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Performance Task in Empowerment Technologies in collaboration with PreCal and GenMath

(Deadline of submission October 23, 2023)

The goal of this integrated task is to assess students’ ability to apply technology for
empowerment and collaboration with mathematical concepts to solve real – world problems.

Students will take on the role of interdisciplinary problem solvers and presenters.

The audience for their presentation will include their peers, teachers, and potentially
experts in technology and mathematics.

In a local community facing socioeconomic challenges, students will need to identify a
specific issue that can benefit from both technology and mathematical solutions. This could be
related to financial literacy, resource allocation, or any other relevant problem.

Students will collaborate in 6 to 7 members and create a multimedia presentation that
includes the following components:

A. Problem Identification: Describe the chosen community issue in detail, including its
mathematical aspects.
B. Research and Analysis: Conduct research on the issue, including mathematical data and
trends. Showcase how the mathematics plays a role in understanding and addressing the
C. Technology Integration: Propose and explain how technology can be used to address
the problem. This could involve creating a mathematical model or using data analysis
D. Collaborative Solutions: Highlight how the collaboration between Empowerment
Technology and General Mathematics leads to innovative solutions. Explain how the
mathematical concepts are applied within the technology solution.
E. Potential Impact: Discuss the potential impact of their solution on the community,
emphasizing empowerment and positive change.
F. Demonstrate or Prototype: If possible, create a basic prototype or demonstrate how the
technology and mathematics would work together.
Assessment will be based on the following criteria:

Category Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Score

20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
All skills from Most skills in Some skills in Few or no
the topic are the topic are the topic are skills from the
applied. applied. applied. topic is
The output The output is The output is The output is
Content exceeds the complete. somewhat incomplete.
expectations. complete.
The output is The output The Output The output
Correctness free from contains has several contains
errors. minimal errors. errors. many errors.
The student The student The student The student
was able to was able to was able to used the least
finish the task finish the task complete the effective
in the most in the task but used method in
effective way projected methods that finishing task.
without amount of consumed
wasting time time. more time or
and effort. resource.
The student is The student The student The student
an effective contributed to exerted little did not
team player. the group. effort in contribute to
accomplishing the group.
the group’s

This task encourages students to think critically across disciplines, collaborate effectively,
and apply technology and mathematical concepts to real – world issues. It promotes a holistic
understanding of how different areas of knowledge can work together for empowerment and
problem – solving.

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