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About the Program

Fusemachines offers Foundation
and MicrodegreeTM programs in
AI for students and engineers who
want to build a career in this field.

Our PhDs, seasoned AI industry

experts, and faculty from top
universities developed the
curriculum and assessments to
enable industry ready AI engineers.

Fusemachines AI
Education Programs

Foundations in AI
Program Duration- 6 Months
(can be selected concurrently or done in semesters)

The Fusemachines Foundations in AI

is designed to enable students and Courses:
engineers to build their base for AI Introduction to
education suitable for industry. This Computer Science for AI
course provides a strong foundation 3 Months
in mathematical concepts of Linear
Algebra, Calculus, Statistics, and Python Introduction to
programming language. This course Mathematics for AI
also provides the foundation required
3 Months
to continue on to Fusemachines’
MicrodegreeTM Program in AI.

MicrodegreeTM in AI
Program Duration : 6 Months

The Fusemachines’ MicrodegreeTM Courses:

program for Artificial Intelligence is
an accelerated learning program Deep Learning
in Artificial Intelligence. The 3 Months
MicrodegreeTM program is created
by the leading US university faculty
Machine Learning
members and AI industry experts. It
is specifically designed to upskill an 3 Months
engineer with AI expertise.

This program also provides the foundation required to continue on to

MicrodegreeTM Specialization courses.
The Fusemachines’ MicrodegreeTM Courses:
Specialization is indepth learning
courses in Computer Vision and Computer Vision
Natural Language Processing. The 3 Months
courses are specifically designed
to upskill an AI engineer. Engineers
Natural Language
can choose to specialize in one or
both of these areas and will receive Processing
certifications upon successfully 3 Months
completing the courses.

Key Features
of the Program

Classes run by AI industry experts

Curriculum developed by university professors, PhDs, and

industry experts

Immersive courses with video lectures, quizzes, assignments,

and projects

Hands-on 50+ real life projects

Codehub-the Proprietary Coding Platform used to complete

course projects

Online learning platform

Webinar sessions by domain expert PhDs

Opportunities to get involved in research projects

Access to forum, moderated by industry experts

Opportunities to utilize resources at Fusemachines AI Center


Students first take an Eligibility Test to be placed into the MicrodegreeTM

in AI Program or the Foundations in AI Program, either with or without the
CS course. Students who have completed MicrodegreeTM in AI can apply
for MicrodegreeTM Specialization courses.

Outcomes from
the Program

Foundations in AI
• Design, implement, test, debug, and document programs in Python
• Understand different concepts related to Computer Science required for AI
• Build strong Programming and Mathematical foundation to take advanced
AI courses

MicrodegreeTM in AI
• Ability to rapidly produce prototype Machine Learning models using most
of the common ML libraries such as Tensorflow, Scikit-Learn with a deep
understanding of the underlying concepts
• Deep understanding of all topics covered in 2 courses including their
mathematical concepts
• Ability to read academic journals and implement classical to state-of-the-art
ML algorithms

MicrodegreeTM Specialization
• Develop a broad foundation on Computer Vision and Natural Language
Processing to build and deploy state-of-the-art technologies

Who Should

For Foundations in AI
• Students with basic knowledge of computer science and mathematics
• Students who have completed their intermediate level.

For MicrodegreeTM in AI
• Basic knowledge of Linear Algebra and Calculus
• Knowledge of Probability and Statistics
• Programming experience in Python
• Experience implementing Computer Science algorithms and Object-
Oriented Programming

in AI

Course I
Introduction to
Computer Science for AI
Approx. 48 hrs in class + self-study

Key Outcomes
• Students will get acquainted with the basics of Computer Science required for AI
• Students will be able to get a sound grasp of programming concepts such as OOP,
Data-Structures and Algorithm analysis
• Students will be able to get started in building application for desktop and web

Module 1: Introduction to the Course

1.1 Introduction to the Course
1.2 Introduction to AI

Module 2: Basics of Computer Systems

2.1 Introduction to the Module
2.2 Digital Information and Digital Logic
2.3 Basics of Computer Organisation and Architecture
2.4 Introduction of Linux Operating System
2.5 Fundamentals of Computer Networks
2.6 Module Summary

Module 3: Introduction to Python Programming
3.1 Introduction to the Module

in AI
3.2 Python Programming
3.3 Object-Oriented Programming
3.4 Web scraping
3.5 Numpy
3.6 Pandas
3.7 Matplotlib
3.8 Module Summary

Module 4: Data Structures and Algorithms Analysis

4.1 Introduction to the Module
4.2 Algorithms Analysis
4.3 Data Structure
4.4 Algorithms
4.5 Module Summary

Module 5: Databases
5.1 Introduction to the Module
5.2 SQL
5.3 NoSQL
5.4 Module Summary

Module 6: Building Web Applications

6.1 Introduction to the Module
6.2 Software Development Life Cycle
6.3 Web Frameworks
6.4 Deployment
6.5 Module Summary

in AI
Course II
Introduction to
Mathematics for AI
Approx. 48 hrs in class + self-study

Key Outcomes
• Students will be able to understand the basic concepts of Probability and Statistics
required to build Machine Learning Models
• Students will be able to implement concepts of Linear Algebra, Calculus and
Numerical Methods in different AI problems
• Students will be able to appreciate how mathematical ideas applies in AI

Module 1: Introduction to the Course

1.1 Introduction to the Course

Module 2: Linear Algebra

2.1 Introduction to the Module
2.2 Scalars, Vectors & their Operations
2.3 Linear Transformations and Matrix
2.4 Solving Linear Equations
2.5 Determinant and Inverses
2.6 Orthogonality
2.7 Eigen and Singular Value Decomposition
2.8 Module Summary

Module 3: Calculus and Optimisation
3.1 Introduction to the Module

in AI
3.2 Derivatives
3.3 Integrals
3.4 Multivariate Calculus
3.5 Optimization of Multivariable Functions
3.6 Integral of Multivariable Functions
3.7 Module Summary

Module 4: Probability and Statistics

4.1 Introduction to the Module
4.2 Review and Introductory Concepts
4.3 Discrete Random Variables
4.4 Continuous Random Variables
4.5 Multiple Random Variables
4.6 Basics of Hypothesis Testing
4.7 Module Summary

Module 5: Information Theory

5.1 Introduction to the Module
5.2 Measures of Information
5.3 Module Summary

Module 6: Numerical Computation

6.1 Introduction to the Module
6.2 Solution to the Non-Linear equations
6.3 Numerical Linear Algebra
6.4 Module Summary

in AI

Course I
Machine Learning
Approx. 72 hrs in class + self-study

Key Outcomes
• Students will be able to rapidly prototype Machine Learning Models in different
• Students will understand the basic concepts and possible applications of
Machine Learning
• Students will be able to use the most common Machine Learning libraries and
modify them as per their needs

Module 1: Introduction to the Course

1.1 Introduction to the Course
1.2 Introduction to Machine Learning
1.3 Machine Learning Pipeline

Module 2: Sklearn Building Blocks

2.1 Introduction to Sklearn
2.2 The Concept of Overfitting
2.3 Pipelining and Hyperparameter Search
2.4 Data Preprocessing and Model Persistence
2.5 Imbalanced Theory and Metrics
2.6 Module Summary

Module 3: Supervised Machine Learning
3.1 Introduction to the Module
3.2 Linear Regression
3.3 Logistic Regression

in AI
3.4 Naive Bayes
3.5 Ensemble Methods
3.6 Tree Algorithms
3.7 Support Vector Machines
3.8 Multi-Class
3.9 Sklearn Features
3.10 Module Summary

Module 4: Unsupervised Machine Learning

4.1 Introduction to the Module
4.2 Dimensionality Reduction
4.3 Clustering Algorithms
4.4 Gaussian Mixture
4.5 Outlier Detection
4.6 Recommender System
4.7 Module Summary

Module 5: Time Series Analysis

5.1 Introduction to the Module
5.2 Time Series Analysis
5.3 Module Summary

Module 6: Computer Vision with OpenCV

6.1 Introduction to the Module
6.2 Image Processing
6.3 Computer Vision
6.4 Module Summary

Module 7: Reinforcement Learning

7.1 Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
7.2 Model, Policy, Value Function
7.3 Policy Search
7.4 Exploration vs Exploitation
7.5 Module Summary

in AI
Course II
Deep Learning
Approx. 72 hrs in class + self-study

Key Outcomes
• Students will have a sound mathematical and programming foundation required for
building Deep Learning Models
• Students will understand the basic concepts and possible applications of Deep
• Students will be able to get started in building Deep learning Models and deploy
those models in production

Module 1: Introduction to the Course

1.1 Introduction to the Course

Module 2: Introduction to Deep Learning

2.1 Introduction to Deep Learning
2.2 Neuron
2.3 Artificial Neural Network
2.4 Learning Parameters in ANN
2.5 Implementing ANN
2.6 Module Summary

Module 3: Components of Deep Learning
3.1 Introduction to the Module
3.2 Vanishing and Exploding Gradient
3.3 Activation Function and Weight Initialisation

in AI
3.4 Optimization methods
3.5 Normalization
3.6 Regularization
3.7 Hyperparameter Tuning
3.8 Module Summary

Module 4: Convolutional Neural Network

4.1 Introduction to CNN
4.2 Building Block of CNN
4.3 Seminal Architectures
4.4 Module Summary

Module 5: Recurrent Neural Networks

5.1 Introduction to RNN
5.2 Fundamentals of RNN
5.3 Seminal Architectures
5.4 Module Summary

Module 6: Attention and Neural Computers

6.1 Introduction to Attention
6.2 Neural Attention
6.3 Neural Computers
6.4 Module Summary

Module 7: Generative Modules

7.1 Introduction to Generative Models
7.2 Graphical models
7.3 AutoEncoders
7.4 Generative Adversarial Networks
7.5 Module Summary

Module 8: Deep Reinforcement Learning
8.1 Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
8.2 RL Fundamentals

in AI
8.3 Q-learning
8.4 Temporal-Difference Learning
8.5 Policy Gradient
8.6 Evolution Strategies
8.7 Current Research and Applications
8.8 Module Summary

Module 9: DL in Production
9.1 Introduction to the Module
9.2 Deep Learning Hardware
9.3 Trustable AI
9.4 Deployment
9.5 Production Management
9.6 Scalability and Data Privacy
9.7 Module Summary

Module 10: Deep Learning Applications

10.1 Introduction to the Module
10.2 Computer Vision
10.3 Speech Recognition
10.4 Natural Language Processing
10.5 Medical and Scientific Application
10.6 Games
10.7 Robotics
10.8 Module Summary


Course I
Computer Vision
Approx. 72 hrs in class + self-study

Key Outcomes
• Students will have a sound background in traditional as well as state-of-the-art
Computer Vision techniques
• Students will understand the basic concepts and possible applications of Computer
• Students will be able to get started in building Computer Vision Models and deploy
those models in production

Module 1: Introduction to Computer Vision

1.1 Introduction to the Course
1.2 Computer Vision overview
1.3 Image formation
1.4 Library and Frameworks
1.5 Module Summary

Module 2: Image Processing and Feature Detection

2.1 Introduction to Image Processing and Feature Detection
2.2 Edge Detection
2.3 2D Shapes
2.4 Morphological Processing
2.5 Feature Detection
2.6 Feature Descriptors
2.7 Frequency Domain Analysis
2.8 Module Summary

Module 3: Image Classification and Object Recognition
3.1 Introduction to Image Classification and Object Recognition
3.2 Traditional Computer Vision Methods
3.3 Deep Learning in Image Classification
3.4 Deep Learning in Object Detection
3.5 Module Summary

Module 4: Segmentation
4.1 Introduction to Image Segmentation
4.2 Region Segmentation
4.3 Deep Learning based Semantic Segmentation
4.4 Module Summary

Module 5: 3D Vision
5.1 Introduction to 3D vision
5.2 3D Geometry
5.3 Multiview Reconstruction
5.4 Structure from Motion
5.5 Shape-from-X
5.6 3D Reconstruction
5.7 Visual Ontologies
5.8 Deep Learning based 3D Reconstruction
5.9 Module Summary

Module 6: Motion and Video

6.1 Introduction to Motion and Video
6.2 Optical Flow
6.3 Dense Motion Estimation
6.4 Tracking: Parametric Models
6.5 Tracking: Non-parametric Models
6.6 Approaches to Video Classification
6.7 Applications of Video Classification
6.8 Activity Recognition
6.9 Module Summary

Module 7: Generating Synthetic Images
7.1 Introduction to the Module
7.2 Image-Based Rendering
7.3 Generative Adversarial Networks
7.4 Current Applications
7.5 Module Summary

Module 8: Scene Understanding and Image Retrieval

8.1 Introduction to the Module
8.2 Global Scene Representations
8.3 Scene Recognition
8.4 Grammars for Objects and Scenes
8.5 Image Retrieval and Matching
8.6 Module Summary

Module 9: Computer Vision Applications

9.1 Introduction to the Module
9.2 Robotics and Self Driving Cars
9.3 Automatic Inspection and Monitoring
9.4 Visual Surveillance & Behaviour Recognition
9.5 Medical Applications
9.6 Module Summary

Course II
Natural Language Processing
Approx. 72 hrs in class + self-study

Key Outcomes
• Students will have a sound background in traditional as well as state-of-the-art
Natural Language Processing Methods
• Students will understand the basic concepts and possible applications of Natural
Language Processing
• Students will be able to get started in building NLP based Models and deploy
those models in production

Module 1: Introduction to the Course

1.1 Introduction to the Course

Module 2: Fundamentals of NLP

2.1 Introduction to the Module
2.2 Tools and Frameworks
2.3 Text Normalization
2.4 Text Classification
2.5 Text Clustering
2.6 Module Summary

Module 3: Language Models

3.1 Introduction to Language Models
3.2 Language Modeling
3.3 Neural Language Model
3.4 Module Summary

Module 4: Markov Models
4.1 Introduction to Markov Models
4.2 Regular Expressions and Finite State Automata
4.3 Maximum Entropy Markov Model
4.4 Module Summary

Module 5: Syntax and Parsing

5.1 Introduction to Syntax and Parsing
5.2 Tagging
5.3 Context-Free Grammars
5.4 Parsing
5.5 Lexicalized and Probabilistic Parsing
5.6 Dependency Parsing
5.7 Module Summary

Module 6: Semantic Role Labelling

6.1 Introduction to Semantic Role Labelling
6.2 Semantic Role Labelling
6.3 Module Summary

Module 7: Semantics
7.1 Introduction to Semantics
7.2 Lexical Semantics
7.3 Word Sense Disambiguation
7.4 Module Summary

Module 8: Information Extraction

8.1 Introduction to Information Extraction
8.2 Information Extraction
8.3 Entity Extraction
8.4 Relationship Extraction
8.5 Module Summary

Module 9: Machine Translation
9.1 Introduction to Machine Translation
9.2 Syntax-based Statistical Machine Translation
9.3 Neural Machine Translation
9.4 Module Summary

Module 10: Neural Network based NLP

10.1 Introduction to the Module
10.2 Work Embeddings
10.3 Recurrent Neural Networks
10.4 Recursive Neural Networks
10.5 Convolutional Neural Networks
10.6 Natural Language Generation
10.7 Transformers and Self-Attention for Generative Models
10.8 Module Summary

Module 11: Reinforcement Learning for NLP

11.1 Introduction to the Module
11.2 Applications of RL in NLP
11.3 Module Summary

Module 12: Applications

12.1 Introduction to the Module
12.2 Text Summarization
12.3 Machine Translation
12.4 Speech Translation
12.5 Question Answering
12.6 Dialogue Systems (Chatbots)
12.7 Multi-Modal Systems
12.8 Module Summary

Career Prospects
Students who successfully complete this course
will be able to kick off their AI Careers as:

Data Scientist
AI Software Engineer
ML Engineer
Data Engineer
AI Engineer

Testimonials of
our students

“Fusemachines’ educational program “I’d recommend the

was a stepping stone for me in the field Fusemachines educational
of AI, which has helped me polish my AI program to anyone who has
knowledge and grow professionally as an interest in AI and wants to
an AI Engineer.” pursue it as a career.”

Shreesha Pokharel Onel Harrison

ML Engineer Software Engineer, Listenfirst

“I had learned about the concepts “I come from a different career

of AI in college, but never actually path, and the Fusemachines
implemented them. That’s exactly what Educational Program really helped
the Fusemachines Educational Program me transition smoothly into a
provided me the opportunity to do.” thriving career in AI and ML.”

Nissan Karki Isu Shrestha

ML Engineer ML Engineer

AI Education Program |

Disclaimer: The information provided is accurate at the time of printing and is subject to change.
Fusemachines Inc. reserves the right to make changes without prior notice.

© Copyright 2019 Fusemachines Inc. All rights Reserved


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