimana mendiscripsiakan
suatu benda, kemudin meminta siswanya untuk
mengungkapkan noun apa yang ada pada gambar
 Pada saat menampilkan gambar, jika terjadi
kesalahan pada saat siswa menebak kata dan
mengucapkanya guru membantu mereka
memperbaiki kesalahan siswa.
 Guru memberikan siswa lembaran test dengan

tujuan mengukur sejauh mana pengenalan siswa
dengan vocabuary yang telah di tampilkan
 Guru memperbaiki kesalaha – kesalahan siswanya
dari segi penulisan dan pengucapan vocabulary.
c. Konfirmasi
 guru memberikan penguatan dengan mereview
kembali materi yang sudah di pelajari.
 guru meminta siswa untuk membaca materi sudah
di pelajari
 guru menyimpulkan pembelajaran
 guru mengahiri dengan do’a bersama

J. Penilaian
Indikator pencapaian Teknik Bentuk Instrument/ soal
kompetensi penilaian instrument
Mengungkapkan secara Test lisan Performance Mengucapkan kata
lisan vocabulary dengan siswa dengan sesuai dengan gambar
ucapan yang benar. mengucapkan yang di tampilkan
vocabulary dengan pronounciation
secara lisan yang benar

K. Format Penilaian
No classification score
1 Very good 90-100
2 Good 70-89
3 Fair 50-69
4 Poor 30-49
5 Very poor 10-29

Praya, 2022
Guru Mata Pelajaran, Mahasiswa,

Muhammad sabri Spd. Ahmad Daud

Kepala sekolah,



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