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2007 MODULE 1

- Multi-word verb = phrasal verb

- Vehicle - car, bicycle, plane: collective noun
→ vehicle is a collective noun of car, bicycle, plane
- Lexical sets: car, bicycle, plane,...
- Verb pattern: V-ing, Vo, V-ed
- Contraction = shortened word = short form
Ex: don’t, he’s,..
- I can’t decide whether this radio is worth buying or not
→ function: offering help
- I’m going to visit my mother this afternoon
→ expressing an intention
- I’d rather have the blue one
→ expressing a preference
- If I finish the work earlier, can I get paid more?
→ negotiating (dam phan)
- You must fill in the form before the end of the month
→ expressing obligation
- Paula’s got a chance of winning the race
→ expressing doubt
- Reading and listening → receptive skills
- Speaking and writing → productive skills
- Process writing involves
+ pre-writing
+ drafting
+ revising
+ editing
- Re-drafting involves
+ doing a writing for the second or third time
+ making changes to a piece of writing
- Proofreading
+ checking for language errors
+ reading your written work word by word
- Listening for gist (key word) involves
+ forming a general idea of what a text is about
+ working out the overall meaning of a text without
concentrating on the details
- Speaking accurately involves
+ using the right expressions to convey meaning
+ using lexis and structures correctly
- In order: ranking; jumbled paragraph
- Activities involve pair or group work: information-gap-
activities; jigsaw reading

2007 MODULE 2
- Anticipated problems: vấn đề khó, students don’t understand
the instruction
- Aids and resources: thiết bị
- Lesson plan heading:
1. Stronger students may dominated in pairwork:
anticipated problem
2. Remember to use gestures to encourage self-correction
whenever possible: personal aim of teacher
3. Develop dictionary skills: lesson aim
4. Students use dictionaries individually to check the
meaning of vocabulary: procedure and interaction
5. Students have difficulty with phonemic transcriptions:
anticipated problem
6. Dictionary on CD-Rom: aids and resources
7. Raise students’ awareness of learning strategies: lesson
8. Students complete the task in groups: procedure and
9. Students, in pairs, match phonemic transcriptions to the
correct spellings of vocabulary: procedure and interaction

- Class mingle: hoà nhập lớp học
2007 MODULE 3

- Rapport: mối quan hệ
- Discipline: quy tắc
- Promp: hỗ trợ
- Praise: khen


1. Brainstorming and planning (= pre-writing)
2. Drafting
3. Responding (Sharing) (Peer Assessment) →
● Ask students to exchange drafts in pairs. Tell them to
give feedback on others’ work based on checklist 1.
Then let them discuss in pairs.
4. Revising (Self Assessment) → Formative
● Students spend 5 minutes revising their writing
based on the feedback given at the responding stage
from peers. Students should check checklist 1 to
correct their draft.
5. Editing (Self Assessment) → Formative
● Give students a checklist 2 and ask them to check
their writing by themselves. Students spend 15
minutes finalizing their text based on checklist 2
before submitting it to the teacher for evaluation.
6. Evaluation (Summative Assessment) → Rubric
7. Post writing
● Exchange the writing with their partners. Ask
students to read aloud voluntarily in front of the class.

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