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Submitted to the English Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education Muslim University of Maros. As a fulfillment of the Requirement for


NIM: 1988203004








I dedicate this thesis to my mother Hajirah and my father Muh. Ali, who has

always provided prayers, motivation and advice for me during this time. I will try

to give my best for you. How I want to see you proud of me with the results I have

achieved today.


Rezki Ali. 2023. “Collaborative Writing Method In Writing Narrative Text at

SMAN 6 Maros” (dibimbing oleh Zul Astri dan Nurul Fachrunnisa).

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa tentang

penerapan metode collaborative writing dalam menulis teks naratif, serta

mendeskripsikan tantangan dalam menulis teks naratif dengan menggunakan

metode collaborative writing. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif

dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan observasi. Populasi

dalam penelitian adalah Siswa dan guru di SMAN 6 Maros, dengan sampel

penelitian adalah guru bahasa inggris dan siswa kelas XI. Teknik analisis data

menggunakan teknik analisis data kualitatif yang dikembangkan oleh Miles dan

Huberman yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Temuan

menunjukkan bahwa metode kolaboratif yang digunakan oleh guru dalam menulis

teks naratif dapat memudahkan siswa untuk kerja sama, diskusi, saling betukar

pikiran dan melakukan umpan balik sehingga memudahkan siswa dalam menulis

teks naratif.

Kata Kunci : Penulisan kolaboratif, menulis, teks naratif.


Rezki Ali. 2023. “Collaborative Writing Method In Writing Narrative Text at

SMAN 6 Maros” (Supervised by Zul Astri and Nurul Fachrunnisa).

This study aims to find out students' perceptions about the application of the

collaborative writing method in writing narrative texts, as well as to describe the

challenges in writing narrative texts using the collaborative writing method. This

research is a qualitative research with data collection techniques through

interviews and observation. The population in the study were students and

teachers at SMAN 6 Maros, with the sample being English teachers and class XI

students. Data analysis techniques used qualitative data analysis techniques

developed by Miles and Huberman, namely data reduction, data presentation and

drawing conclusions. The findings show that the collaborative method used by the

teacher in writing narrative texts can make it easier for students to work together,

discuss, exchange ideas and provide feedback so that it makes it easier for

students to write narrative texts.

Keywords : collaborative writing, writing, narrative text.


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Bismillahirahmanirrahim.Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin. First of all, the

researcher would like to express gratitude to Allah SWT for the blessings and

mercy bestowed upon the researcher during the study, enabling the completion of

this final project. Let us not forget to send prayers and greetings to our Prophet

Muhammad SAW, who guided humanity from darkness to light.

The researcher really realizes that this thesis is finished with the help of many

people around her. Therefore, in this opportunity the researcher would like to

thank those who have given their ideas, times, and everything during the writing

of this thesis. They are:

1. Prof. Nurul Ilmi Idrus, M.Sc., Ph.D., as the Rector of Maros Muslim


2. Fitrawahyudi, S.Pd., M.Hum., as the Dean of the Faculty of Teacher

Training and Education of Maros Muslim University.

3. Sitti Aisyah, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the Head of the English Education

Department of Maros Muslim University.

4. Zul Astri, S.S., M.Hum., as First Advisor and Nurul Fachrunnisa, S.Pd.,

M.Pd., as Advisor II. The researcher would like to thank you for your

time, patience, encouragement, and invaluable advice in guiding me

throughout the process of writing this thesis.

5. All lecturers of the Department of English Language Education at the

Muslim University of Maros. Researchers would like to thank for the

guidance, support, and knowledge that has been given to researchers.

6. English teacher at SMA NEGERI 6 MAROS for their attention and

assistance in collecting data in their class.

7. All students of class XI MIPA, XI MIPA 2, XI MIPA 3 for the 2022-2023

school year, for their hard work, cooperation, friendliness, and assistance

in becoming data sources.

8. The researcher family, Mrs. Hajirah and Mr. Muh. Ali, and all his family

who always believe and pray for him. Again, the researcher is very

grateful to them for supporting her in various ways during her study.

9. Her friends (Nuraida, Riska and Alfina). His classmate in the Department

of English Language Education (19') the researcher thanked for the

support, assistance, togetherness and happiness.

Finally, the researcher is very aware that this thesis is still far from

being perfect. Therefore, researchers expect criticism and suggestions

from all parties who are interested in the same topic. By looking at the

other side of these deficiencies, the researcher hopes that this thesis can be

useful for anyone who reads this thesis.

Waalaikumsalam Wr.Wb.

Maros, 8th August 2023

Rezki Ali

TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………………….
HALAMAN PERSETUJUAN……………………………………………………...
HALAMAN PENGESAHAN……………………………………………………..….iii
MOTTO AND DEDICATION………………………………………………….........iv
ABSTRAK………………………………………………………………………….. v
ABSTRACT……................................................................................................. .vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………...
LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………
LIST OF PICTURE…………………………………………………….....................
LIST OF APPENDICES……………………………………………………………
A. Background…………………………………………………………………
B. Research Question…………………………………………………………..
C. Research Objectives………………………………………………………...
D. Significance of Research……………………………………………………
E. Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………
A. Previous Study……………………………………………………………...
B. Theoretical Background…………………………………………………….

1. The Definition of Writing……………………………………………...
2. Kind of Text…………………………………………………………….
3. Collaborative Learning……………………………………………… 13
4. Collaborative Writing …………………………………………………
C. Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………..
A. Research Types and Design………………………………………………...
B. Location and Time of Research…………………………………………….
C. Population and Samples…………………………………………………….
D. Research Implementation Procedures………………………………………
E. Data Collection Techniques………………………………………………...
F. Data Analysis Technique…………………………………………………...


A. Research Result……………………………………………………………..
B. Discussion…………………………………………………………………..
A. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………..
B. Suggestion…………………………………………………………………..

A. Background

Education is a process of increasing knowledge and learning experiences

that occur in an individual environment continuously and lasts for all time.

Education will help people increase their potential from birth such as intellectual,

and emotional, ways of thinking, traits, and skills which will then be developed

and used for the next life. According to Soyomukti (2015: 22), education is the

whole learning activity that occurs during a person's life obtained from all aspects

of the environment that will change a person's developmental situation. Education

includes various things that are obtained during the learning process, especially

those obtained at school, a student will be required to follow all the learning

processes and know all the subjects given by a teacher, one of which is English

subject, English has a very important role. In the world of education, especially

English language skills will be needed in line with the development and progress

of a country. Having more English skills will of course be the main capital to

compete in an international environment, and make it easier in the world of work.

In addition, one must learn English even though in Indonesia English is a

foreign language, Handayani (2016) said that someone who does not understand a

foreign language will also not understand what is around him and the abilities he

has. Therefore, to increase knowledge about English a learner must master several

skills in English such as speaking, listening, reading, and writing. These four

skills are related to each other, even though writing is the last part of English

language skills, writing can be used as a benchmark for increasing knowledge of

English. At the stage of learning English one must be able to know the four skills

in English and one of the focuses of the discussion is the ability to write, writing

is a means to improve mastery of knowledge obtained from experience Muluneh

(2018). Where good writing skills will be a necessity in the world of education

and the world of work.

To repair writing results one must learn how to choose and use words in

writing so that writing results must start from words, then sentences, into

paragraphs, and then the writing process will develop more clearly and complexly

(Satya, 2018). There are several types of writing, one of which is a narrative text,

it is a type of text that must be known about understanding, ways of writing, and

generic structure so that a writer is good and correct. Furthermore, what becomes

an obstacle for some students is that they do not understand how to write correctly

and then they do not do well enough.

However, some student’s experiences show that independent learning

tends to be more difficult, the level of students' ability in writing classes also

varies. Therefore most students still do not understand the material even the

explanations given by the teacher and no longer ask questions, questions about the

material so that when working on or creating narrative texts. Students only rely on

what they understand and even use applications such as Google to search for

narrative texts without knowing how to write and compose narrative texts.

Students' understanding is related to how to write and create narrative texts so that

students need a learning model that requires more interaction with teachers or

fellow students. Learning models must be adapted to the needs or abilities of all
students, the use of interesting learning models will certainly attract students'

interest to be more active in learning.

Collaborative learning is a learning method that focuses on students

(active learning). Furthermore, the learning process that is applied will be more

active between students and their groups by working on writing in groups, of the

course, students will carry out discussion activities, exchange ideas, give each

other feedback to fellow students then combine one ability another ability in

working on or producing a result correct writing. Stroch (2017) said that

collaborative writing will help students produce writing by carrying out writing

activities simultaneously consisting of several students.

The use of collaborative writing in narrative writing will help students

learn to write a narrative text and support the writing process using collaborative

writing strategies (group work). Collaborative writing method in narrative text is

a writing process using a writing method that is carried out simultaneously (group

work) consisting of several students. Collaborative writing will help students learn

to write narrative texts and support a better writing process. Therefore, this

research will analyze the use of collaborative writing method in writing narrative

text at SMAN 6 Maros.

B. Research Question.

1. How are the student’s perceptions of the implementation collaborative

writing method in writing the narrative text?

2. What are the challenges of writing narrative texts using the collaborative

writing method?

C. Research Objective

1. To find out students’ perceptions on the implementation of the collaborative

writing method in writing narrative text.

2. To describe the challenges in writing narrative texts using the collaborative

writing method.

D. Significance of the Research

Research significance is classified into two categories as follows,

1. Theoretical benefit: the research is expected to be of good knowledge.

References, and information that can be implemented in English teaching

strategies, teaching, and learning, especially in particular the students'

writing ability.

2. Practical benefit there are three practical significances expected by the

researcher as follows:

1) For teachers, this research can be useful for new knowledge

teaching methods or strategies in writing in class.

2) For students, it can provide opportunities for them to improve their

abilities and motivation in writing narrative texts by doing

collaborative writing.

3) For another researcher, it can be useful information and resources

for further research and for creating teaching methods or strategies

in writing classes so that students will be able to write narrative

texts and make all students active and able to work together to

improve written results.

E. Definition of Terms

To say away from issue misconceptions and errors of exploration

discovery, the researcher clarifies and characterizes the key terms utilized.

1. Writing

Writing is one of the skills in English that has provided skills training in

improving English skills. Rahimah (2020)

2. Narrative Text

The narrative text is a type of text that is composed of the content of a

story whose sequence of events is in bye order of time, the content of the story in

a narrative text usually happens. Joyce and Feez (2000)

3. Collaborative Writing

Collaborative writing is an activity where someone will share and carry

out the decision-making process together to produce one text. This aims to make

their writing results much better than before and can improve academic writing

achievement in groups based on the results of their discussions. Harmer (2004


A. Previous Studies

Based on the results of Ayu Zawiya's research (2020) entitled An Analysis

of Students' Ability In Writing Narrative Text By Using Collaborative Writing In

The First Semester Of The Tenth Grade At SMA Perintis 1 Bandar Lampung this

study aimed to find out the problems experienced by students and find the source

of the problem by using collaborative writing in narrative texts. This research was

conducted based on a qualitative research analysis, the subject of this study was

the first semester SMA Perintis 1 Bandar Lampung, the researcher collected data

using writing assignments to identify students who had problems in writing

narrative texts with sources of error according to Brown's theory. The results

showed that there were still many problems experienced by students and the

ability of students in writing, especially in writing narrative texts, was still very


The findings of the Ornprapat (2014) research entitled The Effects Of

Collaborative Writing Activity Using Google Docs On Students' Writing Abilities

Face-to-face class. This study uses quantitative methods in this study the

researchers used data collection techniques, namely a written test, and two

questionnaires. The subjects of this study were first-semester universities, while

the results of the study were that all students who collaborated in writing google

documents had a high average score different from face-to-face classes that did

not use group learning techniques which had a low average score, this shows that

students have a positive attitude towards collaborative writing activities and high

collaboration in doing writing activities in groups.

The findings of research conducted by Ana Fernandez (2013) with the

research title Collaborative writing in pairs and small groups: Learners' attitudes

and perceptions, This study aims to determine the attitudes and perceptions of

students towards collaborative writing in pairs and small groups. This study uses

quantitative research methods with data collection techniques, namely

questionnaires. Participants in this study were 55 students who were registered at

the intermediate l el Spanish as a foreign language course. The findings of this

study students who write in pairs tend to prefer this condition because pair

activities provide more opportunities to participate actively, those who write in

groups feel more ideas and knowledge to be shared, and therefore more

possibilities for language development most of those who do writing activities

feel the positive impact of collaboration in writing classes.

Based on the research findings of Ali Shehadeh (2011) with the research

Effects and students’ perceptions of collaborative writing in Second a Language

(L2), the purpose of this study was to determine students' abilities and

effectiveness using collaborative writing in the classroom, in this study the

researchers used quantitative methods then participants in this study were 38

female EFL students. They are first-semesters universities United Arab Emirates

(UAE), and the research findings are that collaborative writing as a whole has a

significant influence on students' L2 writing. However, this effect varies from one

writing skill area to another. In particular, the effect was significant for content,
organization, and vocabulary, but not for grammar or mechanics. In addition,

most of the students in the collaborative writing condition found the experience

enjoyable and felt that it contributed to their L2 learning.

Based on the findings of Prarthana Coffin (2020) This research is entitled

Implementing Collaborative Writing in EFL Classrooms: Teachers and Students'

Perspectives, the purpose of this study is to investigate the process of

implementing collaborative writing in this study the researchers used quantitative

research methods, data were collected from 130 participants through data

collection techniques are observation, questionnaires, and interviews. Participants

in this study were participants who were English language stakeholders as many

as 128 students and 2 English teachers voluntarily participated in this study.

Based on the research results, shows that both students and teachers consider that

collaborative writing the practice positively affects teamwork, communication,

and problem-solving skills in the writing problem-solving and students need to be

prepared before practice, so that the process, strategy, and assessment of

collaborative writing applied in every writing class following the appropriate

standard to get an improvement in writing produced by students.

The four previous studies used quantitative methods and the one used

qualitative methods, two of the five previous studies discussed students' writing

skills using collaborative writing, then two other studies discussed students'

perceptions of the application of collaborative writing in writing classes and the

last study discussed comparisons writing skills of students who collaborate in

writing assignments on Google Docs and in face-to-face classes. However, the

difference between research from previous research, namely, in this research the

researcher wants to know students' perceptions about the implementation of

collaborative writing and the researcher wants to know the challenges faced by

students in writing narrative texts using collaborative writing, this research uses

descriptive qualitative methods and take a different place from previous research.

B. Theoritical Background

1. The Definition of Writing

Writing is one of the skills in English that has the lowest level, writing can

provide skills training in improving English skills, according to Rahimah (2020),

the writing process is how the ideas in the mind are poured into writing that

produces good writing and clear. In writing something that must be considered is

how easily the reader understands the writing that is made. Writing is made by

paying attention to the rules of writing and the meaning contained in the sentence.

a. The Nature of Writing

The nature of writing skills is seen from many perspectives that compare

speaking skills with writing skills even though both have important relationships

in language testing that represents a very different ability than speaking, where

writing skills will produce a work that can be used as evidence that what has been

said and the statement delivered is a fact and can be true judging from the results

of writing. Writing skills must be taught and trained to every human being who is

at the school level, writing is an important feature of language learning because it

has a very good influence such as changing vocabulary, spelling, and patterns of
sentences. Therefore writes to be an important aspect of students' expressions

in higher stages, and writing skills will certainly continue to grow In accordance

with the age of a person from children to become an adult, this will affect writing

skills Kelllog (2008). The resulting writing will be further developed and involve

increasingly complex language this will improve cognitive systems for memory

thinking and make someone think more creatively.

For some people, writing can be used as a hobby or habit of improving

their ability to think, in writing a human being will communicate what is being

thoughtful and make it a form of writing which is the result of a person's thinking.

Furthermore writing is considered a process of depiction and conveying the idea

that will be making it easier for others to understand it in this case aimed at the

reader. According to Jack (2002) in learning second language writing is a skill

that is not easy to master students, where must understand and produce ideas that

others can understand that they can read and other people can understand the

meaning of the text.

b. Importance of Writing

Writing is a skill that must be mastered by students. Writing can help students

to think critically to build good writing. Harmer (2004 pp. 31-33) in Rahimah Z

(2020), stated that there are several importance of learning to write:

⮚ Writing is not time-bound like a conversation. This means that writing

takes longer to think than to speak. with that students can choose the right

words in expressing their ideas, and also able to check their grammatical


⮚ Writing makes students focus on using accurate language. Because when

they write they think so that they can trigger their mindset that can solve

the problems written in their minds.

⮚ Writing is used as a means of strengthening language. The teacher uses

writing skills to take notes about grammar in the learning process.

⮚ Writing is used as preparation for activities where the focus is on language

practice, acting, or speaking. So that it can encourage students to write


⮚ Writing is used in questionnaire-type activities. Students are asked to

design a questionnaire by making questions that are asked of their friends.

c. Problem of Writing

Writing is a skill that requires alignment with language selection,

according to Riddel (2003) writing activities emphasize the determination of

choosing a good language compared to speaking. Whatever becomes writing such

as written work, assignments, personal letters and so on must use the right

language or formal language, it should be noted that many errors can appear in the

writing made by students, therefore they have to recognize correct writing, then

many students feel under pressure when writing. In addition, it was also

explained that writing is an individual skill that cannot be forced, someone may

have different abilities even in terms of writing. Writing skills are also actually

difficult because they require a high ability to choose words and sentences that

can be easily understood by readers. That's because readers can't criticize or give

questions about the results of writing that's direct. The problems that often arise

in writing are usually, capitalization, punctuation problems, word choice errors,

illogical order, spelling, and the last is grammatical errors.

d. Steps of Writing

In practicing writing skills, students should be able to follow the steps to

make the writing they make more effective and they have to follow and learn the

writing process for better writing results. The four steps in writing are:

1. Pre-writing which is preparation before writing. Before writing someone

will make a plan about why to write, how to get ideas, and choose the ideas

they will make in writing.

2. Organizing is the same as arranging several ideas hierarchically.

3. Writing is the main activity. This is done to develop the draft into more and

produce a written composition.

4. Revisions that are part of perfecting writing so that it becomes more perfect

and can be understood by the reader.

Ayu (2020) said that a writing result will not be considered correct if it

does not use steps appropriate and predetermined to produce easy writing.

e. Teaching of Writing

Writing is not a difficult skill to learn, especially for language learners

because, from the beginning of school, a child will be guided and taught how to

write, it's just that writing is only in the form of words as time goes by, the more

knowledge that will be obtained, the better the writing will be. That can be

produced by students, in this case, the teachers will have more roles to monitor

and find out the approaches that can be used to guide students in producing good

writing and ensuring learning objectives are by the activities carried out in class.

According to Endah Ratnaningsih (2016) that writing will direct students to be

smarter in choosing the right language and indirectly students will think when

they are working on writing because they have to think about the words used,

connecting sentences, and a good arrangement in the writing, this will help

increase the language at the time of writing. Problems solve that are in mind

before being written down in real writing.

Not only in the form of feedback but students also need some direction in

the writing process, the teacher will organize, provide assistance, guide, and

provide writing knowledge so that students know how to write effectively

therefore writing activities will focus more on the ability of someone more

independent in terms of producing then the teacher will give students the

opportunity and time to further improve their abilities. Giving a response will

make students go through several stages and the writing process faster, especially

with student and teacher feedback and responses from peers (Hyland, 2003).

2. Kinds of Text

In learning English syllabus K13 school-based curriculum In teaching

writing for high school students includes some teaching about texts. In English, 4

types of texts are usually taught in writing classes the four types of texts have

several differences, functions, and characteristics of each text. Although there are

many types of texts in English that are usually taught or studied by students in

class students should be able to know several types of texts such as the following


a. Narrative Text

The narrative text is a type of text that is composed or the content of a story

whose sequence of events is in accordance with the order of time, the content of

the story in a narrative text is usually an event or event that happens but it could

also be that the events in the story are just imaginary, the text written by the

author usually uses narrative language and has a clear storyline from beginning to

end. According to Joyce and Feez (2000), they distinguish narrative text into 2

types, namely:

● Non-fiction is a type of writing that tells a true story or is based on facts.

This type of narrative writing is often chosen to retell historical events,

event information, someone's life story, and others.

● Fiction is a type of narrative writing that contains stories that are not true

or real, this type of story can usually be made up by the author for example

novels, comics, short stories, and others.

b. Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a type of text that describes an object such as a living

being, object, place, person, or event in detail where someone who reads this type

of text can feel, see, and hear for themselves the contents of the story described by

the author. Based on observations of several writings that have been done by

students, the type of descriptive text can have a very good impact on students'

thinking power, students will think more creatively and be able to pour ideas or

ideas that they think about an object into a descriptive text Sanjaya (2013). This

makes it easier for a teacher to provide learning to all students by providing

material that is clearly explained using descriptive text.

c. Procedure Text

Procedure text is a type of text that contains instructions, steps, or steps to

make or do something. According to Mark and Kathy (2003), procedure texts

focus on general human agents, using simple sentences in the present tense, often

imperative, especially using the material process. This type of text contains an

explanation for making something or doing something with systematic and

structured steps the purpose of this text is to provide an explanation of activities,

which can be done or followed exactly by the reader so that the reader can do a

job, make something, or use a tool. Examples of procedural texts are how to use a

machine, how to make coffee, how to make fried rice, and so on.

d. Recount Text

Recount text is to retell events for the purpose of informing or

entertaining, events are usually arranged in a temporal order Pardiyono (2010).

This type of text contains stories, events, or experiences of our lives or someone

in the past. The purpose of recount text is to inform or retell information to

readers about events or experiences that have occurred in the past.

The kinds of recount text are:

● Personal recount: a recount text that contains a story about a writer's

personal experience

● Factual recount: recount text that has a function, namely to present

incident reports in the form of facts such as police reports, or reports of

natural disasters.

● Imaginative: a recount text that presents an imaginative story and is

written in several events or events that have occurred.

Based on this explanation, it can be concluded that there are many types of

text in teaching writing for high school students and every student should able to

understand the general structure and linguistic features of the text and researcher

chose narrative texts to determine students' ability to understand written texts

using collaborative writing strategies.

3. Collaborative Learning

a. The Definition of Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning is an approach that involves several people in a

joint intellectual effort by students and teachers, collaborative learning is a student

learning activity that works in groups consisting of two or more people having

their respective duties and responsibilities, then providing solutions,

understanding or meaning to each other. Related to one learning material.

Understanding collaboration itself is a way to build cooperation and strengthen

relationships between individuals with one Dafiani (2019). In collaborative

learning authorship and responsibility for the learning process are shared between

the teacher and the student. It can be concluded that collaborative learning is not

only an activity carried out by students but teachers have an important role in

guiding and providing direction during the learning process.

4. Collaborative Writing

a. The Definition of Collaborative Writing

Collaborative writing is part of collaborative learning but is more centered

on student writing activities. Collaborative writing has a definition, namely

learning activities in writing classes that combine or group several students to

carry out learning activities. The use of collaborative writing will provide

opportunities for students to make their writing much better than before and can

improve academic achievement in groups based on the results of their discussions

(Harmer, 2004). Furthermore, collaborative writing can allow students to learn

from each other and can adjust their thinking results when working on a given

task. Emphasis on learning supports trustworthy activities and enhances learning

to write for all students.

A teacher has a great responsibility in teaching and implementing learning

methods in the writing class, and a teacher is to be able to know the extent of the

skills and abilities of all students when acquiring a new learning method.

Collaborative writing is an approach that is believed to have a significant impact

on students resulting in the use and selection of language including skills and

demonstrable improvement in writing. This is done to provide opportunities for

students to assess this method and provide a more effective learning experience

and careful analysis of student feedback carried out in collaborative writing.

b. Collaborative Writing Task

Collaborative writing tasks can be described as tasks that require students

to work in pairs or small groups and produce a single co-written text. Students

work together during the entire writing process and share authorship and

responsibility for the final product. Collaborative writing tasks may be conducive

to learning because they "encourage students to" reflect on the form of language

while remaining oriented towards making the meaning of common writing.

Activities, the need to agree not only on what to say but also about how to say it,

encourage learners to talk about language, discuss their language use, and

collaborate on solving problems related to their language. Collaborative writing

task thus provides opportunities for collaborative dialogue.

Collaborative dialogue is a dialogue in which students are involved in joint

problem-solving activities. In collaborative dialogue, students collaborate in

building knowledge. Activities, such as formulating and testing hypotheses, or

correcting oneself or others. They use language as a tool for building together

new language knowledge. These socially situated processes and the knowledge

they produce can be transformed into the individual mental functions of each

learner. Shehadeh (2011) found that practice with collaborative writing activities

over a long period can have a positive impact on students' writing skills although

this effect may vary from one student to another.

C. The Function of Collaborative Writing

The function of the application of collaborative writing is to provide a

more creative learning experience and to be able to improve students' writing

skills by planning, writing, revising, and creating texts that have been processed

repeatedly simultaneously (Rojas et al, 2008). The application of collaborative

writing in teaching writing requires peer help and peer feedback. This activity

needs to be considered because more students in one group based on different

levels of understanding will inevitably produce more complex writing and be able

to provide learning for students who are not very good at writing such as in

writing activities in class. In this collaborative method, students will be

encouraged to be more courageous in participating, furthermore actively

conducting discussions and providing assessments or responses to other people's

ideas or opinions, encouraging students to learn from each other in group work,

and presenting a working atmosphere and carrying out activities simultaneously

which will later they will experience in the professional world in the future.

D. Types of Collaborative Writing Activities

Graham & Perin (2007) classify the types of collaborative writing

activities into two, namely:

1. Using the board

This form of collaborative writing that can be done by making students

write on the blackboard can make them take turns to think quickly by using the

first two ways, namely making students write sentence by sentence. This aims to

create a clear focus for all students in the class and provide suggestions and

corrections to students' understanding. The two students will make a text that will

be read the purpose of this activity is to focus students' attention on the choice of

words or sentences and make them analyze the difference between what is written

and what they hear.

2. Write in groups

There are many writing activities that students can do in groups or in pairs,

such as rewriting sentences. In rewriting activities, the teacher will give a topic,

and then they will change it back with group opinions accurately reflecting the

group's views. The first line to the last line contains the results of thinking done in

groups. With this activity, students will be able to discuss in their pairs or groups

and create stories that follow the rules, directions, and instructions given by the

teacher in the writing class.

E. Conceptual Framework

Implementation of collaborative writng

method in writing narrative text

Students’ perceptions on the implementation of Challenges in writing narrative text

the collaborative writing method using collaborative writng

In a conceptual framework where the researcher uses collaborative writing

as a reference for the problem to be studied as a medium for learning writing

skills and the focus of this research is to find out students' perspectives on the use
of collaborative writing methods in writing narrative texts, the researcher will use

a qualitative research design with data collection techniques using interview and

observation methods to answer research questions. Sampling and participants are

taken at SMAN 6 MAROS. As we know that teaching English is not an easy

thing for some students, the level of success of a learning method is determined

by how students can do the method, so it is important for a teacher to know the

challenges and perceptions students have to achieve a learning goal.


This chapter discusses the approach of research, place of research,

population and sample, data collection technique, and data analysis technique that

will be carried out by the researcher as a procedure for conducting research.

A. Research Type and Design

In this study, the researcher uses qualitative descriptive. According to

Sandellowski (2000), the qualitative descriptive design will facilitate

comprehensive research that contains a broad summary of an event in everyday

life such as humans, and the factors and the environment that influence it.

Qualitative research is a method that leads to the process of developing theories

and describing and understanding attitudes or phenomena (Lele, 2019).

Qualitative research is an in-depth study of an object by discussing an event or

phenomenon that occurs in human interaction or behavior with the views or

perspectives of each individual. Ospina (2004) said that this type of qualitative

research is a form of research that analyzes the meaning of a word systematically

such as describing writing, speech, or behavior that can be taken from an

individual, group, or community to gain a general understanding of social reality

from the participant's perspective.

Therefore, in a qualitative approach it is considered a basic procedure by

producing descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people

and observed behaviors that have a close relationship with each step in the

research process and its application (Maxwell 2012). In this study, researcher will

find the challenges and provide information on the development of knowledge

and abilities possessed by each individual by conducting or participating in

activities directly. According to Talarico et al (2004), qualitative research

methodologies tend to lead to direct personal contact for some time between

researcher and subjects to be studied to develop the knowledge and wealth of data

collection need in research.

Teherani et al (2015) said that in qualitative research, the researcher is the

main data collection instrument, in this case, the researcher will use several

methods to collect data to analyze the events that occurred and the meaning of

these events. Some researcher uses qualitative research because researcher wants

to provide a real depiction to be able to create or produce a new hypothesis or

theory (Antwi, 2015). The depiction carried out by the researcher will focus on a

topic or phenomenon that occurs in a particular environment and examine several

views to express their perspective.

B. Location and Time of Research

Tuck (2014) states that the choice of place in the study is based on the

results of contextual analysis which will be used as a place to collect the data

needed to fulfill the data in the research. The choice of place in this study was

conducted at SMAN 6 Maros, the reason the researcher chose that location was

because only this school applied the collaborative writing method, thus found

several obstacles and students' perceptions of the collaborative writing method in

writing narrative texts. Some students felt very interested in this method but there

are also students who feel that learning using this method is less interesting to do

because it is based on working in groups, therefore researcher are interested in

knowing the constraints and perceptions of students in SMAN 6 Maros

C. Population and Sample

Arikunto (2006) states that the population is all objects of research, the

population in this study are all students of class XI SMAN 6 Maros. There are 3

classes; the classes are MIPA 1, MIPA 2, and MIPA 3 with a total of 95 students

from several populations in this study, sampling is taking from a portion of the

population. According to Freedman (2008), the research sample is several people

drawn from the same population. Then in this study, researcher uses a random

sampling to select a sample, this sample selection can be made possible for each

member population has an equal chance of being selected in the study, so

measurement process can be done with involve a small sample.

Ulya et al (2018) claims that random sampling technique is a method of

taking random sample to represent a population, from the entire population

obtained will be divided into smaller populations to meet the sample in the study.

The researcher collects the population using a lottery system, all student names

will be written on sheets of paper which then the names that come out will be

sampled in this study. From sampling, the researcher find that 10 students of

class XI MIPA 1 and class XI MIPA 2 and 2 teachers will be used samples in this


D. Research Implementation Procedures

There are two steps of the research procedure, namely the planning stage

and data collection.

1. Planning

Several things will be done by researchers at the planning stage, namely:

a) Be prepared to make observations at the school to be studying before

taking samples from the selected population.

b) Prepare interview questions and observation instruments that will be

carried out on the selected sample.

c) Prepare all the devices that will be used when collecting data such as

cellphones or audio specifically for conducting interviews and when

collecting observation data use notebooks and pens.

d) Finally, the researcher is ready to collect data.

2. Data Collection Stage

After going through the planning stage, the researcher will explain a

number of things that will be done to collect student data, namely:

a) Researcher will interview samples that have been selected at the planning

stage and make observations in class.

b) Researcher will collect data from interviews and will analysis the data.

c) To support the data from the interview results, the researcher will collect

data by observing in class and observing all activities that occur during the

implementation of collaborative writing.

d) Finally, after the data is collected. The researcher will draw conclusions

from the results of data collection by using interviews and observations.

E. Data Collection Techniques

Data collection techniques are a series of processes or methods carried out

in research to meet data which are then taken systematically to answer the

formulation of the problems in the research, data collection techniques are the

main goal in research to obtain to collect data measuring systematically

(Sugiyono, 2016). In this research, the researcher will adjust data collection

techniques to be able to answer research questions according to Chaleunvong

(2009) data collection techniques are carried out to obtain information taken from

the object of research. Data collection techniques include the selection of records

and reports that are considered important through direct observation of the

behavior or object of research (Summerhill, 1992).

Therefore, to obtain data, researcher will choose several data collection

techniques in their research. Morgan (2001) said that all types of data collection

techniques can be carried out with any research approach which will certainly

answer questions and find problems in research. The data collection technique

involves the relationship between the researcher and the object of research and

focuses on collecting data that appears spontaneously or needs to go through an

analysis process (Payne, 2007). To obtain data in this study, the researcher will

use data collection techniques, namely interviews and observation.

A. Interview

According to Lele (2019), an Interview is a data collection technique that

is done by interviewing the selected individuals as respondents. Furthermore,

interviewing is an activity to provide several questions that are answered by the

person to be interviewed. In addition, Sugiyono (2015) said that interviews are

divided into several variations, namely: structured interviews, unstructured

interviews, and semi-structured interviews.

a. Structured interview

Structured interviews are interviews that are conducted with questions that

have been made and prepared before conducting the interview, structured

interviews or standard interviews are a simple type of interview with clearer

answers and have the advantage that the time required is shorter.

b. Unstructured interview

Unstructured interview is a type of interview where the interviewer does

not prepare the questions to be asked so that she can freely ask a interviews of

things according to the topics to be studied. Unstructured interviews were

conducted so that the interviewer could feel calm during the interview process.

Apart from that, this interview is suitable for conducting on a sample that is not

too large so that the data obtained will be wider.

c. Semi-structured interview

Semi-structured interviews are interviews that are conducted by preparing

questions but these questions can develop during the interview process. therefore,

it can be concluded that the semi-structured interview of the researcher can follow

up on the topics that arise in the interview process. In this study, researcher will

interviews 15 students and 2 teachers using semistructured interview to collect

data in this study.

B. Observation

Creswell (2010) said that observational activities in qualitative research

areas are in the form of observations where researchers go directly to the field to

observe individual behavior and activities. Observation is one way of collecting

data to obtain and understand knowledge about a phenomenon. Observation time

depends on the type of data to be collected. In this research, the researcher

observed the interaction of students by writing a narrative text collaboratively.

Researcher will analyze student activities in writing by observing, listening and

writing why they make mistakes in writing narrative text, the language observed

is orally or in writing to obtain valid data. Observation is a way to directly

observe students’ behavior in social situations and can evaluate, draw

conclusions, on interactions and relations that happen, Ciesielska (2018).

Researcher use observation data collection techniques to observe everything that

happens during the learning process when using collaborative writing.

According to Hasanah (2017) observation is one of the scientific methods

in data collection techniques, then distinguishes observations into several types,


1. Experimental Observation.

Experimental observation is a type of observation that is carried out by

controlling important elements in a situation in such a way, to find out that the

behavior that appears is really caused by factors that have been controlled before.

The character of experimental observation is that the subject (observee) will be

faced with situations that are made uniform or different. Situations are made in

such a way as to bring out variations in behavior.

2. Participant Observation

Participant observation, researcher or people who make observations will

take part in the life or environment of the people who will be observed, to find out

individual behavior in social situations such as ways of life, habits, social relations

in society and others. In participant observation the observation material will be

adjusted to the purpose, time, and form of recording carried out immediately

during the observation activities and are explained chronologically and

3. Non-Participant Observation

Non-participant observation is an observation method in which the

observer does not take part in the life of the observee.

4. Natural Observation

Natural observation is observations made in the subject's natural

environment, without any effort to exercise control or planned activities that will

affect the subject's behavior. The character of natural observation is that the

observer will get data that is more representative of the behavior that occurs

naturally so that the external validity is good.

In this study, the researcher will use participant observation by following

or participating in student learning activities and making observations related to

collaborative writing methods in writing narrative texts and identifying activities

that occur in class and problems that occur during the learning process. In this

study, researchers will use participant observation by following or participating in

student learning activities and making observations related to collaborative

writing methods in writing narrative texts and identifying activities that occur in

class and problems that occur during the learning process. in this research the

researcher will use the observation sheets then the researcher will participate in

the learning process to observe and adjust the activities carried out by students.

F. Data Analysis Techniques

Pramono et al (2020) argued that the data analysis technique is an activity

to analyze the overall data obtained from the field and then make conclusions

from the results of the research carried out. In the process of data analysis,

researcher conduct a review of various data sources collected from interviews and

observations. In this stage the data collection technique acts as a synthetic

research through various processes such as selection, sorting of data and

comparison with other data (Onwuegbuzie, 2012).

In addition, Miles and Huberman (2019) classify analysis techniques into

3 components, namely reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusion.

1. Reduction

At this stage the data classification process will be carried out, eliminating

unnecessary data and simplifying it in the form of a brief description, making it

easier for researchers to provide a certain description of the data obtained.

Therefore, this data reduction stage is important so that the data that has been

collected is in accordance with what is desired, making it easier for researcher to

carry out the next analysis stage. In this process the researcher will collect data

and eliminate data that is deemed unnecessary and simplify the overall data


2. Data presentation

After carrying out the data reduction stage the next step is presenting the

data, at this stage the researcher will compile information from the results of the

reduction so that the data collected becomes simple and structured so that it is

easy for the researcher to understand. In the process of presenting data, it can be

done in various forms, namely in the form of graphs, charts, or narrative text to

help researcher draw conclusions. In this research, researcher will present data

selected by researcher using narrative text to get conclusions.

3. Draw conclusions

After carrying out the reduction and data presentation stages, the

researcher will carry out the final stage of the data analysis process, namely

drawing conclusions from all the data obtained. At this stage, the researcher will

look for and interpret meaning, and regularity in data collection so that the data

obtained can be used as a guideline for well-presented research results.


This chapter discussed the research result and discussion. In this case, it

describes the results of research on the application of collaborative methods in

writing narrative texts.

A. Research Results

To get the first research question that is using observation with interviews

with teachers and students at the school.

Based on the results of interviews and observations of researchers with

research subjects, researchers found that there was a collaborative learning

method, namely a learning method consisting of several students used by the

English teacher in teaching narrative texts at SMAN 6 Maros and researchers also

found how students responded to collaborative methods applied by the teacher in

writing narrative texts at SMAN 6 Maros was very good. The following describes

the results of observations and interviews obtained by researchers.

a. Data Presentation from the interview with teacher

Based on the results of an interview conducted on June 12, 2023

with an English teacher at SMAN 6 Maros, the researcher found that the

teacher used collaborative methods in writing narrative texts.

1) Interview with teacher

The implementation of the collaborative method used by the

teacher in writing narrative texts such as the results of the interview


Teacher : Alasan pertama, tentu kita tahu bahwa dalam siswa itu
punya pemahaman yang berbeda-beda dengan bentuk
kolaboratif maka mereka akan saling mengisi antar satu
dengan yang lain itu yang menjadi alasan yang pertama,
yang kedua bahwa siswa itu memiliki keunikan artinya
bahwa mereka saling mengisi satu dengan yang lain,
ketiga tentu siwa itu mempunyai latar belakang tang
berbeda-beda boleh saja siswa yang satu tahu dan siswa
yang lain tidak dan yang terakhir adalah pembelajaran
kolaboratif adalah pembelajaran yang paling efektif apalagi
dengan model diskusi.
(The first reason, of course we know that students have
different understandings of collaborative forms, so they will
complement one another, that is the first reason, the second
is that students are unique, meaning that they complement
one another. the other, the three of course students have
different backgrounds, it's okay for one student to know and
the other students don't and the last thing is collaborative
learning is the most effective learning, especially with the
discussion model).

Aside from that, the collaborative method is used in writing narrative

texts to students to be able to collaborate and discuss in writing narrative texts as

explained by the teacher in the interview results below:

Teacher : Tentu alasannya bahwa dengan model kolaboratif artinya
kita bisa mengembangkan ide-ide lewat gagasan atau
ungkapan dari siswa satu ke siswa lain dengan bentuk kerja
sama maka kita bisa saling menyempurnakan sebuah
(Of course, the reason is that with a collaborative model, it
means that we can develop ideas through ideas or
expressions from one student to another in a form of
cooperation, so we can perfect each other's writing).
And then, collaborative methods are also used effectively as the teacher said in the

interview below:

Teacher : Yah, sangat efektif karena karena dengan kolaborasi adalah

dimana siswa yang satu dengan siswa yang lain diajak
mereka untuk berfikir kritis tentang bagaimana mereka
saling memberikan ide, gagasan antara kelompok satu
dengan kelompok yang lain.
(Well, it's very effective because collaboration is where
students are invited to think critically about how they share
ideas between one group and another).
Furthermore, there are challenges that occur in collaborative methods is

the existence of students who are not working and students who have different

learning styles, as the results of interviews with teachers below:

Teacher : Jadi dampak atau tantangannya yaitu siswa ada yang tidak
ingin bekerja atau bergantung kepada temannya jadi ada
yang bekerja dan ada yang tidak bekerja.
(So the impact or challenge is that some students don't want
to work or depend on their friends so some work and some

From the interview results, the researcher considered that the

collaborative writing method made students more active in carrying out

cooperative and collaborative activities in learning to write narrative texts. The

method applied by the teacher can be said to be a solution for teachers who have

difficulty attracting attention and providing explanations to students who have

difficulty learning and writing a text independently and motivating students to be

more active in discussing, exchanging ideas, and providing feedback to fellow


a. Data Presentation from the interview with students

Based on the results of interviews with students at SMAN 6 Maros, the

researcher found that the collaborative method used by the teacher in teaching

narrative texts, the students liked the strategy used by the teacher. As the results of

the interview below:

1) Interview with students

Based on the results of interviews with students at SMAN 6 Maros, the

researcher found that the collaborative writing method used by the teacher in

writing narrative texts and the students liked the method used by the teacher. As

the results of the interview below:

Researcher: Apa pendapat Anda tentang penulisan kolaboratif?

(What do you think about collaborative writing?)

SR : Penulisan kolaboratif merupakan dua atau lebih orang yang

bekerja sama untuk menghasilkan sebuah teks tertulis.

(Collaborative writing is two or more people working together

to produce a written text).

Collaborative methods in writing narrative texts applied by teachers in

class are liked by students as the results of interviews with students are as follows:

Researcher: Apakah Anda suka belajar menggunakan penulisan
kolaboratif dalam menulis teks naratif?

(Do you like learning using collaborative writing in

writing narrative text?)

KM: Iya, saya menyukai metode pembelajaran collaborative

dalam menulis

(Yes, I like collaborative learning methods in writing)

Another students also stated that they liked the collaborative method of

writing narrative texts applied by the teacher in class in the results of interviews

with other students below:

Researcher: Apakah Anda suka belajar menggunakan penulisan

kolaboratif dalam menulis teks naratif?

(Do you like learning using collaborative writing in writing

narrative text?)

SR : Yah, saya menyukai karena kita bisa saling belajar

melengkapi dan menyusun sebuah kalimat dan menjadi sebuah
teks naratif.

(Yes, I like it because we can learn to complement each other

and compose a sentence and become a narrative text).

Students also respond well to collaborative methods, as shown by the

results of interviews with students below:

Researcher: Apakah Anda suka belajar menggunakan penulisan

kolaboratif dalam menulis teks naratif?

(Do you like learning using collaborative writing in writing

narrative text?)

SF: Menarik karena dapat menunjang kemampuan siswa dalam

mengembangkan kemampuan berfikir satu sama lain.

(Interesting because it can support the ability of students to develop

the ability to think with each other).

Students also respond that the collaborative method is different from

other learning methods in writing a narrative text as the results of the interview


Researcher: Menurut Anda, apakah ada perbedaan ketika Anda

mempelajari teks naratif menggunakan tulisan kolaboratif?

(In your opinion, is there a difference when you study

narrative text using collaborative writing?)

RW : Perbedaannya yaitu jika menggunakan metode kolaboratif maka

segala tugas atau pekerjaan yang diberikan lebih cepat selesai
karena dikerjakan dengan bersama-sama sedangkan jika belajar
mandiri agak lebih susah terlebih dalam menulis sebuah teks butuh
waktu yang lama untuk merangkai sebuah kalimat.

(the difference is that if you use the collaborative method then all
assignments or work given are completed more quickly because
they are done together, whereas if self-learning is somewhat more
difficult, especially in writing a text it takes a long time to compose
a sentence).

Furthermore, students stated that collaborative methods can improve

writing because by applying collaborative methods students are able to work

together to complete their writing well, as the results of the interview below:

Researcher : Apakah menurut anda dengan menggunakan Collaborative

Writing dapat meningkatkan kemampuan anda dalam

(Do you think using collaborative writing can improve your

ability in writing?)

AA: Bagi saya itu juga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan saya

karena terdapat beberapa orang yang dapat saya ajak untuk
bertukar pikiran atau berdiskusi.

(For me it can also improve my skills because there are

several people I can invite to exchange ideas or discuss).

Then from the data above, the researcher found that the collaborative

method applied by the teacher in writing narrative texts in class received a good

response from students and students were interested in learning to write texts

using collaborative methods. From the results of student interviews, researchers

found any challenges that occur in the collaborative method faced by students in

the interview results below:

Researcher: Apa tantangan yang Anda alami saat menulis teks naratif
menggunakan metode ini?

(What are the challenges did you experience when writing

narrative text using this method?)

AA: Tantangan atau dampak yang saya alami yaitu terdapat

teman yang pemikirannya tidak sefrekuensi dengan saya
atau bertentangan dengan ide yang saya berikan sehingga
itu menjadi dampak yang dapat menghambat penulisan teks
naratif terlebih dalam membuat teks itu rangkaian cerita dan
paragraf yang dibuat harus saling berkaitan satu sama lain.

(The challenge or impact that I experienced was that there

were friends whose thoughts were not of the same frequency
as mine or contradicted the ideas I gave so that it became
an impact that could hinder the writing of narrative texts,
especially in making the text a series of stories and
paragraphs that must be related to one another).

Reseracher: Apa tantangan yang Anda alami saat menulis teks naratif
menggunakan metode ini?

(What are the challenges did you experience when writing

narrative text using this method?)

RM: Dampaknya adalah ketika mengerjakan secara kolaborasi

ada beberapa teman saya yang tidak bekerja sama susah
diajak untuk mengerjakan sebuah teks secara bersama.

(The challenge was that when working collaboratively,

some of my friends who didn't work together found it
difficult to get them to work on a text together).

From the interview data above, the researcher found that in

applying the collaborative method students experienced several

challenges, namely differences of opinion and thoughts, there were

students who did not cooperate so that it became an obstacle in writing

narrative texts with collaborative methods according to the results of

interviews with teachers and according to observations. Then from the

results of the interviews all students were interested in the collaborative

method given by the teacher in class because it is able to provide

opportunities for students to work together, develop the ability to think

with each other, discuss and correct mistakes. Students respond well and

become interested in the methods applied by the teacher.

b. Data Presentation from the observation

Based on the results of observations using a checklist table

conducted with English teachers at SMAN 6 Maros it is known

that in the learning process, the teacher used collaborative

methods. In applying collaborative methods in the class, the

teacher begins learning by conducting class-opening activities and

then asking for material and student's understanding of the material

that has been studied previously. Furthermore, the teacher divides

students into several groups to form a discussion group or

collaboration between students in writing, dividing students in a

random way, namely by counting so that a group consisting of 4 to

5 students is formed in one group.

The purpose of this collaborative method is for students to

be able to collaborate, discuss, exchange ideas with each other and

produce a narrative text that is done together. During the learning

process, the teacher also supervises and provides explanations

regarding narrative text material. Each student who does not

understand the material can ask questions to the teacher to get a

more complete explanation. Therefore, in this collaborative method

students will discuss with each other in terms of determining the

theme, as well as the content of the text to be written. Each student

has the task of conveying their ideas or ideas which will then be

discussed again by each member before compiling the text. In this

case, the teacher will provide an assessment of the writing results

and activities carried out by all students in each group.

However, based on the results of the observation sheet

checklist, the researcher found that students were able to give

opinions, respond, work on, motivate, assess each other's mistakes,

and be active in discussions during the learning process using

collaborative methods in writing narrative texts.

B. Discussion

This study aims to find out students' perceptions about the application of

the collaborative writing method in writing narrative texts, as well as to describe

the challenges in writing narrative texts using the collaborative writing method.

The results of the research show that the teacher uses collaborative methods in
writing narrative texts. In this study it was found that the collaborative method

used by English teachers was 2 out of 3 teachers who used collaborative methods

in writing narrative texts. Dafiani (2019) says that the notion of collaboration

itself is a way of building cooperation and strengthening relationships between

individuals with each other. Therefore, collaborative is defined as a learning

method that makes it easier for students to carry out learning together such as

fostering, studying, discussing in groups consisting of several students and

focused on the results obtained together in terms of giving opinions, feedback

between students and receiving ideas or ideas from students from each other.

However, in learning the teacher can provide methods that are certainly

able to improve student learning abilities that are adjusted to the needs of students

in understanding the material. This shows that the collaborative method is very

useful in writing narrative texts carried out by students and makes it easier for

teachers to be more time efficient in terms of providing individual teaching or

understanding, especially in foreign language learners students certainly don't

really understand some abilities in English. Especially in terms of writing, apart

from writing being the last skill in mastering English, writing also has an

important role in learning. In some cases students do not like to write English

because according to them it is too difficult to learn, according to Riddel (2003)

writing activities emphasize choosing a good language compared to speaking, so

that students feel difficult when writing independently.

In addition, collaborative methods in writing narrative texts will be a

solution to each individual's problems because this method encourages the results
of collaboration, student collaboration with each other and of course makes

students think critically, express opinions and solve problems in the process of

composing a text. together in this way it can also facilitate teachers in the process

of learning narrative texts.

In this study, the researcher found that from the results of interviews

conducted with the English teacher at SMAN 6 Maros, the teacher considered that

collaborative methods were effective to apply and had a good impact on teaching

narrative text. In addition, the use of collaborative writing would provide

opportunities for students to make their writing much better than before and can

improve academic achievement in groups based on the results of their discussions

(Harmer, 2004).

The data shows that collaborative writing is very helpful for teachers in

seeing students' writing abilities because when applying collaborative writing

methods teachers can find out students' abilities in writing collaboratively.

Shehadeh (2011) found that practice with collaborative writing activities over a

long period of time can have a positive impact on students' writing skills although

this effect can vary from one student to another.

From the two teachers using collaborative methods in teaching narrative

texts to students then seeing the responses and activities carried out by students

during the application of this method was very good even though there were some

challenges or obstacles faced by students in collaborative writing such as the

presence of some students who were not active in collaboration, depends on group

members, but in this case there are several ways that students can overcome the

challenges they face as in the research findings in student interviews that are

carried out by giving warnings, directions and approaches to students who do not

have the will to collaborate in write narrative text.

Collaborative methods as a whole really help teachers in providing

interesting methods and are needed by students in several aspects of learning. It

can be seen that as long as the application of collaborative writing methods has a

positive impact and is interesting for students. Therefore there are still challenges

that occur in this method but the challenges that exist will be a guide and

encouragement for teachers to help students improve students' writing skills.

zawiya mufidah (2020).

From the collaborative writing method in writing narrative texts based on

the results of interviews and observations that have been carried out, it can be said

that the teacher uses collaborative methods in writing narrative texts so that

students are able to write narrative texts by discussing and collaborating between

students. This collaborative writing method has a very large role in the education

system and can be applied by all teachers and can be used as a reference for future

learning methods.


Based on the findings and discussion, conclusions are drawn from research

regarding the use of the collaborative writing method applied by teachers in

writing narrative texts for students at SMAN 6 Maros. It can be concluded that the

collaborative method used by English teachers encourages students to collaborate,

discuss, exchange ideas, solve problems in compiling and writing narrative texts.

The two teachers chose to use the Collaborative Writing method because they felt

that students had difficulties in independent learning and did not yet have good

vocabulary in writing narrative texts. others to assist and balance the ability of

each member in determining the ideas and content of the texts written.

Based on this, the purpose of the collaborative writing method is to provide a

more creative learning experience and be able to improve students' writing skills

by planning, writing, revising, and creating texts simultaneously. Collaborative

methods can also make classes more interactive and provide opportunities for

students to think critically in determining agreements in writing a text.

Collaborative methods can make it easier for teachers to assess students' writing

skills in teamwork.


Based on the conclusions above, the researcher will offer some suggestions

that are expected to be useful for:

A. Teacher

This research can improve the quality of English teachers in teaching

English, especially writing. Provide references regarding appropriate methods

used in learning to determine and achieve learning objectives during the teaching

and learning process.

B. Students

The method used by the teacher in the learning process is expected that

students will prefer learning to write and make it easier for them to understand the

content and structure of the text well.

C. For other researchers

It is hoped that other researchers will conduct similar research in various

fields regarding the methods used by teachers in teaching writing. So that there

are more and more methods that can be used in teaching writing as a teaching

reference and hopefully find new, more interesting methods.


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Appendix 1 : Interview Guidline For Teachers
Participant Identitiy
Name of Interviewer :
Date & Place :
Length of interview :
* Explanation of purpose of the interview
* Asking for permission for voice recording
* Keep the confidentiality of interviewer
1. What is your main reason to implement collaborative writing?
(Apa alasan utama Anda menerapkan penulisan kolaboratif?)
2. What is your main reason to implement collaborative writing in writing
narrative text?
(Apa alasan utama Anda menerapkan penulisan kolaboratif dalam
menulis teks naratif?)
3. Do you think it is effective?
(Apakah menurut Anda efektif?)

4. What do you think and how do you solve it if there are some students who
are not active in the discussion?
(Bagaimana menurut anda dan bagaimana cara anda mengatasi jika ada
beberapa siswa yang tidak aktif dalam diskusi?)
5. What are the challenges of using collaborative writing in teaching
narrative text?
(Apa tantangan menggunakan tulisan kolaboratif dalam mengajar teks
6. How to overcome the challlenges that exist when teaching using
collaborative writing methods in writing narrative texts?
Bagaimana cara mengatasi tantangan yang ada saat mengajar
menggunakan metode collaborative writing dalam menulis teks naratif?

[ Adapted from Mujid (2017) ]

Appendix 1 : Interview Guidline For Students

Participant Identitiy
Name of Interviewer :
Date & Place :
Length of interview :
* Explanation of purpose of the interview
* Asking for permission for voice recording
* Keep the confidentiality of interviewer

1. What do you think about collaborative writing? When you hear the word
collaborative writing, what comes to mind?

(Apa pendapat Anda tentang penulisan kolaboratif? Ketika Anda mendengar kata
menulis kolaboratif, apa yang terlintas di benak Anda?)

2. Do you like learning using collaborative writing in writing narrative text?

(Apakah Anda menyukai pembelajaran menggunakan collaborative writing dalam

menulis teks naratif? Mengapa?)

3. In your opinion, is there a difference when you study narrative text using
collaborative writing?

(Menurut Anda, apakah ada perbedaan ketika Anda mempelajari teks naratif
menggunakan penulisan kolaboratif?)

4. Do you think using collaborative writing can improve your ability in writing
narrative text? Why?

(Menurut Anda, apakah dengan menggunakan collaborative writing dapat

meningkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam menulis teks naratif? Mengapa?)

5. What are the challenges did you experience when writing narrative text uing
collaborative writing?

(Apa saja tantangan yang Anda alami saat menulis teks naratif menggunakan
penulisan kolaboratif?)

6. What are your hopes for the future learning? Is there anything you'd like to add

(Apa harapan Anda untuk pembelajaran ke depan? Apakah ada yang ingin Anda

7. How to overcome the challenges that occur when writing narrative texts using
collaborative methods?

(Bagaimana cara mengatasi tantangan yang terjadi saat menulis teks naratif
menggunakan metode kolaboratif?).

[ Adapted from Sarmila (2021) ]

Appendix 3 : Observation Guidline

No Komponen Observasi Keterlaksanaan

Sudah Belum

1 Give opinion on the task

2 Respond to the opinions of each other

3 Do the task

4 Motivating each other in doing the task

5 Responsibilities as a group members

6 Correct each other mistake

7 Active and discussing

[) ]

Appendix 4 : Observation Instrument Results

Setting : Class XI Mipa 2
Observer : Rezki Ali
Role of Observer: Participant Observation
Time : Wednesday, 02 Agustus 2023
Length of observation: 1 Hours 25 Minutes
Group 1

No Komponen Observasi Keterlaksanaan

Sudah Belum

1 Give opinion on the task √

2 Respond to the opinions of each other √

3 Do the task √

4 Motivating each other in doing the task √

5 Responsibilities as a group members √

6 Correct each other mistake √

7 Active and discussing √

Setting : Class XI Mipa 2

Observer : Rezki Ali
Role of Observer: Participant Observation
Time : Wednesday, 02 Agustus 2023
Length of observation: 1 Hours 25 Minutes
Group 2

No Komponen Observasi Keterlaksanaan

Sudah Belum

1 Give opinion on the task √

2 Respond to the opinions of each other √

3 Do the task √

4 Motivating each other in doing the task √

5 Responsibilities as a group members √

6 Correct each other mistake √

7 Active and discussing √

Setting : Class XI Mipa 2

Observer : Rezki Ali
Role of Observer: Participant Observation
Time : Wednesday, 02 Agustus 2023
Length of observation: 1 Hours 25 Minutes
Group 3

No Komponen Observasi Keterlaksanaan

Sudah Belum

1 Give opinion on the task √

2 Respond to the opinions of each other √

3 Do the task √

4 Motivating each other in doing the task √

5 Responsibilities as a group members √

6 Correct each other mistake √

7 Active and discussing √

Setting : Class XI Mipa 2

Observer : Rezki Ali
Role of Observer: Participant Observation
Time : Wednesday, 02 Agustus 2023
Length of observation: 1 Hours 25 Minutes
Group 4

No Komponen Observasi Keterlaksanaan

Sudah Belum

1 Give opinion on the task √

2 Respond to the opinions of each other √

3 Do the task √

4 Motivating each other in doing the task √

5 Responsibilities as a group members √

6 Correct each other mistake √

7 Active and discussing √

Setting : Class XI Mipa 2

Observer : Rezki Ali
Role of Observer: Participant Observation
Time : Wednesday, 02 Agustus 2023
Length of observation: 1 Hours 25 Minutes
Group 5

No Komponen Observasi Keterlaksanaan

Sudah Belum

1 Give opinion on the task √

2 Respond to the opinions of each other √

3 Do the task √

4 Motivating each other in doing the task √

5 Responsibilities as a group members √

6 Correct each other mistake √

7 Active and discussing √

Appendix 5 : Interview Instrument Results


Penyajian Data Interview Teacher at MA Darul Muttaqien Maccopa

Participant Identitiy
Name of interviewr : Rezki Ali

Date & Place : 24 June 2023

Length of interview : 2 Minutes 40 seconds

Teacher 1 (WL)

1. What is your main reason to implement collaborative writing?

Alasan saya karena sebagian siswa kesulitan belajar dan memahami
materi sehingga pembelajarn secara kolaboratif itu sangat efektif
2. What is your main reason to implement collaborative writing in writing
narrative text?
Ok, jadi penerapan metode kolaboratif dalam penulisan teks naratif
agar siswa mampu untuk berkolaborasi dan menghasilkan teks naratif
dengan cara berdiskusi sehingga saling bertukar pikiran agar dapat
menulis sebuah teks
3. Do you think it is effective?
Kalau efektif, yah sangat efektif karena sejauh ini siswa tertarik dengan
metode pemebelajaran kolaboratif
4. What do you think and how do you solve it if there are some students who
are not active in the discussion?
Untuk cara mengatasinya itu dengan cara menegur atau memberikan
arahan kepada siswa yang tidak aktif di kelas
5. What are the challenges of using collaborative writing in teaching
narrative text?
Jadi tantangannya yaitu siswa ada yang tidak ingin bekerja atau
bergantung kepada temannya jadi ada yang bekerja dan ada yang tidak
6. How to overcome the challlenges that exist when teaching using
collaborative writing methods in writing narrative texts?
Pada metode kolaboratif dalam menulis teks naratif itu adalah dengan
cara memberikan arahan serta pendekatan terhadap siswa

Participant Identitiy
Name of interviewer : Rezki Ali

Date & Place : 24 June 2023

Length of interview : 4 Minutes 17 seconds

Teacher 2 (AM)

1. What is your main reason to implement collaborative writing?

Alasan pertama, tentu kita tahu bahwa dalam siswa itu punya
pemahaman yang berbeda-beda dengan bentuk kolaboratif maka
mereka akan saling mengisi antar satu dengan yang lain itu yang
menjadi alasan yang pertama, yang kedua bahwa siswa itu memiliki
keunikan artinya bahwa mereka saling mengisi satu dengan yang lain,
ketiga tentu siwa itu mempunyai latar belakang tang berbeda-beda boleh
saja siswa yang satu tahu dan siswa yang lain tidak dan yang terakhir

adalah pembelajaran kolaboratif adalah pembelajaran yang paling
efektif apalagi dengan model diskusi
2. What is your main reason to implement collaborative writing in writing
narrative text?
Tentu alasannya bahwa dengan model kolaboratif artinya kita bisa
mengembangkan ide-ide lewat gagasan atau ungkapan dari siswa satu
ke siswa lain dengan bentuk kerja sama maka kita bisa saling
menyempurnakan sebuah tulisan
3. Do you think it is effective?
Yah, sangat efektif karena karena dengan kolaborasi adalah dimana
siswa yang satu dengan siswa yang lain diajak mereka untuk berfikir
kritis tentang bagaimana mereka saling memberikan ide, gagasan
antara kelompok satu dengan kelompok yang lain
4. What do you think and how do you solve it if there are some students who
are not active in the discussion?
Yaitu tentu dalam hal ini bagaimana memberikan motivasi, apa
pentingnya dan manfaat ketika belajar kolaborasi jadi yang pertama,
adalah memberikan motivasi, kedua memberikan pendampingan
bagaimana supaya mereka lebih atraktif sehingga mereka bisa juga
menyamakan bahwa dengan model seperti ini siswa lebih aktif dalam
5. What are the challenges of using collaborative writing in teaching
narrative text?
Tentu yang pertama terutama bagi mereka yang memiliki gaya belajar
yang berbeda-beda lalu kita tahu bahwa gaya belajar yang berbeda
antar satu dengan yang lain misalnya yang satu mereka memiliki gaya
belajar misalnya kinestetik, tentu dalam hal ini untuk bisa memahami
antar satu dengan yang lain sangat menyulitkan bagi mereka yang
memiliki gaya belajar visual jadi intinya denan metode kolaboratif
pemhaman yang berbeda itu yang menjadi tantangan tersendiri.
Kemudian menarik kesimpulan terutama bagaimana mencari mind

thingnya terutama dari apa yang menjadi permasalahan itu yang
menjadi tantangan

6. How to overcome the challlenges that exist when teaching using

collaborative writing methods in writing narrative texts?
Dalam hal ini yang pertama senantisa bahwa anak-anak itu berusaha
bagaimana memperkaya vocabulary nya dalam kosa kata artinya saya
akan ajarkan bahwa kosa kata yang banyak maka anak-anak bisa
mengembangkan tulisan dengan lebih lanjut, kedua harus mengajarkan
bagaimana cara menyumbangkan dan menentukan mind thing yang
utama tentu dengan langkah-langkah yang kita lakukan terutama
bagaimana menyusun sebuah teks naratif.

Participant Identitiy
Name of interviewer : Rezki Ali

Class : XI Mipa 2

Date & Place : Monday, 15 May 2023

Length of interview : 3 minutes 28 seconds

Responden 1 (KM)

1. What do you think about collaborative writing? When you hear the word
collaborative writing, what comes to mind?

Menurut saya penulisan kolaboratif adalah penulisan secara berkelompok atau

berkolaborasi yang membuat sebuah tulisan secara bersamaan

2. Do you like learning using collaborative writing in writing narrative text?

Iya, saya menyukai metode pembelajaran collaborative dalam menulis, karena

saya dapat menulis dan membuat sebuah teks bersama dengan teman-teman saya.

3. In your opinion, is there a difference when you study narrative text using
collaborative writing?

iya kak ada bedanya, karena secara kolaboratif itu dapat berdiskusi bersama
teman dan bisa mengerjakan secara bersama-sama, bisa bertanya kepada teman
apabila ada yang tidak diketahui. Sedangkan belajar secara mandiri itu kurang
meyakinkan ketika belajar karena tidak dapat bertanya kepada teman apakah yang
saya kerjakan itu sudah benar atau tidak

4. Do you think using collaborative writing can improve your ability in writing
narrative text? Why?

iya kak, karena dalam metode kolaboratif terdiri dari beberapa orang sehingga
teman kelompok saya dapat menolong saya untuk menulis dengan baik

5. What are the challenges did you experience when writing narrative text uing
collaborative writing?

jadi tantangan atau dampaknya itu terkadang ada teman saya yang susah untuk
bekerja sama

6. What are your hopes for the future learning? Is there anything you'd like to add

Harapan saya agar metode seperti ini bisa lebih ditingkatkan sehingga saya dan
teman-teman bisa memperbaiki penulisan saya

7. How to overcome the challenges that occur when writing narrative texts using
collaborative methods?

Dengan menegur teman yang tidak mau berdiskusi atau bekerja sama dengan
Name of interviewer : Rezki Ali

Class : XI Mipa 1

Date & Place : Monday, 15 May 2023

Length of interview : 3 minutes 28 seconds

Responden 2 (SB)

1. What do you think about collaborative writing? When you hear the word
collaborative writing, what comes to mind?

Bekerja sama dan saling mengeluarkan pendapat dalam menulis sebuah teks

2. Do you like learning using collaborative writing in writing narrative text?


Netral tergantung dengan siapa orang yang saya temani dalam bekerja sama, jika
orangnya baik untuk berdiskusi dan di ajak bekerja sama Yah saya Suka, tapi jika
orang yang tidak bisa berkolaborasi seperti berdiskusi dan tidak membantu yah
saya tidak suka.

3. In your opinion, is there a difference when you study narrative text using
collaborative writing?

Perbedaannya yaitu jika berkolaborasi atau berkelompok maka kita akan berharap
dengan orang tapi jika belajar sendiri maka kita akan berusaha supaya baik.

4. Do you think using collaborative writing can improve your ability in writing
narrative text? Why?

Bisa dan mampu untuk meningkat karena jika dilakukan secara berkolaborasi dan
dilakukan dengan orang yang tepat maka itu mampu meningkatkan kemampuan
dalam menulis

5. What are the challenges did you experience when writing narrative text uing
collaborative writing?

Biasanya kan kalau berkolaborasi, ada beberapa teman yang berharap dengan saya
biasanya saya merasa terganggu karena hanya saya yang bekerja dan dia tidak

6. What are your hopes for the future learning? Is there anything you'd like to add

Untuk pembelajaran kedepannya mungkin guru dapat menciptakan metode

pembelajaran yang mudah untuk dipahami sama halnya dengan metode

7. How to overcome the challenges that occur when writing narrative texts using
collaborative methods?

Kalau bagi saya, saya akan mengajak dan menanyakan apa yang ia mau apakah ia
mau bekerja dengan cara seperti apa asalkan dia mau untuk dia ajak bekerja sama
dan berkolaborasi.

Name of interviewer : Rezki Ali

Class : XI Mipa 1

Date & Place : Monday, 15 May 2023

Length of interview : 3 minutes 28 seconds

Responden 3 (RM)

1. What do you think about collaborative writing? When you hear the word
collaborative writing, what comes to mind?

Kolaboratif itu adalah kegiatan menulis secara kelompok yang terdiri dari
beberapa orang

2. Do you like learning using collaborative writing in writing narrative text?


Saya menyukai pembelajaran secara kolaboratif karena dapat berdiskusi dengan


3. In your opinion, is there a difference when you study narrative text using
collaborative writing?

Kalau secara kolaboratif saya dapat berdiskusi dan menyusun teks secara
bersamaan sedangkan belajar mandiri itu kita berfikir dan mengerjakannya secara

4. Do you think using collaborative writing can improve your ability in writing
narrative text? Why?

menurut saya dapat meningkat karena dapat bekerja sama bertukar ide dan mampu
memperbaiki hasil diskusi kami sehingga itu juga mampu meningkatkan
kemampuan dalam menulis sebuah teks naratif

5. What are the challenges did you experience when writing narrative text uing
collaborative writing?

Tantangannya adalah ketika mengerjakan secara kolaborasi ada beberapa teman

saya yang tidak bekerja sama susah diajak untuk mengerjakan sebuah teks secara

6. What are your hopes for the future learning? Is there anything you'd like to add

Harapan saya adalah semoga guru dapat berkomunikasi dahulu dengan siswa agar
dapat mengajar dengan baik sehingga mampu meningkatkan kualitas dalam
belajar siswa

7. How to overcome the challenges that occur when writing narrative texts using
collaborative methods?

Cara mengatasinya adalah dengan diajak agar dapat menulis secara berkelompok
atau berkolaborasi

Name of interviewer : Rezki Ali

Class : XI Mipa 1

Date & Place : Monday, 15 May 2023

Length of interview : 3 minutes 28 seconds

Responden 4 (MY)

1. What do you think about collaborative writing? When you hear the word
collaborative writing, what comes to mind?

Ketika mendengar kata kolaboratif yang terlintas dipikiran saya itu adalah bekerja
secara berkolaborasi atau berkelompok dalam melakukan atau mengerjakan tugas

2. Do you like learning using collaborative writing in writing narrative text?


Menurut saya mengerjakan tugas secara kolaboratif itu sangat baik karena ada
teman-teman saya dalam mengerjakan sebuah tugas

3. In your opinion, is there a difference when you study narrative text using
collaborative writing?

Ada perbedaannya seperti belajar mandiri itu tidak ada teman yang dapat
membantu dan agak susah bagi saya jika tidak dapat bertanya kepada teman
sedangkan kolaboratif terdapat teman yang dapat membantu dalam kesulitan
mengerjakan sebuah tugas menulis yang diberikan

4. Do you think using collaborative writing can improve your ability in writing
narrative text? Why?

Menurut saaya dapat meningkatkan karena metode kolaboratif tentu saja ada
teman saya yang bisa diajak berkolaborasi dan teman saya dapat membantu saya
untuk menjelaskan tugas

5. What are the challenges did you experience when writing narrative text uing
collaborative writing?

adanya teman saya yang tidak mengerjakan dan hanya bermain-main ketika
mengerjakan sebuah tugas

6. What are your hopes for the future learning? Is there anything you'd like to add

untuk kedepannya saya berharap agar guru-guru kami dapat membuat sebuah
metode pembelajaran yang lebih menarik

7. How to overcome the challenges that occur when writing narrative texts using
collaborative methods?

untuk mengatasinya saya memberikan sedikit arahan kepada teman saya yang
tidak bekerja dan hanya bermain dalam melakukan tugas yang dikerjakan secara

Name of interviewer : Rezki Ali

Class : XI Mipa 1

Date & Place : Monday, 15 May 2023

Length of interview : 3 minutes 28 seconds

Responden 5 (AA)

1. What do you think about collaborative writing? When you hear the word
collaborative writing, what comes to mind?

Bagi saya kata menulis kolaboratif itu belerja secara berkelompok atau
berkolaborasi dengan teman-teman

2. Do you like learning using collaborative writing in writing narrative text?


saya menyukai pembelajaran secara kolaboratif karena dalam kolaborasi kan

teridri dari beberapa orang atau berkelompok kita dapat membagi beban kerja dan
dapat bertukar pikiran satu sama lain

3. In your opinion, is there a difference when you study narrative text using
collaborative writing?

Mungkin bagi saya terdapat perbedaan karena saya menyukai pembelajaran

kolaboratif karena bisa saling bertukar pikiran sedangkan belajar secara mandiri
pikiran saya tidak terlalu fokus ketika merangkai sebuah kata dan menulis sebuah
teks naratif

4. Do you think using collaborative writing can improve your ability in writing
narrative text? Why?

Bagi saya itu juga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan saya karena terdapat beberapa
orang yang dapat saya ajak untuk bertukar pikiran atau berdiskusi

5. What are the challenges did you experience when writing narrative text uing
collaborative writing?

Tantangan yang saya alami yaitu terdapat teman yang pemikirannya tidak
sefrekuensi dengan saya atau bertentangan dengan ide yang saya berikan sehingga
itu menjadi dampak yang dapat menghambat penulisan teks naratif terlebih dalam
membuat teks itu rangkaian cerita dan paragraf yang dibuat harus saling berkaitan
satu sama lain

6. What are your hopes for the future learning? Is there anything you'd like to add

Harapan saya kedepan perbanyak lagi pembelajaran menggunaan metode

kolaboratif karena kita dapat bertukar pikiran menggunakan metode kolaboratif
mungkin itu saja

7. How to overcome the challenges that occur when writing narrative texts using
collaborative methods?

Misalnya diberikan masukan atau ditegur agar mau di ajak untuk berkolaborasi
membuat dan menulis teks naratif

Name of interviewer : Rezki Ali

Class : XI Mipa 1

Date & Place : Monday, 15 May 2023

Length of interview : 3 minutes 28 seconds

Responden 6 (AF)

1. What do you think about collaborative writing? When you hear the word
collaborative writing, what comes to mind?

Jadi pendapat saya adalah penulisan kolaboratif adalah penulisan yang dilakukan
secara berkelompok

2. Do you like learning using collaborative writing in writing narrative text?


Saya suka mengerjakan secara berkelompok atau berkolaborasi karena saya dapat
berdiskusi dengan teman yang lain

3. In your opinion, is there a difference when you study narrative text using
collaborative writing?

Saya suka secara berkelompok karena bisa membantu satu sama lain, berdiskusi,
bertukar ide terlebih dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris kan agak susah sehingga
dibutuhkan beberapa orang agar kata atau kalimat yang dikerjakan secara
bersamaan itu dapat menghasilkan sebuah teks naratif yang lebih bagus atau lebih
jelas sedangkan belajar secara mandiri kemungkinan bagi orang yang lebih pintar
itu sangat baik karena tidak mau bantuan atau di ganggu dengan orang lain

4. Do you think using collaborative writing can improve your ability in writing
narrative text? Why?

Saya suka dengan cara belajar kolaboratif karena saya dapat peningkatan
pengetahuan dari teman yang lain

5. What are the challenges did you experience when writing narrative text uing
collaborative writing?

dampaknya yaitu ada teman yang kurang membantu saat mengerjakan secara
kolaboratif dia hanya menunggu hasil tanpa membantu sedikit pun

6. What are your hopes for the future learning? Is there anything you'd like to add

Harapan untuk pemebelajaran kedepannya mungkin pembelajaran kolaboratif bisa

lebih sering diterapkan

7. How to overcome the challenges that occur when writing narrative texts using
collaborative methods?

cara saya mengatasi dampak yang terjadi yaitu saya bisa saja memberikan
penjelasan atau teguran terhadap teman tersebut agar bisa kembali aktif dalam
mengerjakan tugas

Name of interviewer : Rezki Ali

Class : XI Mipa 1

Date & Place : Monday, 15 May 2023

Length of interview : 3 minutes 28 seconds

Responden 7 (RW)

1. What do you think about collaborative writing? When you hear the word
collaborative writing, what comes to mind?

Yang terlintas dipikiran saya yaitu penulisan yang dilakukan dengan cara
berkolaborasi dengan beberapa teman

2. Do you like learning using collaborative writing in writing narrative text?


Iya karena kita bisa melakukan diskusi dengan teman bisa melakukan diskusi
memberikan pendapat secara diskusi dan menyatukan ide dalam sebuah tulisan

3. In your opinion, is there a difference when you study narrative text using
collaborative writing?

perbedaannta yaitu jika menggunakan metode kolaboratif maka segala tugas atau
pekerjaan yang diberikan lebih cepat selesai karena dikerjakan dengan bersama-
sama sedangkan jika belajar mandiri agak lebih susah terlebih dalam menulis
sebuah teks butuh waktu yang lama untuk merangkai sebuah kalimat.

4. Do you think using collaborative writing can improve your ability in writing
narrative text? Why?

Iya mampu karena dengan cara ini kita dapat mengerjakan secara bersamaan dan
dapat membantu satu sama lain

5. What are the challenges did you experience when writing narrative text uing
collaborative writing?

Tantangannya yaitu adanya teman yang tidak membantu sehingga menghambat

6. What are your hopes for the future learning? Is there anything you'd like to add

harapannya kedepan semoga pembelajaran yang diberikan oleh guru akan lebih
mudah dipamahi

7. How to overcome the challenges that occur when writing narrative texts using
collaborative methods?

Cara mengatasi dampaknya yaitu saya dapat menegur atau melakukan pendekatan
terhadap teman saya dan jika dia tetap tidak bisa membantu maka saya akan
melaporkannya kepada guru

Name of interviewer : Rezki Ali

Class : XI Mipa 1

Date & Place : Monday, 15 May 2023

Length of interview : 3 minutes 28 seconds

Responden 8 (SF)

1. What do you think about collaborative writing? When you hear the word
collaborative writing, what comes to mind?

Penulisan kolaboratif itu penulisan yang dilakukan secara berkelompok atau

dilakukan dengan bersama dengan orang lain

2. Do you like learning using collaborative writing in writing narrative text?


karena kalau kita gunakan metode ini kita dapat berdiskusi dan menulis teks
naratif itu bersama-sama dengan orang lain atau teman

3. In your opinion, is there a difference when you study narrative text using
collaborative writing?

Ada, karena biasanya metode mandiri itu dilakukan oleh orang-orang introvert
atau pintar dan tidak mau diganggu atau dibantu oleh orang lain sedangkan
kolaboratif kita lebih banyak interaksi dengan orang lain

4. Do you think using collaborative writing can improve your ability in writing
narrative text? Why?

Iyah metode ini dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kita karena kita banyak
berdiskusi dan meminta pendapat oleh orang lain

5. What are the challenges did you experience when writing narrative text uing
collaborative writing?

biasanya ada beberapa orang yang sulit diajak bekerja sama dan tidak mau
membantu dalam kelompok

6. What are your hopes for the future learning? Is there anything you'd like to add

harapan saya yaitu guru agar meningkatkan metode pembelajaran agar lebih
menarik dan menyenangkan

7. How to overcome the challenges that occur when writing narrative texts using
collaborative methods?

biasanya dapat dilakukan dengan menegur atau memberikan penjelasan kepada

orang tersebut agar mau di ajak bekerja sama

Name of interviewer : Rezki Ali

Class : XI Mipa 1

Date & Place : Monday, 15 May 2023

Length of interview : 3 minutes 28 seconds

Responden 9 (SR)

1. What do you think about collaborative writing? When you hear the word
collaborative writing, what comes to mind?

penulisan kolaboratif merupakan dua atau lebih orang yang bekerja sama untuk
menghasilkan sebuah teks tertulis

2. Do you like learning using collaborative writing in writing narrative text?


Yah saya menyukai karena kita bisa saling belajar melengkapi dan menyusun
sebuah kalimat dan menjadi sebuah teks naratif

3. In your opinion, is there a difference when you study narrative text using
collaborative writing?

Menurut saya ada perbedaan pada saat kita menggunakan kolaboratif kita dapat
bertukar pikiran sedangkan belajar mandiri hanya mengandalkan pemikiran

4. Do you think using collaborative writing can improve your ability in writing
narrative text? Why?

ia karena dapat memperluas gagasan dan menyelesaikan tugas dengan lebih


5. What are the challenges did you experience when writing narrative text uing
collaborative writing?

dampaknya bagi saya adalah menyatukan pendapat satu sama lain dalam
menentukan kalimat yang akan ditulis dalam teks

6. What are your hopes for the future learning? Is there anything you'd like to add

agar guru dapat menerapkan metode belajar yang lebih menarik

7. How to overcome the challenges that occur when writing narrative texts using
collaborative methods?

saling memberikan kesempatan untuk menuangkan ide dan bagi teman yang susah
kemudian menegur teman yang tidak ingin bekerja sama

Name of interviewer : Rezki Ali

Class : XI Mipa 1

Date & Place : Monday, 15 May 2023

Length of interview : 3 minutes 28 seconds

Responden 10 (SF)

1. What do you think about collaborative writing? When you hear the word
collaborative writing, what comes to mind?

Menurut saya model pembelajaran ini memiliki strategi pembelajaran yang dapat

2. Do you like learning using collaborative writing in writing narrative text?


Menarik karena dapat menunjang kemampuan siswa dalam mengembangkan

kemampuan berfikir satu sama lain

3. In your opinion, is there a difference when you study narrative text using
collaborative writing?

Ada perbedaan karena saya lebih suka belajar bersama dengan teman-teman dan
lebih menyenangkan jika belajar dan mendapat ilmu atau dorongan dari teman
yang lainnya sedangkan belajar mandiri cenderung lebih membosankan

4. Do you think using collaborative writing can improve your ability in writing
narrative text? Why?

Dengan cara kolaboratif sudah pasti bekerja bersama dalam menulis sesuatu hal
yang dikerjakan dengan cara kerja sama sudah pasti beban pikiran akan lebih
mudah dan ringan jadi dapat menigkatkan kemampuan menulis teks naratif

5. What are the challenges did you experience when writing narrative text uing
collaborative writing?

Tantangan atau dampaknya ada pada pembagian teman diskusi yang terkadang
tidak mampu membantu dan hanya mengandalkan orang lain

6. What are your hopes for the future learning? Is there anything you'd like to add

Harapan kedepannya terhadap pembelajaran kedepannya yaitu agar guru mampu

memahami kebutuhan siswa dan menyesuaikan metode pembelajarn yang akan
diterapkan terhadap kemampuan berfikir siswa

7. How to overcome the challenges that occur when writing narrative texts using
collaborative methods?

Cara megatasinya dengan memberikan beban atau tugas agar ia tidak berharap
kepada orang lain

Appendix 6 : Research Aplication Letter

Appendix 7 : Research Permit

Appendix 8 : Validation

Appendix 9 : Research Documentation


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