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Vol. 4 (2022): The 4th International Conference on University Community Engagement

Vol. 4 (2022): The 4th International Conference on

University Community Engagement

Published: 2022-11-08


Learning Interaction and Academic Efficacy : Their Influence on Students' Learning

Engagement in Higher Education
Anisa Rahmadani, Rizqi Maulida Amalia


Strengthening Economic Resilience After the Covid-19 Pandemic: Increasing Access to Ease of
Doing Business for MSMEs in Sawoo Village
Anjar Kususiyanah


Membangun Dari Dalam Penguatan Moderasi Beragama melalui Pendekatan Living Values
Education (LVE) Bagi Mahasiswa Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN Suska Riau
Arbi, Herlina, Imam Hanafi

Virtual laboratory-based learning media training for MGMP IPA teachers at Madrasah
Tsanawiyah in Kudus Regency
Arghob Khofya Haqiqi, Rukhaini Fitri Rahmawati, Zidni Azizati, Ummi Nur Laila Sulistyani, Wakhid Fitri Albar


Training for MSME Development in an Effort to Improve Professional MSME Business Financial
Arif Zunaidi, Nilna Fauza, Moch. Zainuddin, Imam Annas Mushlihin, Binti Mutafarida


Strengthening the Economic Resilience of KWT Families through the Bank Ziska Program;
Case Study in Carangrejo Village, Sampung District, Ponorogo Regency
Arlinta Prasetian Dewi, Okta Husna Aisi


Assistance to Madrasa in Creating a Clean and Healthy Learning Environment through

Integrated Waste Management in Education
Asep Kurniawan, Siti Qoriah, Ahmad Fauzi


Tahfidz Qur’an House (TQH) Empowerment Strategy Towards Institutions of Transformation

Asmendri, Milya Sari, Abhanda Amra, Putri Yeni


Towards Smart Village: Optimization of Village Information Systems in Bekare Bungkal

Asna Istya Marwantika, Kayyis Fithri Ajhuri, Wanda Lestari Ningsih, Hanifa Munandra


Implementation of the Penta Helix Concept in The Waste Management of Social and
Economic Value in Kota Bengkulu
Asnaini, Zulkarnain, Yunida Een Fryanti, Heru Apriliansyah


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The 4th International Conference on University Community Engagement (ICON-UCE 2022)

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The 4th International Conference on University-Community Engagement (ICON-UCE)
IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, October 24-26, 2022

Learning Interaction and Academic Efficacy : Their Influence on

Students' Learning Engagement in Higher Education

Anisa Rahmadani, Rizqi Maulida Amalia

Bimbingan Konseling Islam, Universitas Al-azhar Indonesia, Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

Keywords: Academic efficacy, Engagement, Learning interaction, Online learning

Abstract: Online learning is considered have many advantages, offers easy access through distance and time barriers.
On the other hand, these conveniences inevitably creates new problems. Study shows student involvement
and interactions between students and lecturers during learning still require attention. This research involves
three theoretical concepts in online learning : student learning engagement, learning interaction, and academic
efficacy. The purpose of this study is to find out whether student learning engagement during the online
learning process is influenced by how these students interact with fellow students and lecturers, as well as
how students perceive their beliefs to be able to carry out academic tasks in higher education. This quantitative
research study using regression analyis to 192 sample student of Al-azhar University of Indonesia. Results
found that the learning interaction and academic efficacy that students had together contributed 79.2% to
learning engagement. This research can be used as material for evaluating the implementation of learning
during the pandemic, and is expected to provide a basis for blended learning that will be carried out by the

1 INTRODUCTION class tends to be 15-50% higher compared to offline

classes (Turley & Graham , 2019). Students'
Responding to the Covid-19 pandemic that has hit passiveness during learning also a serious note.
the world, the education system in Indonesia Marked by the absence of any activity or interaction
inevitably adapts so that learning can be carried out during the learning process, turning off the
properly. Online learning has begun to be massively microphone or camera during learning activities,
implemented without exception at the elementary, making it difficult for interaction between teachers
secondary, and higher education levels. Historically, and learning media (Salsabila, Melania, Jannah, Arni,
the online learning system has actually been present & Fatwa, 2020). Thus, it is difficult to say the extent
in Indonesia since the early 1990s (Fadil, 2010). The of student involvement in accessing online learning.
online learning system is considered capable of Responding to this phenomenon, it is necessary to
accommodating the variance of student needs. have interactions that arise both between students
Therefore, online learning is an educational tool that (student-student interaction) and between students
has experienced significant growth because of its and their teachers (or lecturers). In the online learning
advantages in being able to reach students anywhere system, there is a transactional distance (Dahalan,
and with any background (Lu, 2020). Hassan, & Atan, 2011). The lack of proper
Although online learning is considered to have supervision and interaction between teachers and
many advantages, it does not mean that its application students can result in the width of the distance.
is flawless. As we know that online learning offers Luhdayanti and Hardi (2020) found that learning
easy access anywhere, anytime. But this convenience activities that are present in online learning are based
inevitably creates new problems. The phenomenon in on the assumption of learner autonomy and
the field shows that student involvement during interaction between teacher and student. Learning
online learning still requires a lot of attention. The autonomy itself can grow from the results of good
attrition rate or student withdrawal rate in an online interactions. A study conducted by Zhang, Gao, Ring
and Zhang (2007) on students at the high school level
shows that students also need teachers to facilitate 2 LITERATURE REVIEW
online discussion forums to provide direction, which
makes students more comfortable in discussion and This study involves three theoretical concepts
help develop learning autonomy. in online learning : student engagement, learning
On the other side, learning involvement cannot be interactions, and academic efficacy. All these three
separated from the contribution of supporting factors. concepts lead to the success of online learning.
One that has attracted the attention of researchers is
the contribution of the level of academic efficacy Student Learning Engagement
possessed by students. The study of Anggraini, "Like blind mand described an elephant". This is
Setiadi and Sudirman (2014) found that academic the statement of researcher when defining student
efficacy or the belief that students are able to do engagement (Dixson, 2015). Student engagement is a
assignments and academic demands contributed complex and multifaceted concept. Thus, the
14.8% to learning engagement. In addition, academic definition of engagement can be from any point of
efficacy was also found to be a predictor of cognitive view. However, there is a general understanding that
engagement (Walker & Mansell, 2006). In the context motivation is an antecedent to engagement.
of online learning, the efficacy of students is certainly Meanwhile, student engagement is an energy and
a good start in facing the challenges of academic effort in action and has taken the form of a
tasks, which will ultimately affect learning manifestation that can be observed through various
engagement and produce optimal learning outcomes. indicators. So that many experts define student
At the implementation level in Al-azhar engagement in general as the willingness, need, desire
University of Indonesia, already has a learning and compulsion of students to participate and succeed
management system (e-learning UAI) developed by in the learning process.
the UAI Computer Data Center and Information In the context of online learning, student
System (PDKSI) which was implemented long before engagement is about devoting time, energy, thought,
the pandemic. The concept of learning in e-learning and effort to some extent in the learning that students
UAI includes formal and informal learning, providing are going through. Dixson (2015) defines student
learning materials, student attendance, collecting and engagement as the time and energy spent learning
uploading assignments, discussing with lecturers, to materials and skills, demonstrating the learning,
assessing assignments available on one platform. The interacting with fellow students or instructors, and at
teaching and learning process through e-learning can least being emotionally involved with the learning
be likened to conventional learning activities, only it they are taking. This emotional involvement is in the
is done virtually. Physically, teacher and student do form of enthusiasm, enjoying an idea, enjoying
not meet each other, but they can interact with each learning and its interactions.
other through discussion, question and answer, and Furthermore, Dixson (2015) stated that in the
providing feedback. context of online learning, there are four dimensions
Although it can be said that the facilities and that include affective and behavioral components in
infrastructure in the Al-Azhar University of Indonesia shaping learning engagement. First dimension is
environment are sufficient to facilitate online skill or skill which refers to the effort that is made to
learning, in reality the involvement of online students participate in learning. For example, noting important
and the interactions that occur between students and points, highlighting the material, and improving
lecturers during learning still require attention. Thus, reading so that learning is more understood. Second
it is interesting to know how the interactions that dimension is emotional engagement, which refers to
occur, the level of academic efficacy possessed by emotional involvement during online learning, such
students during online learning, and student as enthusiasm when classes begin, applying learning
engagement during the learning process. Through this outcomes in real life. Third dimension is participation
correlational study, the researcher aims to see engagement, which refers to involvement in
whether there is a relationship between student interactions that occur during online learning. For
interaction and student academic efficacy on level of example, actively filling in the discussion column and
student engagement during online learning at the Al- actively providing opinions during online learning.
Azhar University of Indonesia. Fourth dimension is performance engagement, such
as doing a task seriously and getting good grades.

Learning Interaction

The interaction experienced by students in an online the individual that he is quite capable of carrying out
learning environment is much different from offline his duties so that he then encourages the subject to do
learning. In offline conditions, traditional classrooms, his job as well as possible; and d) Physical and
verbal and non-verbal communication and body affective conditions (Physiological and Affective
language are more clearly visible, so as to close the States) Individuals when assessing their abilities will
psychological distance between lecturers and also consider their physiological and affective
students. In online learning conditions, many conditions. Individuals who feel afraid, anxious, and
communication limitations do not have the benefit of stressed will fail to complete tasks. In this study, the
voice cues or body language. One of the challenges in dimensions of academic efficacy measured were task
online learning systems relates to the lack of difficulty, general condition, and individual strength
connection that students feel with their classmates level in dealing with typical college assignments.
and lecturers. However, what remains the same is that
interaction is an important element in all educational
contexts. So that one of the challenges in the online 3 METHOD
learning system that many face is related to the lack
of a sense of connection felt by students with their This study was used cluster random sampling
classmates and lecturers. method to recruit 192 student praticipants (33.3%
The learning interaction in this study involves
male) form six faculty in Al-azhar University of
two dimensions that refer to the study of Gray and
Indonesia. Student learning engagement was
DiLoreto (2016) : (1) teacher-student interaction,
measured by Online Student Engagement Scale
includes asynchronous communication through
(OSE) developed by Dixson (2015). Learning
discussion forums or feedback in e-learning, and interaction was measured by instrument adapted from
synchronous communication through live Online Learning Environments Instrument (SLS-
conversations via zoom or video calls; and (2)
OLE) developed by Gray and DiLoreto (2016).
student-student interaction, refers to the
Academic efficacy was measured by Academic Self
communication between students. This form of
Efficacy Scale adapted from Gafoor (2007).
interaction includes collaborative learning which can
The three measuring instruments in this study used
help develop critical thinking skills and deeper the language adaptation process proposed by Beaton
knowledge. Beaton et al. (2000), which includes 1) forward
translate, 2) synthesis of the translated version, 3)
analysis of the synthesized by expert judges, and 4)
Academic Efficacy
backward translate.
Ademic efficacy is a concept that originated in
The three instruments were then distributed to first-
Bandura and is a predictor in educational and year students via google form to measuring the
psychological research (Bandura & Schunk, 1981).
reliability. The instrument Online Student
Schunk defines academic efficacy as an individual's
Engagement Scale (OSE) produced Cronbach's alpha
belief in his ability to organize and solve problems or
reliability coefficient of 0.92 (n = 19), Online
tasks. Efficacy itself is a concept that is very sensitive
Learning Environments Instrument (SLS-OLE)
to context, therefore the measurement of efficacy in a produced Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of
learning context leads to academic efficacy (Hemant 0.74 (n = 7), and Academic Self Efficacy Scale
Bandura stated the factors that influence academic
produced Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of
self-efficacy include: a) Achievement. Achievement
0.73 (n = 17).
is the most important and influential source because
To answer the reserach question, how the learning
it becomes real evidence of an individual's abilities.
interactions carried out by students during online
Success in achievement will increase self-efficacy; b) learning and the beliefs students have to be able to do
Experiences of others (Vicarious Experiences). The academic tasks affect student learning engagement.
experiences of others are a source of information
The research question is formulated through the
about self-efficacy obtained through observing the
following model.
experiences of others, namely the subject's
observation of the success or failure of others who
have similarities with themselves in doing the same
task; c) Verbal Persuasion. In the form of verbal
delivery of information by influential people. This
verbal persuasion is usually influential in convincing

interactions and academic efficacy. Significant
regression results were obtained F(2.189) = 159,097,
Learning p < .000), with R2 of 0.792. Meanwhile, the
Interaction Student regression model obtained is Y = -3.18 + 0.92(x1) +
Learning 0.76(x2). From the regression model, it can be
Engagement concluded that if the learning interaction and
academic efficacy are 0, then the student learning
Academic engagement is -3.18 poin. Assuming academic
Efficacy efficacy has a fixed value, every 1 unit increase in
learning interaction scores will increase learning
engagement by 0.92, (p < 0.05). Meanwhile,
Figure 1 : Research Model assuming a fixed value learning interaction, every 1
This study first examines the relationship between unit increase in academic efficacy will increase
variables, then analysis data F-test was used to see learning engagement by 0.76 (p < 0.05). The
whether all the independent variables included in the interaction of learning and academic efficacy
model have a joint influence on the dependent significantly predict learning engagement scores. The
variable. two variables contributed 79.2% to student learning
4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION According to the results, this presents study found
Results of Pearson Product Moment on the three a positive correlation among student learning
variables showed a significant correlation as shown egagement, learning interaction, and academic
on Table 1. efficacy in online learning higher education context.
This study also found that 70.8% (n = 136) of students
Table 1 : Mean, Standard Deviation, and Correlation are in a moderate level of learning engagement. This
of Research Variables figure means that almost half of the respondents in
M SD 1 2 this study had sufficient involvement during the
distance learning process. Meanwhile, 13% (n = 25)
1. SLE 66.8 12.2 of respondents were in the low category. The
remaining 16.1% (n = 31) respondents were in the
2. Learning Interaction 24.6 4.6 .63** high category. This means that they are able to take
3. Academic Efficacy 61.3 8.5 .70** .61** an active role when online learning is implemented.
Viewed from the point of view of social
constructivism, learning engagement is defined as the
Pearson’s correlation coefficient shows that student extent to which students are actively involved with
learning engagement correlates positively with thinking, speaking, and interacting with learning
learning interaction (r = .63, p < .01). The results also content, other students, and lecturers or instructors.
suggested a positive relationship between student The difference between what students can do on their
learning engagement and academic efficacy (r = .70, own, and what they can do with others is known as
p < .01), and positive relationship between learning the zone of proximal development (Bates, Coleman,
interaction and academic efficacy (r = .61, p < .01).
& Many, 2006). In online learning discussions,
Furthermore, analysis data was used by F-test to students can complement each other's knowledge by
see whether all the independent variables included in demonstrating a certain skill or task. So, according to
the model have a joint influence on the dependent the view of social constructivism, the learning
variable. The results of the F-test are summarized in process comes from our social interactions with the
Table 2 below. environment.
On the other hand, student learning involvement is
Table 2. Coefficient Regression seen not only in carrying out knowledge construction
Variable Coefficient t Sig
alone. Students are said to be fully engaged in
Constanta (SEL) -3.18 .000 learning when students use time and energy to study
Learning Interaction (X1) 0.92 6.44 .001 learning materials, interact meaningfully with other
Academic Efficacy (X2 ) 0.76 9.93 .000 people so that these people become 'real', and are also
emotionally involved with their learning, such as
The results of simple linear regression to predict being excited about an idea or ideas. , and enjoy the
learning engagement scores based on learning flow of learning and interactions that occur

(Hrastinski, 2009). So that student involvement is their competencies. This uncertainty, which in turn
about the extent to which students put time, energy, results in disengagement or the release of students
thoughts, efforts, and feelings into their learning. For from the learning activities they participate in
example, being passionate about reading material, (Salsabila & Kusdiyati, 2021). This study shows that
taking notes during online classes, enjoying online only 16.7% of respondents have high academic
discussions with fellow friends or lecturers, and efficacy. These beliefs include performance during
helping other friends who have difficulty learning such as setting aside time to study for exams,
understanding the material. Therefore, the interaction taking notes, develop study plans, and be willing to
of lecturers or instructors with students is very engage in academic discussions with classmates.
important to encourage students towards active The results of the regression analysis show that the
learning. initial score of learning engagement when there is no
In the context of online learning, the interaction influence from interaction and academic efficacy is at
experienced by students in an online classroom -3.18. It can be said that the academic involvement of
environment is very different from offline learning. the students themselves, without any interaction from
In face-to-face classes, communication that occurs lecturers and fellow students, as well as the belief that
both verbally and non-verbally allows for no they are able to complete their academic assignments
psychological distance between lecturers and are at a low start. In addition, it was found that the
students (Turley & Graham, 2019). Meanwhile, in interaction of learning and academic efficacy together
distance learning classes, the teacher is limited in contributed 79.2% to learning engagement.
many ways, resulting in a feeling of isolation in Therefore, how lecturers design an online learning
students, or a feeling of disconnection from activity that creates interaction, and supports students'
classmates and lecturers. Whereas studies show that confidence to be able to complete and commit to their
the level of interaction is an important factor for academic assignments is an important key to the
predicting student scores, which when student results of this study.
interaction is high, they tend to get higher scores than
those with low interaction (Jaggars, Edgecombe, & 5 CONCLUSION
Stacey, 2013). The interaction in this study
emphasizes two things : teacher-student interaction This present study found that the contribution of
and student-student interaction. The presence of the learning interactions and academic efficacy was
instructor (or in the context of this research is the 79.2% to learning engagement. With this high
lecturer), there is a reciprocal relationship between contribution value, it can be clearly concluded that to
lecturers and students that occurs in the context of increase student learning involvement during online
online learning, with the portion of the presence of learning, lecturers focus on interactions between
lecturers and relationships with friends dominating lecturers and between students. Several points that
the questionnaire statements. A study conducted by can be made by lecturers to create a supportive
the Community College Research Center (Jaggars, learning environment and make students feel
Edgecombe, & Stacey, 2013) found that it is connected with teacher are by using a combination of
important for online instructors to be present and audio lectures, interactive chat sessions, and clear
actively interact with much greater intentionality assignment structures and class policies. A good
compared to face-to-face classes. The results of quality of interaction will increase students'
research on respondents showed that only 16.7% of confidence regarding their competence. So that this
students were in the high category. That is, during the will affect the extent to which students feel excited,
online learning context, they carry out active learning feel themselves and their friends are present and
in class, are given the opportunity to introduce recognized by the lecturer, are actively involved,
themselves to their classmates, can communicate with invest their energy and time in learning, and enjoy the
lecturers during online learning, and get feedback learning process even in an online context.
from classmates. Practically advice that can be taken from this
Meanwhile, another factor that was found to research is the need for an understanding that grows
contribute to learning engagement was the extent to internally from each lecturer, that the online learning
which students had confidence in completing their context requires a much harder effort than direct
academic tasks, known as the concept of academic teaching. Increasing interaction by always being
efficacy. Studies conducted by students feel that they present at every opportunity for asynchronous
do not have sufficient abilities related to their lectures and greeting students personally can also be
competencies, which has an impact on the quality of done to make the quality of interaction better.

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