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4TH-ICFAES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1221 (2023) 012065 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1221/1/012065

Enrichment Moina sp. with fish meal improved growth

performance of Colossoma macropomum larvae
S Mellisa1*, A Maulana1, I Ismarica1, S Maulida1, K Melanie1

Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah
Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia


Abstract. Colossoma macropomum is freshwater fish which has a great demand in Indonesia.
However, cultivation of C. macropomum is still developing. C. macropomum cultivation
requires a good quality seeds to support the success of aquaculture. The exhausted egg yolks of
C. macopomum larvae require appropriate and high-nutrient feed intake through enrichment of
feed with the addition of natural feed nutrients (Moina sp.). This study aimed to evaluate the
effect of additional Moina sp. enriched with fish meal on the survival and growth of C.
macropomum. This study was structured using a completely randomized design (CRD)
consisting of 4 treatments with 3 replications, namely: treatment A (Moina sp. without enriched
with fish meal), treatment B (Moina sp. enriched with fish meal 4 gr/L), treatment C (Moina sp.
enriched with fish meal 6 gr/L), and treatment D (Moina sp. enriched with 8 gr/L fish meal). The
results showed that the additional of Moina sp. enriched with fish meal had a significant effect
on the absolute length growth, absolute weight growth, and specific growth rate but had no
significant effect on survival of C. macropomum. The highest value was obtained in treatment C
(Moina sp. enriched with fish meal 6 gr/L) with the absolute length growth of 0.46 cm, absolute
weight growth of 0.010 gr, and specific growth rate of 3.184%/day.

1. Introduction
Freshwater fish farming is a cultivation that has high economic value and great demand. One of
commodities of freshwater fish that have great demand in Indonesia is Colossoma macropomum [1,2].
Increasing the cultivation business requires the availability of sufficient, quality and sustainable seeds.
This is a problem that is often faced in fish farming. In hatchery business, in addition to the availability
of broodstock, management larvae must also be considered. C. macropomum larvae are the most critical
stage in their life cycle [3]. Therefore, one of the important factors in management larvae is the
availability of feed.
Larvae growth is closely related to the environment and the availability of protein in feed [4]. Live
food organisms commonly used for fish larvae is cladocera (Moina sp.), because it has completed
nutritional content and is easily digested in the fish intestine. Moreover, the body size is relatively small,
has a bright color, and has active movement which can stimulate fish larvae to feed it [5,6,7,8]. In
addition, [9] investigated that cladoceran is a widespread planktonic micro crustacean found in waters
ranging from fresh and brackish waters, with temperature ranging from 5◦C to 30◦C, and pH from neutral
to slightly alkaline.
One way to improve the quality of fish larvae is the addition of live feed nutrients (Moina sp.) by
enrichment. Moreover, nutritional enhancement of Moina macrocopa with feed containing high
nutritional value content is needed to boost the nutritional content in the fish body [8]. Enrichment is the
addition of nutrients in fish feed through supplements to increase nutrient content and accelerate growth
[2]. One of the enrichment ways is by giving fish meal to live feed organisms. Fish meal is a product
that is processed from whole form of fish, processing waste or fish that is not suitable for consumption
and is often used in livestock rations because it has a relatively high protein content that can affect the
growth of animal tissue cells [10].

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4TH-ICFAES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1221 (2023) 012065 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1221/1/012065

Furthermore, [11] highlighted that fish meal is recognized as a nutritionally high-quality, highly
digestible feed ingredient which is preferred as a food additive for most livestock particularly shrimp
and fish. Fish meal contains lipids, protein, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrate. High-quality fish meal
commonly contains between 60% and 72% crude protein by weight. Fish meal is often used as the main
source of protein in fish feed, it is about 60-75% of protein, then 6-14% of fat, 4-12% of water content
and 6-18% of ash content [12].
The addition Moina sp. as live food for fish larvae have been carried out by the previous study such
as [13] study on catfish, [14] study on baung fish, and [15] study on tiger prawns. However, study related
to the enrichment of Moina sp. by using fish meal on the larvae of C. macropomum has not been done.
Therefore, the purpose of this is to evaluate the effects of enrichment of Moina sp. using fish meal on
the growth performance of C. macropomum larvae.

2. Material and Methods

2.1. Time and Site
This research was carried out at Fish Seed Center, Kuala batee, Southwest Aceh, Aceh Province in May
2022. The materials used in this study were larvae of C. macropomum, Moina sp. and fish meal with a
protein content of 60-75%.

2.1.1. Experimental design

This study had modified the treatment doses based on previous study by [13] which conducted using a
completely randomized design consisting of 4 treatments with 3 replications, namely: treatment A
(Moina sp. without enrichment), treatment B (Moina sp. enriched with fish meal 4 gr/L), treatment C
(Moina sp. enriched with fish meal 6 gr/L), and treatment D (Moina sp. enriched with 8 gr/L fish meal).

2.1.2. Moina sp. Enrichment

Fish meal was weighed according to doses that have been determined. Moina sp. placed into each
container that has been prepared, then fish meal was added according to the specified dose and waited
for 5 hours before Moina sp. given as larvae feed. This is because the metabolic processes in the body
of Moina sp spends 5-6 hours to optimally absorb nutrients from the food [16].

2.2. Parameters

2.2.1. Absolute Weight Growth (AWG)

Absolute weight growth was calculated based on [17] as follow:

AWG=Wt ˗ W0 (1)

Where, Wt = Final weight of fish (g) and W0 = Initial weight of fish (g)

2.2.2. Absolute Length Growth (ALG)

Absolute length growth was calculated based on [17] as follow:

ALG=Lt ˗ L0 (2)

Where, Lt = Final length of fish (cm) and L0 = Initial length of fish (cm)

2.2.3. Specific Growth Rate (SGR)

Specific growth rate was calculated based on [18] as follow:

Lnwt ˗ LnWo
SGR = ×100 % (3)

4TH-ICFAES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1221 (2023) 012065 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1221/1/012065

Where, Wt = Final weight of larvae (g), W0 = Initial weight of larvae (g) and t = time (days).

2.2.4. Survival
Survival rate (SR) was calculated based on [17] as follow:

SR = No × 100 % (4)

Where, Nt = final number of fish (ind), and N0 = initial number of fish (ind).

2.3. Statistical analysis

One-way ANOVA was performed to find out the effect of enrichment Moina sp. with fish meal in
enhancing growth of C. macropomum larvae. Then it will be analysed with the further test to compare
the growth performance among different treatments.

3. Results
Based on the ANOVA test, it can be concluded that addition of Moina sp. enriched with fish meal had
a significant effect (P<0.05) on absolute length, absolute weight and specific growth rate, but had no
significant effect (P>0.05) on the survival of C. macropomum larvae. The absolute length growth ranged
from 0.20±0.020 cm to 0.46±0.006 cm. While, the absolute weight growth ranged from 0.004±0.0008
g to 0.010±0.0013 g. Then, the specific growth rate ranged from 1.559±0.287 %/day to
3.184±0.345%/day and survival ranged from 84.4% to 93.3% (Table 1).

Table1. Growth and Survival of Colossoma macropomum

Absolute Length Absolute Weight Spesific Growth
Treatment Survival (%)
Growth (cm) Growth (g) Rate (%/day)
A 0.20±0.020a 0.004±0.0008a 1.559±0.287a 84.4±3.849a
B 0.32±0.017b 0.007±0.0003b 2.523±0.106b 86.7±6.667a
C 0.46±0.006d 0.010±0.0013c 3.184±0.345c 93.3±0.000a
D 0.41±0.010c 0.009±0.0006c 2.976±0.141bc 88.9±3.849a

The best treatment was found in treatment C (Moina sp. enriched with fish meal 6 g/L) and the lowest
was in treatment A (Moina sp. without enriched fish meal).
Measurement of water quality in C. macropomum larvae rearing including parameters of
temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen (DO). Water quality measurements were carried out 5 times
during 14 days. Based on these measurements, the results were described in Table 2.

Table 2. Water Quality Measurement

Parameters Range Optimum References

Temperature (OC) 26-30 21-32 oC Waynarovich (2019)

DO (mg/L) 8-10 >5 mg/L Efendi (2003)
pH 8-9 6,5-9 Kordi et al. (2007)

4. Discussion
Larvae fed with Moina sp. enriched with fish meal showed higher growth performance than larvae fed
with Moina sp. without enrichment, in this study. Growth parameter of larvae fed with enrichment

4TH-ICFAES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1221 (2023) 012065 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1221/1/012065

Moina sp. using fish meal were double than unenriched Moina sp.. It was assumed that was because
high nutrient contents in Moina sp. after enriched with fish meal. Moreover, according to [13], giving
fish meal as much as 6 g/L to Moina sp can increase protein as much as 5.07%. Moreover, other study
revealed about protein content of tilapia fry which fed with enrichment of Moina macrocopa. Protein
content of tilapia fry fed without enrichement of M. macrocopa was 12.11%, and its amount was
elevated and highlighted the highest value when fed with M. macrocopa enriched with rice bran
(24.88 ± 0.02%) and Chlorella sp. (20.82 ± 0.01%) [8]. Protein is also one of the important factors to
increase fish growth [19]. Therefore, the highest growth of C. macropomum was recorded in treatment
C (6 g/L of fish meal). The similar result also obtained on catfish conducted by [13] showed the highest
absolute length growth in the treatment of Moina sp. enriched with fish meal as much as 6 g/L. Other
research also mentioned that enrichment of Moina sp. with tuna egg flour and baker's yeast can increase
absolute length growth in botia fish larvae [20].
Duncan's further test results showed that the absolute weight growth of C. macropomum larvae in
treatment C (Moina sp. enriched with fish meal 6 g/L) was significantly different from treatments A and
B, but not significantly different from treatment D. This is because nutrition contained in fish meal can
be optimally absorbed by Moina sp., so that when Moina sp. eaten by fish, protein can be utilized by
catfish larvae to produce energy sources used in the growth process [21]. Furthermore, feeding which
has a high protein content can be used by fish to increase fish body weight gain [13]. This is in
accordance with research conducted by [22], Tilapia larvae fed Moina sp. enriched with corn oil as much
as 0.020 ml experienced an increase in absolute weight growth.
Tukey’s test revealed that the specific growth rate of C. macropomum larvae in treatment C (Moina
sp. enriched with fish meal 6 g/L) had a significantly different from treatments A and B, but it was not
significantly different from treatment D. The growth rate of fish larvae has a major influence on the
quality and quantity of feed given, larval age, and water quality of the fish larvae growing media [23,
24]. Other studies also revealed about the addition of Moina sp. as live feed can improve growth
performance. [25] reported that the provision of Moina sp. as much as 20 ind/L can increase the growth
of baung fish larvae. [26] found high growth of red sea bream larvae fed Moina macropopa.
Furthermore, research conducted by [27] Larval of Anabas testudineus fed with HUFA-Vitamin C
enriched Moina micrura exhibited significantly high body weight gain as well as specific growth rate.
Giving Moina sp. enriched with fish meal did not have a significant effect on the survival of C.
macropomum larvae. Survival rate is also influenced by optimal environmental conditions and adequate
feed. [28], stated that the mortality of fish fry occurred due to the aggressive behavior of fish which
caused other fish to suffer injuries which eventually led to death. Diseases and water quality can also
affect fish survival [29]. The results of previous research conducted by [13], showed that giving Moina
sp. enriched with fish meal did not have a significant effect on the survival of catfish larvae. However,
according to [22], explained that feeding Moina sp. enriched with corn oil as much as 0.020 mL can
increase the survival of tilapia larvae. This is in line with the research of [20], explained that giving
Moina nauplii enriched with tuna egg flour and baker's yeast can increase the survival of botia fish
The water temperature observed during the study was quite good although it tended to fluctuate. The
temperature range was between 26.8 0C to 30.2 0C. [30] stated that the right water temperature for the
maintenance of C. macropomum is at least 21-22 0C and a maximum of 30-31 0C. The degree of acidity
(pH) obtained during the research was 8 to 9. This is in accordance with the opinion of [31], which states
that in general, the suitable pH for various fish species ranges from 6.5-9. Dissolved oxygen (DO)
measurement in this research ranged from 8 mg/L-10 mg/L. Changes in the value of dissolved oxygen
(DO) are influenced by changes in water temperature caused by unpredictable weather changes.
However, the value of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the growth medium of C. macropomum larvae observed
was good. This is in line with the opinion of [32], the dissolved oxygen content (DO) should not be less
than 5 mg/L.

4TH-ICFAES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1221 (2023) 012065 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1221/1/012065

5. Conclusion
Enrichment Moina sp. was a potential feed for elevated the growth performance of C. macropomum
larvae. Moina enriched with fish meal had a significant effect on absolute length growth, absolute weight
growth and specific growth rate and had no significant effect on the survival of C. macropomum larvae.
The best treatment in this study was obtained by enriching Moina sp. with fish meal as much as 6 g/L.

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