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Republic of the Philippines

Western Mindanao State University

College of Home Economics


A.Y. 2023-2024/ MIDTERM EXAM


NAME_______________________________________ DATE: _____________________

YR. and SEC. __________________________________ SCORE: ___________________

INSTRUCTIONS: Encircle the best answer to the following multiple-choice questions about Developing
Hospitality Culture! as used in this course

1. What is a primary reason why hospitality facilities develop emergency response procedures?
A. To prevent emergency situations from occurring on the premises.
B. To help lessen panic and reduce the risk of damage or injury during an emergency situation.
C. To reduce the time it takes to train employees in first aid, CPR, and security.
D. Complying with health codes
2. What is a hotel restaurant doing when it makes sure that its employees wash their hands properly
when preparing food orders?
A. Preventing routine accidents.
B. Sanitizing the facility.
C. Risk Attitude
D. Complying with health code
3. Which security measure can motels implement to help maintain their guests’ safety outside the
A. Fire extinguishers
B. Parking lot lighting system
C. Front-desk alarm system
D. None of the above
4. Which is an example of a critical moment in which a customer may form a negative opinion about a
hospitality or tourism business?
A. Hotel guest enters a guest room that is clean and attractive and has a beautiful view of the city
B. The maître d’ greets customers in a prompt, friendly manner as soon as they enter a restaurant.
C. A tour guide asks tourists if they have any questions about the tour site that they are visiting.
D. A customer has to wait on hold for a long time to make a hotel reservation by telephone.
5. What should a tour guide do when handling the complaint of an angry tourist
A. Value
B. Status
C. Attributes
D. Explain policies.
6. What is a primary factor that contributes to land pollution at tourist destinations?
A. Smoke–stack filters
B. Airline fuel emissions
C. Water–level changes
D. Improper waste disposals
7. Which skill is important for a successful professional in the hospitality and tourism industry to
A. Delegation
B. Mathematics
C. Organization
D. Manage
8. To whom do retail travel agencies sell hospitality and tourism products?
A. Marketers
B. Producers
C. End users
D. Wholesalers
9. PPE Stands for BONUS
A. Personal Physical Equipment
B. Personla Physical Equipment
C. Closure
D. Execution
10. In what year did middle class decreased?
A. 1980
B. 1981
C. 1982
D. 1983
11.The 3rd factor of Production
A. Capital
B. Supply
C. Demand
D. None of the above
12. The Labor force is Expected to grow at an annual rate of
A. 0.9
B. 0.8
C. 0.12
D. .13
13. a person born in the years following World War II, when there was a temporary marked increase
in the birth rate.
A. Baby Boomers
B. Generation X
C. Generation Y
D. A mentor
14. HACCP stands for
A. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points
B. Good Quality Service
C. Technology Training
D. Guest Expectation
15. A lodging for travelers, especially one run by a religious order.
A. Hotel
B. Hospice
C. Monarch
D. Cost Leadership.


Identify the correct answer and write it on the space provided. (2 Pts. Each)

__MEDIEVAL PERIOD_ 1. What era did the travel excursionist started?

HOSPITALITY___________2. The word hospice means.
________________________3. Great travelers describe as?

________________________4. In what period when the demand of Inns and Taverns increased?
_HOTEL DE HENRY______5. Give the name of the hotel which built around 1788.
_______________________ 6. Who took the culinary standards in a different level?
TANATOURISM_________7. Another term of Dark Tourism
__________________________8. In which place did great Innkeepers integrate?
________________________9. They set the tone of service for the hospitality Organization.
__________________________10. There used to be a time when information technology jobs where.
almost non-existent.


List down the following:

A. Give at least 5 Engineering Jobs in Hospitality Industry (1-5)

B. In Hospitality Industry that is responsible to learn the art of hiring and retaining the best
Hospitality Talent (1-5)
C. Sales and Marketing Jobs in the Hospitality Industry (1-5)
D. Food and Beverage Production (1-5)

PART IV- Essay

1. Describe the current and expected future impact of baby boomers on the demand for
hospitality services. (15 pts.)


2. What can you say about CHANGING INCOME DISTRIBUTION (15 pts.)



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