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(Jeje Nago Nation. Umbanda Cacique. Chief at Kimbanda. Training. Ebós, Religious Rituals.




The Points are signs or mantras drawn by the entities to identify themselves. In this way,
the entity will be recognized by all the people of the ilé. When the incorporated medium
scratches the point, he is mobilizing all the phalanges that work with that entity, trying to direct
the energy towards the desired objective.
Kimbanda Riscado Points:
In Kimbanda, as well as in Umbanda, we find infinite riscado points. Thus, in the
Kimbanda ritual, each medium with his entity will riscado different points, considering that each
entity will be unique in that temple.
Once the entity has descended and rolled its point, it cannot vary, new mantras may be
added, but not changed, as this means that the same entity no longer
descends.Generally, the rolled points have variations among themselves. The point of Un
Eshu Tranca Rúas is not the same as that of Un exú Rey.
At the point of the riscado through the signs drawn by the entity with the Pemba, it is
interpreted that Exu or Pomba Girais, to which abode it belongs, phalanx for which it works,
In view of the diversity of mantras and povos, etc., we find different points of descent.Thus
we can find a division into groups of points of descent such as:
a)Manifestation Points:
They are those that the entities raise and through which they make themselves known, state
their name, their place of residence and the phalanx for which they work.
b)Work Points Riscados de Trabajo:
are those made by the entities to perform a specific job. For example: Opening of roads,
liberation of witchcraft, health, love, etc.. In this case, depending on the work, it will be the point
that the entity will be risque.
c)Protection Checkpoints:
These are the checkpoints that the entities carry out to protect or secure a site. In this way the
riscado point utilizes the energy of the entity using it as a protective barrier in the temple,
preventing negative energies from entering and disturbing the ritual being performed in the Ile.
Some religious people affirm that the riscado point not only affirms the energy of the
entity that manifests it, but also fulfills the function of an "astral portal" that achieves a
communication where the remaining entities are found.
The risqué points are necessary when we work with entities in the form of ritual,
request, etc. The risqué point obtains an energetic manifestation of an entity in our world.
Every Umbanda and Kimbanda Priest must know how to interpret these points and thus
be able to understand, understand and know what kind of energy is manifested in the Ile, from
which povo it comes, which is its phalanx, etc..
In Kimbanda within the Points Riscados some elements that we can find are:
male Tridents of Exu and female Tridents for Pomba Gira. Skulls. Tombs. Roads. Crosses.
Scythes. Cruises. Flags. Cups. Flowers. Fans. Roses. For the Ciganos we find specific
elements such as: Sun, coins, perfumes. Moon, stars, handkerchiefs, tambourines, cartwheels
and decks of Spanish playing cards.
The elements in the crossed points must always coincide,since it is the entity that
manifests certain information through the drawing of symbols.
The word, when the entity is authorized to "miss" once its point has been checked, must
maintain a logic with what was stated by the entity when making its checked point.
Each element realized in the cracked point has a meaning and a determined energy that
must be analyzed in each particular case.
The curled stitch has a strong magical significance. When a pemba is performed, a
magnetic force field is produced that produces protection.
In the following we will give some information about the elements that are found within
the points that have been broken.
The bows and arrows represent the caboclos. The cobra symbolizes the type of caboclo.
The scales and rays represent Shangó. The axe or machete represents the caboclos who work
at the orders of Shangó. The key represents San Antonio (Bará) and is the opening of roads.
Esoteric defenses are made with figures such as triangles and rectangles. Waves or
water waves represent the water povos, Ondinas, Sereias, Oxum caboclas and Iemanja.
The sun, in addition to the creative force, represents Oxalá.The crosses represent the
Christian faith or the crossroads of streets and roads. They are used in the points of the pretos
velhos. The anchor is also an element of the water Povos, such as Iemanja or Oxum.
The swords represent Ogun. The stars symbolize the people of the East and high magic. The
cachimbos, canes and rosaries belong to the pretos.
When manifested with a crescent moon it means that it belongs to the phalanxes of
Oshun.The circle symbolizes esotericism and magic, let us not forget that the crossed points
are closed within a circle.
The six-pointed star signifies protection and high magic. Chains or currents is the
representation of slaves.
Everything related to children's items, such as dolls, pacifiers, pacifiers, bottles, etc.


Cobra: Symbolizes healing.

Arch: Represents the Caboclos.

Balance /Key: Road Opening

Triangle: esoteric defense

Waves of the Sea/Sun: Represents the creative force.

Cross: Represents the Christian faith. It also represents the plan of an open street.

Anchor: Symbol representing hope.

Heart: Represents charity, love and good feelings.

Arrow: Symbol of victory They represent the vibrations of the caboclos.

Lightning: Represents the elemental forces of nature.

Trident: Symbol with which Exu is represented.

Sword: Symbol that represents Ogun.

Star: Symbolizes the people of the East and high magic.

Lanza, Pipa, Bastony Rosario: Represent the Pretos.

Spiral: Evolutionary circle that represents the emanations of positive irradiation.

Crescent Moon Represents the magical vibration of the moon.

Saturn: Vibration of the stars

Circle: Symbolizes esotericism.

Six-Pointed Star: Symbol of protection and high magic.

Flag: Representation of faith

Current ;Chain: Union or influence Also representation of slaves.

Rectangle: Kabbalistic Symbol

Guiding Star Direction or divine guidance

Axe or Machado: Representation of the forest people working under the vibration of Xango.

Cobra: Symbol of healing

Comet Guide Star or symbol of the people of the East

Ascending Spiral Symbolizes spiritual evolution.

Ladder: Ascent for faith

Dolls, Hearts or Any Kind of Childish Element: Symbolizes the upbringing-.

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