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You're all just rookiees right now.

Rookies who have all been chosen to serve, protect, and

obey. You've been recruited like others have for millennia cuz you all have the potential ta
overcome fear. After I'm finished with ya, some of you might do just that...and some of ya
might be able to learn how to use those power rings. Some of you might even get to be one of
the sventy two hundred who will protect the universe as agents of the Guardians of the
Universe. Yep, some of you might become members of the Green Lantern Corps. Then again,
some of you might not. Any questions? - Kilowog


OPL: 13 SPL: 5; DPL: 13; FWPL: 12; HP: 1
Real Name: Kilowog
Age: 250
Height: 8-3
Weight: 720
Eyes: Red
Hair: None
Skin: Pink
Race: Bolovax Vixian
Identity: Public
Alignment: Hero
Status: Active
Occupation: Green Lantern
Base of Operations: New Oa
Team Affiliations: Green Lantern Corps



SKILLS: Athletics 3 (+13), Deception (+4), Expertise [Drill Instructor] 8 (+15), Expertise
[Science] 6 (+13), Insight (+3), Intimidation 8 (+12/+13) [Daze, Startle], Investigation 2
(+9), Perception 4 (+7), Persuasion (+4), Ranged Combat [Power Ring] 7 (+11), Stealth (+1/-
1), Technology 6 (+13)

ADVANTAGES: All-Out Attack (1) (Force Blast), Benefit (1) (Status – GL Corps Trainer),
Close Attack (3), Daze (1) (Intimidation), Defensive Roll (1), Fearless, Improved Aim,
Improved Initiative (1), Leadership, Power Attack (2) (Force Blast, Unarmed), Ultimate
Effort (1) (Ultimate Fortitude Check)

Great Will: Enhanced Will 7 (Flaw: Limited to Power Ring effects); 4 pts
Bolovakian Size: Growth 2 (+2 Str, +2 Sta, -1 Dodge/Parry, -2 Stealth, +1 Intimidation,
Speed +0, +2 Mass; Extra: Innate, Permanent); 5 pts
Bolovakian Physiology: Features 2 (Longevity, Iron Stomach); 2 pts
Great Will: Enhanced Will 6 (Flaw: Limited to Power Ring effects); 6 pts
Bolovakian Size: Growth 2 (+2 Str, +2 Sta, -1 Dodge/Parry, -2 Stealth, +1 Intimidation,
Speed +0, +2 Mass; Extra: Innate, Permanent); 5 pts
Bolovakian Physiology: Features 2 (Longevity, Iron Stomach); 2 pts
Green Lantern Power Ring: 125 pts Traits, Removable (-25 pts); 100 pts
Attention Green Lantern...: Features 2 (A.I. and Green Lantern Corps Database); 2 pts
Communication: Senses 1 (Communication Link to Central Power Battery); 1 pt
Quick Change: Features 1 (Quick Change); 1 pt
Universal Translator: Comprehend 4 (Speak, Read, Understand, Understood in All
Languages); 8 pts
Scanning Beam: Variable 1 (5 pts traits, Extra: Action [Move], Flaw: Limited to Senses); 7
Green Lantern's Light: Environment 2 (60 ft radius; Light [reduce partial concealment to
none, total concealment to partial]); 2 pts
Ring Flight: Flight 14 (32,000 mph/60 mpr), Movement 4 (Environment Adaptation [Zero
G], Space Travel 3 [Any star system]), Feature 1 (Use Will [DC20] to increase Flight speed
instead of Athletics); 37 pts
Force Field: Protection 5 (Flaw: Sustained), Impervious Toughness 11 (Flaw: Sustained),
Immunity 10 (Life Support); 26 pts
Force Manipulation: 31 pt Dynamic Array; 41 pts
Force Blast: Ranged Force Energy Damage 15 (Extra: Dynamic); 31 pts
Force Constructs: Create 15 (Hard Light Constructs; Extra: Dynamic, movable); 2 pts
Force Lifting: Move Object 15 (Extra: Dynamic); 2 pts
Force Weapons: Strength-based Damage 4 (Extra: Dangerous, Dynamic, Penetrating,
Variable Descriptor [Bludgeoning/Slashing/Piercing]), Enhanced Advantages 1 (Power
Attack); 2 pts
Force Bubble: Ranged Burst Area Immunity 8 (All Environmental Conditions, Suffocation,
Airborne Toxins, Extra: Affects Others, Dynamic, Burst Area [30 ft radius], Flaw: Affects
others only); 2 pts
Mass Communication: Communication 5 (Subspace audiovisual projection; Any Distance,
Extra: Dynamic, Selective); 2 pts


Initiative +5
Close Attack +12 [Unarmed +10; Ring Weapons +14, Critical 19-20]
Ranged Attack +4
Power Ring +11 [Force Blast +15; Force Constructs Create +15; Force Lifting Move Objects

Dodge +9 [DC19] Parry +10 [DC20]
Toughness +11 (+10 without Defensive Roll, +16 with Force Field, +6 Impervious with
Force Field), Fortitude +10 (Ultimate Effort), Will +9 (+15 for Power Ring effects)

Power Loss: The power ring needs periodic recharging and issues a warning as its power
runs low.
Relationships: Despite being as hard on them as any drill sergeant in any galaxy, he would
lay down his life in a second for his charges.
Responsibility: Training the Green Lantern Corps recruits.
Rivalry: Arkillo of the Sinestro Corps.
Weakness: Green Lantern power rings depend on the willpower of the wearer; the maximum
rank of the ring’s effects is equal to the wearer’s Will rank, and moments of self-doubt or
hesitation can cause the ring to fail.

Abilities 88 + Skills 22 (44 ranks) + Advantages 14 + Powers 110 + Defenses 17 = 251 /


Build Comments: Look out Poozers! It’s the most well-known GL outside of the Earth GLs,
Kilowog. He’s da bomb. I didn’t vary much from canon with this build, although I did kill off
the super genius inventor stuff that he used to have since he is rarely portrayed that way
anymore. He’s generally just the gruff, bad-ass GL trainer with a heart as big as Oa, and
that’s how he is in my setting.

Secret Origins: Kilowog is from the planet Bolovax Vik in sector 674 where he was a
genetic scientist. When he was recruited into the Green Lantern Corps he was trained by
Lantern instructor, Ermey. It was from Ermey that Kilowog learned the phrase "Poozer" for a
"useless rookie", a phrase Kilowog would become famous for when he himself would train
future Lanterns. Ermey was killed while leading the rookie Lanterns, including Kilowog, in
helping Lanterns who were under attack and losing power. Before he died, Ermey painted a
Green Lantern symbol on Kilowog's chest, signifying that he was no longer a rookie and told
him that he could be a leader in the future.

The Story so Far: Kilowog was originally at the bottom of his rookie class, but got better as
time went on. He has since become a leader of the Corps, replacing Ermey has drill sergeant
and has trained and mentored scores of Green Lanterns over the years. He has also been on
the front lines in many of the most significant events in Green Lantern Corps history, like Hal
Jordan’s possession by Parallax, the Sinestro Corps Wars, the Blackest Night and the Rise of
the Third Army.

Characterization: Kilowog is known by all Green Lanterns as a tough drill sargent. This is
evidenced by Kilowog adopting much of his style from his mentor, who just so happens to be
named Ermey. He talks down to new recruits by calling them poozers (essentially meaning
rookie), a word which he has become famous for using.

Kilowog is not just a tough teacher but is also often provides comic relief. In this sense,
Kilowog is seen as the lovable oaf. But considering his strength and temper, he still is not one
to be bullied or messed with. In the field, Kilowog is often shown as one of the most
powerful Green Lanterns. He is a heavy hitter for the Corps. Not only this, but he is also a
very skilled leader during battles and crisis situations.

Friends and Foes: After the death of his first Teacher He became a close friend of Sinestro
up until his betrayal. As Time went on Kilowog became more attached to the rookies he
taught to the point where he stepped down from his trainer role for a while as he could no
longer train them for fear of them dying. He has since returned to his role.

He has also grown more attached to the Green Lanterns of Earth, especially Guy Gardner. He
has a heated rivalry with Arkillo of the Sinestro Corps.

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