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Tourism Ireland Success Story

Arriving at Success with the Best Earned

They Engaged Who Spent Delivering

12,421 2m 04s 70%

People On Average Brand Lift

Tourism Ireland’s Goal: Establish Ireland as Year-Around Destination

The tourism board of Ireland wanted to present the country as an attractive year-around, must-visit
destination to extend its travel season.

Our Solution: Let Favorable Reviews Tell the Story

Credible earned content about Ireland as a compelling travel destination already existed in the
form of blog posts and other reviews. inPowered identified and curated the most engaging content
to attract the “culturally curious” target audience, showcasing many of the best things to do in
Ireland through the earned content.

Tourism Ireland Success Story

The campaign focused on three
content pieces including blog posts
and reviews based on personal trips
to Ireland (e.g., “The Best Things to
Do in Northern Ireland”). The scenic
photos of the country performed
particularly well in terms of
engagement rate.

Ireland Tourism wanted to reach a “culturally curious” audience, both male and female, 18-64 in the following interest
categories: backpacking (travel), adventure, photography, sports and outdoors. The campaign performed well across all age
and gender segments.

Ads & Distribution

The content about Ireland

as a travel destination was
curated into native social

The inventory source used

for the campaign was

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