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Choral Speaking For English Week

Boys and girls

We want to tell you something
What is it?
What is it?

Hush! Lend me ur ears

If u really want to know it clap ur hand 2x
If u really want to know it and u want the info now
If u realy want to know it clap ur hand
Great things are coming….
This week!
What will it be?
A week full of excitement n joyful
A week with a lot of activities…contest
Awwww…any prize?
Yes it is…a lot of prizes and ull love it
Uuuu…I cant wait to join

What are the activities?

What are the contest?
Come on, tell us!!
(list down the activities, fana)
Year 1 - coloring contest
Year 2 - word search
Year 3 - crossword puzzle
Year 4, 5 & 6 – battle of the brain
And all these teachers will b our judges
(o my darling Clamentine)
Teacher Farhana…Teacher Sharifah…teacher Noraini..Teacher Wong
Teacher Hayati….Teacher Dila…teacher Ana…
Uuuuuu.. they are our English teachers…
With all the activities….is it English Week?
Its true! Hve fun everyone…good luck!!!

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