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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Baguio City
District VII
Date: November 4, 2022
Name: Position: T-III

Topic: Intervention Strategies for Pupils at Risk

Insights or Realization:

One key insight was the need for early identification and intervention. It is crucial to observe
and analyze students' behaviors and academic performance to identify those who may be at
risk. By doing so, we can provide timely support and prevent any potential academic or
emotional setbacks these students may face.

Another essential aspect that I learned was the importance of establishing a positive and
trusting relationship with at-risk students. As a teacher, it is crucial for me to create a safe and
welcoming learning environment where these students feel encouraged to express themselves
and seek help when needed. Building a strong rapport with at-risk students can significantly
impact their willingness to engage in interventions and their overall attitude toward learning.

Lessons Learned:

I will first focus on diligently observing and monitoring all my pupils' behaviors and academic
progress. By doing so, I hope to identify any potential at-risk students early on and design
appropriate intervention strategies accordingly. Additionally, I will make a conscious effort to
develop positive relationships with these students by fostering open communication, providing
constructive feedback, and showing genuine care for their well-being.

Next Course of Action:

I plan to collaborate with my colleagues and seek additional guidance from experts in the field
to gain further knowledge and support in implementing effective intervention strategies. By
continuously updating and refining my teaching practices, I aspire to make a positive impact
on the lives of my at-risk students and help them blossom into confident and successful

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