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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Agusan del Sur
(Carved-out School from ASSAT/Tech Voc high School Art and Trades)
Gov. D.O. Plaza Government Center, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
SCHOOL ID: 304730
1. What inspired you to run for the positions of SSG President and Vice President?

2. What unique qualifications and experiences do you bring to the table that make you

suitable for these leadership roles?

3. How do you plan to work together as a team to effectively represent and advocate for the

student body?

4. What strategies will you employ to ensure effective communication and collaboration

between the SSG President and Vice President?

5. How will you prioritize the needs and concerns of students and ensure they are at the

forefront of your decision-making process?

6. How will you foster a sense of unity and inclusivity within the student government and

among the student body?

7. What specific initiatives or projects do you have in mind to improve student engagement

and participation on campus?

8. How do you plan to bridge any gaps or divisions among different student groups and

create a more cohesive campus community?

9. What measures will you take to address any existing issues of discrimination or inequality

within the student body?

10. How will you ensure that the SSG operates transparently and is accountable to the student

11. What steps will you take to actively engage with and listen to the concerns and ideas of

students from diverse backgrounds?

12. How do you plan to foster strong relationships with faculty, staff, and the administration

to effectively advocate for student interests?

13. What plans do you have to enhance campus facilities, resources, and services for the

benefit of the student body?

14. How will you promote sustainability and environmentally-friendly practices on campus?

15. What initiatives will you implement to support students' mental health and well-being?

16. How will you ensure that student voices are heard and considered in important campus

decisions and policies?

17. What strategies will you employ to effectively allocate resources and student fees to meet

the needs of the student body?

18. How do you plan to address any financial challenges or constraints faced by students?

19. How will you actively involve and engage international students in the SSG's initiatives

and decision-making processes?

20. How will you measure the success of your tenure as SSG President and Vice President,

and what specific goals do you hope to achieve?

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