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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Baguio City
District VII

Date: December 2, 2022

Name: Position: T-III

Topic: Interactive Activity sheets using Adobe

Insights or Realization:

I gained several insights about this topic. Firstly, I discovered that interactive activity sheets
are an effective tool for engaging students in their learning. By incorporating different
interactive elements such as quizzes, drag-and-drop activities, or interactive buttons, students
are more likely to actively participate and retain information.

Additionally, I realized that Adobe offers a wide range of features and functionalities that
allow for creative customization of activity sheets.

Lessons Learned:

In terms of applying these lessons in my teaching, I plan to incorporate interactive activity

sheets using Adobe in my future lessons. By creating interactive worksheets or assessments, I
aim to enhance student engagement and motivation. I believe that incorporating interactive
elements will not only make the learning experience more enjoyable for my students but also
deepen their understanding and retention of the content.

Next Course of Action:

In the next course of action, I intend to further explore the features and functionalities of
Adobe and learn more about creating interactive materials. I will continue to experiment with
different interactive elements and designs to enhance the effectiveness of my activity sheets.
Additionally, I plan to seek out professional development opportunities or online courses that
specialize in using Adobe for educational purposes to further enhance my skills in this area.

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