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SPECIFICATION Specification for Direct Part MMDTS 19037, REV-NIL

Marking using Datamatrix (2D) on Page 1 of 5

Indian Railways. Date: 11.11.2019

Name Designation Signature Date Level

Nitesh Tiwari JE/MD/Bogie Prepared
Kumar Sambhav Dy. CME/Design Agreed &
Indrajit Singh CDE Approved

Issue/Rev. Detail of changes Date

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SPECIFICATION Specification for Direct Part MMDTS 19037, REV-NIL
Marking using Datamatrix (2D) on Page 2 of 5
Indian Railways. Date: 11.11.2019

This specification covers the Technical Requirements for Direct Part Marking using
Datamatrix (2D) on Indian Railways.

2. Introduction:
2.1 Direct Part Marking (DPM) is a process to permanently mark parts with product
information possibly using 1D or 2D barcodes. This is done to allow the tracking of parts
through the full life cycle.
2.2 The interpretation of 'permanent' often depends on the context the part is used. In the
Railways a part may be in service for over 30 years. Within other industries such as,
telecom and computer industries the life cycle may only last a few years.

3. Why 2D:
3.1 They can store data which does not require a network connection to convert into a useful
human-readable form.
3.2 The amount of data that can be stored on a 2D code is also much higher so its utility is
better. 2000+ characters can be stored at the highest density. Barcodes normally do not
exceed 48 characters
3.3 Error correction is much better on 2D codes. Even if roughly 1/3rd of the code is damaged
it is still usable thereby making more immune to wear and tear compared to 1D
3.4 They are smaller so they can be used on curved surfaces easily. A 1D barcode is orientation
sensitive with respect to the item it is being put on.
3.5 All optical codes, including 2D codes, are meant to be read, by default, while the item is
stationary or moving very slowly in a controlled manner, like a conveyer belt. Line of sight
is also required within a specified reading range from the code.
3.6 In case data is to be read reliably while the part is moving at speed, then RFID tag
technology is recommended for use. This is already dealt with in a separate standard.


4.1 The shape, structure, data encoding etc of 1D & 2D codes are all governed by international
standards by a body called GS1. GS1 India exists under Ministry of Commerce for
implementation of these standards.
4.2 CRIS has an MoU with GS1 India and works very closely with GS1 India to ensure that the
documents issued are as per their standards and aligned with industry best practices.

5. Major types of 2D codes: The key guiding principle is that any data included for marking
must be relevant and must NOT change over the lifetime of the item.

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SPECIFICATION Specification for Direct Part MMDTS 19037, REV-NIL
Marking using Datamatrix (2D) on Page 3 of 5
Indian Railways. Date: 11.11.2019

5.1 GS1 Data Matrix: More efficient in the use of space. It supports a highest level of error
checking Common in industry. They are also extensible using Application Identifiers (see
below) These shall be used on IR.

6. Encoding standards: There are 3 GS1 encoding schemes that are applicable for Direct Part
Marking of components/ assemblies:
6.1 CPI (Component Part Identifier): enables companies to identify components and
parts, typically, where the component is a part of its final product (such as a coach or
a wagon).
6.1.1 This scheme, specifically the ‘cpi-var’ scheme, is to be used by IR internally.
6.1.2 The cpi-var shall be used for onboarding all existing components.
6.1.3 The structure of the CPI code should be as under: Mandatory 7 digits for identifying the company, this shall necessarily
correspond to the company code for IR procured by CRIS and held by GM/
RFID for and on behalf of the Indian Railways. Additional 30 alphanumeric characters to be used as under: 8 digits of PL No Design Variant as a 3 alphanumeric character. Not used at present, as such,
the default value is 000 (3 zeros). A Spacer – the character ‘!’ Serial number or batch/ lot identifier or a combination thereof – in the
remaining 18 alphanumeric characters. Production Units already have a
method of giving serial numbers for each major item, the same can be used. Eligible characters for encoding: All 26 English characters are allowed in
CAPITALS only. Additionally, digits 0 to 9 can also be used. By default, special
characters are not to be used except where specifically indicated in this
6.2 GTIN (Global Trade Item Number): These point towards the component being
manufactured by the OEM. Each product gets an individual GTIN.
6.2.1 These need to be created by the OEM of the product. This requires that each OEM
get their requirement of product barcodes registered with GS1 India.
6.2.2 Further, the concept of batch+lot and/ or a serial number identifying the item can
also be implemented using Application Identifiers.
6.2.3 Additionally, each product design variant can get a OEM design variant code using
Application Identifiers (see below).
6.2.4 Structure of GTIN: 14 numbers consisting of 1st digit is an indicator digit (required as per standard) 7 digits or more as a Company Identifier 5 digits or more (in case the Company Identifier is smaller than 7) as part
identifier reflecting the SKU of the OEM

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SPECIFICATION Specification for Direct Part MMDTS 19037, REV-NIL
Marking using Datamatrix (2D) on Page 4 of 5
Indian Railways. Date: 11.11.2019 Last digit is a check digit (required as per standard).

6.3 Application Identifiers (AIs): In addition to the above schemes, Application Identifiers
can be used for conveying additional information which can also be encoded as part
of the Data matrix code. Common use is in conjunction with GTIN. There are several
Application Identifiers that are useful and address issues such as serial number,
batch/ lot number, weight, volume, Purchase Order No etc. For further information
regarding all the AIs please
6.3.1 One out of the following two AIs must mandatorily be used: either serial number (AI
code = 21) or Batch/ lot no (AI code = 10).
6.3.2 Additionally, any of the following AIs can also be used: Count of items (AI code = 30) may also be used especially in case of a lot. Weight (AI code = 310) Logistic weight (AI code = 330) Customer's Purchase Order Number (AI code = 400) OEM’s design variant (AI code = 20) For components with a defined life, such as rubber components, the AI for
Best Before Date (YYMMDD) (AI code = 15) is to be used.

7. Error Correction in 2D codes: The default error correction method allowed is ECC200 only.

8. Marking Technologies: The following technologies can be used on metallic surfaces:

8.1 Laser etching: Most common. Needs some protection from the light produced at the time
of etching, i.e., an enclosure is recommended. Happens in a few seconds depending on
the wattage of the laser used. After etching, blackening and/ or whitening is sometimes
done to enhance contrast. Multiple passes are done to get proper contrast for reading of
the data.
8.2 Dot peening: Similar to the etching pen used on utensils.

9. Deciding the size of the marking on the component:

9.1 There is a relationship between the size of point (called a module) and the distance it can
be read from. For reading from 300 mm and above, the module size is around 1 mm.
9.2 For rough casting the guideline is ‘Individual data cells in the symbol must be larger than
the surface irregularities so that the decoding software can differentiate between the two
features.’ Since this is dependent on the surface of the casting, the exact determination
has to be done for each component individually.

10. Examples:
10.1 Example 1: For a GTIN of 14 digits and Serial number of 8 alphanumeric characters the
final symbol size is 22x22. Further, if it is a machined surface being read from closeby,
then a 0.3mm X-dimension (i.e., the size of an individual point) can be used and the final

(Prepared by) (Agreed By)

SPECIFICATION Specification for Direct Part MMDTS 19037, REV-NIL
Marking using Datamatrix (2D) on Page 5 of 5
Indian Railways. Date: 11.11.2019

symbol size 6.6mmx6.6mm. In case the item is a rough casting, if the X-dimension is
assumed to be 2mm, then the final symbol size is 44mmx44mm.
10.2 Example 2: For a case of CPI followed by an AI for the Production Date of item the total
size of the data area is expected to be 24x24 with the X-dimension to be decided as per
surface on which it is to be applied.
10.3 Specific Example for CPI:
10.3.1 Company Code: 8907709 (for the Indian Railways)
10.3.2 PL No = 12345678
10.3.3 Railway Design Variant = 00C
10.3.4 Spacer = !
10.3.5 Serial No = ABC1234
10.3.6 The resultant Data matrix code is

11.1 It is recommended that the CPI+AI scheme be followed if marking is being done by the
Railways OR the GTI+AI scheme be followed if marking is to be done by the OEM.
11.2 If GTIN of the OEM is used, then the Railways must internally map the OEM encoded
information to the related PO on receipt of the item – in case the item is a stock item then
it shall get linked to the Pl No through the PO. Thereafter all track-and-trace shall be done
using the GTIN only.
11.3 Any equipment and application involved for either writing or reading the codes must be
able to handle GS1 standards for GTIN, CPI and AI codes.

(Prepared by) (Agreed By)

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