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Ariel: In chapters 4 to 8 of "The Adventures of Pinocchio" by Carlo Collodi.

The dilemma between impulsiveness and wisdom is vividly shown, revealing the immediate
consequences of Pinocchio's actions and his disobedience to the wise advice of the talking
cricket. The episodes of hunger and burns on his feet are concrete examples of the difficulties
that Pinocchio faces due to his hasty choices.

These incidents highlight the idea that children, like Pinocchio, must sometimes learn from their
own mistakes and from those who are more experienced. Additionally, they emphasize the
importance of listening to authority figures and valuing family support and love. In this context,
the figure of Geppetto stands as a model of paternal love and care, since he is willing to
sacrifice his own jacket to help Pinocchio, highlighting the importance of protection and
affection in raising a child.

These episodes in "The Adventures of Pinocchio" convey valuable moral lessons about
responsibility, learning from experience and the importance of family relationships in a child's

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