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CELL: I introduce myself, I am the cell phone, nice to meet you all.
Many dream of having me; I am here this afternoon to show you man's greatest
invention, the cell phone.

(-Next we have our second guest this afternoon and let's welcome him with a
round of applause "THE BIBLE").

BIBLE: God bless you, I rejoice this afternoon to be here with you. I am the Bible,
I am the word of God... AMEN!

(Well this afternoon we will have these two guests and we will listen as each one
of them describes what they are and what they are for... and the cell phone

CELL: for no one it is a secret that life before me was worthless, nothing made
sense, moreover I can not imagine how they could plan meetings with friends,
how they sent messages, photos, and not to mention the family reunions how
boring it was, how pathetic, I came to give them happiness, to make their lives
easier, to bring those who were far away and away those who were close .... but
with the passing of time they were able to improve me, so much so that nobody
can live without me anymore. Everything I can offer is more valuable than
anything else, everyone is looking out for me.
If I fall down they suffer, if something happens to me they suffer, if for some
reason I get ruined they run to fix me and spend a lot of money to repair me and
even to look better, every time they yearn for a new and more expensive one,
they take me everywhere, they check me every 5 minutes.
If I stay at home they come back to look for me and if I get lost it is even worse, I
am so desired and important that even people do harm to get me and parents give
me to their children to provide protection and distraction for their children. People
prefer me regardless of my cost, everyone would rather buy me than buy a bible.
BIBLE: well, unlike the cell phone, suddenly I have little importance in many, even
in the whole world, but let me tell you cell phone that until today I am: the best
selling book and besides that the most read... and I also know that there are
young people, women, men and children who prefer me and not you. Women,
youth and children passionate about the word of God. People who understand that
in me there are purposes for their lives, people who have come to me when they
feel sad and in me they have found refuge.
Unfortunately you are somewhat right and you are occupying a very good place.
But I ask on this afternoon, can you imagine if they treated me the same way they
treat the cell phone. If they carried me everywhere in their bags or pockets. If
they would give me a glance several times a day, if they would come back for me
when they are left. If they would use me to send messages of encouragement to
their loved ones, messages of edification, messages of salvation.
If parents, instead of giving their children a cell phone, would give their children a
Bible. They would give their children a lot of security, they would give them a lot of
growth and they would learn from me.
If they consulted me they would realize that in God's word there are answers to all
problems. If they would vivify me, if they would seek me out, if they would bring
me into their lives, they would realize that I am too important.
Although I'm not worth $1,000, or two, or three, I'm comfortably priced. But let
me tell you cell phone in me?
Everyone who has learned to live according to the word has found rest for his soul.

CELL: JA! Never, don't think you are more important than me...

BIBLIA: we'll see about that because unlike you, I don't run out of signal. You can
connect with me anywhere, if you are in the mountains there you connect with
God, through me, if you are at work, if you are in prison, if you are in the highest
place of this world there you meet the presence of God. I do not need data, much
less wi-fi to connect with God, apart from that I do not represent a danger to
those who carry me, on the contrary, the one who carries me, carries a two-edged
sword to defend himself from the wiles of the devil.

CELL: oh! No! Low battery (your cell phone will turn off in a few seconds)
BIBLIA: the phone went out, the best thing is that the signal I have is not cut off
by anything and my battery charge lasts a lifetime.
Whoever knows me will know how to direct his life and act wisely. Whoever carries
me with a sword sharper than two-edged, will fight the enemy and face the most
difficult circumstances because the word of God makes us more than conquerors,
it shows the way to its followers and guides them to the purpose of their lives. I
am the lamp to your feet and light to your paths. Apart from that... in me are
hidden all the secrets of men, the most hidden things of them I know, of the
present and of the future.
The more I walk in my leaves, the clearer it becomes to me the surest promise we
have and that is that the owner of this church will come for everyone who has

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