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1) Basic mechanics of marine engines

1.- What is the function of a spark plug?

a.- Heat the air inside the cylinder.

b.- Introduce air into the cylinder.
c.- Introduce fuel into the cylinder.
d.- Produce the spark to burn the air/fuel mixture inside the cylinder.

2.- The mixture of an internal combustion engine is ignited by the effect it produces:

a.- Spark plug spark.

b.- The air pressure inside the cylinder.
c.- The temperature produced by the air inside the cylinder.
d.- Fuel

3.- In what part of an engine are the cooling ducts located?

a.- They are located in the lower part of the motor.

b.- They are located in the engine block.
c.- They are located externally to the motor.
d.- The motors do not need to be cooled.

4.- In case an internal combustion engine does not start, the first thing to check is:

a.- The air filter.

b.- The battery.
c.- The voltage regulator box.
d.- Valve regulation.

5.- What maintenance should be given to an engine starting battery?

a.- Control the working temperature.
b.- Keep the chock where it is located clean.
c.- Maintain the level of distilled water in the vessels correctly and keep the terminals clean.
d.- Keep only the terminals clean.

The internal combustion engine is an engine that produces work due to:
a.- To the work of the steam in the engine.
b.- To the hydraulic work that produces oil.
c.- To the work that is produced by the burning of air/fuel in the
inside the engine.
d.- To the mechanical work of its parts

An engine has suction and discharge valves for:

a.- Allow the entry and evacuation of fuel.
b.- Allow the lubricating oil to act inside the cylinder.
c.- To allow the admission of mixture and evacuation of burnt gases.
from the cylinder.
d.- Allowing air inlet and outlet

The function of the carburetor in a diesel engine is to

a.- Introduce the fuel into the cylinder.
b.- Introduce air into the cylinder.
c.- To produce the mixture that will act in the cylinder.
d.- Produce ignition spark

9.- The piston in an engine has the following function:

a.- Absorb and transmit the forces produced by combustion to the shaft.
b.- Ignite the air-fuel mixture.
c.- To regulate the ignition temperature of the fuel.
d.- To store the combustion gases.

10.- In a diesel engine the fuel is introduced into the cylinder by:
a.- The carburetor.
b.- The injector.
c.- The feeding pump.
d.- The intake valve.

11.- The engine cylinder head has the following function:

( )
a.- Cover the upper part of the motor. (To avoid compression loss)
b.- Form the combustion chamber.
c.- Provide the motor with a cooling space.
d.- To offer greater safety to the operation of the motor.

12.- Indicate how in an internal combustion engine, the air-air mixture arrives to the engine.
fuel to the engine.
a.- Once the carburetor produces the mixture, it sends it to the cylinder.
b.- A high pressure pump sends it to the cylinder.
c.- A gravity pond causes the mixture to enter the cylinder.
d.- By means of an auxiliary pump, the mixture is allowed to enter into the

13.- A discharge of gases with bluish color means:

a.- That excess air is being introduced to the combustion.
b.- That excess fuel is being introduced to the combustion.
c.- That excessive oil is being consumed with wear of breaks.
d.- That the fuel is contaminated with water.

14.- According to their working cycle, internal combustion engines are

classified in:
a.- Three and four times.
b.- Two and four times.
c.- One and two times.
d.- Two and three times

15.- The most common failure of an outboard motor:

a.- Contaminated benzine.
b.- Carbonized spark plugs.
c.- Butt.
d.- Broken propeller

16.- In an internal combustion engine the purpose of the thermostat is:

a.- Detect and maintain cooling water circulation.
b.- Detect and maintain the working temperature of the engine.
c.- Detect and maintain the water levels required for cooling.
d.- Detect and maintain engine operation.

17.- The oil level in the crankcase is checked:

a.- Knowing the working pressure and controlling the pressure indicated in
the pressure gauge.
b.- By means of the crankcase rod.
c.- For the temperature of the pipes of the circuits.
d.- For the number of hours in service.

18.- What action should you take if the oil pressure drops considerably?
a.- Oil is added to the engine immediately.
b.- The engine is stopped immediately.
c.- Oil filter is changed.
d.- The cooling system is checked.
19.- The instrument that allows to measure the oil pressure to the engine is called:
a.- Lubrication barometer.
b.- Lubrication thermostat.
c.- Lubrication pressure gauge.
d.- Lubrication pump.

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